diff --git a/features/change_password.feature b/features/change_password.feature
index f5f0f6f0909fa642064be84fd32a66d06ecb39d3..8c1709b98a489b19c9d4ba0315b4185d7e355b99 100644
--- a/features/change_password.feature
+++ b/features/change_password.feature
@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@ Feature: Change password
     And I follow "logout"
     Then I should be on the home page    
     And I sign in with password "newsecret"
-    Then I should be on the aspects page  
+    Then I should be on the aspects page
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/close_account.feature b/features/close_account.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da9fc0e1ec4c08ee36e4c2f1745170637718ccd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/close_account.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Feature: close_account
+In order to remove my diaspora account
+As a User
+I want to close my account
+Scenario: close my account
+  Given I am signed in
+  And I click on my name in the header
+  And I follow "account settings"
+  And I preemptively confirm the alert
+  And I follow "Close Account"
+  Then I should be on the home page
diff --git a/features/edits_profile.feature b/features/edits_profile.feature
index 11148d9a4c919a4c6a83c6f0b7ac558eae75959d..af353794edbacaebbda1aab78006542e243eb557 100644
--- a/features/edits_profile.feature
+++ b/features/edits_profile.feature
@@ -1,13 +1,42 @@
 Feature: editing your profile
-  Scenario: editing gender with a textbox
+  Background:
     Given I am signed in
     And I click on my name in the header
     And I follow "edit profile"
     Then I should be on my edit profile page
+  Scenario: editing gender with a textbox
     When I fill in "profile_gender" with "F"
     And I press "Update Profile"
     Then I should be on my edit profile page
     And I should see "Profile updated"
     And the "profile_gender" field should contain "F"
+  Scenario: editing name
+    When I fill in "profile_first_name" with "Boba"
+    And I fill in "profile_last_name" with "Fett"
+    And I press "Update Profile"
+    Then I should be on my edit profile page
+    And I should see "Profile updated"
+    And the "profile_first_name" field should contain "Boba"
+    And the "profile_last_name" field should contain "Fett"
+  Scenario: edit bio
+    When I fill in "profile_bio" with "This is a bio"
+    And I press "Update Profile"
+    Then I should be on my edit profile page
+    And I should see "Profile updated"
+    And the "profile_bio" field should contain "This is a bio"
+  Scenario: change birthday
+    When I select "1986" from "profile_date_year"
+    And I select "November" from "profile_date_month"
+    And I select "30" from "profile_date_day"
+    And I press "Update Profile"
+    Then I should be on my edit profile page
+    And I should see "Profile updated"
+    And I click on my name in the header
+    And I follow "view profile"  
+    Then I should see "November 30 1986"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/manages_aspects.feature b/features/manages_aspects.feature
index 5715a77a5cd56bff8aab18aab2c76ef1530c5b51..f248bf02766a1f7efb800c211ff9894c6188c401 100644
--- a/features/manages_aspects.feature
+++ b/features/manages_aspects.feature
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Feature: User manages aspects
   As a User
   I want to create new aspects
-  Scenario: creating an aspect
+  Scenario: creating an aspect from manage aspects page
     Given I am signed in
     When I follow "Home" in the header
     And I follow "Manage aspects"
@@ -12,3 +12,11 @@ Feature: User manages aspects
     And I fill in "Name" with "Dorm Mates" in the modal window
     And I press "Create" in the modal window
     Then I should see "Dorm Mates" in the header
+  Scenario: creating an aspect from homepage
+    Given I am signed in
+    When I follow "Home" in the header
+    And I follow "+" in the header
+    And I fill in "Name" with "losers" in the modal window
+    And I press "Create" in the modal window
+    Then I should see "losers" in the header
diff --git a/features/signs_up.feature b/features/signs_up.feature
index dab53f96bfcf496a8653b15f22f32524ad5209ac..7ace4790d2d19f4bc4884aefc0c143472824876e 100644
--- a/features/signs_up.feature
+++ b/features/signs_up.feature
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Feature: new user registration
     And I press "Save and continue"
     Then I should see "Profile updated"
     And I should see "Your aspects"
 #  Not working with selenium - it thinks the aspect name field is hidden
 #    When I fill in "Aspect name" with "cheez friends"