diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 787405b0a99d97a9455a68e29c75591f11bf53bf..dfe54fda99eb61c778747ef82b5ea7049c02c530 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -124,8 +124,9 @@ group :test do
   gem 'rspec-core', '2.6.0'
   gem 'rspec-instafail', '>= 0.1.7', :require => false
   gem 'rspec-rails', '>= 2.0.0'
-  gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.4'
+  gem "selenium-webdriver", "~> 2.7.0"
   gem 'webmock', :require => false
+  gem 'sqlite3'
 group :development do
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 0eb89e4b4f7afb088087521d64c5cc9812e46235..4f0df15caa87e60bffaa5a6d8765279eda33558c 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ GIT
   remote: git://github.com/diaspora/diaspora-client.git
-  revision: dcc944e9bacd8fcc8a746c2bd21924a2a1213971
+  revision: a1b6c480fa3caa8ce24912dda471579de842aa51
-    diaspora-client (0.1.0)
+    diaspora-client (0.1.1)
       jwt (>= 0.1.3)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ GEM
     bcrypt-ruby (2.1.4)
     builder (2.1.2)
-    bunny (0.7.4)
+    bunny (0.7.6)
     capistrano (2.5.19)
       net-scp (>= 1.0.0)
@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ GEM
     cloudfiles (1.4.10)
       mime-types (>= 1.16)
     columnize (0.3.4)
-    crack (0.1.8)
-    cucumber (1.0.2)
+    crack (0.3.1)
+    cucumber (1.1.0)
       builder (>= 2.1.2)
       diff-lcs (>= 1.1.2)
-      gherkin (~> 2.4.5)
+      gherkin (~> 2.5.0)
       json (>= 1.4.6)
-      term-ansicolor (>= 1.0.5)
+      term-ansicolor (>= 1.0.6)
     cucumber-rails (0.3.2)
       cucumber (>= 0.8.0)
     culerity (0.2.15)
@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ GEM
     eventmachine (0.12.10)
     excon (0.2.4)
     extlib (0.9.15)
-    factory_girl (2.1.0)
+    factory_girl (2.1.2)
+      activesupport
     factory_girl_rails (1.2.0)
       factory_girl (~> 2.1.0)
       railties (>= 3.0.0)
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ GEM
       nokogiri (~>
     foreigner (0.9.1)
-    foreman (0.20.0)
+    foreman (0.22.0)
       term-ansicolor (~> 1.0.5)
       thor (>= 0.13.6)
     formatador (0.2.1)
@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ GEM
       rspec-instafail (~> 0.1.8)
       ruby-progressbar (~> 0.0.10)
     gem_plugin (0.2.3)
-    gherkin (2.4.18)
+    gherkin (2.5.1)
       json (>= 1.4.6)
     haml (3.1.2)
     hashie (1.0.0)
@@ -231,10 +232,9 @@ GEM
       rack (>= 1.1)
       rspec (>= 1.3.1)
       selenium-webdriver (>= 0.1.3)
-    jasmine-core (1.1.0.rc4)
+    jasmine-core (1.2.0.rc1)
     json (1.4.6)
-    json_pure (1.5.4)
-      spruz (~> 0.2.8)
+    json_pure (1.6.1)
     jwt (0.1.3)
       json (>= 1.2.4)
     kaminari (0.12.4)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ GEM
       subexec (~> 0.0.4)
     mixlib-authentication (1.1.4)
-    mixlib-cli (1.2.0)
+    mixlib-cli (1.2.2)
     mixlib-config (1.1.2)
     mixlib-log (1.3.0)
     mobile-fu (0.2.1)
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ GEM
     net-ssh (2.0.24)
     net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0)
       net-ssh (>= 1.99.1)
-    newrelic_rpm (3.1.1)
+    newrelic_rpm (3.1.2)
     nokogiri (
     oa-basic (0.2.6)
       oa-core (= 0.2.6)
@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ GEM
     open4 (1.1.0)
     orm_adapter (0.0.5)
     parallel (0.5.9)
-    parallel_tests (0.6.1)
+    parallel_tests (0.6.4)
     polyglot (0.3.2)
     pyu-ruby-sasl (
-    rack (1.2.3)
+    rack (1.2.4)
     rack-mobile-detect (0.3.0)
     rack-mount (0.6.14)
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ GEM
       activesupport (= 3.0.10)
       bundler (~> 1.0)
       railties (= 3.0.10)
-    rails-i18n (0.1.8)
+    rails-i18n (0.1.9)
       i18n (~> 0.5)
     railties (3.0.10)
       actionpack (= 3.0.10)
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ GEM
     rubyntlm (0.1.1)
     rubyzip (0.9.4)
     sass (3.1.4)
-    selenium-webdriver (2.4.0)
+    selenium-webdriver (2.7.0)
       childprocess (>= 0.2.1)
       ffi (>= 1.0.7)
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ GEM
     sinatra (1.2.6)
       rack (~> 1.1)
       tilt (< 2.0, >= 1.2.2)
-    spruz (0.2.13)
+    sqlite3 (1.3.4)
     subexec (0.0.4)
-    systemu (2.3.0)
+    systemu (2.4.0)
     term-ansicolor (1.0.6)
     thin (1.2.11)
       daemons (>= 1.0.9)
@@ -532,9 +532,10 @@ DEPENDENCIES
   sass (= 3.1.4)
-  selenium-webdriver (= 2.4)
+  selenium-webdriver (~> 2.7.0)
   settingslogic (= 2.0.6)
+  sqlite3
   thin (= 1.2.11)
   twitter (= 1.5.0)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 23c83a8ca8e69b53c823258c1b0b7b31799651c9..21b47e139e9a2311684c5044e184ccdd395db09e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 The privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all, open source social
+[Diaspora Foundation](http://diasporafoundation.org)
diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index 06fc5e52a9d240117f9fc352550aff81d8384126..137590998b7bc36d2bf6071e0651e9cf8ae2b044 100644
--- a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -4,28 +4,35 @@
 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   protect_from_forgery :except => :receive
   before_filter :ensure_http_referer_is_set
-  before_filter :set_header_data, :except => [:create, :update]
+  before_filter :set_header_data, :except => [:create, :update, :destroy]
   before_filter :set_locale
   before_filter :set_git_header if (AppConfig[:git_update] && AppConfig[:git_revision])
-  before_filter :which_action_and_user
-  prepend_before_filter :clear_gc_stats
   before_filter :set_grammatical_gender
+  prepend_before_filter :clear_gc_stats
   inflection_method :grammatical_gender => :gender
-  helper_method :all_aspects, :all_contacts_count, :my_contacts_count, :only_sharing_count
-  helper_method :tags, :tag_followings
+  helper_method :all_aspects,
+                :all_contacts_count,
+                :my_contacts_count,
+                :only_sharing_count,
+                :tag_followings,
+                :tags
   def ensure_http_referer_is_set
     request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] ||= '/aspects'
+  # we need to do this for vanna controller.  these should really be controller
+  # helper methods instead
   def set_header_data
     if user_signed_in?
       if request.format.html? && !params[:only_posts]
-        @aspect = nil
         @notification_count = Notification.for(current_user, :unread =>true).count
         @unread_message_count = ConversationVisibility.sum(:unread, :conditions => "person_id = #{current_user.person.id}")
@@ -69,18 +76,6 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
     headers['X-Git-Revision'] = AppConfig[:git_revision]
-  def which_action_and_user
-    str = "event=request_with_user controller=#{self.class} action=#{self.action_name} "
-    if current_user
-      str << "uid=#{current_user.id} "
-      str << "user_created_at='#{current_user.created_at.to_date.to_s}' user_created_at_unix=#{current_user.created_at.to_i} " if current_user.created_at
-      str << "user_non_pending_contact_count=#{current_user.contacts.size} user_contact_count=#{Contact.unscoped.where(:user_id => current_user.id).size} "
-    else
-      str << 'uid=nil'
-    end
-    Rails.logger.info str
-  end
   def set_locale
     if user_signed_in?
       I18n.locale = current_user.language
diff --git a/app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb b/app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb
index b6b12a842fab43155f1c6f1814951946ffbd9246..0f3c39e5c6f5ce25997777500bcc78256dab8874 100644
--- a/app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController
   # Called when a user clicks "Mention" on a profile page
   # @param person_id [Integer] The id of the person to be mentioned
   def new
-    if params[:person_id] && @person = Person.where(params[:person_id]).first
+    if params[:person_id] && @person = Person.where(:id => params[:person_id]).first
       @aspect = :profile
       @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person)
       @aspects_with_person = []
       if @contact
         @aspects_with_person = @contact.aspects
-        @aspect_ids = @aspects_with_person.map(&:id)
+        @aspect_ids = @aspects_with_person.map{|x| x.id}
         @contacts_of_contact = @contact.contacts
         render :layout => nil
@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController
     @aspects = current_user.aspects
     @selected_contacts = @aspects.map { |aspect| aspect.contacts }.flatten.uniq
     @aspect_ids = @aspects.map{|x| x.id}
-    pp @aspect_ids.inspect
     render :layout => nil
@@ -51,8 +48,6 @@ class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController
     if @status_message.save
-      Rails.logger.info("event=create type=status_message chars=#{params[:status_message][:text].length}")
       # always send to all aspects if public
       if params[:status_message][:public] || params[:status_message][:aspect_ids].first == "all_aspects"
         aspect_ids = current_user.aspects.map{|a| a.id}
@@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController
   def normalize_public_flag!
     # mobile || desktop conditions
-    public_flag = params[:status_message][:aspect_ids].first == 'public' || params[:status_message][:public]
+    public_flag = (params[:status_message][:aspect_ids] && params[:status_message][:aspect_ids].first == 'public') || params[:status_message][:public]
     public_flag.to_s.match(/(true)|(on)/) ? public_flag = true : public_flag = false
     params[:status_message][:public] = public_flag
diff --git a/app/helpers/stream_helper.rb b/app/helpers/stream_helper.rb
index e84694c736199f1be6f44abf404160f6dc78a522..f747e5fe8d9f7b7347f7a112e503ad8f76e49092 100644
--- a/app/helpers/stream_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/stream_helper.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module StreamHelper
        time = @stream.posts.last.send(@stream.order.to_sym).to_i
-      aspects_path(:max_time => time, :a_ids => @stream.aspect_ids)
+      aspects_path(:max_time => time, :sort_order => session[:sort_order], :a_ids => @stream.aspect_ids)
       raise 'in order to use pagination for this new controller, update next_page_path in stream helper'
diff --git a/app/models/activity_streams/photo.rb b/app/models/activity_streams/photo.rb
index 0ccd12e649854a4571eb20f751abffc723b4e8cd..d4a0fca89345f1c572a553a67f3c250c6c2996e0 100644
--- a/app/models/activity_streams/photo.rb
+++ b/app/models/activity_streams/photo.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ class ActivityStreams::Photo < Post
   xml_attr :image_height
   xml_attr :image_width
   xml_attr :object_url
-  xml_attr :provider_display_name
   xml_attr :actor_url
   xml_attr :objectId
diff --git a/app/models/post.rb b/app/models/post.rb
index 92d4f5693aef9fee654e2fcfe4fc319011d9d793..4743ff48ed02ad72334bbbac4adb9db7ced929cc 100644
--- a/app/models/post.rb
+++ b/app/models/post.rb
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
   include Diaspora::Likeable
   xml_attr :diaspora_handle
+  xml_attr :provider_display_name
   xml_attr :public
   xml_attr :created_at
@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+  def reshare_count
+    @reshare_count ||= Post.where(:root_guid => self.guid).count
+  end
   def diaspora_handle= nd
     self.author = Person.where(:diaspora_handle => nd).first
     write_attribute(:diaspora_handle, nd)
diff --git a/app/models/post_visibility.rb b/app/models/post_visibility.rb
index 77a72f322552acf4b1ecec5ad61eec685718c31e..6b41c8d3b8bd28adc19f3b5c0a36e022cca21f48 100644
--- a/app/models/post_visibility.rb
+++ b/app/models/post_visibility.rb
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ class PostVisibility < ActiveRecord::Base
   # @param contacts [Array<Contact>] Recipients
   # @param post [Post]
   # @return [void]
-  def self.batch_import(contacts, post)
+  def self.batch_import(contact_ids, post)
     if postgres?
-      contacts.each do |contact|
-        PostVisibility.find_or_create_by_contact_id_and_post_id(contact.id, post.id)
+      contact_ids.each do |contact_id|
+        PostVisibility.find_or_create_by_contact_id_and_post_id(contact_id, post.id)
-      new_post_visibilities = contacts.map do |contact|
-        PostVisibility.new(:contact_id => contact.id, :post_id => post.id)
+       new_post_visibilities_data = contact_ids.map do |contact_id|
+        [contact_id, post.id]
-      PostVisibility.import(new_post_visibilities)
+      PostVisibility.import([:contact_id, :post_id], new_post_visibilities_data)
diff --git a/app/models/services/facebook.rb b/app/models/services/facebook.rb
index 0c90bac977a0e8662093808fda8dfbd78454d68f..c4384a1897d54b9a2dc652c8f87704c783ee4b91 100644
--- a/app/models/services/facebook.rb
+++ b/app/models/services/facebook.rb
@@ -9,12 +9,21 @@ class Services::Facebook < Service
     Rails.logger.debug("event=post_to_service type=facebook sender_id=#{self.user_id}")
     message = public_message(post, url)
-      Faraday.post("https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed", {:message => message, :access_token => self.access_token}.to_param)
+      post_params = self.create_post_params(message)
+      Faraday.post("https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed", post_params.to_param)
     rescue Exception => e
       Rails.logger.info("#{e.message} failed to post to facebook")
+  def create_post_params(message)
+    hash = {:message => message, :access_token => self.access_token}
+    if /https?:\/\/(\S+)/ =~ message
+    hash.merge!({:link => /https?:\/\/(\S+)/.match(message)[0]})
+    end
+    return hash
+  end
   def public_message(post, url)
     super(post, MAX_CHARACTERS,  url)
diff --git a/app/models/status_message.rb b/app/models/status_message.rb
index d6e7eb6db4f1232e765d99fa6ac7a16e532c99b1..284cb517fd9360d7476a6e20ca42000c2c816ee5 100644
--- a/app/models/status_message.rb
+++ b/app/models/status_message.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class StatusMessage < Post
   has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :status_message_guid, :primary_key => :guid
   validate :presence_of_content
-  attr_accessible :text
+  attr_accessible :text, :provider_display_name
   serialize :youtube_titles, Hash
   after_create :create_mentions
diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb
index 7882ebbb6c50cbc2e829b435757910256efff197..b52487facef8f96d1593edc762af1033846ae6dc 100644
--- a/app/models/user.rb
+++ b/app/models/user.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   validates :username, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
   validates_format_of :username, :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9_]+\z/
   validates_length_of :username, :maximum => 32
+  validates_exclusion_of :username, :in => USERNAME_BLACKLIST
   validates_inclusion_of :language, :in => AVAILABLE_LANGUAGE_CODES
   validates_format_of :unconfirmed_email, :with  => Devise.email_regexp, :allow_blank => true
diff --git a/app/views/aspects/_aspect_stream.haml b/app/views/aspects/_aspect_stream.haml
index fbd506ae6eaf51be75933017981f2e8d310b3c51..29a6ccd5e6605a275906a322a87cc267136c0a55 100644
--- a/app/views/aspects/_aspect_stream.haml
+++ b/app/views/aspects/_aspect_stream.haml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   = render 'aspects/no_contacts_message'
 #main_stream.stream{:data => {:guids => stream.aspect_ids.join(',')}}
-  - if defined?(no_posts) && no_posts
+  - if stream.ajax_stream? 
       =link_to(t('more'), next_page_path(:ajax_stream => true), :class => 'paginate')
diff --git a/app/views/aspects/index.html.haml b/app/views/aspects/index.html.haml
index 4ba3eea39381875cee9671d5bf727c0d7c36ed11..d2b59a43f57e43bcb214c7a0e782181b375fa09b 100644
--- a/app/views/aspects/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/aspects/index.html.haml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-    = render 'aspects/aspect_stream', :stream => @stream, :no_posts => true
+    = render 'aspects/aspect_stream', :stream => @stream
   = render 'aspects/selected_contacts', :stream => @stream
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/_header.html.haml b/app/views/layouts/_header.html.haml
index d60f95066e6fba2205ed3e9b894aeeac94157a43..84a136d39293af1152b55c54e27f2124ea7700b2 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/_header.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/_header.html.haml
@@ -21,47 +21,46 @@
       = form_tag(people_path, :method => 'get', :class => "search_form") do
         = text_field_tag 'q', nil, :placeholder => t('find_people'), :type => 'search', :results => 5
-    - if @notification_count
-      #nav_badges
-        #home_badge.badge
-          = link_to aspects_path, :title => t('_home') do
-            = image_tag 'icons/home_grey.svg', :height => 16
+    #nav_badges
+      #home_badge.badge
+        = link_to aspects_path, :title => t('_home') do
+          = image_tag 'icons/home_grey.svg', :height => 16
-        #contacts_badge.badge
-          = link_to contacts_link, :title => t('_contacts') do
-            = image_tag 'icons/contacts_grey.svg', :height => 16
+      #contacts_badge.badge
+        = link_to contacts_link, :title => t('_contacts') do
+          = image_tag 'icons/contacts_grey.svg', :height => 16
-        #notification_badge.badge
-          = link_to notifications_path, :title => new_notification_text(@notification_count) do
-            = image_tag 'icons/notifications_grey.svg', :height => 16, :id => "notification-flag"
-            .badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @notification_count == 0)}
-              = @notification_count
+      #notification_badge.badge
+        = link_to notifications_path, :title => new_notification_text(@notification_count) do
+          = image_tag 'icons/notifications_grey.svg', :height => 16, :id => "notification-flag"
+          .badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @notification_count == 0)}
+            = @notification_count
-        #message_inbox_badge.badge
-          = link_to conversations_path , :title => new_message_text(@unread_message_count) do
-            = image_tag 'icons/mail_grey.svg', :width => 18
-            .badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @unread_message_count == 0)}
-              = @unread_message_count
+      #message_inbox_badge.badge
+        = link_to conversations_path , :title => new_message_text(@unread_message_count) do
+          = image_tag 'icons/mail_grey.svg', :width => 18
+          .badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @unread_message_count == 0)}
+            = @unread_message_count
-      #notification_dropdown
-        .header
-          = link_to t('.view_all'), notifications_path, :id => "view_all_notifications"
-          %h4
-            = t('.recent_notifications')
-        .notifications
-          .ajax_loader
-            = image_tag("ajax-loader.gif")
+    #notification_dropdown
+      .header
+        = link_to t('.view_all'), notifications_path, :id => "view_all_notifications"
+        %h4
+          = t('.recent_notifications')
+      .notifications
+        .ajax_loader
+          = image_tag("ajax-loader.gif")
-      #hovercard_container
-        #hovercard
-          %img.avatar
-          %h4
-            %a.person
-          #hovercard_dropdown_container
+    #hovercard_container
+      #hovercard
+        %img.avatar
+        %h4
+          %a.person
+        #hovercard_dropdown_container
-          .hovercard_footer
-            .footer_container
-              .hashtags
+        .hovercard_footer
+          .footer_container
+            .hashtags
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/application.mobile.haml b/app/views/layouts/application.mobile.haml
index 275877e7f946b361fb4ade5f26ae4245fd3f1a87..5637ff364920726577efb85e71eae7ea25520fe6 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/application.mobile.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/application.mobile.haml
@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
     %link{:rel => 'shortcut icon', :href => '/apple-touch-icon.png'}
     / iOS mobile web app indicator
-    %meta{:name => "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", :content => "yes"}
-    %link{:rel => "apple-touch-startup-image", :href => "/images/apple-splash.png"}
+    / NOTE(we will enable these once we don't have to rely on back/forward buttons anymore)
+    /%meta{:name => "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", :content => "yes"}
+    /%link{:rel => "apple-touch-startup-image", :href => "/images/apple-splash.png"}
     / Stylesheets
-    = include_stylesheets :mobile
+    = include_stylesheets :mobile, :format => 'all'
     = yield(:custom_css)
     %script{:src => "/javascripts/vendor/mbp-modernizr-custom.js"}
diff --git a/app/views/reshares/_reshare.haml b/app/views/reshares/_reshare.haml
index 224829354a9031f124942299bf74c6ceedfb368b..4ccee89f1ddfcabf09351593e4793114bc75794e 100644
--- a/app/views/reshares/_reshare.haml
+++ b/app/views/reshares/_reshare.haml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
               = link_to(how_long_ago(post), post_path(post))
-            = t("reshares.reshare.reshare", :count => post.reshares.size)
+            = t("reshares.reshare.reshare", :count => post.reshare_count)
       - if post.activity_streams?
         = link_to image_tag(post.image_url, 'data-small-photo' => post.image_url, 'data-full-photo' => post.image_url, :class => 'stream-photo'), post.object_url, :class => "stream-photo-link"
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_publisher.mobile.haml b/app/views/shared/_publisher.mobile.haml
index 827191a9756691ac848bc08d4e09894ec9f79b94..77291aa11c19db3b776caf6b6e303fa61b8c06df 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_publisher.mobile.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_publisher.mobile.haml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 = form_for StatusMessage.new, {:data => {:ajax => false}} do |status|
+    = status.hidden_field :provider_display_name, :value => 'mobile'
     = status.text_area :text, :placeholder => t('.whats_on_your_mind'), :style => "width:300px", :rows => 4, :autofocus => "autofocus"
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_right_sections.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_right_sections.html.haml
index 4d19b90615e2c1e94343ff57448f1fb0aa6e42cf..841eaaa7f64181ec7b0ce0bd222f9a8aea639208 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_right_sections.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_right_sections.html.haml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     = t('aspects.index.help.here_to_help')
-    = t('aspects.index.help.did_you')
+    = t('aspects.index.help.do_you')
     != t('aspects.index.help.have_a_question', :link => link_to("#question" , tag_path(:name => "question")))
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
-      != t('aspects.index.help.satisfaction', :link => link_to("GetSatisfaction", "http://getsatisfaction.com/diaspora"))
-      %br
-      != t('aspects.index.help.tutorials', :link => link_to("Diasporial" , "http://diasporial.com/tutorials"))
-      %br
+      != t('aspects.index.help.feature_and_forum', :gs=> link_to("GetSatisfaction", "http://getsatisfaction.com/diaspora", :target => '_blank'), :forum => link_to("Forum", "http://www.diasporaforum.org/", :target => '_blank'))
+    %p
+      != t('aspects.index.help.tutorials_and_wiki', :tutorial => link_to("Diasporial" , "http://diasporial.com/tutorials", :target => '_blank'), :wiki => link_to('Wiki','http://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki', :target => '_blank'))
+    %p
       != t('aspects.index.help.email_feedback', :link => link_to("Email" , "mailto:yosem@joindiaspora.com"))
 - unless AppConfig.configured_services.blank? || all_services_connected?
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
index 9cd47b1baefe765fc9c3dc1d8bb8d875fa10ed39..5321f0fd437393a8ce8e85db46ebed9600201a94 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.html.haml
@@ -40,10 +40,19 @@
         = render 'status_messages/status_message', :post => post, :photos => post.photos
+        %span.via
+          - if post.activity_streams?
+            = t('.via', :link => link_to("#{post.provider_display_name}", post.actor_url)).html_safe
+            &ndash;
+          - elsif post.provider_display_name == 'mobile'
+            = t('.via', :link => nil)
+            mobile
+            &ndash;
         - if post.public?
           %span.post_scope{:title => t('.viewable_to_anyone')}
             = t('public')
-            ·
+            &ndash;
         - else
           - if user_signed_in? && post.author.owner_id == current_user.id
             - aspects = aspects_with_post(all_aspects, post)
@@ -56,12 +65,8 @@
           - else
               = t('limited')
-          ·
+          &ndash;
-        %span.via
-          - if post.activity_streams?
-            = t('.via', :link => link_to("#{post.provider_display_name}", post.actor_url)).html_safe
-            ·
         - if user_signed_in?
           - unless @commenting_disabled
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.mobile.haml b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.mobile.haml
index 5a131251cab3dbb0d05ac89e03d26256f26db580..970cd130af923054cda164cf80621543b2547802 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_stream_element.mobile.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_stream_element.mobile.haml
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
         %span.time{:integer => post.created_at.to_i}
           = t('ago', :time => time_ago_in_words(post.created_at))
+        %span.via
+          - if post.activity_streams?
+            = t('.via', :link => link_to("#{post.provider_display_name}", post.actor_url)).html_safe
+          - elsif post.provider_display_name == 'mobile'
+            = t('.via', :link => nil)
+            mobile
           - if post.public?
@@ -32,9 +39,6 @@
           - else
             = t('limited')
-        %span.via
-          - if post.activity_streams?
-            = t('.via', :link => link_to("#{post.provider_display_name}", post.actor_url)).html_safe
     - if post.is_a?(StatusMessage)
       = render 'status_messages/status_message', :post => post, :photos => post.photos
diff --git a/app/views/status_messages/new.haml b/app/views/status_messages/new.html.haml
similarity index 96%
rename from app/views/status_messages/new.haml
rename to app/views/status_messages/new.html.haml
index f83c0285e50eec83426de7db46cd05f9fd0fd6ba..0ed7386ae1bf705dbfeb21b1f034757522dafbf4 100644
--- a/app/views/status_messages/new.haml
+++ b/app/views/status_messages/new.html.haml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
       $("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").val(function(index, value){ return value + " " });
       $("#publisher").bind('ajax:success', function(){location.reload();});
+      Publisher.bookmarklet =true;
diff --git a/config/assets.yml b/config/assets.yml
index 737e197cf46eff6fd3cb5fe24a88912a6221ec03..2bd5b17e93ff5718215d86f27bb8646d726b2556 100644
--- a/config/assets.yml
+++ b/config/assets.yml
@@ -42,14 +42,8 @@ javascripts:
     - public/javascripts/login.js
-    #- public/javascripts/custom-mobile-scripting.js
-    #- public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.mobile-1.0b2.min.js
-    #- public/javascripts/jquery.infinitescroll-custom.js
-    #- public/javascripts/diaspora.js
-    #- public/javascripts/helpers/i18n.js
-    #- public/javascripts/widgets/infinite-scroll.js
     - public/javascripts/vendor/jquery162.min.js
-    - public/javascripts/rails.js
+    - public/javascripts/rails.js # we only include this to hijack ajax requests
     - public/javascripts/vendor/mbp-helper.js
     - public/javascripts/mobile.js
@@ -90,7 +84,5 @@ stylesheets:
     - public/stylesheets/rtl.css
-    #- public/stylesheets/vendor/jquery.mobile-1.0b2.min.css
-    - public/stylesheets/vendor/html5-boilerplate-mobile.css
     - public/stylesheets/mobile.css
diff --git a/config/environment.rb b/config/environment.rb
index ba4d85c18211a7261770ba419aa28149f04f2e04..50705b86175799ee57fc453018055198dbe9e21b 100644
--- a/config/environment.rb
+++ b/config/environment.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ def postgres?
   @using_postgres ||= defined?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter) && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter)
+def sqlite?
+  @using_sqlite ||= defined?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter) && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class == ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter
 # Load the rails application
 require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__)
 Haml::Template.options[:format] = :html5
@@ -27,6 +31,10 @@ else
+# Blacklist of usernames
+USERNAME_BLACKLIST = ['admin', 'administrator', 'hostmaster', 'info', 'postmaster', 'root', 'ssladmin', 
+  'ssladministrator', 'sslwebmaster', 'sysadmin', 'webmaster', 'support', 'contact']
 # Initialize the rails application
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.he.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.he.yml
index 1e9dfa72f88dde010424b6824fb935fa8cfb07df..3962f09b5bdc74a2ddab94ffdd8deee1f7fa16d7 100644
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/devise/devise.he.yml
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ he:
         no_account_till: " החשבון שלך לא ייווצר עד לכניסתך לקישור המופיע למעלה וההרשמה לשירות."
         subject: "הוזמנת להצטרף לדיאספורה!"
-        accept_at: "at %{url}, you can accept it through the link below."
+        accept_at: "בכתובת %{url}, באפשרותך לקבל זאת באמצעות הקישור שלהלן."
         has_invited_you: "%{name}"
-        have_invited_you: "%{names} have invited you to join Diaspora"
+        have_invited_you: "הוזמנת על-ידי %{names} להצטרף לדיאספורה"
         change: "החלפת הססמה שלי"
         ignore: "אם לא ביקשת זאת, ניתן להתעלם מהודעה זו."
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.nn.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.nn.yml
index 4373ea5a517ace3855944a72d649cc4ed94a1e0a..3bc77780514b33f928146646c137bebe1fc6b157 100644
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.nn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/devise/devise.nn.yml
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ nn:
         resend_confirmation: "Resend confirmation instructions"
       send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
-      inactive: "Your account was not activated yet."
+      inactive: "Kontoen din var ikkje teken i bruk."
       invalid: "Brukarnamnet eller passordet er ugyldig."
-      invalid_token: "Invalid authentication token."
-      locked: "Your account is locked."
+      invalid_token: "Ugyldig autentisering."
+      locked: "Kontoen din er låst."
       timeout: "Økta finst ikkje lenger. Logg deg på att."
       unauthenticated: "Du må logga deg på eller melda deg inn før du kan halda fram."
-      unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
+      unconfirmed: "Du må stadfesta kontoen din før du kan halda fram."
       invitation_token_invalid: "The invitation token provided is not valid!"
       send_instructions: "Your invitation has been sent."
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ nn:
       welcome: "Welcome %{email}!"
-        change_password: "Change my password"
+        change_password: "Endra passordet mitt"
-        forgot_password: "Forgot your password?"
-        no_account: "No account with this email exists.  If you are waiting for an invite, we are rolling them out as soon as possible"
-        send_password_instructions: "Send me reset password instructions"
+        forgot_password: "Har du gløymt passordet ditt?"
+        no_account: "Det finst ingen konto med denne e-postadressa. Om du ventar på ein invitasjon, skal du veta at vi sender dei ut så fort vi kan."
+        send_password_instructions: "Send meg opplysningar om korleis nullstilla passordet"
       send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
       updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.tr.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.tr.yml
index b643529a1402fe93db1e58ebef20c9564cd1b501..c9039f259aa5454538ff7082ea950eb8bda46b79 100644
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/devise/devise.tr.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ tr:
       invitation_token_invalid: "Davet kodu doğrulanamadı!"
       send_instructions: "Davetiniz gönderildi."
-      updated: "Şifreniz başarıyla ayarlandı. Şu anda giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz."
+      updated: "Parolanız başarıyla ayarlandı. Şu anda giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz."
         confirm: "Hesabımı doğrula"
@@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ tr:
         has_invited_you: "%{name}"
         have_invited_you: "%{names} Diaspora'ya katılmanız için davet edildiniz"
-        change: "Åžifremi deÄŸiÅŸtir"
+        change: "Parolamı değiştir"
         ignore: "Eğer bunu siz talep etmediyseniz, lütfen bu e-postayı yoksayın."
         someone_requested: "Parola değiştirme talep edildi, parolanızı değiştirmek için aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın."
-        subject: "Şifre yenileme yönergeleri"
+        subject: "Parola yenileme yönergeleri"
         wont_change: "Parolanız siz yukarıdaki bağlantıya tıklayıp yeni bir parola oluşturana kadar değişmeyecektir."
         account_locked: "Hesabınız çok fazla yanlış giriş yaptığınız için kilitlendi."
         click_to_unlock: "Hesabınızın kilidini açmak için aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın:"
         subject: "Kilit Açma Yönergeleri"
         unlock: "Hesabımın kilidini aç"
-      welcome: "Merhaba %{email}!"
+      welcome: "HoÅŸ geldiniz %{email}!"
-        change_password: "Åžifre deÄŸiÅŸtirme"
+        change_password: "Parola deÄŸiÅŸtirme"
-        forgot_password: "Åžifrenizi mi unuttunuz?"
+        forgot_password: "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
         no_account: "Bu e-posta adresiyle alınmış hesap bulunmamaktadır. Eğer bir davetiye için bekliyorsanız, en kısa zamanda size ulaştıracağız."
         send_password_instructions: "Bana parola yenileme talimatları gönder"
-      send_instructions: "Bir kaç dakika içerisinde parolanızı nasıl sıfırlayacağınızı açıklıyan bir email alıcaksınız."
-      updated: "Şifreniz değiştirilmiştir. Şu anda giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz."
+      send_instructions: "Bir kaç dakika içerisinde parolanızı nasıl sıfırlayacağınızı açıklıyan bir e-posta alacaksınız."
+      updated: "Parolanız değiştirilmiştir. Şu anda giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz."
       destroyed: "Hoşçakalın! Hesabınız iptal edildi. Umarız sizi yakında tekrar görürüz."
       signed_up: "Başarıyla kayıt yaptınız. Doğrulama, e-postanıza gönderilmiştir."
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tr:
         bugs_and_feedback: "Sitede bazı hatalarla karşılaşabilirsiniz. Karşılaştığınız herhangi hata için sağ üstteki Geri Bildirim düğmesini kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz. Raporlarınız bize ulaşır ulaşmaz, sorunu düzeltmek için çalışacağız."
         bugs_and_feedback_mobile: "Aklınızda bulunsun, hatalarla karşılacaksınız. Karşılaştığınız hataları bildirmenizi istiyoruz.  Bildiriminizi alır almaz konu hakkında çalışmaya başlayacağız."
         login: "GiriÅŸ"
-        modern_browsers: "sadece güncel tarayıcılar desteklenir"
+        modern_browsers: "sadece güncel tarayıcılar destekleniyor."
         password: "Parola"
         remember_me: "Beni hatırla"
         sign_in: "GiriÅŸ yap"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ tr:
       signed_out: "Başarıyla çıkış yaptınız."
-        forgot_your_password: "Åžifrenizi mi unuttunuz?"
+        forgot_your_password: "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
         receive_confirmation: "Hesap doğrulama yönergelerini almadınız mı?"
         receive_unlock: "Kilit açma yönergelerini almadınız mı?"
         sign_in: "GiriÅŸ yap"
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ tr:
         resend_unlock: "Tekrar gönder"
-      send_instructions: "Bir kaç dakika içerisinde hesabınızın kilidini nasıl açabileceğinize dair bir email alıcaksınız."
+      send_instructions: "Bir kaç dakika içerisinde hesabınızın kilidini nasıl açabileceğinize dair bir e-posta alacaksınız."
       unlocked: "Hesabınızın kilidi açılmıştır. Şu anda giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz."
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/bg.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/bg.yml
index d203e3fab0d59561beaf577f4b91fbec77b3756e..c7c7245b0a976752d766a9d0c1b240a4bfe8b555 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/bg.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/bg.yml
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ bg:
       handle_explanation: "Това е вашият адрес в Diaspora. Наподобява адрес на ел. поща - давате го на хора, за да се свържат с вас."
         did_you: "Вие:"
-        feature_suggestion: "... имате предложение за нова %{link}?"
+        feature_suggestion: "... имате предложение за нова %{link} (функция)?"
         find_a_bug: "... сте открили %{link} (грешка)?"
-        have_a_question: "... имате %{link}?"
-        here_to_help: "Общността Diaspora е готова да помогне!"
+        have_a_question: "... имате %{link} (въпрос)?"
+        here_to_help: "Общността е готова да помогне!"
         more_support: "За допълнителна помощ посетете %{link}."
         need_help: "Нуждаетесе от помощ?"
         tutorials: "За ръководства посетете %{link}."
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/ca.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/ca.yml
index 2b0bba36b0db94459e10d4ea440ceb3870645f36..ff0278a90c693cf78073be4ff693408f0de68d26 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/ca.yml
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ ca:
     contacts_visible: "Els contactes en aquest aspecte es podran veure entre ells."
     contacts_not_visible: "Els contactes en aquest aspecte no es podran veure entre ells."
-      make_aspect_list_visible: "voleu fer visible aquest aspecte?"
+      make_aspect_list_visible: "voleu fer que els contactes d'aquest aspecte siguin visibles entre ells?"
       remove_aspect: "Suprimeix aquest aspecte"
       confirm_remove_aspect: "Esteu segur de voler suprimir aquest aspecte?"
       add_existing: "Afegeix un contacte existent"
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ ca:
       no_contacts: "Encara no teniu cap contacte aquí."
       manage_your_aspects: "Gestioneu els vostres aspectes."
-      name: "Nom"
+      name: "Nom (només visible per vosaltres)"
       create: "Crea'l"
       success: "S'ha creat el vostre aspecte nou %{name}"
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ ca:
       friends: "Amistats"
       donate: "Doneu"
-      keep_us_running: "Mantingueu $(pod} en marxa, compreu-li als nostres servidors la seva dosi de cafeïna!"
+      keep_us_running: "Mantingueu %{pod} en marxa i compreu-li als nostres servidors la seva dosi de cafeïna amb una donació mensual!"
       your_aspects: "Els vostres aspectes"
       tags_following: "Etiquetes que seguiu"
       no_tags: "+ Cerqueu una etiqueta per seguir-la"
@@ -169,6 +169,17 @@ ca:
       no_contacts: "Cap contacte"
       post_a_message: "publica un missatge »"
       people_sharing_with_you: "Gent amb qui compartiu"
+      help:
+        need_help: "Necessiteu ajuda?"
+        here_to_help: "La comunitat del Diàspora és aquí per ajudar-vos!"
+        did_you: "Potser…"
+        # Aquests missatges estan malament, però de moment, així es queda.
+        have_a_question: "… teniu alguna %{link}"
+        find_a_bug: "… heu trobat una %{link}"
+        feature_suggestion: "…teniu alguna proposta de %{link}"
+        tutorials: "%{link}: Tutorials, guies i notícies mantinguts per la comunitat."
+        satisfaction: "%{link}: Suport de la comunitat"
+        email_feedback: "%{link} els vostres comentaris, si ho preferiu"
         heading: "Connecteu a Cubbi.es"
         explanation: "Cubbi.es és la primera aplicació Diàspora sota desenvolupament."
@@ -210,6 +221,15 @@ ca:
       commenting: "S'està comentant…"
+  reactions:
+    zero: "Cap reacció"
+    one: "1 reacció"
+    two: "%{count} reaccions"
+    few: "%{count} reaccions"
+    many: "%{count} reaccions"
+    other: "%{count} reaccions"
     zero: "cap contacte"
     one: "1 contacte"
@@ -671,6 +691,7 @@ ca:
+      reshared_via: "Compartit via"
       reshare_original: "Torna a compartir l'original"
         zero: "Torna a compartir"
@@ -705,7 +726,7 @@ ca:
       error: "s'ha produït un error en connectar a aquell servei"
       join_me_on_diaspora: "Uneix-te a mi al DIÀSPORA*"
-      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Feu clic en aquest enllaç per a acceptar la invitació"
+      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Seguiu aquest enllaç per a acceptar la invitació"
       service_friends: "Amics del %{service}"
       no_friends: "No s'ha trobat cap amic del Facebook."
@@ -717,9 +738,9 @@ ca:
-      add_to_aspect: "Afegeix a un aspecte"
+      add_to_aspect: "Afegeix el contacte"
-        zero: "Afegeix a aspectes"
+        zero: "Afegeix el contacte"
         one: "En %{count} aspecte"
         two: "En %{count} aspectes"
         few: "En %{count} aspectes"
@@ -843,6 +864,11 @@ També és la millor forma de coŀleccionar fotos en línia."
+    logged_out: "Heu sortit del Diàspora*"
+    go_mobile: "Aneu al lloc per dispositius mòbils."
+    simply_visit: "Només heu de visitar"
+    on_your_mobile_device: "al vostre dispositiu mòbil per accedir al Diàspora* mòbil."
+    works_on_modern: "Funciona amb tots els telèfons moderns"
       export_data: "Exporta les dades"
       close_account: "Tanca el compte"
@@ -870,6 +896,8 @@ També és la millor forma de coŀleccionar fotos en línia."
       welcome: "Benvingut/da"
       welcome_with_name: "Benvingut/da, %{name}!"
+      community_welcome: "La comunitat del Diàspora s'alegra de tenir-vos a bord!"
+      not_mandatory: "Si completeu els següents pasos millorarà la vostra experiència al Diàspora, però no és requerit."
       finished: "Fet"
@@ -886,6 +914,10 @@ També és la millor forma de coŀleccionar fotos en línia."
         location: "Ubicació"
       connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Connecteu amb les vostres altres xarxes socials"
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks_p1: "Connectar a serveis us permetrà publicar en aquests serveis."
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks_p2: "Amb el Facebook, també podreu cercar amics que ja siguen al Diàspora i convidar als altres."
       connect_with_people: "Connecteu amb gent interessant"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Connecteu amb gent, inserint-los en un o més dels vostres %{bold}."
       bold: "aspectes"
@@ -899,9 +931,10 @@ També és la millor forma de coŀleccionar fotos en línia."
       connect_to: "Connecteu a"
       find_friends_from_facebook: "Cerqueu amics des del Facebook"
-      featured_tags: "Etiquetes destacades"
+      featured_tags: "Seguiu les etiquetes destacades"
       find_friends: "Cerqueu amics"
       see_all_featured_users: "Vegeu els usuaris destacats"
+      get_updates_from_core: "Obteniu notícies sobre el projecte a través de l'equip principal."
       hashtag_explanation: "Les etiquetes us permeten parlar i seguir els vostres interesos. També són una bona manera de trobar gent nova al Diàspora."
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/cs.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/cs.yml
index 51460de43bc5561718ecef46b237070627b37780..38794417089f2e8fa9f05e74db7f9084ce4e84b8 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/cs.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ cs:
               invalid: "je neplatný."
-              invalid: "je neplatné. Povolené znaky jsou pouze písmena, číslice a podtržítko"
+              invalid: "je neplatné. Povolené znaky jsou pouze písmena, číslice a podtržítko."
               taken: "je již obsazeno."
   ago: "před %{time}"
   all_aspects: "VÅ¡echny aspekty"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/de.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/de.yml
index 866095c3654e725db342cc4ffc185d74fe4b5813..06c80481821db7b8d068be8cd618da7946b10524 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/de.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ de:
-              taken: "muss einzigartig sein innerhalb den Kontakten dieses Benutzers."
+              taken: "muss innerhalb der Kontakte dieses Benutzers einzigartig sein."
@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@ de:
-              taken: "Due hast diesen Beitrag bereits weitergesagt!"
+              taken: "Du hast diesen Beitrag bereits weitergesagt!"
               taken: "wird schon benutzt."
-              invalid: "ist nicht gültig."
+              invalid: "ist ungültig."
-              invalid: "ist ungültig. Wir erlauben nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstriche"
+              invalid: "ist ungültig. Wir erlauben nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstriche."
               taken: "wird schon benutzt."
   ago: "Vor %{time}"
   all_aspects: "Alle Aspekte"
       diaspora_alpha: "DIASPORA* ALPHA"
-      unknown_person: "unbekannte Person"
+      unknown_person: "Unbekannte Person"
-        unknown: "Unbekannter Video-Titel"
+        unknown: "Unbekannter Videotitel"
   are_you_sure: "Bist du sicher?"
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ de:
       success: "Die Person wurde erfolgreich aus dem Aspekt entfernt"
-      failure: "Hinzufügen des Kontakts zum Aspekt fehlgeschlagen."
+      failure: "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Kontakts zum Aspekt."
       success: "Kontakt erfolgreich zum Aspekt hinzugefügt."
       done_editing: "Änderungen abgeschlossen"
@@ -64,27 +64,27 @@ de:
       commented_on: "kommentiert"
       posted: "geschrieben"
-      recently: "vor kurzem:"
+      recently: "vor Kurzem:"
       stream: "Stream"
-    contacts_not_visible: "Kontakte in diesem Aspekt sind nicht in der Lage, einander zu sehen."
-    contacts_visible: "Kontakte in diesem Aspekt können sich sehen."
+    contacts_not_visible: "Kontakte in diesem Aspekt sind nicht in der Lage einander zu sehen."
+    contacts_visible: "Kontakte in diesem Aspekt können sich untereinander sehen."
-      failure: "Erstellen des Aspekts fehlgeschlagen."
+      failure: "Fehler beim Erstellen des Aspekts."
       success: "Dein neuer Aspekt %{name} wurde erstellt."
       failure: "%{name} ist nicht leer und konnte nicht entfernt werden."
       success: "%{name} wurde erfolgreich entfernt."
-      add_existing: "Ein bereits bestehendes Konto hinzufügen"
+      add_existing: "Einen bereits bestehenden Kontakt hinzufügen"
       aspect_list_is_not_visible: "Die Aspektliste wird vor anderen im Aspekt versteckt"
       aspect_list_is_visible: "Die Aspektliste ist für andere im Aspekt sichtbar"
       confirm_remove_aspect: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Aspekt löschen möchtest?"
       done: "Fertig"
-      make_aspect_list_visible: "Aspekte veröffentlichen?"
-      remove_aspect: "Aspekt löschen"
+      make_aspect_list_visible: "Aspekteliste öffentlich machen?"
+      remove_aspect: "Diesen Aspekt löschen"
       rename: "umbenennen"
       update: "Ändern"
-      updating: "Ändere"
+      updating: "Ändere …"
     few: "%{count} Aspekte"
       are_you_sure: "Möchtest du diesen Aspekt wirklich löschen?"
@@ -97,24 +97,24 @@ de:
         learn_more: "Mehr erfahren"
         content_1: "Deine Diaspora ID ist:"
-        content_2: "Gib diese allen und sie können dich auf Diaspora finden."
+        content_2: "Gib diese weiter und sei somit auf Diaspora leicht zu finden."
         heading: "Diaspora ID"
       donate: "Spenden"
       handle_explanation: "Das ist deine Diaspora ID. Du kannst sie wie eine E-Mail-Adresse weitergeben, damit andere Nutzer mit dir Kontakt aufnehmen können."
         did_you: "Hast du:"
-        feature_suggestion: "... einen %{link} Vorschlag?"
-        find_a_bug: "... einen %{link} gefunden?"
-        have_a_question: "... eine %{link}?"
-        here_to_help: "Die Diaspora-Gemeinde ist hier um Dir zu helfen!"
+        feature_suggestion: "… einen %{link} Vorschlag?"
+        find_a_bug: "… einen %{link} gefunden?"
+        have_a_question: "… eine %{link}?"
+        here_to_help: "Die Diaspora Community ist hier, um dir zu helfen!"
         more_support: "Für mehr Support, schau auch auf %{link}."
         need_help: "Benötigst du Hilfe?"
         tutorials: "Für Tutorials, probiere %{link}."
       keep_us_running: "Hilf %{pod} schnell zu laufen und kaufe unseren Servern ihren monatlichen Schuss Kaffee!"
       no_contacts: "Keine Kontakte"
-      no_tags: "+ Finde einen Tag zum folgen"
-      people_sharing_with_you: "Leute die mit dir teilen"
-      post_a_message: "schreibe eine Nachricht >>"
+      no_tags: "+ Finde einen #Tag zum folgen"
+      people_sharing_with_you: "Leute, die mit dir teilen"
+      post_a_message: "Schreibe eine Nachricht >>"
         content: "Du kannst die folgenden Dienste mit Diaspora verbinden:"
         heading: "Verbinde Dienste"
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ de:
       featured_users: "Vorgestellte Nutzer"
       or_featured: "Oder fang an mit %{link} zu teilen."
       try_adding_some_more_contacts: "Du kannst nach Kontakten suchen (oben) oder welche einladen (rechts)."
-      you_should_add_some_more_contacts: "Du solltest ein paar mehr Kontakte hinzufügen!"
+      you_should_add_some_more_contacts: "Du solltest ein paar neue Kontakte hinzufügen!"
       start_talking: "Niemand hat bisher etwas gesagt!"
     one: "Ein Aspekt"
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ de:
       edit_aspect: "Aspekt bearbeiten"
     two: "%{count} Aspekte"
-      failure: "%{name} ist ein zu langer Name um gespeichert zu werden."
+      failure: "%{name} ist ein zu langer Name, um gespeichert zu werden."
       success: "Aspekt %{name} erfolgreich bearbeitet."
     zero: "keine Aspekte"
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ de:
       revoke_access: "Zugriff widerrufen"
   back: "Zurück"
-    explanation: "Erstelle einen Beitrag in Diaspora von überall in dem du %{link} als Lesezeichen speicherst."
+    explanation: "Erstelle einen Beitrag in Diaspora von überall, in dem du %{link} als Lesezeichen speicherst."
     explanation_link_text: "diesen Link"
     heading: "Bookmarklet"
     post_something: "Erstelle einen Beitrag in Diaspora"
-    post_success: "Erstellt! Schließen…"
+    post_success: "Erstellt! Schließen …"
   cancel: "Abbrechen"
     few: "%{count} Kommentare"
@@ -175,30 +175,30 @@ de:
     one: "Ein Kommentar"
     other: "%{count} Kommentare"
     two: "%{count} Kommentare"
-    zero: "%{count} Kommentare"
+    zero: "Keine Kommentare"
-      failure: "Konnte Kontakt nicht erstellen"
+      failure: "Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontakts"
-      featured_users: "Besondere Leute"
+      featured_users: "Vorgestellte Nutzer"
     few: "%{count} Kontakte"
       add_a_new_aspect: "Einen neuen Aspekt hinzufügen"
       all_contacts: "Alle Kontakte"
       edit_aspect: "Bearbeite %{name}"
-      many_people_are_you_sure: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du eine private Unterhaltung mit mehr als %{suggested_limit} Kontakten beginnen möchtest? Einen Beitrag in diesen Aspekt zu schreiben könnte ein besserer Weg sein um sie zu kontaktieren."
+      many_people_are_you_sure: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du eine private Unterhaltung mit mehr als %{suggested_limit} Kontakten beginnen möchtest? Einen Beitrag in diesen Aspekt zu schreiben könnte ein besserer Weg sein, um sie zu kontaktieren."
       my_contacts: "Meine Kontakte"
-      no_contacts: "Keine Kontakte."
-      only_sharing_with_me: "Nur mit mir teilende"
+      no_contacts: "Keine Kontakte"
+      only_sharing_with_me: "Nur mit mir Teilende"
       remove_person_from_aspect: "Entferne %{person_name} aus \"%{aspect_name}\""
       start_a_conversation: "Starte eine Unterhaltung"
       title: "Kontakte"
       your_contacts: "Deine Kontakte"
     many: "%{count} Kontakte"
-    one: "1 Kontakt"
+    one: "Ein Kontakt"
     other: "%{count} Kontakte"
-      people_sharing: "Leute die mit dir teilen:"
+      people_sharing: "Leute, die mit dir teilen:"
     two: "%{count} Kontakte"
     zero: "Keine Kontakte"
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ de:
       fail: "Ungültige Nachricht"
       sent: "Nachricht versendet"
-      success: "Nachricht wurde entfernt"
+      success: "Konversation erfolgreich entfernt"
         few: "%{count} neue Nachrichten"
@@ -216,16 +216,16 @@ de:
         two: "%{count} neue Nachrichten"
         zero: "Keine neuen Nachrichten"
-      create_a_new_message: "Erstelle neue Nachricht"
+      create_a_new_message: "Erstelle eine neue Nachricht"
       inbox: "Eingang"
-      message_inbox: "Message Inbox"
+      message_inbox: "Nachrichteneingang"
       new_message: "Neue Nachricht"
       no_conversation_selected: "Keine Konversation ausgewählt"
       no_messages: "Keine Nachrichten"
       abandon_changes: "Änderungen verwerfen?"
       send: "Senden"
-      sending: "Senden..."
+      sending: "Senden …"
       subject: "Betreff"
       to: "An"
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ de:
       delete: "Diese Konversation löschen und blockieren"
       reply: "Antworten"
-      replying: "Antworten..."
+      replying: "Antworten …"
       birthday: "%d. %B"
@@ -245,25 +245,25 @@ de:
       correct_the_following_errors_and_try_again: "Korrigiere die folgenden Fehler und versuche es erneut."
       invalid_fields: "Ungültige Felder"
-  fill_me_out: "Fülle mich aus"
-  find_people: "Leute oder #tags finden"
+  fill_me_out: "Füll' mich aus"
+  find_people: "Leute oder #Tags finden"
   hide: "Ausblenden"
       already_account: "bereits registriert?"
       choice: "Deine Entscheidung"
-      choice_explanation: "Diaspora lässt dich deine Kontakte in Gruppen einordnen. Deine Fotos, Geschichten und Witze werden durch diese Aspekte nur mit den Menschen geteilt, für die sie gedacht sind – einzigartig bei Diaspora."
-      learn_about_host: "Du willst deinen eigenen Diaspora*-Server betreiben?"
+      choice_explanation: "Diaspora lässt dich deine Kontakte in Gruppen einordnen, sogenannte Aspekte. Deine Fotos, Geschichten und Witze werden durch diese Aspekte nur mit den Menschen geteilt, für die sie gedacht sind – einzigartig bei Diaspora."
+      learn_about_host: "Du willst deinen eigenen Diaspora-Server betreiben?"
       login_here: "hier anmelden"
       ownership: "Dein Eigentum"
       ownership_explanation: "Deine Bilder gehören dir. Um sie zu teilen, musst du darauf nicht verzichten: Alles, was du auf Diaspora teilst, bleibt dein Eigentum – mit voller Kontrolle über die Verbreitung."
       share_what_you_want: "Teile was du willst, mit wem du willst."
       simplicity: "Ganz einfach"
-      simplicity_explanation: "Diaspora* macht das Teilen von Inhalten klar und einfach – dasselbe gilt für den Schutz deiner Privatsphäre. Diaspora* ist von sich aus privat, seitenweise Einstellungen für die Profilsicherheit sind nicht nötig."
+      simplicity_explanation: "Diaspora macht das Teilen von Inhalten klar und einfach – dasselbe gilt für den Schutz deiner Privatsphäre. Diaspora ist von sich aus privat, seitenweise Einstellungen für die Profilsicherheit sind nicht nötig."
       tagline_first_half: "Teile was du willst,"
       tagline_second_half: "mit wem du willst."
-    a_facebook_user: "Ein Facebook-Nutzer"
+    a_facebook_user: "Ein Facebook Nutzer"
       not_found: "Einladungstoken nicht gefunden"
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ de:
       already_sent: "Du hast diese Person bereits eingeladen."
       no_more: "Du hast keine Einladungen mehr."
       own_address: "Du kannst keine Einladung an deine eigene Adresse senden."
-      rejected: "Mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse gab es Probleme:"
+      rejected: "Mit diesen E-Mail-Adressen gab es Probleme:"
       sent: "Einladungen wurden verschickt an:"
       accept_your_invitation: "Deine Einladung akzeptieren"
@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ de:
       already_invited: "Die folgenden Personen haben deine Einladung nicht angenommen:"
       aspect: "Aspekt"
-      comma_seperated_plz: "Du kannst mehrere E-Mail-Adressen eintragen. Trenne sie mit Kommata."
+      comma_seperated_plz: "Du kannst mehrere E-Mail-Adressen durch Trennen mit Kommata eintragen."
       if_they_accept_info: "Wenn sie akzeptieren, werden sie zu dem Aspekt hinzugefügt, in den du sie eingeladen hast."
-      invite_someone_to_join: "Lade jemanden zu Diaspora* ein!"
+      invite_someone_to_join: "Lade jemanden zu Diaspora ein!"
       personal_message: "Persönliche Nachricht"
       resend: "Erneut senden"
       send_an_invitation: "Eine Einladung senden"
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ de:
       powered_by: "BETRIEBEN MIT DIASPORA*"
       public_feed: "Öffentlicher Diaspora Feed von %{name}"
       toggle: "Mobile Ansicht umschalten"
-      whats_new: "Was gibt’s Neues?"
+      whats_new: "Was gibt's Neues?"
       your_aspects: "Deine Aspekte"
-      admin: "Admin"
+      admin: "Administrator"
       blog: "Blog"
       code: "Code"
       login: "Anmelden"
@@ -303,20 +303,20 @@ de:
       profile: "Profil"
       recent_notifications: "Kürzliche Benachrichtigungen"
       settings: "Einstellungen"
-      view_all: "alle anzeigen"
+      view_all: "Alle anzeigen"
         few: "%{count} Personen gefällt das nicht"
         many: "%{count} Personen gefällt das nicht"
-        one: "1 Person gefällt das nicht"
+        one: "Einer Person gefällt das nicht"
         other: "%{count} Personen gefällt das nicht"
         two: "%{count} Personen gefällt das nicht"
         zero: "Keinem gefällt das nicht"
         few: "%{count} Personen gefällt das"
         many: "%{count} Personen gefällt das"
-        one: "1 Person gefällt das"
+        one: "Einer Person gefällt das"
         other: "%{count} Personen gefällt das"
         two: "%{count} Personen gefällt das"
         zero: "Keinem gefällt das"
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ de:
   limited: "Begrenzt"
   more: "Mehr"
   next: "Nächste"
-  no_results: "Du musst nach etwas suchen."
+  no_results: "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden."
       few: "%{actors} haben auch %{post_author}s %{post_link} kommentiert."
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ de:
       many: "%{actors} haben dich in einem gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
       one: "%{actors} hat dich in einem gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
       other: "%{actors} haben dich in einem gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
-      two: "%{actors} hat dich in einem bereits wieder gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
+      two: "%{actors} hat dich in einem bereits gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
       zero: "Niemand hat dich in einem gelöschten Beitrag erwähnt."
     post: "Beitrag"
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ de:
       many: "%{actors} haben deinen gelöschten Beitrag weitergesagt."
       one: "%{actors} hat deinen gelöschten Beitrag weitergesagt."
       other: "%{actors} haben deinen gelöschten Beitrag weitergesagt."
-      two: "%{actors} hat deinen bereits wieder gelöschten Beitrag weitergeleitet."
+      two: "%{actors} hat deinen bereits gelöschten Beitrag weitergeleitet."
       zero: "%{actors} haben deinen gelöschten Beitrag weitergesagt."
       few: "%{actors} haben angefangen mit dir zu teilen."
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ de:
       zero: "Niemand hat angefangen mit dir zu teilen."
     a_post_you_shared: "ein Beitrag."
-    click_here: "hier klicken"
+    click_here: "Hier klicken"
       reply: "Antworte oder schau dir %{name}s Beitrag an >"
@@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ de:
       reshared: "%{name} hat deinen Beitrag weitergesagt"
       view_post: "Beitrag anzeigen >"
-      admin: "Dein Diaspora-Administrator"
-      subject: "Eine Nachricht dein Diaspora*-Konto betreffend:"
+      admin: "Dein Diaspora Administrator"
+      subject: "Eine Nachricht über dein Diaspora Konto:"
       sharing: "hat angefangen mit dir zu teilen!"
-      subject: "%{name} hat angefangen auf Diaspora* mit dir zu teilen"
+      subject: "%{name} hat angefangen mit dir auf Diaspora* zu teilen"
       view_profile: "Schau dir %{name}s Profil an"
     thanks: "Danke,"
     to_change_your_notification_settings: "um deine Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen zu ändern"
@@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ de:
   password_confirmation: "Passwort-Bestätigung"
-      add_contact_from_tag: "Füge Kontakt über Tag hinzu"
+      add_contact_from_tag: "Füge Kontakt über einen Hashtag hinzu"
-      edit_membership: "bearbeite die Aspekt-Zugehörigkeit"
+      edit_membership: "Bearbeite die Aspekt-Zugehörigkeit"
     few: "%{count} Personen"
       people_on_pod_are_aware_of: "Leute auf dem Pod wissen von"
@@ -495,20 +495,20 @@ de:
       remove_contact: "Kontakt entfernen"
       remove_from: "%{name} aus %{aspect} entfernen?"
-      does_not_exist: "Person existiert nicht!"
+      does_not_exist: "Diese Person existiert nicht!"
       has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} hat bisher noch keine Beiträge mit dir geteilt!"
-      incoming_request: "Du hast eine eingehende Anfrage von dieser Person."
+      incoming_request: "Du hast eine eingehende Anfrage von %{name}."
       mention: "Erwähnen"
       message: "Nachricht"
       not_connected: "Du teilst nicht mit dieser Person"
       recent_posts: "Neueste Beiträge"
-      recent_public_posts: "Neueste öffentliche Beiträge"
-      return_to_aspects: "Kehre zur Aspekt-Übersicht zurück."
+      recent_public_posts: "Neueste, öffentliche Beiträge"
+      return_to_aspects: "Kehre zu deiner Aspekt-Übersicht zurück."
       see_all: "Alle zeigen"
       start_sharing: "Fang an zu teilen!"
       to_accept_or_ignore: "um zu akzeptieren oder zu ignorieren."
-      add_some: "Füge welche hinzu"
+      add_some: "Füge neue hinzu"
       edit: "Bearbeiten"
       you_have_no_tags: "Du hast keine Tags!"
     two: "%{count} Personen"
@@ -551,23 +551,23 @@ de:
       notice: "Foto erfolgreich aktualisiert."
-      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s Beitrag wurde ausgeblendet und Benachrichtigungen abgeschaltet."
-      see_it_on_their_profile: "Wenn Du Neuigkeiten zu diesem Beitrag sehen willst, besuche %{name}'s Profilseite."
+      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}s Beitrag wurde ausgeblendet und Benachrichtigungen abgeschaltet."
+      see_it_on_their_profile: "Wenn Du Neuigkeiten zu diesem Beitrag sehen willst, besuche %{name}s Profilseite."
       destroy: "Löschen"
-      not_found: "Wir konnten den Beitrag leider nicht finden."
+      not_found: "Sorry, wir konnten den Beitrag leider nicht finden."
       permalink: "Permanentlink"
   previous: "Vorherige"
   profile: "Profil"
-      allow_search: "Erlaube anderen nach dir zu suchen"
+      allow_search: "Erlaube anderen auf Diaspora nach dir zu suchen"
       edit_profile: "Profil bearbeiten"
       first_name: "Vorname"
       last_name: "Nachname"
       update_profile: "Profil aktualisieren"
-      your_bio: "Deine Biographie"
+      your_bio: "Deine Beschreibung"
       your_birthday: "Dein Geburtstag"
       your_gender: "Dein Geschlecht"
       your_location: "Dein Ort"
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ de:
       updated: "Profil aktualisiert"
   public: "Öffentlich"
-    closed: "Registrierungen sind auf diesem Pod geschlossen."
+    closed: "Neuregistrierungen sind auf diesem Pod geschlossen."
       success: "Du bist Diaspora beigetreten!"
@@ -596,14 +596,14 @@ de:
       create_my_account: "Konto erstellen"
       enter_email: "Gib eine E-Mail-Adresse an"
       enter_password: "Gib ein Passwort ein"
-      enter_password_again: "Gib das gleiche Passwort wie eben ein"
+      enter_password_again: "Gib das gleiche Passwort wie zuvor ein"
       enter_username: "Wähle einen Nutzernamen (nur Buchstaben, Nummern und Unterstriche)"
       join_the_movement: "Trete der Bewegung bei!"
-      sign_up_today: "Registriere dich heute"
+      sign_up_today: "Jetzt registrieren"
       sending: "Senden …"
-      sent: "Du hast angefragt mit %{name} zu teilen. Er/sie sollte dies sehen, wenn er/sie sich das nächste mal bei Diaspora einloggt."
+      sent: "Du hast angefragt mit %{name} zu teilen. Er/sie sollte dies sehen, wenn er/sie sich das nächste Mal bei Diaspora einloggt."
       error: "Bitte wähle einen Aspekt!"
       ignore: "Kontaktanfrage ignoriert."
@@ -615,16 +615,16 @@ de:
         one: "Neue Anfrage!"
         other: "%{count} neue Anfragen!"
         two: "%{count} neue Anfragen!"
-        zero: "keine neuen Anfragen"
+        zero: "Keine neuen Anfragen"
-      existing: "Existierende Kontakte"
+      existing: "Bestehende Kontakte"
       manage_within: "Kontakte verwalten in"
       sent: "Gesendet!"
     comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s Version von %{author}'s Beitrag"
-      failure: "Ein Fehler trat beim weitersagen dieses Beitrags auf."
+      failure: "Ein Fehler trat beim Weitersagen dieses Beitrags auf."
       deleted: "Originalbeitrag wurde vom Autor entfernt."
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ de:
       success: "Authentifizierung erfolgreich gelöscht."
-      error: "es gab einen Fehler beim Verbinden mit diesem Dienst"
+      error: "Es gab einen Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem Dienst."
-      no_friends: "Keine Facebook-Freunde gefunden."
+      no_friends: "Keine Facebook Freunde gefunden."
       service_friends: "%{service} Freunde"
       connect_to_facebook: "Mit Facebook verbinden"
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ de:
       no_services: "Du hast noch keine Dienste verbunden."
       really_disconnect: "Verbindung mit %{service} entfernen?"
-      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Öffne diesen Link um die Einladung zu akzeptieren"
+      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Öffne diesen Link, um die Einladung zu akzeptieren:"
       join_me_on_diaspora: "Folge mir auf DIASPORA*"
       invite: "Einladen"
@@ -668,11 +668,11 @@ de:
       add_new_contact: "Einen neuen Kontakt hinzufügen"
-      create_request: "Ãœber die Diaspora ID finden"
+      create_request: "Finde mittels Diaspora ID"
       diaspora_handle: "diaspora@beispiel.org"
-      enter_a_diaspora_username: "Gib einen Diaspora-Benutzernamen ein:"
+      enter_a_diaspora_username: "Gib einen Diaspora Benutzernamen ein:"
       know_email: "Du kennst die E-Mail-Adresse? Sende eine Einladung!"
-      your_diaspora_username_is: "Dein Diaspora* Nutzername ist: %{diaspora_handle}"
+      your_diaspora_username_is: "Dein Diaspora Nutzername ist: %{diaspora_handle}"
       add_to_aspect: "Zum Aspekt hinzufügen"
@@ -695,20 +695,20 @@ de:
       invite_someone: "Jemanden einladen"
       invite_your_friends: "Lade deine Freunde ein"
       invites: "Einladungen"
-      invites_closed: "Einladungen sind auf diesem Diaspora* Pod derzeit nicht verfügbar."
+      invites_closed: "Einladungen sind auf diesem Diaspora Pod derzeit nicht verfügbar."
       new: "Neue %{type} von %{from}"
       logged_in: "Eingeloggt in %{service}"
-      manage: "verbundene Dienste verwalten"
-      outside: "Öffentliche Nachrichten sind für andere außerhalb von Diaspora sichtbar."
+      manage: "Verbundene Dienste verwalten"
+      outside: "Öffentliche Nachrichten werden für andere außerhalb von Diaspora sichtbar sein."
       title: "Verbundene Dienste verwalten"
       all: "alle"
       all_contacts: "Alle Kontakte"
-      click_to_share_with: "Klicke, um mit diesen zu teilen: "
+      click_to_share_with: "Klicke, um zu teilen mit:"
       discard_post: "Beitrag verwerfen"
-      make_public: "öffentlich machen"
+      make_public: "veröffentlichen"
       post_a_message_to: "Sende eine Nachricht an %{aspect}"
       posting: "Senden …"
       publishing_to: "Veröffentlichen an: "
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ de:
       reshare: "Weitersagen"
       dislike: "Gefällt mir nicht"
-      hide_and_mute: "verbergen und stummschalten"
+      hide_and_mute: "Verbergen und stummschalten"
       like: "Gefällt mir"
       shared_with: "Geteilt mit: %{aspect_names}"
       unlike: "Gefällt mir nicht mehr"
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ de:
       success: "Erfolgreich erwähnt: %{names}"
-      failure: "Post löschen fehlgeschlagen"
+      failure: "Fehler beim Löschen des Posts"
       no_message_to_display: "Keine Nachricht zum Anzeigen."
@@ -740,10 +740,10 @@ de:
       many: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf weniger als %{count} Zeichen."
       one: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf weniger als %{count} Zeichen."
       other: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf weniger als %{count} Zeichen."
-      two: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf unter %{count} Zeichen"
+      two: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf unter %{count} Zeichen."
       zero: "Bitte kürze deinen Beitrag auf weniger als %{count} Zeichen."
-    hide_comments: "Kommentare verbergen"
+    hide_comments: "Alle Kommentare verbergen"
     show_more_comments: "Zeige %{number} weitere Kommentare"
@@ -756,23 +756,23 @@ de:
       follow: "#%{tag} folgen"
       following: "#%{tag} folgen"
-      nobody_talking: "Niemand hat bereits etwas über %{tag} gesagt."
-      people_tagged_with: "Personen die mit %{tag} getagt sind"
-      posts_tagged_with: "Beiträge die mit #%{tag} getagt sind"
+      nobody_talking: "Niemand hat noch etwas über %{tag} gesagt."
+      people_tagged_with: "Personen, die mit %{tag} getagt sind"
+      posts_tagged_with: "Beiträge, die mit #%{tag} getagt sind"
       stop_following: "#%{tag} nicht mehr folgen"
       connect_to_cubbies: "Mit Cubbi.es verbinden"
-      connecting_is_simple: "Dein Diaspora-Konto mit Cubbi.es zu verbinden ist einfach! Trage einfach deine Diaspora-ID in der Cubbi.es <a href='%{href_link}'>Einstellungenseite</a> ein und verbinde die Konten!"
-      daniels_account: "Daniels Diaspora-Konto"
-      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Schon bald wirst du in der Lage sein eine Verbindung zu einer neuen Anwendung herzustellen, ohne ein seperates Konto neben deinem Konto auf Diaspora anzulegen."
-      love_to_try: "Es wäre toll wenn Du es ausprobieren würdest."
+      connecting_is_simple: "Dein Diaspora Konto mit Cubbi.es zu verbinden ist einfach! Trage einfach deine Diaspora ID in der Cubbi.es <a href='%{href_link}'>Einstellungsseite</a> ein und verbinde die Konten!"
+      daniels_account: "Daniels Diaspora Konto"
+      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Schon bald wirst du in der Lage sein, eine Verbindung zu einer neuen Anwendung herzustellen, ohne ein seperates Konto neben deinem Konto auf Diaspora anzulegen."
+      love_to_try: "Es wäre toll, wenn du es ausprobieren würdest."
       making_the_connection: "Die Verbindung herstellen"
-      screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}.  Dieses \"Cubby\" ist verlinkt auf %{link2}."
+      screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}. Dieses \"Cubby\" ist verlinkt auf %{link2}."
       sign_up_today: "Jetzt registrieren!"
       typical_userpage: "Eine typische cubbi.es Benutzerseite"
       via: "(via %{link})"
-      what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es ist die erste Diaspora Anwendung der Welt. Es ist auch der beste Weg um Online Fotos zu sammeln."
+      what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es ist die erste Diaspora Anwendung der Welt. Es ist auch der beste Weg, um online Fotos zu sammeln."
   undo: "Rückgängig machen?"
   username: "Benutzername"
@@ -781,15 +781,15 @@ de:
       email_not_confirmed: "Die E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht aktiviert werden. Falscher Link?"
     destroy: "Dein Konto wurde gesperrt. Es kann 20 Minuten dauern, bis wir die Schließung deines Kontos abgeschlossen haben. Vielen Dank, dass du Diaspora ausprobiert hast."
-      also_commented: "… jemand ebenfalls den Beitrag eines Kontaktes kommentiert hat?"
+      also_commented: "… jemand ebenfalls den Beitrag eines Kontaktes kommentiert?"
       change: "Ändern"
       change_email: "E-Mail-Adresse ändern"
       change_language: "Sprache ändern"
       change_password: "Passwort ändern"
       close_account: "Konto schließen"
-      comment_on_post: "… jemand deinen Beitrag kommentiert hat?"
+      comment_on_post: "… jemand deinen Beitrag kommentiert?"
       current_password: "Derzeitiges Passwort"
-      download_photos: "Fotos herunterladen"
+      download_photos: "Meine Fotos herunterladen"
       download_xml: "Daten herunterladen (XML)"
       edit_account: "Konto bearbeiten"
       email_awaiting_confirmation: "Wir haben dir einen Aktivierungslink zu %{unconfirmed_email} geschickt. Solange du dem Link nicht gefolgt bist und die neue Adresse aktiviert hast, werden wir weiterhin deine ursprüngliche E-Mail-Adresse %{email} verwenden."
@@ -799,38 +799,38 @@ de:
       new_password: "Neues Passwort"
       private_message: "… du eine private Nachricht erhältst?"
       receive_email_notifications: "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen empfangen, wenn …"
-      reshared: "...jemand deinen Beitrag weitersagt?"
-      started_sharing: "...jemand anfängt mit dir zu teilen?"
+      reshared: "… jemand deinen Beitrag weitersagt?"
+      started_sharing: "… jemand mit dir zu teilen anfängt?"
       your_email: "Deine E-Mail-Adresse"
       your_handle: "Deine Diaspora ID"
       bold: "Aspekten"
-      connect_to: "Verbinde dich zu"
-      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Verbinde dich zu deinen anderen sozialen Netzwerken"
+      connect_to: "Verbinde dich mit"
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Verbinde dich mit deinen anderen sozialen Netzwerken"
       connect_with_people: "Kontaktiere tolle Leute"
-      connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Verbinde dich mit Leuten indem du sie in einen oder mehr von deinen %{bold} platzierst."
-      connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspekte sind ein intuitiver weg um neue und bekannte Gesichter zu gruppieren. Nur für dich, erlauben sie dir nach Teilen deiner Kontakte zu filtern oder mit ihnen Beiträge zu teilen."
+      connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Verbinde dich mit Leuten, indem du sie in einen oder mehreren deiner %{bold} platzierst."
+      connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspekte sind ein intuitiver Weg, um neue und bekannte Gesichter für dich allein zu gruppieren. Diese erlauben es dir, einfach Teile deiner Kontakte zu filtern oder mit ihnen Beiträge zu teilen."
       edit_profile: "Profil bearbeiten"
       featured_tags: "Empfohlene Tags"
-      featured_users: "Besondere Leute"
+      featured_users: "Vorgestellte Nutzer"
       fill_out_your_profile: "Fülle dein Profil aus"
       find_friends: "Finde Freunde"
-      find_friends_from_facebook: "finde Freunde von Facebook"
+      find_friends_from_facebook: "Finde Freunde von Facebook"
       finished: "Fertig"
       follow_your_interests: "Folge deinen Interessen"
       hashtag_explanation: "Hashtags ermöglichen dir, über deine Interessen zu reden und ihnen zu folgen. Sie sind auch ein guter Weg, neue Leute bei Diaspora zu treffen!"
       profile_description: "Mach es anderen Leuten leichter, dich zu finden, indem du dein Profil ausfüllst."
-        bio: "Biographie"
+        bio: "Beschreibung"
         birthday: "Geburtstag"
         gender: "Geschlecht"
         location: "Ort"
         name: "Name"
         photo: "Foto"
         tags: "Tags"
-      search_for_hashtags: "Suche nach #hashtags"
+      search_for_hashtags: "Suche nach #Hashtags"
       search_for_people: "Suche nach Leuten"
-      see_all_featured_users: "Sehe alle vorgestellten Nutzer"
+      see_all_featured_users: "Alle vorgestellten Nutzer ansehen"
       welcome: "Herzlich willkommen!"
       welcome_with_name: "Herzlich willkommen, %{name}!"
@@ -838,14 +838,14 @@ de:
       email_notifications_changed: "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen geändert"
       language_changed: "Sprache geändert"
-      language_not_changed: "Ändern der Sprache fehlgeschlagen"
-      password_changed: "Passwort geändert"
-      password_not_changed: "Ändern des Passworts fehlgeschlagen"
+      language_not_changed: "Fehler beim Ändern der Sprache."
+      password_changed: "Passwort geändert. Du kannst dich nun mit deinem neuen Passwort anmelden."
+      password_not_changed: "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts."
       unconfirmed_email_changed: "E-Mail-Adresse geändert. Braucht Aktivierung."
-      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "E-Mail-Adressen-Änderung fehlgeschlagen"
+      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "Fehler bei E-Mail-Adressen-Änderung"
     fetch_failed: "konnte Webfinger-Profil für %{profile_url} nicht laden"
     hcard_fetch_failed: "es gab Probleme beim Laden der hcard für %{account}"
     no_person_constructed: "Konnte keine Person aus dieser hcard erstellen."
     not_enabled: "Webfinger scheint nicht für den Server von %{account} verfügbar zu sein."
-    xrd_fetch_failed: "Die XRD-Datei von %{account} konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden"
+    xrd_fetch_failed: "Die XRD-Datei von %{account} konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden."
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/en.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/en.yml
index b04b2a44c499bbfd381ac079f4f6e79206ed8685..fbe2ed6b7ce477e14555703b6b49c545da6ab317 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/en.yml
@@ -168,11 +168,15 @@ en:
         need_help: "Need Help?"
         here_to_help: "The Diaspora community is here!"
-        did_you: "Did you:"
+        do_you: "Do you:"
         have_a_question: "... have a %{link}?"
         find_a_bug: "... find a %{link}?"
         feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
-        tutorials: "%{link}: Community-powered tutorials, how-to, and news"
+        tutorials_and_wiki: "%{tutorial} & %{wiki}: Community-powered tutorials, how-to, and news"
+        feature_and_forum: "%{gs} & %{forum}: Community-powered support and feature requests"
         satisfaction: "%{link}: Community-powered support"
         email_feedback: "%{link} your feedback, if you prefer"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/eo.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/eo.yml
index 1f580227eefa3d6b216b74ca32861639303826a5..6db4017f8e4b50fb98b430f6090460f971e24e9d 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/eo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/eo.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ eo:
               invalid: "ne estas valida."
-              invalid: "ne ĝustas.  Ni nur lasu leterojn, numerojn, kaj sublineojn"
+              invalid: "ne ĝustas.  Ni nur lasu leterojn, numerojn, kaj sublineojn."
               taken: "jam okupiĝis."
   ago: "antaÅ­ %{time}"
   all_aspects: "Ĉiuj Aspektoj"
@@ -102,15 +102,15 @@ eo:
       donate: "Donaci"
       handle_explanation: "Tiu ĉi estas via DIASPORA* uzantnomo.  Kiel retpoŝtadreso, vi povas doni tiun ĉi al homoj, por ke ili vin kontaktu."
-        did_you: "Did you:"
-        feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
-        find_a_bug: "... find a %{link}?"
-        have_a_question: "... have a %{link}?"
-        here_to_help: "Diaspora community is here to help!"
-        more_support: "For more support, you should also check out %{link}."
-        need_help: "Need Help?"
-        tutorials: "For tutorials, check out %{link}."
-      keep_us_running: "Helpu %{pod} bone funkcii; aĉetu por niaj servkomputiloj ilian ĉiumonatan kaforiparon!"
+        did_you: "Ĉu vi:"
+        feature_suggestion: "... havas %{link} proponon?"
+        find_a_bug: "... trovas %{link}?"
+        have_a_question: "... havas %{link}?"
+        here_to_help: "La DIASPORA* komunumo povas helpi!"
+        more_support: "Por pli helpo, vi ankaÅ­ devas vidi al %{link}."
+        need_help: "Ĉu Devas Helpon?"
+        tutorials: "Por lerniloj, vidu al %{link}."
+      keep_us_running: "Helpu %{pod} rapide funkcii kaj aĉetu por niaj servkomputiloj ilian kaforiparon per ĉiumonata donatado!"
       no_contacts: "Nul kontaktoj"
       no_tags: "+ Trovi etikedon aboni"
       people_sharing_with_you: "Homoj, kiuj konigas kun vi"
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ eo:
     zero: "neniu aspektoj"
-      no_applications: "You haven't registered any applications yet."
+      no_applications: "Vi ne jam registris iujn aplikaĵojn."
       revoke_access: "Revoki Permeson"
   back: "AntaÅ­en"
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ eo:
       reply: "Respondi aŭ vidi afiŝon de %{name} >"
-      click_link: "Por aktivigi vian novan retpoŝtadreson %{unconfirmed_email}, bonvolu kliki tiun ĉi ligilon:"
+      click_link: "Por aktivigi vian novan retpoŝtadreson %{unconfirmed_email}, bonvolu iru al tiun ĉi ligilon:"
       subject: "Bonvolu aktivigi vian novan retpoŝtadreson %{unconfirmed_email}"
     email_sent_by_diaspora: "Tiu ĉi retpoŝton poŝtiĝi de DIASPORA*.  Se vi volus recivi tiajn ĉi retpoŝtojn ne plu,"
     hello: "Saluton %{name}!"
@@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ eo:
       notice: "Bildo sukcese ĝisdatiĝis."
-      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s post has been hidden, and notifications have been muted."
-      see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
+      post_hidden_and_muted: "La afiŝo de %{name} ne plu videblas, kaj sciigoj ne plu sendiĝos."
+      see_it_on_their_profile: "Se vi volas vidi ŝanĝojn pri tiu ĉi afiŝo, iru al la profilpaĝo de %{name}."
       destroy: "Forlasi"
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ eo:
       no_services: "Vi ankoraÅ­ ne konektis iujn ajn servojn."
       really_disconnect: "ĉu malkonektu el %{service}?"
-      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Kliki tiun ligilon por akcepti vian inviton"
+      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Iru al tiun ligilon por akcepti vian inviton"
       join_me_on_diaspora: "Kuniĝu kun mi ĉe DIASPORA*"
       invite: "inviti"
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ eo:
       reshare: "Rekontigi"
       dislike: "Malŝati"
-      hide_and_mute: "Hide and Mute"
+      hide_and_mute: "Malvidebligi kaj malsciiĝi"
       like: "Åœati"
       shared_with: "Partoprenita kun: %{aspect_names}"
       unlike: "Ne plu ŝati"
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ eo:
       connect_with_people: "Koniĝi kun mojosaj homoj"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Partopreni kun homoj, aldonu tiujn en unu aÅ­ pli el viaj %{bold}."
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspektojn estas facilkomprenita metodo arigi novajn kaj familiarajn homojn, malpublike al vi, lasante, ke vi filtras aÅ­ partoprenas kun subaroj el viaj kontaktojn facile."
-      edit_profile: "Edit Profile"
+      edit_profile: "Redakti Profilon"
       featured_tags: "Prezentataj etikedoj"
       featured_users: "Prezentataj uzantoj"
       fill_out_your_profile: "Kompletigu vian profilon"
@@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ eo:
         name: "Nomo"
         photo: "Profilbildo"
         tags: "Etikedoj"
-      search_for_hashtags: "Search for #hashtags"
-      search_for_people: "Search for people"
+      search_for_hashtags: "Serĉi por #etikedoj"
+      search_for_people: "Serĉi por homoj"
       see_all_featured_users: "Vidi ĉiujn prezentatajn uzantojn"
       welcome: "Bonvenon!"
       welcome_with_name: "Bonvenon, %{name}!"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/es.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/es.yml
index 1a0f655b5e93ee59ac6227134be8ab91d5443e7c..81f829d9f58cd97b1f7d05970178d12ba39cc4ef 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/es.yml
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ es:
       results_for: "resultados para %{params}"
       couldnt_find_them_send_invite: "¿No les puedes encontrar? ¡Envíales una invitación!"
-      no_one_found: "...y no se encontró a nadie."
-      no_results: "¡Eh! ¡Tienes que buscar algo!"
+      no_one_found: "...y no se ha encontrado nada."
+      no_results: "¡Eh! Tienes que buscar algo."
       results_for: "buscar resultados para"
     many: "%{count} personas"
     one: "1 persona"
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ es:
       add_contact: "añadir contacto"
       already_connected: "Ya conectado"
       pending_request: "Solicitud pendiente"
-      thats_you: "¡Ése eres tú!"
+      thats_you: "¡Ese eres tú!"
       bio: "Biografía"
       born: "Fecha de nacimiento"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/eu.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/eu.yml
index 93ab03f3e675fcb95f4d5c825a685b0fd04ea538..e496493a32af34fcfadf70832d6dd509c711b664 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/eu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/eu.yml
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ eu:
         content_1: "Zure Diaspora ID honakoa da:"
         content_2: "Emaiozu edonori eta Diasporan aurkituko zaituzte hura erabiliz."
         heading: "Diaspora IDa"
-      donate: "Donate"
+      donate: "Donatu"
       handle_explanation: "Hau da zure Diaspora IDa. E-posta helbidea bezalakoa da, zure adiskideei emaiezu zu aurkitzearren."
         did_you: "Did you:"
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ eu:
       acquaintances: "Acquaintances"
       family: "Familia"
-      friends: "Friends"
+      friends: "Adiskideak"
       work: "Lantokia"
       manage_your_aspects: "Zure alderdiak kudeatu."
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/fi.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/fi.yml
index 888bdb3aff4ed7c8913a87404616d63173f2f9b4..906b8730abd036409f0c9f00c97619d7bbc3c911 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/fi.yml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ fi:
-              taken: "You've already reshared that post!"
+              taken: "Olet jo jakanut viestin uudelleen!"
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fi:
       commented_on: "kommentoitu"
       posted: "lähetetty"
       recently: "äskettäin:"
-      stream: "Virta"
+      stream: "Uutisvirta"
     contacts_not_visible: "Kontaktit tässä näkymässä eivät voi nähdä toisiaan."
     contacts_visible: "Kontaktit tässä näkymässä voivat nähdä toisensa."
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ fi:
         learn_more: "Lue lisää"
         content_1: "Diaspora ID:si on:"
-        content_2: "Give it to anyone and they'll be able to find you on Diaspora."
+        content_2: "Anna se toisille ihmisille, jotta he voivat löytää sinut Diasporasta."
         heading: "Diaspora ID"
-      donate: "Donate"
+      donate: "Lahjoita"
       handle_explanation: "Tämä on Diaspora-osoitteesi. Voit käyttää sitä kuten sähköpostiosoitettasi. Sen avulla sinut tavoitetaan Diasporasta."
         did_you: "Did you:"
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ fi:
       people_sharing_with_you: "Ihmiset jotka jakavat kanssasi"
       post_a_message: "lähetä viesti >>"
-        content: "You can connect the following services to Diaspora:"
-        heading: "Connect Services"
+        content: "Voit yhdistää Diasporaan seuraavat palvelut:"
+        heading: "Yhdistä palveluihin"
       tags_following: "Seuratut Tagit"
       unfollow_tag: "Stop following #%{tag}"
       your_aspects: "Näkymäsi"
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ fi:
     one: "1 näkymä"
     other: "%{count} näkymää"
-      acquaintances: "Acquaintances"
+      acquaintances: "Tuttavat"
       family: "Perhe"
-      friends: "Friends"
+      friends: "Ystävät"
       work: "Työ"
       manage_your_aspects: "Hallitse näkymiä."
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ fi:
       failure: "Kontaktin luonti epäonnistui"
-      featured_users: "Featured Users"
+      featured_users: "Valikoidut käyttäjät"
     few: "%{count} kontaktia"
       add_a_new_aspect: "Lisää näkymä"
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ fi:
       no_contacts: "Ei kontakteja."
       only_sharing_with_me: "Jakaa vain kanssani"
       remove_person_from_aspect: "Poista %{person_name} näkymästä: \"%{aspect_name}\""
-      start_a_conversation: "Start a conversation"
+      start_a_conversation: "Aloita keskustelu"
       title: "Kontaktit"
       your_contacts: "Kontaktisi"
     many: "%{count} kontaktia"
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ fi:
       no_conversation_selected: "ei valittua keskustelua"
       no_messages: "ei viestejä"
-      abandon_changes: "Abandon changes?"
+      abandon_changes: "Hylkää muutokset?"
       send: "Lähetä"
       sending: "Sending..."
       subject: "aihe"
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ fi:
       already_contacts: "Olet jo yhteydessä tähän henkilöön"
       already_sent: "Olet jo kutsunut tämän henkilön."
       no_more: "Sinulla ei ole enempää kutsuja."
-      own_address: "You can't send an invitation to your own address."
+      own_address: "Et voi lähettää kutsua omaan osoitteeseen."
       rejected: "Seuraavissa sähköpostiosoitteissa oli ongelmia: "
       sent: "Kutsut on lähetetty seuraaviin osoitteisiin:"
@@ -301,9 +301,9 @@ fi:
       login: "kirjaudu sisään"
       logout: "kirjaudu ulos"
       profile: "Profiili"
-      recent_notifications: "Recent notifications"
+      recent_notifications: "Viimeaikaiset ilmoitukset"
       settings: "Asetukset"
-      view_all: "View all"
+      view_all: "Kaikki"
@@ -327,14 +327,14 @@ fi:
         other: "%{count} likes"
         two: "%{count} likes"
         zero: "no likes"
-  limited: "Limited"
+  limited: "Rajoitettu"
   more: "Lisää"
   next: "seuraava"
   no_results: "Tuloksia ei löytynyt"
       few: "%{actors} kommentoi myös %{post_author}:n viestiä: %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} kommentoi myös %{post_author}:n viestiä: %{post_link}."
       one: "%{actors} kommentoi myös %{post_author}:n viestiä: %{post_link}."
       other: "%{actors} kommentoi myös %{post_author}:n viestiä: %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ fi:
       few: "%{actors} kommentoi poistettua viestiä."
       many: "%{actors} kommentoi poistettua viestiä."
       one: "%{actors} kommentoi poistettua viestiä."
-      other: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      other: "%{actors} kommentoivat poistettua viestiä."
       two: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      zero: "%{actors} kommentoivat poistettua viestiä."
       few: "%{actors} kommentoi viestiäsi: %{post_link}."
       many: "%{actors} kommentoi viestiäsi: %{post_link}."
@@ -364,21 +364,21 @@ fi:
       and: "ja"
-        few: "and %{count} others"
-        many: "and %{count} others"
-        one: "and one more"
-        other: "and %{count} others"
+        few: "ja %{count} muut"
+        many: "ja %{count} muut"
+        one: "ja yksi lisää"
+        other: "ja %{count} muut"
         two: "and %{count} others"
-        zero: "and nobody else"
+        zero: "eikä kukaan muu"
       mark_all_as_read: "Merkitse kaikki luetuiksi"
       notifications: "Ilmoitukset"
-      few: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} tykkää viestistäsi: %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} tykkää viestistäsi: %{post_link}."
+      one: "%{actors} tykkää viestistäsi: %{post_link}."
+      other: "%{actors} tykkää viestistäsi: %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
+      zero: "%{actors} tykkää viestistäsi: %{post_link}."
       few: "%{actors} piti poistamastasi viestistä."
       many: "%{actors} piti poistamastasi viestistä."
@@ -387,25 +387,25 @@ fi:
       two: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
       zero: "%{actors} piti poistamastasi viestistä."
-      few: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} on maininnut sinut viestissä %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} on maininnut sinut viestissä %{post_link}."
+      one: "%{actors} on maininnut sinut viestissä %{post_link}."
       other: "%{actors} on maininnut sinut viestissä: %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} on maininnut sinut viestissä %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} mainitsi sinut poistetussa viestissä."
+      many: "%{actors} mainitsi sinut poistetussa viestissä."
+      one: "%{actors} mainitsi sinut poistetussa viestissä."
+      other: "%{actors} mainitsi sinut poistetussa viestissä."
       two: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
+      zero: "%{actors} mainitsi sinut poistetussa viestissä."
     post: "viesti."
       few: "%{actors} lähetti sinulle viestin."
       many: "%{actors} lähetti sinulle viestin."
-      one: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      other: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      one: "%{actors} lähetti sinulle viestin."
+      other: "%{actors} lähetti sinulle viestin."
       two: "%{actors} sent you a message."
       zero: "%{actors} lähetti sinulle viestin."
@@ -431,22 +431,22 @@ fi:
       zero: "%{actors} on aloittanut jakamaan kanssasi."
     a_post_you_shared: "a post."
-    click_here: "click here"
+    click_here: "klikkaa tästä"
-      reply: "Reply or view %{name}'s post >"
+      reply: "Vastaa tai katso %{name}:n viesti >"
       click_link: "To activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}, please click this link:"
       subject: "Please activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}"
-    email_sent_by_diaspora: "This email was sent by Diaspora.  If you'd like to stop getting emails like this,"
+    email_sent_by_diaspora: "Tämä sähköposti lähetettiin Diasporan kautta. Jos ei halua saada samanlaisia sähköposteja jatkossa, tykkää tästä,"
     hello: "Hei %{name}!"
       liked: "%{name} tykkäsi kirjoituksestasi: "
-      view_post: "View post >"
+      view_post: "Katso viesti >"
       mentioned: "mainitsi sinut viestissään:"
       subject: "%{name} on maininnut sinut Diaspora*:ssa"
-      reply_to_or_view: "Reply to or view this conversation >"
+      reply_to_or_view: "Lue tai osallistu keskusteluun >"
       reshared: "%{name} just reshared your post"
       view_post: "View post >"
@@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ fi:
       admin: "Diasporasi ylläpitäjä"
       subject: "Viesti Diaspora-käyttäjätilistäsi:"
-      sharing: "has started sharing with you!"
+      sharing: "on aloittanut jakamaan kanssasi!"
       subject: "%{name} has started sharing with you on Diaspora*"
-      view_profile: "View %{name}'s profile"
+      view_profile: "Näytä %{name}:n profiiili"
     thanks: "Kiitos,"
-    to_change_your_notification_settings: "to change your notification settings"
+    to_change_your_notification_settings: "vaihtaaksesi ilmoitusasetuksia"
   ok: "OK"
   or: "tai"
   password: "Salasana"
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ fi:
       remove_from: "Poista %{name} näkymästä %{aspect}?"
       does_not_exist: "Henkilöä ei ole olemassa!"
-      has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} has not shared any posts with you yet!"
+      has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} ei ole jakanut vielä yhtään postausta kanssasi!"
       incoming_request: "Tämä henkilö on lähettänyt sinulle pyynnön."
       mention: "Mainitse"
       message: "Viesti"
@@ -555,9 +555,9 @@ fi:
       see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
-      destroy: "Delete"
-      not_found: "Sorry, we couldn't find that post."
-      permalink: "permalink"
+      destroy: "Poista"
+      not_found: "Valitettavasti viestiä ei löytynyt."
+      permalink: "pysyvä linkki"
   previous: "edellinen"
   profile: "Profiili"
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ fi:
       failed: "Profiilin päivitys epäonnistui"
       updated: "Profiili päivitetty"
-  public: "Public"
+  public: "Julkinen"
     closed: "Rekisteröityminen on suljettu tässä Diaspora-podissa."
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ fi:
       disconnect: "katkaise"
       edit_services: "Muokkaa palveluita"
       logged_in_as: "kirjautunut käyttäjänä"
-      no_services: "You have not connected any services yet."
+      no_services: "Et ole vielä yhdistänyt palveluita."
       really_disconnect: "katkaise %{service}?"
       click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Paina tätä linkkiä hyväksyäksesi kutsun"
@@ -722,10 +722,10 @@ fi:
       dislike: "En tykkää"
       hide_and_mute: "Hide and Mute"
       like: "Tykkää"
-      shared_with: "Shared with: %{aspect_names}"
-      unlike: "Unlike"
-      via: "via %{link}"
-      viewable_to_anyone: "This post is viewable to anyone on the web"
+      shared_with: "Jaa heidän kanssa: %{aspect_names}"
+      unlike: "En tykkää"
+      via: "%{link} kautta"
+      viewable_to_anyone: "Kuka tahansa verkossa näkee tämän viestin"
       success: "Onnistuneesti mainittu: %{names}"
@@ -736,43 +736,43 @@ fi:
       mentioning: "Mainitse: %{person}"
-      few: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
+      few: "viestin merkkimäärä voi olla maksimissaan %{count}"
       many: "Ole hyvä ja kirjoita tilaasi vähemmän kuin %{count} merkkiä"
-      one: "please make your status messages less than %{count} character"
-      other: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
+      one: "viestin merkkimäärä voi olla maksimissaan %{count}"
+      other: "viestin merkkimäärä voi olla maksimissaan %{count}"
       two: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
-      zero: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
+      zero: "viestin merkkimäärä voi olla maksimissaan %{count}"
     hide_comments: "piilota kommentit"
-    show_more_comments: "Näytä seuraavat (%{number} kommenttia"
+    show_more_comments: "Näytä kaikki (%{number}) kommentit"
-      failure: "Failed to follow: #%{name}"
-      success: "Successfully following: #%{name}"
+      failure: "Seuraamisen aloittaminen #%{name}:lle epäonnistui"
+      success: "Onnistuneesti seurataan: #%{name}:a"
-      failure: "Failed to stop following: #%{name}"
-      success: "Successfully stopped following: #%{name}"
+      failure: "Seuraamisen lopettaminen: #%{name} epäonnistui"
+      success: "Onnistuneesti lopetettiin #%{name}:n seuraaminen"
-      follow: "Follow #%{tag}"
-      following: "Following #%{tag}"
+      follow: "Seuraa #%{tag} "
+      following: "Seurataan #%{tag}"
       nobody_talking: "Kukaan ei keskustele %{tag} tagista vielä."
       people_tagged_with: "Ihmiset merkitty %{tag} tagilla"
       posts_tagged_with: "Viestit merkitty #%{tag} tagilla"
-      stop_following: "Stop Following #%{tag}"
+      stop_following: "Lopeta #%{tag} seuraaminen"
-      connect_to_cubbies: "Connect to Cubbi.es"
+      connect_to_cubbies: "Yhdistä kohteeseen Cubbi.es"
       connecting_is_simple: "Connecting your Diaspora account is as simple as filling out two fields on your Cubbi.es account page."
-      daniels_account: "Daniel's Diaspora account"
-      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Pretty soon, you'll be able to connect to a new application without creating an account separate from your one on Diaspora."
-      love_to_try: "We'd love for you to try it out."
-      making_the_connection: "Making the Connection"
-      screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}.  This particular cubby is linked to %{link2}."
-      sign_up_today: "Sign up today!"
-      typical_userpage: "A typical cubbi.es userpage"
-      via: "(via %{link})"
-      what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es is the world's first Diaspora application.  It's also the best way to collect photos online."
+      daniels_account: "Daniel:in Diaspora käyttäjätili"
+      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Pian voit lisätä uuden sovelluksen luomatta uutta käyttäjätiliä nykyisen tilisi lisäksi."
+      love_to_try: "Kokeile sinäkin."
+      making_the_connection: "Yhteyttä muodostetaan"
+      screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}. Tämä tila on linkitetty tänne: %{link2}."
+      sign_up_today: "Liity tänään!"
+      typical_userpage: "Esimerkki cubbi.es käyttäjäsivusta"
+      via: "(%{link} kautta)"
+      what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es on maailman ensimmäinen Diaspora sovellus, joka on myös paras tapa kerätä valokuvia verkkoon."
   undo: "Peruuta?"
   username: "Käyttäjätunnus"
@@ -805,34 +805,34 @@ fi:
       your_handle: "Diaspora-tunnuksesi"
       bold: "aspects"
-      connect_to: "Connect to"
-      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Connect to your other social networks"
+      connect_to: "Yhdistä"
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Yhdistä muihin sosiaalisen median verkostoihisi"
       connect_with_people: "Connect with cool people"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Connect with people by placing them into one or more of your"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspects are an intuitive way to group new and familar faces, private to you, allowing you to filter down or share with subsets of your contacts easily."
       edit_profile: "Muokkaa profiiliasi"
-      featured_tags: "Featured tags"
-      featured_users: "Featured users"
-      fill_out_your_profile: "Fill out your profile"
-      find_friends: "Find friends"
+      featured_tags: "Valikoidut tagit"
+      featured_users: "Valikoidut käyttäjät"
+      fill_out_your_profile: "Täytä profiilisi"
+      find_friends: "Etsi ystäviä"
       find_friends_from_facebook: "find friends from Facebook"
       finished: "Valmis!"
-      follow_your_interests: "Follow your interests"
-      hashtag_explanation: "Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests.  They're also a great way to find new people on Diaspora."
-      profile_description: "Make it easier for people to find you by filling out your profile information."
+      follow_your_interests: "Seuraa mielenkiinnon kohteitasi"
+      hashtag_explanation: "Hashtagit mahdollistavat kiinnostuksen kohteistasi keskustelun ja niiden seuraamisen. Ne ovat myös hyvä keino ihmisten löytämiseen Diasporassa."
+      profile_description: "Täytä profiilisi, että ihmisten on helpompi löytää sinut."
         bio: "Bio"
-        birthday: "Birthday"
-        gender: "Gender"
-        location: "Location"
-        name: "Name"
-        photo: "Photo"
-        tags: "Tags"
+        birthday: "Syntymäpäivä"
+        gender: "Sukupuoli"
+        location: "Sijainti"
+        name: "Nimi"
+        photo: "Kuva"
+        tags: "Tagit"
       search_for_hashtags: "Search for #hashtags"
       search_for_people: "Search for people"
       see_all_featured_users: "See all featured users"
       welcome: "Tervetuloa Diasporaan!"
-      welcome_with_name: "Welcome, %{name}!"
+      welcome_with_name: "Tervetuloa, %{name}!"
       does_not_exist: "Käyttäjää %{username} ei ole olemassa!"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/fr.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/fr.yml
index 091a2eafaf21ec40a659fbfa8c7b2c7177480e51..f86b3a480f205f24f1f5f394035b2c14be6fef1f 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/fr.yml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ fr:
-              taken: "Vous avez déjà repartagé ce post !"
+              taken: "Vous avez déjà repartagé ce message !"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ fr:
         one: "%{count} personne n'aime pas"
         other: "%{count} personnes n'aiment pas"
         two: "%{count} n'aiment pas"
-        zero: "Personne n'aime pas ça"
+        zero: "Personne n'aime pas"
         few: "%{count} personnes aiment"
         many: "%{count} personnes aiment"
@@ -430,25 +430,25 @@ fr:
       two: "%{actors} ont commencé à échanger avec vous."
       zero: "%{actors} a/ont commencé à partager avec vous."
-    a_post_you_shared: "un post."
+    a_post_you_shared: "un message."
     click_here: "cliquez ici"
-      reply: "Répondre ou voir le post de %{name} >"
+      reply: "Répondre ou voir le message de %{name} >"
       click_link: "Pour activer votre nouvelle adresse email %{unconfirmed_email}, merci de suivre ce lien :"
       subject: "Merci d'activer votre nouvelle adresse email %{unconfirmed_email}"
     email_sent_by_diaspora: "Ce courriel a été envoyé par Diaspora. Si vous souhaitez cesser de recevoir des courriels de ce genre,"
     hello: "Bonjour %{name} !"
-      liked: "%{name} aime juste votre message"
-      view_post: "Voir le post >"
+      liked: "%{name} vient d'aimer votre message"
+      view_post: "Voir le message >"
       mentioned: "vous a mentionné(e) dans un message :"
       subject: "%{name} vous a mentionné(e) sur Diaspora*"
       reply_to_or_view: "Répondre ou voir cette conversation >"
-      reshared: "%{name} a juste partagé votre message"
+      reshared: "%{name} vient de repartager votre message"
       view_post: "Voir le message >"
       admin: "Votre administrateur Diaspora"
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ fr:
       remove_from: "Supprimer %{name} de %{aspect} ?"
       does_not_exist: "Cette personne n'existe pas !"
-      has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} n'as pas encore partagé de post avec vous !"
+      has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} n'as pas encore partagé de messages avec vous !"
       incoming_request: "%{name} désire partager avec vous"
       mention: "Mentionner"
       message: "Message"
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ fr:
       edit: "modifier"
       edit_delete_photo: "Modifier la description de la photo / supprimer la photo"
       make_profile_photo: "en faire la photo de profil"
-      show_original_post: "Montrer le post original"
+      show_original_post: "Montrer le message original"
       update_photo: "Mettre à jour la photo"
       error: "La modification de la photo a échoué."
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ fr:
       destroy: "Supprimer"
-      not_found: "Désolé, nous n'avons pas pu trouver ce post."
+      not_found: "Désolé, nous n'avons pas pu trouver ce message."
       permalink: "lien permanent"
   previous: "précédent"
   profile: "Profil"
@@ -624,9 +624,9 @@ fr:
     comment_email_subject: "Partage par %{resharer} d'un message de %{author}"
-      failure: "Une erreur a été rencontrée lors du repartage de ce post."
+      failure: "Une erreur a été rencontrée lors du repartage de ce message."
-      deleted: "Le post original a été supprimé par l'auteur."
+      deleted: "Le message original a été supprimé par l'auteur."
         few: "%{count} partages"
         many: "%{count} partages"
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ fr:
         other: "%{count} partages"
         two: "%{count} partages"
         zero: "Repartager"
-      reshare_confirmation: "Partager le post d'%{author} ?"
+      reshare_confirmation: "Partager le message d'%{author} ?"
       reshare_original: "Partager l'original"
       show_original: "Afficher l'original"
   search: "Rechercher"
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ fr:
       hide_and_mute: "Masquer et mettre en sourdine"
       like: "J'aime"
       shared_with: "Partagé avec : %{aspect_names}"
-      unlike: "Je n'aime pas"
+      unlike: "Je n'aime plus"
       via: "via %{link}"
       viewable_to_anyone: "Publication visible par n'importe qui sur le web"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/it.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/it.yml
index d6e5cc6d7af4827f09ad28cd77b4d23c131f5eee..0321bdbe7f57a35cb434b8bd0a012328224b2190 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/it.yml
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ it:
       revoke_access: "Revoca l'autorizzazione"
   back: "Indietro"
-    explanation: "Condividi su Diaspora da ovunque aggiungendo come segnalibro %{link}."
+    explanation: "Condividi su Diaspora in qualsiasi momento aggiungendo come segnalibro %{link}."
     explanation_link_text: "questo link"
     heading: "Bookmarklet"
     post_something: "Pubblica qualcosa su Diaspora"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/nl.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/nl.yml
index e16c887edf45564d9468ef4e63fd3c6e3e5eb564..a31fa981aa763db9f56cf8c2a0d78bd9f1785933 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/nl.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ nl:
               invalid: "is ongeldig."
-              invalid: "is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores"
+              invalid: "is ongeldig. We staan alleen letters, nummers, en underscores toe."
               taken: "is al bezet."
   ago: "%{time} geleden"
   all_aspects: "Alle Aspecten"
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ nl:
       donate: "Doneer"
       handle_explanation: "Dit is jouw Diaspora id. Deze kun je aan mensen geven zodat ze je kunnen bereiken, net als een e-mailadres."
-        did_you: "Did you:"
-        feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
-        find_a_bug: "... find a %{link}?"
-        have_a_question: "... have a %{link}?"
-        here_to_help: "Diaspora community is here to help!"
-        more_support: "For more support, you should also check out %{link}."
-        need_help: "Need Help?"
-        tutorials: "For tutorials, check out %{link}."
+        did_you: "Heb je:"
+        feature_suggestion: "... een %{link} suggestie?"
+        find_a_bug: "... een %{link} bug gevonden?"
+        have_a_question: "... een %{link} vraag?"
+        here_to_help: "De Diaspora community staat voor je klaar!"
+        more_support: "Voor meer support, kijk ook eens op %{link}."
+        need_help: "Hulp nodig?"
+        tutorials: "Voor handleidingen, check %{link}."
       keep_us_running: "Houd %{pod} snel door bij te dragen aan de maandelijkse koffie kosten!"
       no_contacts: "Geen contacten"
       no_tags: "+ Vind een tag"
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ nl:
         content: "Je kunt de volgende service met Diaspora verbinden:"
         heading: "Verbind Services"
       tags_following: "Gevolgde Tags"
-      unfollow_tag: "Stop following #%{tag}"
+      unfollow_tag: "Stop met volgen van #%{tag}"
       your_aspects: "Jouw Aspecten"
     many: "%{count} aspecten"
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ nl:
       view_all_contacts: "Bekijk alle contacten"
       edit_aspect: "bewerk aspect"
-    two: "%{count} aspects"
+    two: "%{count} aspecten"
       failure: "De naam van je aspect, %{name}, is te lang om op te slaan."
       success: "Je aspect, %{name}, is succesvol aangepast."
     zero: "geen aspecten"
-      no_applications: "You haven't registered any applications yet."
+      no_applications: "Je hebt nog geen applicaties geregistreerd."
       revoke_access: "Toegang Terugdraaien"
   back: "Terug"
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ nl:
       commenting: "Reageren..."
     one: "1 reactie"
     other: "%{count} reacties"
-    two: "%{count} comments"
+    two: "%{count} reacties"
     zero: "geen reacties"
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ nl:
     other: "%{count} contacten"
       people_sharing: "Mensen die met jou delen:"
-    two: "%{count} contacts"
+    two: "%{count} contacten"
     zero: "geen contacten"
-      fail: "Invalid message"
+      fail: "Ongeldig bericht"
       sent: "Bericht verzonden"
       success: "Conversatie succesvol verwijderd"
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ nl:
         many: "%{count} nieuwe berichten"
         one: "1 nieuw bericht"
         other: "%{count} nieuwe berichten"
-        two: "%{count} new messages"
+        two: "%{count} nieuwe berichten"
         zero: "Geen nieuwe berichten"
       create_a_new_message: "maak een nieuw bericht"
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ nl:
       subject: "onderwerp"
       to: "aan"
-      fail: "Invalid message"
+      fail: "Ongeldig bericht"
       delete: "verwijder en blokkeer conversatie"
       reply: "beantwoord"
-      replying: "Replying..."
+      replying: "Beantwoorden..."
       birthday: "%B %d"
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ nl:
       tagline_first_half: "Deel wat je wilt delen,"
       tagline_second_half: "met degenen met wie je het wilt delen."
-    a_facebook_user: "A Facebook user"
+    a_facebook_user: "Een Facebook gebruiker"
       not_found: "Uitnodigingstoken niet gevonden"
@@ -311,21 +311,21 @@ nl:
         many: "%{count} mensen vinden dit niet leuk"
         one: "%{count} persoon vindt dit niet leuk"
         other: "%{count} mensen vinden dit niet leuk"
-        two: "%{count} dislikes"
+        two: "%{count} niet leuk"
         zero: "niemand vindt dit niet leuk"
         few: "%{count} mensen vinden dit leuk"
         many: "%{count} mensen vinden dit leuk"
         one: "%{count} persoon vindt dit leuk"
         other: "%{count} mensen vinden dit leuk"
-        two: "%{count} likes"
+        two: "%{count} leuk"
         zero: "niemand vindt dit leuk"
         few: "%{count} likes"
         many: "%{count} likes"
         one: "%{count} like"
         other: "%{count} likes"
-        two: "%{count} likes"
+        two: "%{count} leuk"
         zero: "geen likes"
   limited: "Beperkt"
   more: "Meer"
@@ -337,21 +337,21 @@ nl:
       many: "%{actors} hebben ook op %{post_author} zijn %{post_link} gereageerd."
       one: "%{actors} heeft ook op %{post_author} zijn %{post_link} gereageerd."
       other: "%{actors} hebben ook op %{post_author} zijn %{post_link} gereageerd."
-      two: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
+      two: "%{actors} hebben ook gereageerd op %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft ook %{post_author} zijn %{post_link} gereageerd."
       few: "%{actors} hebben gereageerd op een verwijderd bericht."
       many: "%{actors} heeft gereageerd op een verwijderde post."
       one: "%{actors} heeft gereageerd op een verwijderd bericht."
       other: "%{actors} hebben gereageerd op een verwijderd bericht."
-      two: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      two: "%{actors} hebben gereageerd op een verwijderde post."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft gereageerd op een verwijderd bericht."
       few: "%{actors} hebben op jouw %{post_link} gereageerd."
       many: "%{actors} hebben op jouw %{post_link} gereageerd."
       one: "%{actors} heeft op jouw %{post_link} gereageerd."
       other: "%{actors} hebben op jouw %{post_link} gereageerd."
-      two: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
+      two: "%{actors} heeft gereageerd op jou %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft op jouw %{post_link} gereageerd."
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ nl:
         many: "%{count} nieuwe notificaties"
         one: "1 nieuwe notificatie"
         other: "%{count} nieuwe notificaties"
-        two: "%{count} new notifications"
+        two: "%{count} nieuwe notificaties"
         zero: "Geen nieuwe notificaties"
       and: "en"
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ nl:
         many: "en %{count} anderen"
         one: "en nog iemand"
         other: "en %{count} anderen"
-        two: "and %{count} others"
+        two: "en %{count} anderen"
         zero: "en niemand anders"
       mark_all_as_read: "Markeer alles gelezen"
       notifications: "Notificaties"
@@ -377,28 +377,28 @@ nl:
       many: "%{actors} vinden jouw %{post_link} leuk."
       one: "%{actors} vindt jouw %{post_link} leuk."
       other: "%{actors} vinden jouw %{post_link} leuk."
-      two: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
+      two: "%{actors} vinden je %{post_link} leuk."
       zero: "%{actors} vindt jouw %{post_link} leuk."
       few: "%{actors} vonden jouw verwijderde post leuk."
       many: "%{actors} vonden jouw verwijderde post leuk."
       one: "%{actors} vond jouw verwijderde post leuk."
       other: "%{actors} vonden jouw verwijderde post leuk."
-      two: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
+      two: "%{actors} vonden jou verwijderde post leuk."
       zero: "%{actors} vond jouw verwijderde post leuk."
       few: "%{actors} hebben je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
       many: "%{actors} hebben je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
       one: "%{actors} heeft je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
       other: "%{actors} hebben je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
-      two: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      two: "%{actors} heeft je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft je genoemd in een %{post_link}."
       few: "%{actors} hebben jouw genoemd in een verwijderde post."
       many: "%{actors} hebben jou genoemd in een verwijderde post."
       one: "%{actors} heeft jou genoemd in een verwijderde post."
       other: "%{actors} hebben jou genoemd in een verwijderde post."
-      two: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
+      two: "%{actors} hebben je genoemd in een verwijderde post."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft jou genoemd in een verwijderde post."
     post: "post"
@@ -406,31 +406,31 @@ nl:
       many: "%{actors} hebben je een bericht gestuurd."
       one: "%{actors} heeft je een bericht gestuurd."
       other: "%{actors} hebben je een bericht gestuurd."
-      two: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      two: "%{actors} hebben je een bericht gestuurd."
       zero: "%{actors} heeft jou een bericht gestuurd."
-      few: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      two: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} heeft jou %{post_link} doorgegeven."
+      many: "%{actors} hebben jou %{post_link} doorgegeven."
+      one: "%{actors} heeft jouw %{post_link} doorgegeven."
+      other: "%{actors} hebben jouw %{post_link} doorgegeven."
+      two: "%{actors} heeft jou %{post_link} doorgegeven."
+      zero: "%{actors} heeft jouw %{post_link} doorgegeven."
-      few: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      two: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} hebben jouw verwijderde post doorgegeven."
+      many: "%{actors} hebben jouw verwijderde post doorgegeven."
+      one: "%{actors} hebben jouw verwijderde post doorgegeven."
+      other: "%{actors} hebben jouw verwijderde post doorgegeven."
+      two: "%{actors} hebben je verwijderde post doorgegeven."
+      zero: "%{actors} hebben jouw verwijderde post doorgegeven."
       few: "%{actors} delen nu met jou."
       many: "%{actors} delen nu met jou."
       one: "%{actors} deelt nu met jou."
       other: "%{actors} delen nu met jou."
-      two: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
+      two: "%{actors} zijn met je gaan delen."
       zero: "%{actors} deelt nu met jou."
-    a_post_you_shared: "a post."
+    a_post_you_shared: "een post."
     click_here: "klik hier"
       reply: "Reageer of bekijk %{name}'s post >"
@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ nl:
       reply_to_or_view: "Reageer op of bekijk deze conversatie >"
-      reshared: "%{name} just reshared your post"
-      view_post: "View post >"
+      reshared: "%{name} heeft jouw post doorgegeven"
+      view_post: "Bekijk post >"
       admin: "Je Diaspora administrator"
       subject: "Een bericht over je Diaspora account:"
@@ -508,15 +508,15 @@ nl:
       start_sharing: "start met delen"
       to_accept_or_ignore: "om te accepteren of te negeren."
-      add_some: "add some"
-      edit: "edit"
-      you_have_no_tags: "you have no tags!"
-    two: "%{count} people"
+      add_some: "voeg wat toe"
+      edit: "bewerk"
+      you_have_no_tags: "je hebt geen tags!"
+    two: "%{count} mensen"
       fail: "Sorry, we konden %{handle} niet vinden."
     zero: "geen mensen"
-    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'s photo"
+    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'s foto"
       integrity_error: "Foto uploaden mislukt. Weet je zeker dat het een afbeelding was?"
       runtime_error: "Foto uploaden mislukt. Weet je zeker dat je je gordel omhebt?"
@@ -544,15 +544,15 @@ nl:
       edit: "bewerk"
       edit_delete_photo: "Bewerk foto-omschrijving / verwijder foto"
       make_profile_photo: "kies als profielfoto"
-      show_original_post: "Show original post"
+      show_original_post: "Toon originele post"
       update_photo: "Update foto"
       error: "Foto veranderen niet gelukt."
       notice: "Foto succesvol veranderd."
-      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s post has been hidden, and notifications have been muted."
-      see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
+      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s post is verborgen en notificaties zijn geblokkeerd."
+      see_it_on_their_profile: "Als je updates wilt zien op dit bericht, bezoek %{name}'s profiel pagina."
       destroy: "Verwijder"
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ nl:
         many: "%{count} nieuwe verzoeken!"
         one: "nieuw verzoek!"
         other: "%{count} nieuwe verzoeken!"
-        two: "%{count} new requests!"
+        two: "%{count} nieuwe verzoeken!"
         zero: "geen nieuwe verzoeken"
       existing: "Bestaande contacten"
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ nl:
       sent: "verzonden!"
-    comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s reshare of %{author}'s post"
+    comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s doorgifte van %{author}'s post"
       failure: "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het herdelen van deze post."
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ nl:
         many: "%{count}x doorgegeven"
         one: "1x doorgegeven"
         other: "%{count}x doorgegeven"
-        two: "%{count} reshares"
+        two: "%{count} doorgiften"
         zero: "Doorgeven"
       reshare_confirmation: "Geef %{author}'s post door?"
       reshare_original: "Origineel doorgeven"
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ nl:
       error: "er ging iets mis bij het verbinden met die service"
-      no_friends: "No Facebook friends found."
-      service_friends: "%{service} Friends"
+      no_friends: "Geen Facebook vrienden gevonden."
+      service_friends: "%{service} Vrienden"
       connect_to_facebook: "Verbind met Facebook"
       connect_to_tumblr: "Verbind met Tumblr"
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ nl:
       join_me_on_diaspora: "Volg me op DIASPORA*"
       invite: "uitnodigen"
-      not_on_diaspora: "Not yet on Diaspora"
+      not_on_diaspora: "Nog niet op Diaspora"
       resend: "herstuur"
   settings: "Instellingen"
@@ -674,14 +674,14 @@ nl:
       know_email: "Weet je hun e-mailadres? Je zou ze uit moeten nodigen"
       your_diaspora_username_is: "Jouw Diaspora gebruikersnaam is: %{diaspora_handle}"
-      add_to_aspect: "Add to aspect"
+      add_to_aspect: "Voeg toe aan aspect"
-        few: "In %{count} aspects"
-        many: "In %{count} aspects"
+        few: "In %{count} aspecten"
+        many: "In %{count} aspecten"
         one: "In %{count} aspect"
-        other: "In %{count} aspects"
-        two: "In %{count} aspects"
-        zero: "Add to aspect"
+        other: "In %{count} aspecten"
+        two: "In %{count} aspecten"
+        zero: "Voeg toe aan aspect"
       all_contacts: "Alle contacten"
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ nl:
       reshare: "Herdeel"
       dislike: "Vind ik niet meer leuk"
-      hide_and_mute: "Hide and Mute"
+      hide_and_mute: "Verberg en blokkeer"
       like: "Vind ik leuk"
       shared_with: "Gedeeld met: %{aspect_names}"
       unlike: "vind ik niet meer leuk"
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ nl:
       many: "statusberichten mogen niet langer zijn dan %{count} tekens"
       one: "statusberichten mogen niet langer zijn dan %{count} tekens"
       other: "statusberichten mogen niet langer zijn dan %{count} tekens"
-      two: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
+      two: "maak je status bericht niet langer dan %{count} karakters"
       zero: "statusberichten mogen niet langer zijn dan %{count} tekens"
     hide_comments: "Verberg alle reacties"
@@ -799,18 +799,18 @@ nl:
       new_password: "Nieuw wachtwoord"
       private_message: "...je een privébericht ontvangt?"
       receive_email_notifications: "Ontvang e-mail notificaties wanneer..."
-      reshared: "...someone reshares your post?"
+      reshared: "...iemand je post doorgeeft?"
       started_sharing: "...iemand met je begint te delen?"
       your_email: "Jouw e-mail"
       your_handle: "Jouw Diaspora ID"
-      bold: "aspects"
+      bold: "aspecten"
       connect_to: "Verbind met"
       connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Verbind met je andere sociale netwerken"
       connect_with_people: "Maak kennis met interessante mensen"
-      connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Connect with people by placing them into one or more of your"
-      connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspects are an intuitive way to group new and familar faces, private to you, allowing you to filter down or share with subsets of your contacts easily."
-      edit_profile: "Bewerk je profiel"
+      connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Verbind met mensen door ze toe te voegen aan één of meer van je %{bold}."
+      connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspecten zijn een intuïtieve manier om nieuwe en bekende gezichten te groeperen, alleen zichtbaar voor jou, waardoor je makkelijk content kan filteren en met specifieke groepen kunt delen."
+      edit_profile: "Bewerk profiel"
       featured_tags: "Aanbevolen tags"
       featured_users: "Aanbevolen gebruikers"
       fill_out_your_profile: "Vul je profiel aan"
@@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ nl:
         name: "Naam"
         photo: "Foto"
         tags: "Tags"
-      search_for_hashtags: "Search for #hashtags"
-      search_for_people: "Search for people"
+      search_for_hashtags: "Zoek #hashtags"
+      search_for_people: "Zoek mensen"
       see_all_featured_users: "Bekijk alle aanbevolen gebruikers"
       welcome: "Welkom!"
       welcome_with_name: "Welkom, %{name}!"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/ru.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/ru.yml
index b87e94430de61bf8a1ae53b01db56dada29e34b6..9844f928b13c732845f9a2b527eeb2337eb4ae51 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/ru.yml
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ ru:
       powered_by: "ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ ДИАСПОРОЙ*"
       public_feed: "Общественный канал диаспоры для %{name}"
-      toggle: "переключить на мобильный сайт"
+      toggle: "обычный/мобильный сайт"
       whats_new: "Что нового?"
       your_aspects: "Ваши аспекты"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
index 8b3a15cef8d171b0dd60dd2671435908262e8f26..e96eab0440426208b52a0dd592ec4cf17b698747 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/sv.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ sv:
               invalid: "är ogiltig."
-              invalid: "is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores"
+              invalid: "är felaktig. Vi tillåter endast bokstäver, siffror och understreck."
               taken: "är redan taget."
   ago: "%{time} sedan"
   all_aspects: "Alla Aspekter"
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ sv:
       commented_on: "commented on"
       posted: "posted"
-      recently: "recently:"
-      stream: "Stream"
+      recently: "tidigare:"
+      stream: "Flöde"
     contacts_not_visible: "Kontakterna på den här aspekten kommer inte kunna se varandra."
     contacts_visible: "Kontakterna på den här aspekten kommer kunna se varandra."
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ sv:
         explanation: "Cubbi.es is the first Diaspora application under development."
-        heading: "Connect to Cubbi.es"
+        heading: "Anslut till Cubbi.es"
         learn_more: "Learn more"
         content_1: "Ditt Diaspora-ID är:"
@@ -102,24 +102,24 @@ sv:
       donate: "Donera"
       handle_explanation: "Det här är ditt Diaspora-användarnamn. Det är den här du ska ge till dina vänner om du vill att de ska lägga till dig på Diaspora."
-        did_you: "Did you:"
-        feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
-        find_a_bug: "... find a %{link}?"
-        have_a_question: "... have a %{link}?"
+        did_you: "Har du:"
+        feature_suggestion: "... ett %{link} förslag?"
+        find_a_bug: "... hittat en %{link}?"
+        have_a_question: "... en %{link}?"
         here_to_help: "Diaspora community is here to help!"
         more_support: "For more support, you should also check out %{link}."
         need_help: "Behöver du hjälp?"
         tutorials: "For tutorials, check out %{link}."
       keep_us_running: "Keep %{pod} running fast, buy our servers their monthly coffee fix!"
       no_contacts: "Inga kontakter"
-      no_tags: "No tags"
+      no_tags: "+ Hitta en tag att följa"
       people_sharing_with_you: "Personer som delar med dig"
       post_a_message: "skriv ett inlägg >>"
-        content: "You can connect the following services to Diaspora:"
-        heading: "Connect Services"
+        content: "Du kan koppla ihop Diaspora med följande tjänster:"
+        heading: "Ihopkopplade tjänster"
       tags_following: "Followed Tags"
-      unfollow_tag: "Stop following #%{tag}"
+      unfollow_tag: "Sluta följa #%{tag}"
       your_aspects: "Dina aspekter"
     many: "%{count} aspekter"
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ sv:
   back: "Tillbaka"
     explanation: "%{link} från var som helst genom att lägga till den här länken som bokmärke."
-    explanation_link_text: "Posta på Diaspora"
+    explanation_link_text: "denna länk"
     heading: "Diaspora Bookmarklet"
     post_something: "Posta något till Diaspora"
     post_success: "Postat! Stänger!"
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ sv:
       commenting: "Kommenterar..."
     one: "1 kommentar"
     other: "%{count} kommentarer"
-    two: "%{count} comments"
+    two: "%{count} kommentarer"
     zero: "inga kommentarer"
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ sv:
         one: "1 nytt meddelande"
         other: "%{count} nya meddelanden"
         two: "%{count} nya meddelanden"
-        zero: "inga nya meddelanden"
+        zero: "Inga nya meddelanden"
       create_a_new_message: "skapa ett nytt meddelande"
       inbox: "Inlåda"
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ sv:
       correct_the_following_errors_and_try_again: "Rätta till följande fel och försök igen."
       invalid_fields: "Ogiltiga uppgifter"
   fill_me_out: "Fyll i mig"
-  find_people: "Find people"
+  find_people: "Hitta personer eller #taggar"
   hide: "Göm"
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sv:
       tagline_first_half: "Dela vad du vill,"
       tagline_second_half: "med vem du vill."
-    a_facebook_user: "A Facebook user"
+    a_facebook_user: "En Facebook användare"
       not_found: "Inbjudan inte funnen"
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ sv:
       sent: "Inbjudningar har skickats till:"
       accept_your_invitation: "Accept your invitation"
-      your_account_awaits: "Your account awaits!"
+      your_account_awaits: "Ditt konto väntar på dig!"
-      already_invited: "Redan inbjuden"
+      already_invited: "Följande har inte accepterat din inbjudan:"
       aspect: "Aspekt"
       comma_seperated_plz: "Du kan ange flera e-postadresser separerade av kommatecken."
       if_they_accept_info: "om de accepterar, kommer de bli med på den sida du har bjudit in dem till."
@@ -321,13 +321,13 @@ sv:
         two: "%{count} likes"
         zero: "inga personer gillar det här"
-        few: "%{count} likes"
-        many: "%{count} likes"
-        one: "%{count} like"
-        other: "%{count} likes"
+        few: "%{count} gillar"
+        many: "%{count} gillar"
+        one: "En gillar"
+        other: "%{count} gillar"
         two: "%{count} likes"
-        zero: "no likes"
-  limited: "Limited"
+        zero: "Ingen gillar"
+  limited: "Begränsad"
   more: "Mer"
   next: "nästa"
   no_results: "Inga Resultat Funna"
@@ -340,27 +340,27 @@ sv:
       two: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} har kommenterat ett borttaget inlägg."
+      many: "%{actors} har kommenterat ett borttaget inlägg."
+      one: "En har kommenterat ett borttaget inlägg."
+      other: "%{actors} har kommenterat ett borttaget inlägg."
       two: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      zero: "Ingen har kommenterat ett borttaget inlägg."
-      few: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} har kommenterat %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} har kommenterat %{post_link}."
+      one: "En person har kommenterat %{post_link}."
+      other: "%{actors} har kommenterat %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
+      zero: "Ingen har kommenterat %{post_link}."
         few: "%{count} nya meddelanden"
         many: "%{count} nya meddelanden"
         one: "1 nya meddelanden"
         other: "%{count} nya meddelanden"
-        two: "%{count} new notifications"
-        zero: "inga nya meddelanden"
+        two: "%{count} nya notifieringar"
+        zero: "Inga nya notifieringar"
       and: "och"
@@ -380,34 +380,34 @@ sv:
       two: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      two: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
+      many: "%{actors} gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
+      one: "En gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
+      other: "%{actors} gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
+      two: "%{actors} gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
+      zero: "Ingen gillade ditt borttagna inlägg."
-      few: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i en %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i en %{post_link}."
+      one: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i en %{post_link}."
+      other: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i en %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      zero: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i en %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      two: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-    post: "inlägg."
+      few: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i ett raderat inlägg."
+      many: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i ett raderat inlägg."
+      one: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i ett raderat inlägg."
+      other: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i ett raderat inlägg."
+      two: "%{actors} har nämnt dig i ett raderat inlägg."
+      zero: "Ingen inlägg där du är nämnd är raderat."
+    post: "inlägg"
-      few: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      many: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      one: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      other: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      few: "%{actors} har skickat dig ett meddelande."
+      many: "%{actors} har skickat dig ett meddelande."
+      one: "%{actors} har skickat dig ett meddelande."
+      other: "%{actors} har skickat dig ett meddelande."
       two: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      zero: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      zero: "Ingen har ännu skickat något meddelande till dig."
       few: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
       many: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
@@ -430,23 +430,23 @@ sv:
       two: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
       zero: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
-    a_post_you_shared: "a post."
+    a_post_you_shared: "ett inlägg."
     click_here: "klicka här"
       reply: "Reply or view %{name}'s post >"
-      click_link: "To activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}, please click this link:"
-      subject: "Please activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}"
+      click_link: "För att aktivera din nya e-postadress %{unconfirmed_email}, klicka här:"
+      subject: "Var vänlig och aktivera din nya e-postadress %{unconfirmed_email}"
     email_sent_by_diaspora: "This email was sent by Diaspora.  If you'd like to stop getting emails like this,"
     hello: "Hej %{name}!"
       liked: "%{name} har precis gillat ditt inlägg: "
-      view_post: "View post >"
+      view_post: "Se inlägg >"
       mentioned: "nämnde dig i ett inlägg:"
       subject: "%{name} har nämnt dig på Diaspora*"
-      reply_to_or_view: "Reply to or view this conversation >"
+      reply_to_or_view: "Svara på eller läs denna konversation >"
       reshared: "%{name} just reshared your post"
       view_post: "View post >"
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ sv:
       subject: "%{name} har börjat dela med dig på Diaspora*"
       view_profile: "Se %{name}s profil"
     thanks: "Tack,"
-    to_change_your_notification_settings: "to change your notification settings"
+    to_change_your_notification_settings: "för att ändra dina notifieringsinställningar"
   ok: "OK"
   or: "eller"
   password: "Lösenord"
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ sv:
       fail: "Förlåt, vi kunde inte hitta %{handle}."
     zero: "inga personer"
-    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'s photo"
+    comment_email_subject: "%{name} foto"
       integrity_error: "Fotouppladdning misslyckades. Är du säker på att det var en bild?"
       runtime_error: "Fotouppladdning misslyckades. Har du på dig ditt säkerhetsbälte?"
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ sv:
       edit: "ändra"
       edit_delete_photo: "Ändra beskrivning / ta bort bild"
       make_profile_photo: "använd som profilbild"
-      show_original_post: "Show original post"
+      show_original_post: "Visa det ursprungliga inlägget"
       update_photo: "Uppdatera foto"
       error: "Misslyckades med att ändra fotot."
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ sv:
       see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
-      destroy: "Delete"
+      destroy: "Ta bort"
       not_found: "Sorry, we couldn't find that post."
       permalink: "permalink"
   previous: "föregående"
@@ -575,12 +575,12 @@ sv:
       your_photo: "Ditt foto"
       your_private_profile: "Din privata profil"
       your_public_profile: "Din publika profil"
-      your_tags: "Du: i 5 #taggar"
-      your_tags_placeholder: "t.ex. #diaspora #stryka #katter #musik"
+      your_tags: "Beskriv dig själv med fem ord"
+      your_tags_placeholder: "gillar #diaspora #stryka #katter #musik"
       failed: "Misslyckades att uppdatera profil"
       updated: "Profilen uppdaterades"
-  public: "Public"
+  public: "Publik"
     closed: "Registreringsformuläret är stäng på den här poden."
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ sv:
       update: "Uppdatera"
       create_my_account: "Skapa mitt konto"
-      enter_email: "Skriv in en e-post"
+      enter_email: "Ange en e-postadress"
       enter_password: "Skriv in ett lösenord"
       enter_password_again: "Skriv in samma lösenord som tidigare"
       enter_username: "Välj ett användarnamn (endast bokstäver, nummer eller understreck)"
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ sv:
         zero: "Dela igen"
       reshare_confirmation: "Reshare %{author} - %{text}?"
       reshare_original: "Reshare orignial"
-      show_original: "Show Original"
+      show_original: "Visa original"
   search: "Sök"
@@ -649,25 +649,25 @@ sv:
       no_friends: "No Facebook friends found."
       service_friends: "%{service}-vänner"
-      connect_to_facebook: "Anslut till facebook"
-      connect_to_tumblr: "Connect to Tumblr"
-      connect_to_twitter: "Anslut till twitter"
+      connect_to_facebook: "Anslut till Facebook"
+      connect_to_tumblr: "Anslut till Tumblr"
+      connect_to_twitter: "Anslut till Twitter"
       disconnect: "koppla från"
       edit_services: "Anslutna tjänster"
       logged_in_as: "inloggad som"
-      no_services: "You have not connected any services yet."
+      no_services: "Du har inte kopplat ihop några tjänster."
       really_disconnect: "koppla från %{service}?"
       click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Klicka på den här länken för att acceptera din inbjudan"
       join_me_on_diaspora: "Join me on DIASPORA*"
       invite: "bjud in"
-      not_on_diaspora: "Not yet on Diaspora"
+      not_on_diaspora: "Ännu inte på Diaspora"
       resend: "skicka igen"
   settings: "Inställningar"
-      add_new_contact: "Add a new contact"
+      add_new_contact: "Lägg till en ny kontakt"
       create_request: "Sök på Diaspora-användarnamn"
       diaspora_handle: "Diaspora-användarnamn"
       enter_a_diaspora_username: "Ange ett Diaspora-användarnamn:"
@@ -688,10 +688,10 @@ sv:
       logged_in_as: "inloggad som %{name}"
       your_aspects: "dina aspekter"
-      by_email: "by Emaila"
+      by_email: "Via e-post"
       dont_have_now: "Du har inga inbjudningar just nu, men fler kommer delas ut inom kort!"
       from_facebook: "från Facebook"
-      invitations_left: "(%{count} kvar)"
+      invitations_left: "%{count} kvar"
       invite_someone: "Bjud in en kontakt"
       invite_your_friends: "Bjud in dina vänner"
       invites: "Inbjudningar"
@@ -722,10 +722,10 @@ sv:
       dislike: "Jag ogillar det här"
       hide_and_mute: "Hide and Mute"
       like: "Jag gillar det här"
-      shared_with: "Shared with: %{aspect_names}"
+      shared_with: "Delas med: %{aspect_names}"
       unlike: "Sluta gilla"
       via: "via %{link}"
-      viewable_to_anyone: "This post is viewable to anyone on the web"
+      viewable_to_anyone: "Detta inlägg är synligt för alla på nätet"
       success: "Lyckades omnämna: %{names}"
@@ -740,14 +740,14 @@ sv:
       many: "ditt statusmeddelande får inte vara längre än %{count} bokstäver"
       one: "ditt statusmeddelande får inte vara längre än %{count} bokstäver"
       other: "ditt statusmeddelande får inte vara längre än %{count} bokstäver"
-      two: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
+      two: "korta ner ditt status meddelande till %{count} tecken"
       zero: "ditt statusmeddelande får inte vara längre än %{count} bokstäver"
-    hide_comments: "dölj kommentarer"
+    hide_comments: "Dölj alla kommentarer"
     show_more_comments: "Visa %{number} kommentarer till"
-      failure: "Failed to follow: #%{name}"
+      failure: "Misslyckades med att följa: #%{name}"
       success: "Successfully following: #%{name}"
       failure: "Failed to stop following: #%{name}"
@@ -762,14 +762,14 @@ sv:
       stop_following: "Sluta följa #%{tag}"
-      connect_to_cubbies: "Connect to Cubbi.es"
+      connect_to_cubbies: "Koppla till Cubbi.es"
       connecting_is_simple: "Connecting your Diaspora account is as simple as filling out two fields on your Cubbi.es account page."
       daniels_account: "Daniels Diasporakonto"
       log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Pretty soon, you'll be able to connect to a new application without creating an account separate from your one on Diaspora."
       love_to_try: "We'd love for you to try it out."
-      making_the_connection: "Making the Connection"
+      making_the_connection: "Koppla ihop"
       screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}.  This particular cubby is linked to %{link2}."
-      sign_up_today: "Sign up today!"
+      sign_up_today: "Registrera dig idag!"
       typical_userpage: "A typical cubbi.es userpage"
       via: "(via %{link})"
       what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es is the world's first Diaspora application.  It's also the best way to collect photos online."
@@ -777,13 +777,13 @@ sv:
   username: "Användarnamn"
-      email_confirmed: "E-Mail %{email} activated"
-      email_not_confirmed: "E-Mail could not be activated. Wrong link?"
-    destroy: "Ditt konto är nu stängt."
+      email_confirmed: "E-mail %{email} aktiverad"
+      email_not_confirmed: "E-mail kunde inte aktiveras. Fel länk?"
+    destroy: "Ditt konto är nu låst. Det kan ta upp till 20 minuter att stänga kontot. Tack för att du provade Diaspora."
       also_commented: "...någon har också kommenterat på din kontakts post?"
       change: "Ändra"
-      change_email: "Change E-Mail"
+      change_email: "Ändra e-post"
       change_language: "Ändra språk"
       change_password: "Ändra lösenord"
       close_account: "Stäng kontot"
@@ -805,21 +805,21 @@ sv:
       your_handle: "Ditt Diaspora-användarnamn"
       bold: "aspekter"
-      connect_to: "Connect to"
-      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Connect to your other social networks"
+      connect_to: "Anslut till"
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Anslut till dina andra sociala nätverk"
       connect_with_people: "Connect with cool people"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Connect with people by placing them into one or more of your"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspects are an intuitive way to group new and familar faces, private to you, allowing you to filter down or share with subsets of your contacts easily."
-      edit_profile: "Ändra din profil"
+      edit_profile: "Redigera profil"
       featured_tags: "Featured tags"
       featured_users: "Featured users"
-      fill_out_your_profile: "Fill out your profile"
+      fill_out_your_profile: "Fyll i din profil"
       find_friends: "Hitta vänner"
-      find_friends_from_facebook: "find friends from Facebook"
-      finished: "Slutfört!"
-      follow_your_interests: "Follow your interests"
-      hashtag_explanation: "Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests.  They're also a great way to find new people on Diaspora."
-      profile_description: "Make it easier for people to find you by filling out your profile information."
+      find_friends_from_facebook: "hitta Facebook-vänner"
+      finished: "Slutfört"
+      follow_your_interests: "Följ dina intressen"
+      hashtag_explanation: "Hashtaggar gör det möjligt att diskutera och följa dina intressen. Det är också ett bra sätt att lära känna nya människor på Diaspora."
+      profile_description: "Gör det lättare för andra att hitta dig genom att fylla i din profil."
         bio: "Biografi"
         birthday: "Födelsedag"
@@ -828,10 +828,10 @@ sv:
         name: "Namn"
         photo: "Foto"
         tags: "Taggar"
-      search_for_hashtags: "Search for #hashtags"
+      search_for_hashtags: "Sök efter #hashtaggar"
       search_for_people: "Leta efter människor"
       see_all_featured_users: "See all featured users"
-      welcome: "Välkommen till diaspora!"
+      welcome: "Välkommen!"
       welcome_with_name: "Välkommen, %{name}!"
       does_not_exist: "Användaren %{username} finns inte!"
@@ -839,10 +839,10 @@ sv:
       email_notifications_changed: "E-post-notifieringar har ändrats"
       language_changed: "Språk är nu ändrat"
       language_not_changed: "Språket kunde inte ändras"
-      password_changed: "Lösenordet är nu ändrat."
+      password_changed: "Lösenordet är nu ändrat och klart att användas."
       password_not_changed: "Lösenordet kunde inte ändras"
-      unconfirmed_email_changed: "E-Mail Changed. Needs activation."
-      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "E-Mail Change Failed"
+      unconfirmed_email_changed: "E-postadressen har ändrats och behöver aktiveras."
+      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "Byte av e-postadress misslyckades"
     fetch_failed: "Kunde inte hämta webfinger-profil för %{profile_url}"
     hcard_fetch_failed: "Kunde inte hämta hcard för #{@account}"
diff --git a/config/locales/diaspora/tr.yml b/config/locales/diaspora/tr.yml
index 5d5829b8b8104ed6db5f167a369f4cc0186c3c97..23c317f6d8e176fe84a5886be3a991552e8771a6 100644
--- a/config/locales/diaspora/tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diaspora/tr.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
-  _applications: "Applications"
+  _applications: "Uygulamalar"
   _comments: "Yorumlar"
-  _contacts: "Contacts"
+  _contacts: "KiÅŸiler"
   _home: "Ev"
   _photos: "fotoÄŸraflar"
   _services: "Servisler"
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ tr:
-              taken: "is already taken."
+              taken: "önceden alınmış."
               invalid: "geçersiz."
               invalid: "is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores"
-              taken: "is already taken."
+              taken: "önceden alınmış."
   ago: "%{time} önce"
   all_aspects: "Tüm Yönler"
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tr:
       failure: "Listeden kişi kaldırılamadı"
-      no_membership: "Could not find the selected person in that aspect"
+      no_membership: "Bu yön ile seçilen kişi bulamadı"
       success: "Kişi listeden başarıyla kaldırıldı"
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ tr:
       add_an_aspect: "+ Yeni yön ekle"
-      commented_on: "commented on"
-      posted: "posted"
-      recently: "recently:"
+      commented_on: "yorumlanan"
+      posted: "gönderi"
+      recently: "son zamanlarda:"
       stream: "Akış"
-    contacts_not_visible: "Contacts in this aspect will not be able to see each other."
-    contacts_visible: "Contacts in this aspect will be able to see each other."
+    contacts_not_visible: "Kişilerin bu yönde birbirlerini görmesi mümkün olmayacaktır."
+    contacts_visible: "Kişilerin bu yönde birbirlerini görmesi mümkün olacak."
       failure: "Yön oluşturulamadı."
       success: "Sol taraftaki artı ya tıklıyarak Diaspora'ya sizin yeni yönünüzü kimlerin görebileceğini belirtin."
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ tr:
       add_existing: "Mevcut rehbere bir kiÅŸi ekle"
       aspect_list_is_not_visible: "aspect list is hidden to others in aspect"
       aspect_list_is_visible: "aspect list is visible to others in aspect"
-      confirm_remove_aspect: "Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?"
+      confirm_remove_aspect: "Bu yönü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
       done: "Bitti"
-      make_aspect_list_visible: "Yön listesi hale getirilsin mi?"
+      make_aspect_list_visible: "Yön listesi haline getirilsin mi?"
       remove_aspect: "Yönü sil"
       rename: "adlandır"
       update: "güncelle"
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ tr:
       remove: "çıkar"
-        explanation: "Cubbi.es is the first Diaspora application under development."
-        heading: "Connect to Cubbi.es"
-        learn_more: "Learn more"
+        explanation: "İlk Diaspora uygulaması Cubbi.es geliştirilme aşamasındadır."
+        heading: "Cubbi.es BaÄŸlan"
+        learn_more: "Daha fazla bilgi edinin"
         content_1: "Diaspora ID'niz:"
         content_2: "Give it to anyone and they'll be able to find you on Diaspora."
@@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ tr:
         tutorials: "Öğreticileri için,%{link} kontrol edin."
       keep_us_running: "Keep %{pod} running fast, buy our servers their monthly coffee fix!"
       no_contacts: "KiÅŸi yok"
-      no_tags: "+ Takip etmek bir etiket bul"
-      people_sharing_with_you: "People sharing with you"
+      no_tags: "+ Bir etiket bul"
+      people_sharing_with_you: "Kişi sizinle paylaşıma başladı"
       post_a_message: "mesaj gönder >>"
-        content: "You can connect the following services to Diaspora:"
-        heading: "Bağlanılan Servisler"
+        content: "Diaspora'ya aşağıdaki hizmetleri bağlayabilirsiniz:"
+        heading: "Servislere BaÄŸlan"
       tags_following: "Takip Edilen Etiketler"
       unfollow_tag: "Takibi durdur #%{tag}"
       your_aspects: "Yönleriniz"
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tr:
       featured_users: "önerilen kullanıcılar"
       or_featured: "Ya da bağlantı paylaşın %{link}"
-      try_adding_some_more_contacts: "You can search (top) or invite (right) more contacts."
+      try_adding_some_more_contacts: "Daha fazla kişiyi bul (üst) ya da davet et (sağ)."
       you_should_add_some_more_contacts: "Biraz daha fazla kiÅŸi eklemek gerekiyor!"
       start_talking: "Kimse henüz birşey söylemedi. Sohbeti başlatın!"
@@ -157,83 +157,83 @@ tr:
       no_applications: "Henüz bir uygulama kayıtlı değildir."
-      revoke_access: "Revoke Access"
+      revoke_access: "Erişimi Kaldır"
   back: "Geri"
     explanation: "%{link} from anywhere by bookmarking this link."
     explanation_link_text: "Post to Diaspora"
-    heading: "Diaspora Bookmarklet"
+    heading: "Diaspora Yer Ä°ÅŸareti"
     post_something: "Post something to Diaspora"
-    post_success: "Posted! Closing!"
+    post_success: "Gönderildi! Kapatılıyor!"
   cancel: "Ä°ptal Et"
     few: "%{count} yorum"
     many: "%{count} yorum"
-      comment: "Yorum"
-      commenting: "Yorumlama..."
+      comment: "Yorum yaz"
+      commenting: "Yorumlanıyor..."
     one: "1 yorum"
     other: "%{count} yorum"
-    two: "%{count} comments"
+    two: "%{count} yorum"
     zero: "yorum yok"
       failure: "Kişi oluşturma başarısız"
-      featured_users: "Featured Users"
+      featured_users: "Önerilen Kullanıcılar"
     few: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
-      add_a_new_aspect: "Add a new aspect"
-      all_contacts: "All Contacts"
-      edit_aspect: "Edit %{name}"
+      add_a_new_aspect: "Yeni yön ekle"
+      all_contacts: "Tüm Kişiler"
+      edit_aspect: "Düzenle %{name}"
       many_people_are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to start a private conversation with more than %{suggested_limit} contacts? Posting to this aspect may be a better way to contact them."
-      my_contacts: "My Contacts"
-      no_contacts: "No contacts."
-      only_sharing_with_me: "Only sharing with me"
-      remove_person_from_aspect: "Remove %{person_name} from \"%{aspect_name}\""
-      start_a_conversation: "Start a conversation"
-      title: "Contacts"
-      your_contacts: "Your Contacts"
+      my_contacts: "KiÅŸilerim"
+      no_contacts: "Hiç kişi yok."
+      only_sharing_with_me: "Benimle paylaşım yapan"
+      remove_person_from_aspect: "%{person_name} kişisini \"%{aspect_name}\" yönünden kaldır"
+      start_a_conversation: "Bir iletişim başlatın"
+      title: "KiÅŸiler"
+      your_contacts: "KiÅŸiler"
     many: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
     one: "1 kiÅŸi"
     other: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
-      people_sharing: "People sharing with you:"
-    two: "%{count} contacts"
+      people_sharing: "Sizinle paylaşıyor:"
+    two: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
     zero: "kiÅŸi yok"
-      fail: "Invalid message"
-      sent: "Message sent"
+      fail: "Geçersiz mesaj"
+      sent: "Mesaj gönderildi"
-      success: "Conversation successfully removed"
+      success: "Konuşma başarıyla kaldırıldı"
         few: "%{count} yeni mesaj"
         many: "%{count} yeni mesaj"
         one: "1 yeni mesaj"
         other: "%{count} yeni mesaj"
-        two: "%{count} new messages"
+        two: "%{count} yeni mesaj"
         zero: "no new messages"
       create_a_new_message: "yeni mesaj oluÅŸtur"
-      inbox: "Inbox"
+      inbox: "Gelen Kutusu"
       message_inbox: "Mesaj Kutusu"
       new_message: "Yeni Mesaj"
-      no_conversation_selected: "no conversation selected"
+      no_conversation_selected: "Hiçbir konuşma seçilmedi."
       no_messages: "mesaj yok"
-      abandon_changes: "Abandon changes?"
+      abandon_changes: "DeÄŸiÅŸiklikler silinsin mi?"
       send: "Gönder"
-      sending: "Sending..."
-      subject: "subject"
-      to: "to"
+      sending: "Gönderiliyor..."
+      subject: "konu"
+      to: "kime"
-      fail: "Invalid message"
+      fail: "Geçersiz mesaj"
       delete: "iletiÅŸimi sil ya da engelle"
       reply: "yanıtla"
-      replying: "Replying..."
+      replying: "Yanıtlanıyor..."
       birthday: "%B %d"
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ tr:
       correct_the_following_errors_and_try_again: "Alttaki yanlıșları düzeltin ve tekrar deneyin."
       invalid_fields: "Yanlıș Alanlar"
   fill_me_out: "Beni doldur"
-  find_people: "Find people"
-  hide: "Hide"
+  find_people: "KiÅŸi bul"
+  hide: "Gizle"
       already_account: "Zaten bir hesabınız var mı?"
@@ -260,22 +260,22 @@ tr:
       share_what_you_want: "Share what you want, with whom you want."
       simplicity: "Sadelik"
       simplicity_explanation: "Diaspora makes sharing clean and easy – this goes doubly so for privacy. Innherently private, Diaspora doesn’t have pages of settings and options to wade through to keep your profile secure and to your liking."
-      tagline_first_half: "Share what you want,"
+      tagline_first_half: "İstediğiniz ne ise paylaşın,"
       tagline_second_half: "with whom you want."
-    a_facebook_user: "A Facebook user"
+    a_facebook_user: "Bir Facebook kullanıcısıysanız"
       not_found: "Davetiye bulunamadı."
       already_contacts: "You are already connected with this person"
       already_sent: "Zaten bu kiÅŸi davet edilmiÅŸ."
       no_more: "Başka davetiyeniz bulunmamaktadır."
-      own_address: "You can't send an invitation to your own address."
-      rejected: "The following email addresses had problems: "
+      own_address: "Kendi adresinize davetiye gönderemezsiniz."
+      rejected: "Aşağıdaki e-posta adreslerinde sorunlar var:"
       sent: "Your invitation has been sent."
-      accept_your_invitation: "Accept your invitation"
-      your_account_awaits: "Your account awaits!"
+      accept_your_invitation: "Daveti kabul et"
+      your_account_awaits: "Hesabınız bekliyor!"
       already_invited: "Already invited"
       aspect: "Görünüm"
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ tr:
       powered_by: "GELÄ°ÅžTÄ°RÄ°CÄ° DIASPORA*"
-      public_feed: "Public Diaspora Feed for %{name}"
+      public_feed: "Genel Diaspora Beslemesi %{name}"
       toggle: "mobil site'ye git"
       whats_new: "Neler yeni?"
       your_aspects: "sizin yönleriniz"
@@ -301,36 +301,36 @@ tr:
       login: "login"
       logout: "Çıkış"
       profile: "profil"
-      recent_notifications: "Recent notifications"
+      recent_notifications: "Son bildirimler"
       settings: "ayarlar"
-      view_all: "View all"
+      view_all: "Tümünü göster"
-        few: "%{count} people disliked this"
-        many: "%{count} people disliked this"
-        one: "1 person disliked this"
-        other: "%{count} people disliked this"
-        two: "%{count} dislikes"
-        zero: "no people disliked this"
+        few: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸenmedi"
+        many: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸenmedi"
+        one: "1 kiÅŸi beÄŸenmedi"
+        other: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸenmedi"
+        two: "%{count} beÄŸenmeme"
+        zero: "hiç kimse beğenmedi"
         few: "%{count} people liked this"
         many: "%{count} people liked this"
         one: "1 person liked this"
-        other: "%{count} people liked this"
-        two: "%{count} likes"
-        zero: "no people liked this"
+        other: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸendi"
+        two: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸendi"
+        zero: "beÄŸenme yok"
-        few: "%{count} likes"
-        many: "%{count} likes"
-        one: "%{count} like"
-        other: "%{count} likes"
-        two: "%{count} likes"
-        zero: "no likes"
-  limited: "Limited"
+        few: "%{count} beÄŸendi"
+        many: "%{count} beÄŸendi"
+        one: "%{count} beÄŸeni"
+        other: "%{count} beÄŸeni"
+        two: "%{count} kiÅŸi beÄŸendi"
+        zero: "beÄŸenme yok"
+  limited: "Sınırlı"
   more: "Daha fazla"
   next: "sonraki"
-  no_results: "No Results Found"
+  no_results: "Sonuç Bulunamadı"
       few: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
@@ -340,19 +340,19 @@ tr:
       two: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      two: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
-      zero: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
+      many: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
+      one: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
+      other: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
+      two: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
+      zero: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinize yorum yazdı."
-      few: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} yorumladı %{post_link}."
+      many: "%{actors} yorumladı %{post_link}."
+      one: "%{actors} yorumladı %{post_link}."
+      other: "%{actors} yorumladı %{post_link}."
       two: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
+      zero: "%{actors} yorumladı %{post_link}."
         few: "%{count} yeni bildirim"
@@ -373,109 +373,109 @@ tr:
       mark_all_as_read: "Tümünü Okundu Olarak İşaretle"
       notifications: "Bildirimler"
-      few: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderini beğendi."
+      many: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderini beğendi."
+      one: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderini beğendi."
+      other: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderini beğendi."
       two: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
       zero: "%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}."
-      few: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinizi beğendi."
+      many: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinizi beğendi."
+      one: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinizi beğendi."
+      other: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinizi beğendi."
       two: "%{actors} silinen gönderiyi beğendi."
-      zero: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
+      zero: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderinizi beğendi."
-      few: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      one: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} kişisi %{post_link} gönderisinde senden bahsetti."
+      many: "%{actors} kişisi %{post_link} gönderisinde senden bahsetti."
+      one: "%{actors} kişisi %{post_link} gönderisinde senden bahsetti."
+      other: "%{actors} kişisi %{post_link} gönderisinde senden bahsetti."
       two: "%{actors} senden bahsetti %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
+      zero: "%{actors} kişisi %{post_link} gönderisinde senden bahsetti."
-      few: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      many: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderide senden bahsetti."
+      many: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderide senden bahsetti."
+      one: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderide senden bahsetti."
+      other: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderide senden bahsetti."
       two: "%{actors} silinmiş bir gönderiden bahsetti."
-      zero: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
+      zero: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderide senden bahsetti."
     post: "post"
-      few: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      many: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      one: "%{actors} sent you a message."
-      other: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      few: "%{actors} mesaj gönderdi."
+      many: "%{actors} mesaj gönderdi."
+      one: "%{actors} mesaj gönderdi."
+      other: "%{actors} mesaj gönderdi."
       two: "%{actors} size bir mesaj gönderdi."
-      zero: "%{actors} sent you a message."
+      zero: "%{actors} mesaj gönderdi."
-      few: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      many: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
+      few: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderisini yeniden paylaştı."
+      many: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderisini yeniden paylaştı."
       one: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
-      other: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
+      other: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderisini yeniden paylaştı."
       two: "%{actors} yeniden paylaştı %{post_link}."
-      zero: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
+      zero: "%{actors} %{post_link} gönderisini yeniden paylaştı."
-      few: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
+      few: "%{actors} silenen gönderiyi yeniden paylaştı."
       many: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      one: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
-      other: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
+      one: "%{actors} silenen gönderiyi yeniden paylaştı."
+      other: "%{actors} silenen gönderiyi yeniden paylaştı."
       two: "%{actors} silinmiş gönderi yeniden paylaşılamaz."
-      zero: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
+      zero: "%{actors} silenen gönderiyi yeniden paylaştı."
-      few: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
-      many: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
-      one: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
-      other: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
+      few: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
+      many: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
+      one: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
+      other: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
       two: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
-      zero: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
+      zero: "%{actors} sizinle paylaşıma başladı."
-    a_post_you_shared: "a post."
-    click_here: "click here"
+    a_post_you_shared: "gönderi."
+    click_here: "buraya tıklayın"
-      reply: "Reply or view %{name}'s post >"
+      reply: "Yanıtla ya da %{name} gönderisini görüntüle >"
       click_link: "To activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}, please click this link:"
       subject: "Please activate your new e-mail address %{unconfirmed_email}"
-    email_sent_by_diaspora: "This email was sent by Diaspora.  If you'd like to stop getting emails like this,"
+    email_sent_by_diaspora: "Bu e-posta Diaspora tarafından gönderildi. Bu gibi e-postalar almak istemiyorsanız,"
     hello: "Merhaba %{name}!"
       liked: "%{name} has just liked your post: "
-      view_post: "View post >"
+      view_post: "Gönderiyi görüntüle >"
       mentioned: "gönderide senden bahsetti:"
       subject: "%{name} sana Diaspora*'da özel mesaj gönderdi "
-      reply_to_or_view: "Reply to or view this conversation >"
+      reply_to_or_view: "Yanıtla ya da konuşmayı görüntüle >"
       reshared: "%{name} just reshared your post"
-      view_post: "View post >"
+      view_post: "Gönderiyi görüntüle>"
       admin: "Diaspora yönetici"
       subject: "A message from your Diaspora administrator:"
-      sharing: "has started sharing with you!"
+      sharing: "sizinle paylaşıma başladı!"
       subject: "%{name} has started sharing with you on Diaspora*"
-      view_profile: "View %{name}'s profile"
+      view_profile: "%{name} kişisinin profilini görüntüle"
     thanks: "Teşekkürler,"
-    to_change_your_notification_settings: "to change your notification settings"
+    to_change_your_notification_settings: "bildirim ayarlarınızı değiştirmek için"
   ok: "Tamam"
   or: "ya da"
   password: "Parola"
-  password_confirmation: "Åžifre doÄŸrulama"
+  password_confirmation: "Parola doÄŸrulama"
       add_contact_from_tag: "add contact from tag"
-      edit_membership: "edit aspect membership"
+      edit_membership: "yön üyelik düzenle"
     few: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
       people_on_pod_are_aware_of: " people on pod are aware of"
-      results_for: " results for %{params}"
+      results_for: "sonuçları %{params}"
-      couldnt_find_them_send_invite: "Couldn't find them?  Send an invite!"
+      couldnt_find_them_send_invite: "Onları bulmak istemez misin? O zaman bir davet gönderin!"
       no_one_found: "...ve hiç kimse bulunamadı."
-      no_results: "Hey! You need to search for something."
+      no_results: "Hey! Bir ÅŸey aramak gerekir."
       results_for: "için arama sonuçları"
     many: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
     one: "1 kiÅŸi"
@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@ tr:
       thats_you: "bu sensin!"
       bio: "hakkında"
-      born: "born"
+      born: "doğum günü"
       edit_my_profile: "Profil düzenle"
       gender: "cinsiyet"
       in_aspects: "yönleriyle"
-      location: "location"
-      remove_contact: "remove contact"
+      location: "yer"
+      remove_contact: "kişiyi kaldır"
       remove_from: "Remove %{name} from %{aspect}?"
       does_not_exist: "KiÅŸi yok!"
@@ -508,30 +508,30 @@ tr:
       start_sharing: "paylaşıma başla"
       to_accept_or_ignore: "kabul et veya yoksay."
-      add_some: "add some"
-      edit: "edit"
-      you_have_no_tags: "you have no tags!"
+      add_some: "biraz ekle"
+      edit: "düzenle"
+      you_have_no_tags: "etiket yok!"
     two: "%{count} kiÅŸi"
       fail: "Sorry, we couldn't find %{handle}."
     zero: "kiÅŸi yok"
-    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'s photo"
+    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'ın fotoğrafı"
       integrity_error: "Fotoğraf yükleme başarısız oldu. Gerçek bir fotoğraf yüklediğine emin misin?"
       runtime_error: "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure that your seatbelt is fastened?"
       type_error: "Fotoğraf yüklemesi başarısız oldu.  Bir görüntünün eklendiğinden eminmisiniz?"
-      notice: "Foto silindi."
+      notice: "FotoÄŸraf silindi."
-      editing: "düzeltiliyor"
+      editing: "Düzeltiliyor"
       back_to_list: "Listeye Geri Git"
-      new_photo: "Yeni Foto"
+      new_photo: "Yeni FotoÄŸraf"
       post_it: "ekle!"
       empty: "{file} is empty, please select files again without it."
-      invalid_ext: "{file} has invalid extension. Only {extensions} are allowed."
+      invalid_ext: "{file} geçersiz uzantıya sahip. {extensions} uzantılarına izin verilir."
       size_error: "{file} çok büyük, en büyük dosya boyutu {sizeLimit}."
       or_select_one: "or select one from your already existing"
@@ -539,30 +539,30 @@ tr:
       view_all: "%{name}'in bütün fotoğraflarını göster"
-      collection_permalink: "collection permalink"
-      delete_photo: "Sil Fotoyu"
+      collection_permalink: "bağlantı koleksiyonu"
+      delete_photo: "Fotoğrafı Sil"
       edit: "düzenle"
       edit_delete_photo: "Fotoğrafın tanımını düzenle/ fotoğrafı sil"
       make_profile_photo: "profil fotoğrafı yap"
-      show_original_post: "Show original post"
-      update_photo: "Fotoğrafı güncelle"
+      show_original_post: "Gerçek gönderi göster"
+      update_photo: "Fotoğrafı Güncelle"
-      error: "Fotoyu düzeltme basarısız oldu."
-      notice: "Resim başarıyla eklendi."
+      error: "Fotoğraf düzeltme başarısız oldu."
+      notice: "Fotoğraf başarıyla eklendi."
       post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s post has been hidden, and notifications have been muted."
-      see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
+      see_it_on_their_profile: "Bu gönderiye yapılan güncellemeleri görmek istiyorsan,%{name} kişisinin profilini ziyaret etmelisin."
-      destroy: "Delete"
+      destroy: "Sil"
       not_found: "Sorry, we couldn't find that post."
       permalink: "permalink"
   previous: "önceki"
   profile: "Profil"
-      allow_search: "Allow for people to search for you within Diaspora"
+      allow_search: "Diaspora içinde arama yapmaya izin verin"
       edit_profile: "Profil düzenle"
       first_name: "Ad"
       last_name: "Soyadı"
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ tr:
       your_bio: "Hakkında"
       your_birthday: "Doğum günü"
       your_gender: "Cinsiyet"
-      your_location: "Your location"
+      your_location: "BulunduÄŸunuz yer"
       your_name: "Ad"
       your_photo: "FotoÄŸraf"
       your_private_profile: "Özel profilin"
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ tr:
       failed: "Profil güncelleme başarısız"
       updated: "Profil güncellendi"
-  public: "Public"
+  public: "Genel"
     closed: "Üyelik bu Diaspora'da kapandı."
@@ -589,20 +589,20 @@ tr:
       cancel_my_account: "Hesabımı iptal et"
       edit: "Düzenle %{name}"
       leave_blank: "(Eğer değiştirmek istemiyorsanız boş bırakın.)"
-      password_to_confirm: "(Değişikliklerin onaylanması için şu anki şifreniz gerekmektedir)"
-      unhappy: "Olmadı mı?"
-      update: "Düzenle"
+      password_to_confirm: "(Değişikliklerin onaylanması için şu anki parolanız gerekmektedir)"
+      unhappy: "Mutsuz?"
+      update: "Güncelle"
-      create_my_account: "Create my account"
+      create_my_account: "Hesabımı oluştur"
       enter_email: "Enter an e-mail"
-      enter_password: "Enter a password"
-      enter_password_again: "Enter the same password as before"
-      enter_username: "Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)"
-      join_the_movement: "Join the movement!"
-      sign_up_today: "Sign up today"
+      enter_password: "Bir parola girin"
+      enter_password_again: "Daha önce olduğu gibi aynı parolayı girin."
+      enter_username: "Bir kullanıcı adı seçin (sadece harfler, rakamlar ve alt çizgi)"
+      join_the_movement: "Harekete katılın!"
+      sign_up_today: "Bugün kaydolun"
-      sending: "Sending..."
+      sending: "Gönderiliyor..."
       sent: "You've asked to share with %{name}.  They should see it next time they log in to Diaspora."
       error: "Lütfen bir yön seçiniz!"
@@ -622,18 +622,18 @@ tr:
       sent: "yollandı!"
-    comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s reshare of %{author}'s post"
+    comment_email_subject: "%{resharer} , %{author} kişisinin gönderisini yeniden paylaştı"
-      failure: "There was an error resharing this post."
+      failure: "Bu gönderi tekrar paylaşılırken hata oluştu."
-      deleted: "Original post deleted by author."
+      deleted: "Gerçek gönderi yazarı tarafından silindi."
         few: "%{count} Reshares"
         many: "%{count} Reshares"
         one: "1 Reshare"
         other: "%{count} Reshares"
         two: "%{count} yeniden paylaşım"
-        zero: "Reshare"
+        zero: "Tekrar paylaÅŸ"
       reshare_confirmation: "Reshare %{author} - %{text}?"
       reshare_original: "Reshare orignial"
       show_original: "Show Original"
@@ -646,54 +646,54 @@ tr:
       error: "there was an error connecting that service"
-      no_friends: "No Facebook friends found."
-      service_friends: "%{service} Friends"
+      no_friends: "Hiç Facebook arkadaşı bulunamadı."
+      service_friends: "%{service} ArkadaÅŸ"
-      connect_to_facebook: "facebook baÄŸlan"
-      connect_to_tumblr: "Connect to Tumblr"
-      connect_to_twitter: "twitter baÄŸlan"
+      connect_to_facebook: "Facebook'u BaÄŸla"
+      connect_to_tumblr: "Tumblr'ı Bağla"
+      connect_to_twitter: "Twitter'ı Bağla"
       disconnect: "çık"
       edit_services: "Servisleri düzenle"
       logged_in_as: "olarak bağlandınız"
-      no_services: "You have not connected any services yet."
+      no_services: "Bağlanmış servis bulunmuyor."
       really_disconnect: "disconnect %{service}?"
       click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Click this link to accept your invitation"
-      join_me_on_diaspora: "Join me on DIASPORA*"
+      join_me_on_diaspora: "DIASPORA* Katılın"
       invite: "davet et"
-      not_on_diaspora: "Not yet on Diaspora"
+      not_on_diaspora: "Henüz Diaspora'da değil"
       resend: "tekrar gönder"
   settings: "Ayarlar"
-      add_new_contact: "Add a new contact"
+      add_new_contact: "Yeni kiÅŸi ekle"
       create_request: "Find by Diaspora handle"
       diaspora_handle: "Diaspora handle"
       enter_a_diaspora_username: "Diaspora kullanıcı adınızı giriniz:"
       know_email: "E-posta adresini biliyor musunuz? O zaman onu davet et"
       your_diaspora_username_is: "Diaspora kullanıcı adınız: %{diaspora_handle}"
-      add_to_aspect: "Add to aspect"
+      add_to_aspect: "Yönüne ekle"
         few: "%{count} yön"
         many: "%{count} yön"
-        one: "In %{count} aspect"
+        one: "%{count} yön"
         other: "%{count} yön"
         two: "%{count} yön"
-        zero: "Add to aspect"
+        zero: "Yönüne ekle"
       all_contacts: "Bütün kişiler"
       logged_in_as: "giriş yaptı %{name}"
-      your_aspects: "your aspects"
+      your_aspects: "yönleriniz"
-      by_email: "by Email"
+      by_email: "E-posta"
       dont_have_now: "You don't have any right now, but more invites are coming soon!"
       from_facebook: "Facebook"
       invitations_left: "(%{count} davet kaldı)"
       invite_someone: "Birisini davet edin"
-      invite_your_friends: "Invite your friends"
+      invite_your_friends: "Arkadaşlarını davet et"
       invites: "Davetler"
       invites_closed: "Invites are currently closed on this Diaspora seed"
@@ -706,35 +706,35 @@ tr:
       all: "hepsi"
       all_contacts: "bütün kişiler"
-      click_to_share_with: "Click to share with: "
-      discard_post: "Discard post"
+      click_to_share_with: "Paylaşmak için tıklayın:"
+      discard_post: "Gönderi atın"
       make_public: "herkese görünür yap"
-      post_a_message_to: "mesaj gönder %{aspect}"
+      post_a_message_to: "Mesaj gönder %{aspect}"
       posting: "Gönderiliyor..."
-      publishing_to: "publishing to: "
+      publishing_to: "yayınlayan:"
       share: "PaylaÅŸ"
       share_with: "Share with %{aspect}"
-      upload_photos: "Upload photos"
-      whats_on_your_mind: "what's on your mind?"
+      upload_photos: "Fotoğraf yükle"
+      whats_on_your_mind: "Ne düşünüyorsun?"
       reshare: "Yeniden PaylaÅŸ"
       dislike: "I dislike this"
       hide_and_mute: "Gizle ve Sessiz"
       like: "I like this"
-      shared_with: "Shared with: %{aspect_names}"
+      shared_with: "Paylaşılan: %{aspect_names}"
       unlike: "BeÄŸenme"
       via: "tarafından %{link}"
-      viewable_to_anyone: "This post is viewable to anyone on the web"
+      viewable_to_anyone: "Bu gönderi web üzerindeki herkes tarafından görünebilir."
       success: "Başarıyla bahsedildi: %{names}"
       failure: "Mesaj silme başarısız"
-      no_message_to_display: "Gosterilcek bir mesaj yok."
+      no_message_to_display: "Gösterilecek mesaj yok."
-      mentioning: "Mentioning: %{person}"
+      mentioning: "Bahseden: %{person}"
       few: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
       many: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
@@ -744,36 +744,36 @@ tr:
       zero: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
     hide_comments: "yorumları gizle"
-    show_more_comments: "Show %{number} more comments"
+    show_more_comments: "%{number} daha fazla yorum göster"
-      failure: "Failed to follow: #%{name}"
-      success: "Successfully following: #%{name}"
+      failure: "Takip etmek başarısız: #%{name}"
+      success: "Başarıyla takip ediliyor: #%{name}"
-      failure: "Failed to stop following: #%{name}"
-      success: "Successfully stopped following: #%{name}"
+      failure: "Takibi durdurmak başarısız oldu: #%{name}"
+      success: "Takip başarıyla durduruldu: #%{name}"
-      follow: "Follow #%{tag}"
-      following: "Following #%{tag}"
+      follow: "Takip Et #%{tag}"
+      following: "Takip Ediliyor #%{tag}"
       nobody_talking: "Nobody is talking about %{tag} yet."
-      people_tagged_with: "People tagged with %{tag}"
-      posts_tagged_with: "Posts tagged with #%{tag}"
-      stop_following: "Stop Following #%{tag}"
+      people_tagged_with: "KiÅŸi etiketlendi %{tag}"
+      posts_tagged_with: "Gönderi etiketlendi #%{tag}"
+      stop_following: "Takibi Durdur #%{tag}"
       connect_to_cubbies: "Cubbi.es BaÄŸlan"
       connecting_is_simple: "Connecting your Diaspora account is as simple as filling out two fields on your Cubbi.es account page."
-      daniels_account: "Daniel's Diaspora account"
-      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Pretty soon, you'll be able to connect to a new application without creating an account separate from your one on Diaspora."
-      love_to_try: "We'd love for you to try it out."
-      making_the_connection: "Making the Connection"
+      daniels_account: "Daniel'in Diaspora hesabı"
+      log_in_with_diaspora_is_comming: "Çok yakında,yeni bir hesap oluşturmadan diğer Diaspora uygualamlarına bağlanabileceksiniz."
+      love_to_try: "Bunu denemek isterdim."
+      making_the_connection: "Bağlantı Kurma"
       screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}.  This particular cubby is linked to %{link2}."
-      sign_up_today: "Sign up today!"
-      typical_userpage: "A typical cubbi.es userpage"
+      sign_up_today: "Bugün kaydolun!"
+      typical_userpage: "Tipik bir cubbi.es kullanıcı sayfası"
       via: "(via %{link})"
       what_is_cubbies: "Cubbi.es is the world's first Diaspora application.  It's also the best way to collect photos online."
-  undo: "Undo?"
+  undo: "Geri Al?"
   username: "Kullanıcı Adı"
@@ -783,66 +783,66 @@ tr:
       also_commented: "...someone also comments on your contact's post?"
       change: "DeÄŸiÅŸtir"
-      change_email: "Change E-Mail"
+      change_email: "E-posta DeÄŸiÅŸtir"
       change_language: "Dili DeÄŸiÅŸtir"
-      change_password: "Åžifremi DeÄŸiÅŸtir"
-      close_account: "Hesabımı kapat"
+      change_password: "Parolamı Değiştir"
+      close_account: "Hesabımı Kapat"
       comment_on_post: "...someone comments on your post?"
       current_password: "Mevcut parola"
-      download_photos: "fotoğraflarımı kaydet"
-      download_xml: "xml dosyamı kaydet"
+      download_photos: "fotoğraflarımı indir"
+      download_xml: "xml dosyamı indir"
       edit_account: "Hesap düzenle"
       email_awaiting_confirmation: "We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Till you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}."
       export_data: "Bilgilerimi Dışarı taşı"
-      liked: "...someone likes your post?"
+      liked: "...birileri sizin gönderilerinizi beğeniyor mu?"
       mentioned: "...you are mentioned in a post?"
-      new_password: "Yeni Åžifre"
+      new_password: "Yeni Parola"
       private_message: "...you receive a private message?"
       receive_email_notifications: "Receive email notificaions?"
       reshared: "...someone reshares your post?"
-      started_sharing: "...someone starts sharing with you?"
+      started_sharing: "... birisi sizinle paylaşıma mı başladı?"
       your_email: "E-postan"
-      your_handle: "Your diaspora handle"
+      your_handle: "Diaspora ID"
       bold: "yönler"
-      connect_to: "Connect to"
-      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Connect to your other social networks"
-      connect_with_people: "Connect with cool people"
+      connect_to: "BaÄŸlan"
+      connect_to_your_other_social_networks: "Diğer sosyal ağlara bağlanın"
+      connect_with_people: "Harika insanlarla bağlantı kurun"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt1: "Connect with people by placing them into one or more of your"
       connect_with_people_explanation_pt2: "Aspects are an intuitive way to group new and familar faces, private to you, allowing you to filter down or share with subsets of your contacts easily."
-      edit_profile: "Profilini düzenle"
-      featured_tags: "Featured tags"
-      featured_users: "Featured users"
-      fill_out_your_profile: "Fill out your profile"
-      find_friends: "Find friends"
-      find_friends_from_facebook: "find friends from Facebook"
+      edit_profile: "Profil Düzenle"
+      featured_tags: "Önerilen etiketler"
+      featured_users: "Önerilen kullanıcılar"
+      fill_out_your_profile: "Profilinizi doldurun"
+      find_friends: "ArkadaÅŸ bul"
+      find_friends_from_facebook: "Facebook arkadaşlarınızı bulun"
       finished: "Finished!"
-      follow_your_interests: "Follow your interests"
-      hashtag_explanation: "Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests.  They're also a great way to find new people on Diaspora."
-      profile_description: "Make it easier for people to find you by filling out your profile information."
+      follow_your_interests: "İlginçlikleri izleyin"
+      hashtag_explanation: "Etiketler, hakkında konuşmak ve ilgi alanlarını takip etmenize izin verir. Ayrıca yeni insanları Diaspora üzerinde bulmak için harika bir yoldur."
+      profile_description: "Profil bilgilerinizi doldurmak insanlar tarafından bulunmayı kolaylaştırır."
-        bio: "Bio"
-        birthday: "Birthday"
-        gender: "Gender"
-        location: "Location"
-        name: "Name"
-        photo: "Photo"
-        tags: "Tags"
+        bio: "Hakkında"
+        birthday: "Doğum günü"
+        gender: "Cinsiyet"
+        location: "Yer"
+        name: "Ä°sim"
+        photo: "FotoÄŸraf"
+        tags: "Etiketler"
       search_for_hashtags: "#hashtags Ara"
       search_for_people: "KiÅŸi ara"
-      see_all_featured_users: "See all featured users"
+      see_all_featured_users: "Tüm önerilen kullanıcıları gör"
       welcome: "Diaspora'ya hoÅŸgeldin!"
-      welcome_with_name: "Welcome, %{name}!"
+      welcome_with_name: "HoÅŸgeldin, %{name}!"
       does_not_exist: "%{username} kullanıcısı bulunmamaktadır!"
-      email_notifications_changed: "Language Change Failed"
+      email_notifications_changed: "E-posta bildirimleri deÄŸiÅŸti"
       language_changed: "Dil DeÄŸiÅŸti"
       language_not_changed: "Dil Değişikliği Başarılamadı"
-      password_changed: "Åžifre DeÄŸiÅŸti"
-      password_not_changed: "Şifre Değişikliği Başarılamadı"
-      unconfirmed_email_changed: "E-Mail Changed. Needs activation."
-      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "E-Mail Change Failed"
+      password_changed: "Parola DeÄŸiÅŸti"
+      password_not_changed: "Parola deÄŸiÅŸtirilemedi"
+      unconfirmed_email_changed: "E-posta deÄŸiÅŸti. Aktivasyon gerekli."
+      unconfirmed_email_not_changed: "E-posta değişikliği başarısız oldu"
     fetch_failed: "failed to fetch webfinger profile for %{profile_url}"
     hcard_fetch_failed: "there was a problem fetching the hcard for #{@account}"
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.ca.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.ca.yml
index 9c6a2fc6e09ca2de0a1f0a5142e4edc93ee777fc..436a98d1083aec9d99e4903dea2782d8590363c2 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.ca.yml
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ ca:
         disconnected: "S'ha tancat el sòcol web. Les publicacions ja no es mostraran en temps real."
-        add_to_aspect: "Afegeix a l'aspecte"
+        add_to_aspect: "Afegeix el contacte"
         all_aspects: "Tots els aspectes"
-          zero: "Afegeix a aspectes"
+          zero: "Afegeix el contacte"
           one: "En {{count}} aspecte"
           two: "En {{count}} aspectes"
           few: "En {{count}} aspectes"
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fi.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fi.yml
index 9780c39b05262f5c84cad6c8052a230d4fbe4167..b21587b9a644107e7a137298a3fa68e0af357670 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fi.yml
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
-      add_to_aspect: "Add to aspect"
-      all_aspects: "All aspects"
+      add_to_aspect: "Lisää näkymään"
+      all_aspects: "Kaikki näkymät"
-        few: "In {{count}} aspects"
-        many: "In {{count}} aspects"
-        one: "In {{count}} aspect"
-        other: "In {{count}} aspects"
-        two: "In {{count}} aspects"
-        zero: "Add to aspect"
+        few: "{{count}}:ssa näkymässä"
+        many: "{{count}}:ssa näkymässä"
+        one: "{{count}}:ssa näkymässä"
+        other: "{{count}}:ssa näkymässä"
+        two: "{{count}}:ssa näkymässä"
+        zero: "Lisää näkymään"
       hide: "piilota kommentit"
       show: "näytä kaikki kommentit"
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ fi:
       no_more: "Ei enempää viestejä."
       at_least_one_aspect: "Sinun täytyy julkaista vähintään yhdelle näkymälle."
-      limited: "Limited - your post will only be seen by people you are sharing with"
-      public: "Public - your post will be visible to everyone and found by search engines"
+      limited: "Rajoitettu - viestisi näkyy vain ihmisille, joiden kanssa jaat"
+      public: "Julkinen - viestisi näkyvät kaikille mukaan lukien hakukoneet ja niiden tulokset"
-      duplicate: "You've already reshared that post!"
+      duplicate: "Olet jo uudelleenjakanut viesti!"
     search_for: "Etsi nimellä {{name}}"
     show_more: "näytä lisää"
@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ fi:
       unknown: "Tuntematon videomuoto"
       watch: "Katso video {{provider}} :ssa"
-      disconnected: "The websocket is closed; posts will no longer be streamed live."
+      disconnected: "Yhteys on suljettu; viestejä ei enää esitetä reaaliaikaisesti."
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fr.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fr.yml
index e77afe274d9d81f0120f3174dc54cd9cda2053b5..95303d3c1e9b133565e2436b2471927addf0dc9f 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.fr.yml
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ fr:
       no_more: "Pas d'autre messages."
       at_least_one_aspect: "Vous devez créer au moins un aspect"
-      limited: "Limité - votre message ne sera vu par des gens avec qui vous partagez"
+      limited: "Limité - votre message ne sera vu que par des gens avec qui vous partagez"
       public: "Public - votre message sera visible de tous et trouvé par les moteurs de recherche"
-      duplicate: "Vous avez déjà repartagé ce post !"
+      duplicate: "Vous avez déjà repartagé ce message !"
     search_for: "Chercher {{name}}"
     show_more: "voir plus"
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.nl.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.nl.yml
index 78df91e49a5c3b2c6b3b92cbc87f42cd5ab56cf5..1040c6c442b622df0890ed5003678b6a883bd278 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.nl.yml
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ nl:
       add_to_aspect: "Voeg toe aan aspect"
-      all_aspects: "All aspects"
+      all_aspects: "Alle aspecten"
         few: "In {{count}} aspecten"
         many: "In {{count}} aspecten"
         one: "In {{count}} aspect"
         other: "In {{count}} aspecten"
-        two: "In {{count}} aspects"
+        two: "In {{count}} aspecten"
         zero: "Voeg toe aan aspect"
       hide: "verberg reacties"
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ nl:
       no_more: "Geen posts meer."
       at_least_one_aspect: "Je moet op zijn minst één aspect publiceren"
-      limited: "Limited - your post will only be seen by people you are sharing with"
-      public: "Public - your post will be visible to everyone and found by search engines"
+      limited: "Gelimiteerd - je post is alleen zichtbaar voor de mensen waarmee je hem deelt"
+      public: "Openbaar - je post is zichtbaar voor iedereen en kan gevonden worden door zoekmachines"
       duplicate: "Je hebt deze post al doorgegeven!"
     search_for: "Zoek naar {{name}}"
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.sv.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.sv.yml
index fd7ace44674def4cc75356670886d4509c9fcc2e..293be7f38d42050cd494d84963df2baeafc39bc5 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.sv.yml
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ sv:
       show: "visa alla kommentarer"
     confirm_dialog: "Är du säker?"
     failed_to_like: "Failed to like!"
-    failed_to_post_message: "Failed to post message!"
+    failed_to_post_message: "Misslyckades att posta meddelande!"
       no_more: "Inga fler inlägg."
       at_least_one_aspect: "Du måste publicera till minst en aspekt."
-      limited: "Limited - your post will only be seen by people you are sharing with"
-      public: "Public - your post will be visible to everyone and found by search engines"
+      limited: "Begränsad - ditt inlägg visas endast för personer som du delar med"
+      public: "Publikt - ditt inlägg visas för alla och i söktjänster"
       duplicate: "You've already reshared that post!"
     search_for: "Sök efter {{name}}"
-    show_more: "show more"
+    show_more: "visa mer"
       day: "en dag"
       days: "%d dagar"
diff --git a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.tr.yml b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.tr.yml
index 51a2483228e93ecc52e72690630ece7ebfec3019..aaf6c0b5e14e562b188ec998a78e607821639231 100644
--- a/config/locales/javascript/javascript.tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/javascript/javascript.tr.yml
@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ tr:
       no_more: "Daha fazla gönderi yok."
-      at_least_one_aspect: "En az bir yönün yayınlanmak zorundadır"
+      at_least_one_aspect: "En az bir yönün yayınlanması zorunludur"
       limited: "Sınırlı - gönderi sadece paylaşılan kişiler tarafından görünür"
       public: "Genel - gönderi herkes tarafından görünür ve arama motorları tarafından bulunur olacak"
       duplicate: "Zaten bu gönderiyi tekrar paylaştın!"
-    search_for: "{{name}}'i ara"
+    search_for: "{{name}}'i Ara"
     show_more: "daha fazlasını göster"
       day: "1 gün"
-      days: "%d günler"
+      days: "%d gün"
       hour: "yaklaşık 1 saat"
       hours: "yaklaşık %d saat"
       minute: "yaklaşık 1 dakika"
-      minutes: "%d dakikalar"
+      minutes: "%d dakika"
       month: "yaklaşık 1 ay"
-      months: "%d aylar"
-      prefixAgo: ""
-      prefixFromNow: ""
+      months: "%d ay"
+      prefixAgo: "önce"
+      prefixFromNow: "önce"
       seconds: "1 dakikadan az"
       suffixAgo: "önce"
-      suffixFromNow: "ÅŸimdiden itibaren"
+      suffixFromNow: "ÅŸimdi"
       year: "yaklaşık 1 yıl"
-      years: "%d yıllar"
+      years: "%d yıl"
       unknown: "Bilinmeyen video tipi"
       watch: "Bu videoyu {{provider}}'da izle"
diff --git a/db/migrate/20110930182048_add_root_guid_index_to_posts.rb b/db/migrate/20110930182048_add_root_guid_index_to_posts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce3e9bdf5f3ec9a649b2f1d33807868686d9c309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20110930182048_add_root_guid_index_to_posts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddRootGuidIndexToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
+  def self.up
+    add_index :posts, :root_guid
+  end
+  def self.down
+    remove_index :posts, :column => :root_guid
+  end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index c7addc3659d8b00ae7c7c66c5796c3c8cdcaac64..a68afbe092b5075c37862df826435fd921ee73cb 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
-ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110926120220) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110930182048) do
   create_table "aspect_memberships", :force => true do |t|
     t.integer  "aspect_id",  :null => false
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110926120220) do
   add_index "posts", ["author_id"], :name => "index_posts_on_person_id"
   add_index "posts", ["guid"], :name => "index_posts_on_guid", :unique => true
+  add_index "posts", ["root_guid"], :name => "index_posts_on_root_guid"
   add_index "posts", ["status_message_guid", "pending"], :name => "index_posts_on_status_message_guid_and_pending"
   add_index "posts", ["status_message_guid"], :name => "index_posts_on_status_message_guid"
   add_index "posts", ["type", "pending", "id"], :name => "index_posts_on_type_and_pending_and_id"
diff --git a/features/comments.feature b/features/comments.feature
index ea5e67c1ca6a072e2bbe6959096328e02060ccbd..82fcbd9bebbb0e36bf261f6f23f31af5087015ac 100644
--- a/features/comments.feature
+++ b/features/comments.feature
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Feature: commenting
   Scenario: comment on a photo from the photo page
     When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
     And I am on the photo page for "alice@alice.alice"'s post "Look at this dog"
+    And I wait for the ajax to finish
     And I focus the comment field
     And I fill in "Comment" with "hahahah"
     And I press "Comment"
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ Feature: commenting
   Scenario: comment on your own photo from the photo page
     When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
     And I am on the photo page for "alice@alice.alice"'s post "Look at this dog"
+    And I wait for the ajax to finish
     And I focus the comment field
     And I fill in "Comment" with "hahahah"
     And I press "Comment"
diff --git a/features/follows_tags.feature b/features/follows_tags.feature
index ebf4186c52f34261fa3d024823806aca03cef9df..fd421ce65c525ea0b19003bf3c6aa90e6b7d6d04 100644
--- a/features/follows_tags.feature
+++ b/features/follows_tags.feature
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ Feature: posting
     When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
     And I post a status with the text "I am da #boss"
     And I am on the home page
-    Then I should see "I am da #boss"
     When I go to the destroy user session page
     And I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
     And I search for "#boss"
diff --git a/features/infinite_scroll.feature b/features/infinite_scroll.feature
index d928b459dcfc2552c744b3c25533dc6e91ec6115..ea48f6b8d065f43cfba6cab113df2c5323b36bf4 100644
--- a/features/infinite_scroll.feature
+++ b/features/infinite_scroll.feature
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Feature: infinite scroll
       Given many posts from alice for bob
       And I resize my window to 800x600
       And I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
+      And I wait for the ajax to finish
     Scenario: on the main stream by activity
       Then I should see 15 posts
@@ -25,7 +26,6 @@ Feature: infinite scroll
       Then I should see "No more"
       When I follow "generic"
-      And I wait for the ajax to finish
       Then I should see 15 posts
       And I should see "alice - 26 - #seeded"
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Feature: infinite scroll
       Then I should see "No more"
     Scenario: on the main stream post created time
-      When I wait for the ajax to finish
       And I follow "posted"
+      And I go to the home page
       Then I should see 15 posts
       And I should see "alice - 15 - #seeded"
diff --git a/features/mentions_from_profile_page.feature b/features/mentions_from_profile_page.feature
index 198348e8747672a130dad82c5961a2dc7cf7cee6..247ddba76c03747ecf56bdcaf1fb40579b0b85fb 100644
--- a/features/mentions_from_profile_page.feature
+++ b/features/mentions_from_profile_page.feature
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ Feature: mentioning a contact from their profile page
       And I expand the publisher in the modal window
       And I append "I am eating a yogurt" to the publisher
       And I press "Share" in the modal window
+      And I wait for the ajax to finish
       When I am on the aspects page
+      And I wait for the ajax to finish
       And I follow "PostingTo" within "#aspect_nav"
       And I wait for the ajax to finish
       Then I should see "I am eating a yogurt"
diff --git a/features/mobile.feature b/features/mobile.feature
index 4c5c7bf97c2a0e280b31d66f704943bb7a305ff3..a45f9ea887fd743f0e77b3281c9e730ac0cf81d9 100644
--- a/features/mobile.feature
+++ b/features/mobile.feature
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ Feature: Navigate mobile site
   Scenario: Show mobile site
     And I visit the mobile aspects page 
-    Then I should see "sign in"
+    Then I should see "Log in"
diff --git a/lib/aspect_stream.rb b/lib/aspect_stream.rb
index 4d5ea5be5a0a5677aec4a138d4c7c1b3c8fb4f74..c12a7e9e47fd0d3d31ec9f00b145d9220b6c8144 100644
--- a/lib/aspect_stream.rb
+++ b/lib/aspect_stream.rb
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ class AspectStream
+  def ajax_stream?
+    for_all_aspects?
+  end
   # Determine whether or not the stream is displaying across
   # all of the user's aspects.
diff --git a/lib/diaspora/user/querying.rb b/lib/diaspora/user/querying.rb
index b7fbeb576b515a0aea133e4aaf3b2d53c1b719c7..0cc63f481c8672a70b96338ab0bacb30eacf2944 100644
--- a/lib/diaspora/user/querying.rb
+++ b/lib/diaspora/user/querying.rb
@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ module Diaspora
           posts_from_self = posts_from_self.joins(:aspect_visibilities).where(:aspect_visibilities => {:aspect_id => opts[:by_members_of]})
-        unless defined?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter) && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class == ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter
-          posts_from_others = posts_from_others.select(select_clause).limit(opts[:limit]).order(order_with_table).where(Post.arel_table[order_field].lt(opts[:max_time]))
-          posts_from_self = posts_from_self.select(select_clause).limit(opts[:limit]).order(order_with_table).where(Post.arel_table[order_field].lt(opts[:max_time]))
-          all_posts = "(#{posts_from_others.to_sql}) UNION ALL (#{posts_from_self.to_sql}) ORDER BY #{opts[:order]} LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}"
+        unless sqlite? 
+          posts_from_others = posts_from_others.select(select_clause).order(order_with_table).where(Post.arel_table[order_field].lt(opts[:max_time]))
+          posts_from_self = posts_from_self.select(select_clause).order(order_with_table).where(Post.arel_table[order_field].lt(opts[:max_time]))
+          all_posts = "(#{posts_from_others.to_sql} LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}) UNION ALL (#{posts_from_self.to_sql} LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}) ORDER BY #{opts[:order]} LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}"
           posts_from_others = posts_from_others.select(select_clause)
           posts_from_self = posts_from_self.select(select_clause)
diff --git a/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch.rb b/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch.rb
index 361989f45a994bfb70acc6e6baaa2eaf70ec7c7a..121f04fa93eb70918803f675edae10fddaccb13b 100644
--- a/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch.rb
+++ b/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch.rb
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ module Postzord
       # @note performs a bulk insert into mySQL
       # @return [void]
       def create_post_visibilities
-        contacts = Contact.where(:user_id => @recipient_user_ids, :person_id => @object.author_id)
-        PostVisibility.batch_import(contacts, object)
+        contacts_ids = Contact.connection.select_values(Contact.where(:user_id => @recipient_user_ids, :person_id => @object.author_id).select("id").to_sql)
+        PostVisibility.batch_import(contacts_ids, object)
       # Notify any mentioned users within the @object's text
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/_mixins.scss b/public/stylesheets/sass/_mixins.scss
index 47d9988bcba108825d79b0f2727b87af8ab1f9df..1c3d3509fcb19be0f17882adfcc9d3f4b0127053 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/_mixins.scss
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/_mixins.scss
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $easing: linear;
 @mixin linear-gradient($from, $to, $start:0%, $end:100%){
-  background-image: mix($from,$to);
+  background-color: mix($from,$to);
   filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, startColorstr=$from, endColorstr=$to);
   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=0, startColorstr=#{$from}, endColorstr=#{$to})";
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass b/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
index 1d5071952876f024392dc2e4e82afaf27590d080..1ad40c3f8f476946dc64a7ec0ab6423abc9b300c 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
@@ -623,11 +623,12 @@ ul.show_comments,
         :bottom 0
         :top 0
-      ul
+      ol, ul
+        padding-left: 2em
           :padding 0px
           :border none
-          :list-style disc
+          :list-style inherit
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/hovercard.scss b/public/stylesheets/sass/hovercard.scss
index 2ec6dceebb85f957342f8c0236ab702f207ec083..0502321961bdd5fec66e822251f34c08962c70e4 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/hovercard.scss
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/hovercard.scss
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   background-color: $background;
   height: 70px;
   border: 1px solid #999999;
+  font-size: small;
   .avatar {
     position: relative;
     float: left;
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/mobile.scss b/public/stylesheets/sass/mobile.scss
index 4b0235ec553eafdc2a63961a542257ad1ae42a41..29ce44b599227b8c7fc3b517a6219d6e602cd970 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/mobile.scss
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/mobile.scss
@@ -1,6 +1,218 @@
-//   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
-//   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
-//   the COPYRIGHT file.
+ * HTML5 ✰ Boilerplate
+ *
+ * What follows is the result of much research on cross-browser styling.
+ * Credit left inline and big thanks to Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal,
+ * Kroc Camen, and the H5BP dev community and team.
+ *
+ * Detailed information about this CSS: h5bp.com/css
+ *
+ * ==|== normalize ==========================================================
+ */
+/* =============================================================================
+   HTML5 display definitions
+   ========================================================================== */
+article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { display: block; }
+audio, canvas, video { display: inline-block; *display: inline; *zoom: 1; }
+audio:not([controls]) { display: none; }
+[hidden] { display: none; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Base
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * 1. Correct text resizing oddly in IE6/7 when body font-size is set using em units
+ * 2. Force vertical scrollbar in non-IE
+ * 3. Prevent iOS text size adjust on device orientation change, without disabling user zoom: h5bp.com/g
+ */
+html { font-size: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; }
+body { margin: 0; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.231; }
+body, button, input, select, textarea { font-family: sans-serif; color: #222; }
+ * Remove text-shadow in selection highlight: h5bp.com/i
+ * These selection declarations have to be separate
+ * Also: hot pink! (or customize the background color to match your design)
+ */
+::-moz-selection { background: #fe57a1; color: #fff; text-shadow: none; }
+::selection { background: #fe57a1; color: #fff; text-shadow: none; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Links
+   ========================================================================== */
+a { color: #00e; }
+a:visited { color: #551a8b; }
+a:hover { color: #06e; }
+a:focus { outline: thin dotted; }
+/* Improve readability when focused and hovered in all browsers: h5bp.com/h */
+a:hover, a:active { outline: 0; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Typography
+   ========================================================================== */
+abbr[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }
+b, strong { font-weight: bold; }
+blockquote { margin: 1em 40px; }
+dfn { font-style: italic; }
+hr { display: block; height: 1px; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0; }
+ins { background: #ff9; color: #000; text-decoration: none; }
+mark { background: #ff0; color: #000; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Redeclare monospace font family: h5bp.com/j */
+pre, code, kbd, samp { font-family: monospace, serif; _font-family: 'courier new', monospace; font-size: 1em; }
+/* Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers */
+pre { white-space: pre; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; }
+q { quotes: none; }
+q:before, q:after { content: ""; content: none; }
+small { font-size: 85%; }
+/* Position subscript and superscript content without affecting line-height: h5bp.com/k */
+sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; }
+sup { top: -0.5em; }
+sub { bottom: -0.25em; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Lists
+   ========================================================================== */
+ul, ol { margin: 1em 0; padding: 0 0 0 40px; }
+dd { margin: 0 0 0 40px; }
+nav ul, nav ol { list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Embedded content
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * 1. Improve image quality when scaled in IE7: h5bp.com/d
+ * 2. Remove the gap between images and borders on image containers: h5bp.com/e
+ */
+img { border: 0; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; vertical-align: middle; }
+ * Correct overflow not hidden in IE9
+ */
+svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Figures
+   ========================================================================== */
+figure { margin: 0; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Forms
+   ========================================================================== */
+form { margin: 0; }
+fieldset { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
+/* Indicate that 'label' will shift focus to the associated form element */
+label { cursor: pointer; }
+ * 1. Correct color not inheriting in IE6/7/8/9
+ * 2. Correct alignment displayed oddly in IE6/7
+ */
+legend { border: 0; *margin-left: -7px; padding: 0; }
+ * 1. Correct font-size not inheriting in all browsers
+ * 2. Remove margins in FF3/4 S5 Chrome
+ * 3. Define consistent vertical alignment display in all browsers
+ */
+button, input, select, textarea { font-size: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: baseline; *vertical-align: middle; }
+ * 1. Define line-height as normal to match FF3/4 (set using !important in the UA stylesheet)
+ * 2. Correct inner spacing displayed oddly in IE6/7
+ */
+button, input { line-height: normal; *overflow: visible; }
+ * Reintroduce inner spacing in 'table' to avoid overlap and whitespace issues in IE6/7
+ */
+table button, table input { *overflow: auto; }
+ * 1. Display hand cursor for clickable form elements
+ * 2. Allow styling of clickable form elements in iOS
+ */
+button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], [role="button"] { cursor: pointer; -webkit-appearance: button; }
+ * Consistent box sizing and appearance
+ */
+input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; }
+input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; }
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; }
+ * Remove inner padding and border in FF3/4: h5bp.com/l
+ */
+button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; }
+ * 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE6/7/8/9
+ * 2. Allow only vertical resizing
+ */
+textarea { overflow: auto; vertical-align: top; resize: vertical; }
+/* Colors for form validity */
+input:valid, textarea:valid {  }
+input:invalid, textarea:invalid { background-color: #f0dddd; }
+/* =============================================================================
+   Tables
+   ========================================================================== */
+table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
+td { vertical-align: top; }
+/* ==|== primary styles =====================================================
+   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
+   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
+   the COPYRIGHT file.
+   ========================================================================== */
 @import "mixins";
@@ -32,7 +244,6 @@ body {
   max-width: 700px;
 .comments {
   overflow: auto;
@@ -259,6 +470,9 @@ header {
   z-index: 10;
   top: 0;
+  /* force hardware acceleration on webkit browsers */
+  -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
   border: {
     bottom: 1px solid #222;
@@ -266,6 +480,11 @@ header {
   .right {
     float: right; } }
+.stream_element {
+  /* force hardware acceleration on webkit browsers */
+  -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
 footer {
   text-align: center;
@@ -579,3 +798,91 @@ header {
+ * Media queries for responsive design https://github.com/shichuan/mobile-html5-boilerplate/wiki/The-Style
+ */
+/* Styles for desktop and large screen ----------- */
+/*styles for 800px and up!*/
+@media only screen and (min-width: 800px) {
+  /* Styles */
+/* iPhone 4, Opera Mobile 11 and other high pixel ratio devices ----------- */
+only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
+only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
+only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
+only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
+  /* Styles */
+/* ==|== non-semantic helper classes ========================================
+   Please define your styles before this section.
+   ========================================================================== */
+/* prevent callout */
+.nocallout {-webkit-touch-callout: none;}
+/* Text overflow with ellipsis */
+.ellipsis {
+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+/* A hack for HTML5 contenteditable attribute on mobile */
+textarea[contenteditable] {-webkit-appearance: none;}
+/* A workaround for S60 3.x and 5.0 devices which do not animated gif images if they have been set as display: none */
+.gifhidden {position: absolute; left: -100%;}
+/* For image replacement */
+.ir { display: block; border: 0; text-indent: -999em; overflow: hidden; background-color: transparent; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: left; direction: ltr; }
+.ir br { display: none; }
+/* Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: h5bp.com/u */
+.hidden { display: none !important; visibility: hidden; }
+/* Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders: h5bp.com/v */
+.visuallyhidden { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; }
+/* Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable when navigated to via the keyboard: h5bp.com/p */
+.visuallyhidden.focusable:active, .visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { clip: auto; height: auto; margin: 0; overflow: visible; position: static; width: auto; }
+/* Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout */
+.invisible { visibility: hidden; }
+/* Contain floats: h5bp.com/q */
+.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; }
+.clearfix:after { clear: both; }
+.clearfix { *zoom: 1; }
+/* ==|== print styles =======================================================
+   Print styles.
+   Inlined to avoid required HTTP connection: h5bp.com/r
+   ========================================================================== */
+@media print {
+  * { background: transparent !important; color: black !important; text-shadow: none !important; filter:none !important; -ms-filter: none !important; } /* Black prints faster: h5bp.com/s */
+  a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline; }
+  a[href]:after { content: " (" attr(href) ")"; }
+  abbr[title]:after { content: " (" attr(title) ")"; }
+  .ir a:after, a[href^="javascript:"]:after, a[href^="#"]:after { content: ""; }  /* Don't show links for images, or javascript/internal links */
+  pre, blockquote { border: 1px solid #999; page-break-inside: avoid; }
+  thead { display: table-header-group; } /* h5bp.com/t */
+  tr, img { page-break-inside: avoid; }
+  img { max-width: 100% !important; }
+  @page { margin: 0.5cm; }
+  p, h2, h3 { orphans: 3; widows: 3; }
+  h2, h3 { page-break-after: avoid; }
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/sass/ui.sass b/public/stylesheets/sass/ui.sass
index 5847a3a6e7327b39a1a553cdff2fdcc85b114431..38060868f010d1bb1a0049f49163a6e338af0855 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/sass/ui.sass
+++ b/public/stylesheets/sass/ui.sass
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ input.button
           :left 24px
         :position relative
         :color #222
+        :list-style none
diff --git a/spec/controllers/aspects_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/aspects_controller_spec.rb
index e668fe1b28b330112e2e9787484725d0a28a50bf..a46be36930e67a8fb67ff00ac5b05dd78e912647 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/aspects_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/aspects_controller_spec.rb
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ describe AspectsController do
   describe "#index" do
     context 'jasmine fixtures' do
+      before do
+        AspectStream.any_instance.stub(:ajax_stream?).and_return(false)
+      end
       it "generates a jasmine fixture", :fixture => true do
         get :index
         save_fixture(html_for("body"), "aspects_index")
diff --git a/spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb
index ab3d6a9c3d0e3264d8ae8ccea55eeeadb77e948a..76ea6feb54c19c9862a4c34041a5c23482a641be 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb
@@ -77,10 +77,12 @@ describe StatusMessagesController do
     it 'takes public in aspect ids' do
       post :create, status_message_hash.merge(:aspect_ids => ['public'])
+      response.status.should == 302
     it 'takes all_aspects in aspect ids' do
       post :create, status_message_hash.merge(:aspect_ids => ['all_aspects'])
+      response.status.should == 302
     it "dispatches the post to the specified services" do
@@ -113,6 +115,13 @@ describe StatusMessagesController do
       post :create, status_message_hash
+    it 'respsects provider_display_name' do
+      status_message_hash.merge!(:aspect_ids => ['public'])
+      status_message_hash[:status_message].merge!(:provider_display_name => "mobile")
+      post :create, status_message_hash
+      StatusMessage.first.provider_display_name.should == 'mobile'
+    end
     it 'sends the errors in the body on js' do
       post :create, status_message_hash.merge!(:format => 'js', :status_message => {:text => ''})
       response.body.should include('Status message requires a message or at least one photo')
diff --git a/spec/lib/aspect_stream_spec.rb b/spec/lib/aspect_stream_spec.rb
index 8fd0a860d7e201f10fe1d8f69da155ff2144ec57..f08acdc47d7cc44ee2b6d0e0d27fa8c535c80ef5 100644
--- a/spec/lib/aspect_stream_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/aspect_stream_spec.rb
@@ -123,4 +123,19 @@ describe AspectStream do
       @stream.should_not be_for_all_aspects
+  describe '.ajax_stream?' do
+    before do
+      @stream = AspectStream.new(stub, stub)
+    end
+    it 'is true stream is for all aspects?' do
+      @stream.stub(:for_all_aspects?).and_return(true)
+      @stream.ajax_stream?.should be_true
+    end
+    it 'is false if it is not for all aspects' do
+      @stream.stub(:for_all_aspects?).and_return(false)
+      @stream.ajax_stream?.should be_false
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch_spec.rb b/spec/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch_spec.rb
index 8dbc8e50084a59b324fa3284d2c88b928c0708ae..421fc9bb42d706a916fd8deac3069c1ececc24c4 100644
--- a/spec/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/postzord/receiver/local_batch_spec.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ require File.join(Rails.root, 'lib','postzord', 'receiver', 'local_batch')
 describe Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch do
   before do
     @object = Factory(:status_message, :author => alice.person)
-    @ids = [bob.id] 
+    @ids = [bob.id.to_s] 
   let(:receiver) { Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch.new(@object, @ids) }
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ describe Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch do
     it 'sockets to users' do
+      pending 'not currently socketing'
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ describe Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch do
   describe '#create_post_visibilities' do
-    it 'calls Postvisibility.batch_import' do
-      PostVisibility.should_receive(:batch_import)
+    it 'calls Postvisibility.batch_import with hashes' do
+      PostVisibility.should_receive(:batch_import).with(instance_of(Array), @object)
@@ -94,12 +95,16 @@ describe Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch do
       @object = Factory(:comment, :author => bob.person, :post => sm)
-    it 'calls socket_to_users and notify_users' do
-      receiver.should_receive(:socket_to_users)
+    it 'calls notify_users' do
+    it 'calls socket_to_users' do
+      pending 'not currently socketing'
+      receiver.should_receive(:socket_to_users)
+      receiver.perform!
+    end
     it 'does not call create_visibilities and notify_mentioned_users' do
diff --git a/spec/models/post_spec.rb b/spec/models/post_spec.rb
index 7c56147c87b55eaef1c7d8513fe0403360ca401c..07701aeb1574038d456f155360048cfe1c6b8f18 100644
--- a/spec/models/post_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/post_spec.rb
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ describe Post do
+  describe '.diaspora_initialize' do
+    it 'takes provider_display_name' do
+      sm = Factory.build(:status_message, :provider_display_name => 'mobile')
+      StatusMessage.diaspora_initialize(sm.attributes.merge(:author => bob.person)).provider_display_name.should == 'mobile'
+    end
+  end
   describe '#mutable?' do
     it 'should be false by default' do
       post = @user.post :status_message, :text => "hello", :to => @aspect.id
diff --git a/spec/models/post_visibility_spec.rb b/spec/models/post_visibility_spec.rb
index 3fec3aff3126effcb18c9800c637d99ea8a70ef0..e35470e672fc8eed49b4bb4a1dce721ac7bdacef 100644
--- a/spec/models/post_visibility_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/post_visibility_spec.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ describe PostVisibility do
     it 'creates a visibility for each user' do
       lambda {
-        PostVisibility.batch_import([@contact], @post)
+        PostVisibility.batch_import([@contact.id], @post)
       }.should change {
         PostVisibility.exists?(:contact_id => @contact.id, :post_id => @post.id)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe PostVisibility do
     it 'does not raise if a visibility already exists' do
       PostVisibility.create!(:contact_id => @contact.id, :post_id => @post.id)
       lambda {
-        PostVisibility.batch_import([@contact], @post)
+        PostVisibility.batch_import([@contact.id], @post)
       }.should_not raise_error
diff --git a/spec/models/services/facebook_spec.rb b/spec/models/services/facebook_spec.rb
index 872b7577e688af03d6a5039326ba5690c25e9b45..faed3af3a92972f6c52a0e6a568e27d58d0e0c44 100644
--- a/spec/models/services/facebook_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/services/facebook_spec.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ describe Services::Facebook do
       WebMock.should have_requested(:post, "https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed").with(:body => {:message => @post.text, :access_token => @service.access_token}.to_param)
     it 'swallows exception raised by facebook always being down' do
@@ -26,6 +27,15 @@ describe Services::Facebook do
       @service.post(@post, url)
+  describe '#create_post_params' do
+    it 'should have a link when the message has a link' do
+      @service.create_post_params("http://example.com/ test message")[:link].should == "http://example.com/"
+    end
+    it 'should not have a link when the message has no link' do
+      @service.create_post_params("test message")[:link].should == nil
+    end
+  end
   context 'finder' do
     before do
diff --git a/spec/models/user_spec.rb b/spec/models/user_spec.rb
index 977df19d6da057373e73b010373f4d8d8edc8bd1..2138a7e73ea05b380e7b5c2414bcf1da91bc9f43 100644
--- a/spec/models/user_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/user_spec.rb
@@ -151,6 +151,13 @@ describe User do
         alice.username =  "hexagooooooooooooooooooooooooooon"
         alice.should_not be_valid
+      it "cannot be one of the blacklist names" do
+        ['hostmaster', 'postmaster', 'root', 'webmaster'].each do |username|
+          alice.username =  username
+          alice.should_not be_valid
+        end
+      end
     describe "of email" do