# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base #has_mobile_fu protect_from_forgery :except => :receive #before_filter :mobile_except_ipad before_filter :set_contacts_notifications_and_status, :except => [:create, :update] before_filter :count_requests before_filter :set_invites before_filter :set_locale def set_contacts_notifications_and_status if user_signed_in? @aspect = nil @object_aspect_ids = [] @all_aspects = current_user.aspects.includes(:aspect_memberships) @aspects_dropdown_array = @all_aspects.collect{|x| [x.to_s, x.id]} @notification_count = Notification.for(current_user, :unread =>true).count end end def mobile_except_ipad if is_mobile_device? if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].include? "iPad" session[:mobile_view] = false else session[:mobile_view] = true end end end def count_requests @request_count = Request.where(:recipient_id => current_user.person.id).count if current_user end def set_invites if user_signed_in? @invites = current_user.invites end end def set_locale if user_signed_in? I18n.locale = current_user.language else I18n.locale = request.compatible_language_from AVAILABLE_LANGUAGE_CODES end end def similar_people contact, opts={} opts[:limit] ||= 5 aspect_ids = contact.aspects.map{|a| a.id} count = Contact.joins(:aspect_memberships).where( :user_id => current_user.id).where( "contacts.person_id != #{contact.person_id}").where( :aspect_memberships => {:aspect_id => aspect_ids}).count if count > opts[:limit] offset = rand(count-opts[:limit]) else offset = 0 end contacts = Contact.joins(:aspect_memberships).includes(:person).where( :user_id => current_user.id).where( "contacts.person_id != #{contact.person_id}").where( :aspect_memberships => {:aspect_id => aspect_ids}).all( :offset => offset, :limit => opts[:limit]) contacts.collect!{ |contact| contact.person } end end