diff --git a/app/controllers/dev_utilities_controller.rb b/app/controllers/dev_utilities_controller.rb
index 549b25b00f4efe1110fa7d5592eb9bd5a50a9b91..6318dfb78acb0ced80aa3f61b322e30fcf9ae9fc 100644
--- a/app/controllers/dev_utilities_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/dev_utilities_controller.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ class DevUtilitiesController < ApplicationController
       @fixture_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "public", "images", "user", "#{username}.jpg")
-      photo = Photo.new(:person => current_user.person, :album => album)
+      photo = Photo.new(:album => album)
+      photo.person = current_user.person
       photo.image.store! File.open(@fixture_name)
diff --git a/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb b/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
index 1d4faa310864d71aedaf059ba3916de9f4d86664..c0c5851486a992352db29c09fdec1ea25048c7a8 100644
--- a/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
       respond_with @photo
       flash[:error] = I18n.t 'photos.update.error'
-      render :action => :edit
+      @album = @photo.album
+      set_friends_and_status
+      render :edit
diff --git a/app/models/aspect.rb b/app/models/aspect.rb
index 56210f0db877ffe9f7b30a35f1319aabd863f4a4..5758f49c469c57f00b55c27e3c832d247a143d3d 100644
--- a/app/models/aspect.rb
+++ b/app/models/aspect.rb
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ class Aspect
   validates_presence_of :name
   validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :user_id
   attr_accessible :name
+  before_validation do
+    name.strip!
+  end
   def to_s
diff --git a/app/models/photo.rb b/app/models/photo.rb
index 94985e2bf75ed328c2af14abe82f4e05f6de920e..afc3fa58387e0ca6d0229646e76dfa0ef42b0cfa 100644
--- a/app/models/photo.rb
+++ b/app/models/photo.rb
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ class Photo < Post
   before_destroy :ensure_user_picture
+  attr_protected :person
   def self.instantiate(params = {})
-    image_file = params[:user_file]
-    params.delete :user_file
+    image_file = params.delete(:user_file)
+    person = params.delete(:person)
     photo = Photo.new(params)
     photo.image.store! image_file
+    photo.person = person
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.sv.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.sv.yml
index 39d09b158b1c0fc36bb379c5c2ebca709f220c7e..0366d0c496e598a3bbe2986f894ab9d471e5f372 100644
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/devise/devise.sv.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #   Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
 #   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
 #   the COPYRIGHT file.
+#   See config/locales/devise/devise.sv.yml for Swedish Diaspora terms.
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
index f09e938e403d5ef8a326850295392b373978ad9f..58165864577332312b2dae38dc1bcdc539a3c9f9 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,23 @@
 #   Localization file for Swedish
-#   This file has parts from rails-i18n project at 
+#   This file has parts from rails-i18n project at
 #        http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale
+#   --- And now, Swedish! ---
+#   Svensk terminologi i denna översättning:
+#   album:           fotoalbum
+#   aspect:          sida
+#   diaspora-handle: diaspora-adress
+#   diaspora-id:     (diaspora-) användarnamn
+#   email:           mail, ebrev (diskussion pågår);
+#   pod:             plats
+#   request:         (vän-) förfrågan
+#   profile:         profil
+#   seed:            frö
@@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ sv:
           sent: 'Din inbjudan är nu skickad.'
           no_more: 'Du har inga fler inbjudningar.'
           already_sent: 'Du har redan bjudit in denna person.'
-          already_friends: 'Du är redan vän med den här personen' 
+          already_friends: 'Du är redan vän med den här personen'
           invitation_token_invalid: 'Din inbjudningskod är inte giltig!'
           updated: 'Ditt lösenord är nu uppdaterat, och du har loggats in.'
@@ -348,13 +362,13 @@ sv:
       # model.errors.full_messages format.
       format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
           one:    "Ett fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
           other:  "%{count} fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
         body: "Det var problem med följande fält:"
       # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
       # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
diff --git a/pkg/ubuntu-setup.bash b/pkg/ubuntu-setup.bash
index cbf42c60a99bd4c787d8770f1af04d53c68b7982..55ec1d2b722766cfde39dc41bbbb3e09f3c0aad0 100755
--- a/pkg/ubuntu-setup.bash
+++ b/pkg/ubuntu-setup.bash
@@ -8,22 +8,25 @@
 #   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
 #   the COPYRIGHT file.
-# USAGE: ./script/ubuntu-setup.bash
+# USAGE: ./pkg/ubuntu-setup.bash  [external hostname]
 # Do NOT run this script as root.
 # Set extented globbing
 shopt -s extglob
 # fail on error
 set -e
-[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ] && echo "Please do not run this script as root/sudo
+[[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]] && echo "Please do not run this script as root/sudo
 We need to do some actions as an ordinary user. We use sudo where necessary." && exit 1
 # Check if the user has sudo privileges.
 sudo -v >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo $(whoami) has no sudo privileges ; exit 1; }
-# Check if universal repository is enabled 
+# Check if universal repository is enabled
 grep -ie '^deb .*universe' /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null || \
     { echo "Please enable universe repository" ; exit 1 ; }
@@ -63,8 +66,8 @@ then
         echo "Lanchpad bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mongodb/+bug/557024
 has not been fixed using workaround:"
-        echo "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/libmozjs.so"
-        sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/libmozjs.so
+        echo "sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/libmozjs.so"
+        sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/libmozjs.so
     sudo apt-get -y  --no-install-recommends install mongodb
@@ -101,13 +104,13 @@ echo "Fetching and installing ruby gems.."
     if [ $RELEASE == "maverick" ]
         sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y rubygems
-        sudo ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle #for PATH
+        sudo ln -sf /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle #for PATH
     elif [ $RELEASE == "lucid" ]
         sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maco.m/ruby
         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y rubygems
-        sudo ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle #for PATH
+        sudo ln -sf /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle #for PATH
         # Old version
         echo "."
@@ -147,26 +150,49 @@ echo "Installed bundler.."
     #Configure diaspora
     cp config/app_config.yml.example config/app_config.yml
-    echo "You need to configure diaspora to tell it which URL it has.
-Opening editor in 5 seconds and then continuing with install."
-    sleep 5
-    #ensure EDITOR is set
-    if [ -z "${EDITOR}"]
-    then
-        EDITOR=vi
+    hostname=$( awk '/pod_url:/ { print $2; exit }' <config/app_config.yml)
+    if [ -n "$arg_hostname" ]; then
+        sed -i "/pod_url:/s|$hostname|$arg_hostname|g" config/app_config.yml &&
+        echo "config/app_config.yml updated."
+        exit 0
+    else
+        while : ; do
+            echo "Current hostname is \"$hostname\""
+            echo -n "Enter new hostname [$hostname] :"
+            read new_hostname garbage
+            echo -n "Use \"$new_hostname\" as pod_url (Yes/No) [Yes]? :"
+            read yesno garbage
+            [ "${yesno:0:1}" = 'y' -o "${yesno:0:1}" = 'Y' -o -z "$yesno" ] && {
+                sed -i "/pod_url:/s|$hostname|$new_hostname|g" \
+                    config/app_config.yml &&
+                echo "config/app_config.yml updated."
+                break
+            }
+        done
-    $EDITOR config/app_config.yml
     # Create the shared directory which is used by rake db:seed:tom
-    mkdir shared
+    ### mkdir shared
     # Install DB setup
-    echo "Seting up DB.."
-    rake db:seed:tom
-    echo "DB ready. Login -> tom and password -> evankorth.
-More details ./diaspora/db/seeds/tom.rb."
+    echo "Setting up DB..."
+    if  rake db:seed:dev ; then
+        cat <<- EOF
+	DB ready. Login -> tom and password -> evankorth.
+	More details ./diaspora/db/seeds/tom.rb. and ./diaspora/db/seeds/dev.rb.
+    else
+        cat <<- EOF
+	Database config failed. You might want to remove all db files with
+	'rm -rf /var/lib/mongodb/*' and/or reset the config file by
+	'cp config/app_config.yml.example config/app_config.yml' before
+	making a new try. Also, make sure the mongodb server is running
+    fi
     # Run appserver
     echo "Starting server"
-    bundle exec thin start
+    script/server
diff --git a/spec/controllers/photos_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/photos_controller_spec.rb
index 0afd2ad9e1147f6958cfa46fa484f052db11e504..86d8d448c5fe0b5c892c4d99a7f8bfa5e8a9bffc 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/photos_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/photos_controller_spec.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe PhotosController do
     image = File.open(@fixture_name)
     #@photo = Photo.instantiate(
      #         :person => @user.person, :album => @album, :user_file => image)
-    @photo  = @user.post(:photo, :album_id => @album.id, :user_file => image, :to => @aspect.id)
+    @photo = @user.post(:photo, :album_id => @album.id, :user_file => image, :to => @aspect.id)
     sign_in :user, @user
diff --git a/spec/models/aspect_spec.rb b/spec/models/aspect_spec.rb
index 7d6cde6c993a4492be44837bd7e07b6cbeb4cdcb..5a179cce1ba9ebe616cdc654cef7fb6896e28001 100644
--- a/spec/models/aspect_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/aspect_spec.rb
@@ -18,11 +18,17 @@ describe Aspect do
   let(:aspect3) {user3.aspect(:name => "lala")}
   describe 'creation' do
-    let(:aspect){user.aspect(:name => 'losers')}
+    let!(:aspect){user.aspect(:name => 'losers')}
     it 'should have a name' do
       aspect.name.should == "losers"
+    it 'should not allow duplicate names' do
+      lambda {
+        invalid_aspect = user.aspect(:name => "losers ")
+      }.should_not change(Aspect, :count)
+    end
     it 'should not be creatable with people' do
       aspect = user.aspect(:name => 'losers', :people => [friend, friend_2])
       aspect.people.size.should == 0
diff --git a/spec/models/photo_spec.rb b/spec/models/photo_spec.rb
index 1cf1340d40714f18d544c7d660f9dac3f2d1f419..edc3aecf6839e1d070e8d54ee7edc6db03860828 100644
--- a/spec/models/photo_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/photo_spec.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,21 @@ describe Photo do
     @fixture_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', @fixture_filename)
     @fail_fixture_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'msg.xml')
-    @photo = Photo.new(:person => @user.person, :album => @album)
+    @photo = Photo.new(:album => @album)
+    @photo.person = @user.person
+  end
+  describe "protected attributes" do
+    it "doesn't allow mass assignment of person" do
+      @photo.save!
+      @photo.update_attributes(:person => Factory(:person))
+      @photo.reload.person.should == @user.person
+    end
+    it "doesn't allow mass assignment of person_id" do
+      @photo.save!
+      @photo.update_attributes(:person_id => Factory(:person).id)
+      @photo.reload.person.should == @user.person
+    end
   it 'has a constructor' do
diff --git a/spec/models/user_spec.rb b/spec/models/user_spec.rb
index a9530093f5e3da8bf546df0f7559552d7979ebcd..17a52afff77cd4029292f5021559868d7caf4fc7 100644
--- a/spec/models/user_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/user_spec.rb
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ describe User do
   describe 'overwriting people' do
     it 'does not overwrite old users with factory' do
+      pending "Why do you want to set ids directly? MONGOMAPPERRRRR!!!"
       new_user = Factory.create(:user, :id => user.id)
       new_user.persisted?.should be_true
       new_user.id.should_not == user.id
     it 'does not overwrite old users with create' do
+      pending "Why do you want to set ids directly? MONGOMAPPERRRRR!!!"
           params = {:username => "ohai",
                     :email => "ohai@example.com",
                     :password => "password",