From 78253b6885f4da5181fc360064bc8c7a22f59c18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ilya Zhitomirskiy <ilya@laptop.(none)>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:36:35 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] resetting the token instead if the app already exists, should
 move the lookup to be homepage url

 app/controllers/authorizations_controller.rb | 22 +++++++++++++-------
 features/oauth.feature                       | 16 +++++++++++++-
 features/step_definitions/oauth_steps.rb     |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/controllers/authorizations_controller.rb b/app/controllers/authorizations_controller.rb
index d0acde0eef..8cb37d130c 100644
--- a/app/controllers/authorizations_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/authorizations_controller.rb
@@ -20,25 +20,24 @@ class AuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
   def token
-    if(params[:type] == 'client_associate' && params[:manifest_url])
+    unless(params[:type] == 'client_associate' && params[:manifest_url])
+      render :text => "bad request", :status => 403
+      return
+    end
       manifest = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(params[:manifest_url]).body)
       message = verify(params[:signed_string], params[:signature], manifest['public_key'])
       unless message =='ok' 
         render :text => message, :status => 403
-        client = OAuth2::Provider.client_class.create_from_manifest!(manifest)
+        client = OAuth2::Provider.client_class.create_or_reset_from_manifest!(manifest)
         render :json => {:client_id => client.oauth_identifier,
                          :client_secret => client.oauth_secret,
                          :expires_in => 0,
                          :flows_supported => "",
-    else
-      render :text => "bad request", :status => 403
-    end
   def index
@@ -84,7 +83,14 @@ class AuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
 OAuth2::Provider.client_class.instance_eval do
-  def self.create_from_manifest! manifest
-    create!(manifest)
+  def self.create_or_reset_from_manifest! manifest
+    if obj = find_by_name(manifest['name'])
+      obj.oauth_identifier = OAuth2::Provider::Random.base62(16)
+      obj.oauth_secret = OAuth2::Provider::Random.base62(32)
+      obj
+    else
+      create!(manifest)
+    end
diff --git a/features/oauth.feature b/features/oauth.feature
index b67b2b814c..72dbfb26da 100644
--- a/features/oauth.feature
+++ b/features/oauth.feature
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Feature: oauth
     Then I should be on "/account" on Chubbies
     Then I should see "No access token."
-  Scenario: Authorize Chubbies when Chubbies is already registeded
+  Scenario: Authorize Chubbies when Chubbies is already connected
     Given Chubbies is registered on my pod
     When I try to authorize Chubbies
     And there is only one Chubbies
@@ -32,6 +32,20 @@ Feature: oauth
     Then I should be on "/account" on Chubbies
     And I should see my "profile.birthday"
     And I should see my "name"
+  Scenario: Authorize Chubbies when the pod knows about Chubbies
+    Given Chubbies is registered on my pod
+    When I try to authorize Chubbies
+    And I visit "/reset" on Chubbies
+    And I go to the destroy user session page
+    When I try to authorize Chubbies
+    And there is only one Chubbies
+    When I press "Authorize"
+    Then I should be on "/account" on Chubbies
+    And I should see my "profile.birthday"
+    And I should see my "name"
   Scenario: Authorize Chubbies should place it on the authorized applications page
     When I try to authorize Chubbies
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/oauth_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/oauth_steps.rb
index 627b7dd94d..ddbe8acbfb 100644
--- a/features/step_definitions/oauth_steps.rb
+++ b/features/step_definitions/oauth_steps.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ end
 Given /^Chubbies is registered on my pod$/ do
   manifest = JSON.parse(RestClient.get("localhost:#{Chubbies::PORT}/manifest.json").body)
-  client = OAuth2::Provider.client_class.create_from_manifest!(manifest)
+  client = OAuth2::Provider.client_class.create_or_reset_from_manifest!(manifest)
   params = {:client_id => client.oauth_identifier,
             :client_secret => client.oauth_secret,
             :host => "localhost:9887"}