From 752d50a6a9d96378fbd4024eae76e6a9baeaa8c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: danielvincent <>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 19:51:20 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] editing captions on photos uses remote forms.  removed photo
 in album from WSR.

 app/controllers/photos_controller.rb       | 18 +++--
 app/models/photo.rb                        |  5 +-
 app/views/photos/show.html.haml            | 85 ++++++++++++----------
 app/views/shared/_author_info.html.haml    |  3 +-
 app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml | 20 ++---
 public/javascripts/photo.js                | 53 --------------
 public/javascripts/web-socket-receiver.js  | 17 -----
 public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass   | 15 +++-
 8 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb b/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
index 03f6d08708..d5aebe1990 100644
--- a/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
       flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'photos.destroy.notice'
-    respond_with :location => photos_path
+    respond_with :location => photo.status_message
   def show
@@ -106,11 +106,17 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
     photo = current_user.my_posts.where(:_id => params[:id]).first
     if photo
       if current_user.update_post( photo, params[:photo] )
-        flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'photos.update.notice'
-        respond_with photo
+[:notice] = I18n.t 'photos.update.notice'
+        respond_to do |format|
+          format.html
+          format.js{ render :json => photo, :status => 200 }
+        end
-        flash[:error] = I18n.t 'photos.update.error'
-        redirect_to [:edit, photo]
+[:error] = I18n.t 'photos.update.error'
+        respond_to do |format|
+          format.html{ redirect_to [:edit, photo] }
+          format.js{ render :status => 403 }
+        end
       redirect_to person_photos_path(current_user.person)
diff --git a/app/models/photo.rb b/app/models/photo.rb
index 285458437b..38c96372e3 100644
--- a/app/models/photo.rb
+++ b/app/models/photo.rb
@@ -95,8 +95,9 @@ class Photo < Post
   def as_json(opts={})
       :photo => {
-        :id     =>,
-        :url    => self.url(:thumb_medium)
+        :id =>,
+        :url => self.url(:thumb_medium),
+        :caption => self.caption
diff --git a/app/views/photos/show.html.haml b/app/views/photos/show.html.haml
index cfc70a5c97..2208e1096d 100644
--- a/app/views/photos/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/photos/show.html.haml
@@ -3,74 +3,81 @@
 -#   the COPYRIGHT file.
 - content_for :head do
-  =javascript_include_tag 'photo'
+  :javascript
+    $(document).ready( function(){
+      $("#edit_photo_toggle").bind('click', function() {
+        $("#photo_edit_options").toggle();
+        $(".edit_photo input[type='text']").first().focus();
+      });
+      $('.edit_photo').bind('ajax:loading', function(data, json, xhr) {
+        $("#photo_edit_options").toggle();
+        $("#photo_spinner").show();
+        $("#show_photo").find("img").fadeTo(200,0.3);
+      });
+      $('.edit_photo').bind('ajax:failure', function(data, json, xhr) {
+        alert('Failed to delete photo.  Are you sure you own this?');
+        $("#show_photo").find("img").fadeTo(200,1);
+        $("#photo_spinner").hide();
+      });
+      $('.edit_photo').bind('ajax:success', function(data, json, xhr) {
+        json = $.parseJSON(json);
+        $(".edit_photo input[type='text']").val(json['photo']['caption']);
+        $("#caption").html(json['photo']['caption']);
+        $("#show_photo").find("img").fadeTo(200,1);
+        $("#photo_spinner").hide();
+      });
+    });
 = render 'shared/author_info', :person => @photo.person, :post => @photo
-/ we need to do next photo here
-/- if @photo.album
-/= link_to "<< #{t('.prev')}", url_to_prev(@photo, @album), :rel => 'prefetch', :id => "prev_photo"
-/= link_to "#{t('.full_size')}", @photo.url
-/= link_to "#{t('.next')} >>", url_to_next(@photo, @album), :rel => 'prefetch', :id => "next_photo"
       -if @ownership
+        = image_tag 'ajax-loader.gif', :id => "photo_spinner", :class => "hidden"
             = link_to t('.make_profile_photo'), '#', :class => "make_profile_photo"
+            |
+            = link_to 'edit', '#', :id => "edit_photo_toggle"
           = image_tag @photo.url(:scaled_full)
         = image_tag @photo.url(:scaled_full)
-      .caption
+      #caption
         = @photo.caption
-    %br
-    %br
-    %br
-    -if @ownership
-      = link_to t('.edit_photo'),'javascript:void(0)', :id => "edit-desc", :class => "edit-desc"
-  -if @ownership
-    %div{:class => 'clear'}
-    -if !@photo.caption or @photo.caption == ""
-      = link_to t('.add_a_description'),'javascript:void(0)', :id => "add-description", :class => "edit-desc"
-  %br
-  = form_for @photo do |p|
-    = p.text_field :caption, :value => @photo.caption
-    = p.submit t('.update_photo')
-    %div{:class => 'clear'}
   -if @ownership
-    = link_to t('.delete_photo'), @photo, :confirm => t('are_you_sure'), :method => :delete, :class => 'button'
+    #photo_edit_options
+      %h4 Edit photo description / delete photo
+      %p
+        = form_for @photo, :remote => true do |p|
+          = p.text_field :caption, :value => @photo.caption
+          = p.submit t('.update_photo')
+      %p
+        = button_to t('.delete_photo'), @photo, :confirm => t('are_you_sure'), :method => :delete
   - if @photo.status_message_id
-      %h4{:style=>"margin-bottom:5px;position:relative;"}
+      %h4{:style=>"position:relative;"}
         Original Post
-        =link_to 'view', @photo.status_message
+        = link_to 'view', @photo.status_message
         = @photo.status_message.message
-      - for photo in
-        = link_to (image_tag photo.url(:thumb_small)), object_path(photo)
-    %br
+      %p
+        - for photo in
+          = link_to (image_tag photo.url(:thumb_small)), object_path(photo)
-  %h4{:style=>"margin-bottom:5px;"} Comments
-  %div{id => 'photo_stream', :class => 'stream show'}
+  %h4 Comments
+  %div{:id => 'photo_stream', :class => 'stream show'}
       = render "comments/comments", :post => @photo
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_author_info.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_author_info.html.haml
index af6601c4ac..9cebe4f87d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_author_info.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_author_info.html.haml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
       = person.real_name
-      - if defined?(post)
+      - if defined?(post) && current_user.owns?(post)
@@ -15,4 +15,3 @@
       = link_to t('.view_profile'), person_path(person)
       = link_to t('_photos'), person_photos_path(person)
-      = link_to t('.status_messages'), person_status_messages_path(person)
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
index 7169158b82..75adefe4c6 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
       = link_to post.person.real_name, post.person
-      .aspect
-        âž”
-        %ul
-          - if post.public?
-            %li= t('the_world')
-          - else
-            - for aspect in current_user.aspects_with_post( )
-              %li= link_to, aspect
+      - if current_user.owns?(post)
+        .aspect
+          âž”
+          %ul
+            - if post.public?
+              %li= t('the_world')
+            - else
+              - for aspect in current_user.aspects_with_post( )
+                %li= link_to, aspect
       - if current_user.owns?(post)
@@ -29,5 +31,5 @@
       %span.time= link_to(how_long_ago(post), object_path(post))
       = link_to "#{t('.show_comments')} (#{post.comments.count})", '#', :class => "show_post_comments"
-    = render   "comments/comments", :post => post
+    = render "comments/comments", :post => post
diff --git a/public/javascripts/photo.js b/public/javascripts/photo.js
index ff20a17355..85649d625c 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/photo.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/photo.js
@@ -4,56 +4,3 @@
-  switch(e.keyCode) {
-    case 37:
-      if(!$("textarea").hasClass("hasfocus")){//prevent redirect if textarea has focus
-        window.location = $("#prev_photo").attr('href');
-      }
-      break;
-    case 39:
-      if(!$("textarea").hasClass("hasfocus")){
-        window.location = $("#next_photo").attr('href');
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  var $edit_photo = $(".edit_photo");
-  //add a clas to verify if a textarea has focus
-  $("textarea").live('focus',function(){
-    $(this).addClass("hasfocus");
-  });
-  $("textarea").live('blur',function(){
-    $(this).removeClass("hasfocus");
-  });
-  //show form to add description
-  $(".edit-desc").click(function(){
-    $(".edit_photo").toggle(); 
-  });
-  //Add a description with ajax request
-  $("#photo_submit").click(function(event){
-    event.preventDefault();
-    var method = $edit_photo.attr("method");
-    var url = $edit_photo.attr("action");
-    var data = $edit_photo.serialize();
-    $(".description").text($("#photo_caption").val());
-    $edit_photo.toggle();
-      $.ajax({  
-        type: method,
-        url: url,  
-        data: data,  
-        success: function(response){  
-          $("#add-description").remove();
-        }
-      });
-  });
diff --git a/public/javascripts/web-socket-receiver.js b/public/javascripts/web-socket-receiver.js
index 5eb2704461..4fa546f937 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/web-socket-receiver.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/web-socket-receiver.js
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ var WebSocketReceiver = {
         }else if (obj['class']=="comments"){
           WebSocketReceiver.processComment(obj['post_id'], obj['html'], {'notification':obj['notification'], 'mine?':obj['mine?'], 'my_post?':obj['my_post?']})
-        }else if (obj['class']=='photos' && WebSocketReceiver.onPageForClass('albums')){
-          WebSocketReceiver.processPhotoInAlbum(obj['photo_hash'])
           WebSocketReceiver.processPost(obj['class'], obj['html'], obj['aspect_ids'])
@@ -104,21 +102,6 @@ var WebSocketReceiver = {
-  processPhotoInAlbum: function(photoHash){
-    if (location.href.indexOf(photoHash['album_id']) == -1){
-      return ;
-    }
-    html =  "<div class=\'image_thumb\' id=\'"+photoHash['id']+"\' style=\'padding-right:3px;\'> \
-      <a href=\"/photos/"+ photoHash['id'] +"\"> \
-      <img alt=\"New thumbnail\" src=\""+ photoHash['thumb_url'] +"\" /> \
-      </a> </div>"
-    $("#thumbnails").append( $(html) )
-    $("#"+ photoHash['id'] + "  img").load( function() {
-      $(this).fadeIn("slow");
-    });
-  },
   onPageForClass: function(className){
     return (location.href.indexOf(className) != -1 );
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass b/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
index d503f8e08f..1fcbfb9514 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ a
 h1, h2, h3, h4
   :color #444
+  :margin
+    :bottom 5px
 ol, ul
   :list-style none
@@ -679,7 +683,12 @@ li.message .from .right
     :border 1px solid #eee
       :bottom 1px solid #ddd
-  .caption
+  #photo_spinner
+    :position absolute
+    :height 100px
+    :width 100px
+  #caption
     :min-height 20px
     :padding 0 10px
@@ -1279,7 +1288,7 @@ input[type="search"]
   :display none
   :display none
@@ -1922,8 +1931,6 @@ h3,h4
         :size 12px
     :-webkit-box-shadow 0 1px 2px #666
     :-moz-box-shadow 0 1px 2px #666