# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. require 'spec_helper' describe ConversationsController do before do sign_in :user, alice end describe '#new' do before do get :new end it 'succeeds' do response.should be_success end it "assigns a json list of contacts that are sharing with the person" do assigns(:contacts_json).should include(alice.contacts.where(:sharing => true).first.person.name) alice.contacts << Contact.new(:person_id => eve.person.id, :user_id => alice.id, :sharing => false, :receiving => true) assigns(:contacts_json).should_not include(alice.contacts.where(:sharing => false).first.person.name) end it "assigns a contact if passed a contact id" do get :new, :contact_id => alice.contacts.first.id assigns(:contact_ids).should == alice.contacts.first.id end it "assigns a set of contacts if passed an aspect id" do get :new, :aspect_id => alice.aspects.first.id assigns(:contact_ids).should == alice.aspects.first.contacts.map(&:id).join(',') end it "does not allow XSS via the name parameter" do ["</script><script>alert(1);</script>", '"}]});alert(1);(function f() {var foo = [{b:"'].each do |xss| get :new, name: xss response.body.should_not include xss end end end describe '#index' do before do hash = { :author => alice.person, :participant_ids => [alice.contacts.first.person.id, alice.person.id], :subject => 'not spam', :messages_attributes => [ {:author => alice.person, :text => 'cool stuff'} ] } @conversations = Array.new(3) { Conversation.create(hash) } end it 'succeeds' do get :index response.should be_success assigns[:conversations].should =~ @conversations end it 'succeeds with json' do get :index, :format => :json response.should be_success json = JSON.parse(response.body) json.first['conversation'].should be_present end it 'retrieves all conversations for a user' do get :index assigns[:conversations].count.should == 3 end end describe '#create' do context 'with a valid conversation' do before do @hash = { :format => :js, :conversation => { :subject => "secret stuff", :text => 'text debug' }, :contact_ids => [alice.contacts.first.id] } end it 'creates a conversation' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should change(Conversation, :count).by(1) end it 'creates a message' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should change(Message, :count).by(1) end it 'should set response with success to true and message to success message' do post :create, @hash assigns[:response][:success].should == true assigns[:response][:message].should == I18n.t('conversations.create.sent') assigns[:response][:conversation_id].should == Conversation.first.id end it 'sets the author to the current_user' do @hash[:author] = FactoryGirl.create(:user) post :create, @hash Message.first.author.should == alice.person Conversation.first.author.should == alice.person end it 'dispatches the conversation' do cnv = Conversation.create( { :author => alice.person, :participant_ids => [alice.contacts.first.person.id, alice.person.id], :subject => 'not spam', :messages_attributes => [ {:author => alice.person, :text => 'cool stuff'} ] } ) p = Postzord::Dispatcher.build(alice, cnv) p.class.stub(:new).and_return(p) p.should_receive(:post) post :create, @hash end end context 'with empty subject' do before do @hash = { :format => :js, :conversation => { :subject => ' ', :text => 'text debug' }, :contact_ids => [alice.contacts.first.id] } end it 'creates a conversation' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should change(Conversation, :count).by(1) end it 'creates a message' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should change(Message, :count).by(1) end it 'should set response with success to true and message to success message' do post :create, @hash assigns[:response][:success].should == true assigns[:response][:message].should == I18n.t('conversations.create.sent') assigns[:response][:conversation_id].should == Conversation.first.id end end context 'with empty text' do before do @hash = { :format => :js, :conversation => { :subject => 'secret stuff', :text => ' ' }, :contact_ids => [alice.contacts.first.id] } end it 'does not create a conversation' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Conversation, :count).by(1) end it 'does not create a message' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Message, :count).by(1) end it 'should set response with success to false and message to create fail' do post :create, @hash assigns[:response][:success].should == false assigns[:response][:message].should == I18n.t('conversations.create.fail') end end context 'with empty contact' do before do @hash = { :format => :js, :conversation => { :subject => 'secret stuff', :text => 'text debug' }, :contact_ids => ' ' } end it 'does not create a conversation' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Conversation, :count).by(1) end it 'does not create a message' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Message, :count).by(1) end it 'should set response with success to false and message to fail due to no contact' do post :create, @hash assigns[:response][:success].should == false assigns[:response][:message].should == I18n.t('conversations.create.no_contact') end end context 'with nil contact' do before do @hash = { :format => :js, :conversation => { :subject => 'secret stuff', :text => 'text debug' }, :contact_ids => nil } end it 'does not create a conversation' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Conversation, :count).by(1) end it 'does not create a message' do lambda { post :create, @hash }.should_not change(Message, :count).by(1) end end end describe '#show' do before do hash = { :author => alice.person, :participant_ids => [alice.contacts.first.person.id, alice.person.id], :subject => 'not spam', :messages_attributes => [ {:author => alice.person, :text => 'cool stuff'} ] } @conversation = Conversation.create(hash) end it 'succeeds with js' do get :show, :id => @conversation.id, :format => :js response.should be_success assigns[:conversation].should == @conversation end it 'succeeds with json' do get :show, :id => @conversation.id, :format => :json response.should be_success assigns[:conversation].should == @conversation response.body.should include @conversation.guid end it 'redirects to index' do get :show, :id => @conversation.id response.should redirect_to(conversations_path(:conversation_id => @conversation.id)) assigns[:conversation].should == @conversation end it 'does not let you access conversations where you are not a recipient' do sign_in :user, eve get :show, :id => @conversation.id response.code.should redirect_to conversations_path end end end