# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. require 'spec_helper' describe PeopleController do before do @user = alice @aspect = @user.aspects.first sign_in :user, @user end describe '#index (search)' do before do @eugene = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Eugene", :last_name => "w")) @korth = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Evan", :last_name => "Korth")) end describe 'via json' do it 'succeeds' do get :index, :q => "Korth", :format => 'json' response.should be_success end it 'responds with json' do get :index, :q => "Korth", :format => 'json' response.body.should == [@korth].to_json end it 'does not assign hashes' do get :index, :q => "Korth", :format => 'json' assigns[:hashes].should be_nil end end describe 'via html' do context 'query is a diaspora ID' do before do @unsearchable_eugene = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :diaspora_handle => "eugene@example.org", :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Eugene", :last_name => "w", :searchable => false)) end it 'finds people even if they have searchable off' do get :index, :q => "eugene@example.org" assigns[:people][0].id.should == @unsearchable_eugene.id end it 'downcases the query term' do get :index, :q => "Eugene@Example.ORG" assigns[:people][0].id.should == @unsearchable_eugene.id end it 'does not the background query task if the user is found' do get :index, :q => "Eugene@Example.ORG" assigns[:background_query].should == nil end it 'sets background query task if the user is not found' do get :index, :q => "Eugene@Example1.ORG" assigns[:background_query].should == "eugene@example1.org" end end context 'query is not a tag or a diaspora ID' do it 'assigns hashes' do get :index, :q => "Korth" assigns[:hashes].should_not be_nil end it 'does not set the background query task' do get :index, :q => "Korth" assigns[:background_query].should_not be_present end it "assigns people" do eugene2 = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Eugene", :last_name => "w")) get :index, :q => "Eug" assigns[:people].map { |x| x.id }.should =~ [@eugene.id, eugene2.id] end it "succeeds if there is exactly one match" do get :index, :q => "Korth" assigns[:people].length.should == 1 response.should be_success end it "succeeds if there are no matches" do get :index, :q => "Korthsauce" assigns[:people].length.should == 0 response.should be_success end it 'succeeds if you search for the empty term' do get :index, :q => '' response.should be_success end it 'succeeds if you search for punctuation' do get :index, :q => '+' response.should be_success end it "excludes people who have searchable off" do eugene2 = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Eugene", :last_name => "w", :searchable => false)) get :index, :q => "Eug" assigns[:people].should_not =~ [eugene2] end end end end describe '#tag_index' do it 'works for js' do get :tag_index, :name => 'jellybeans', :format => :js response.should be_success end it 'returns awesome people who have that tag' do f = FactoryGirl.create(:person) f.profile.tag_string = "#seeded" f.profile.save get :tag_index, :name => 'seeded', :format => :js assigns[:people].count.should == 1 end end describe "#show performance", :performance => true do before do require 'benchmark' @posts = [] @users = [] 8.times do |n| user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) @users << user aspect = user.aspects.create(:name => 'people') connect_users(@user, @user.aspects.first, user, aspect) @posts << @user.post(:status_message, :text => "hello#{n}", :to => aspect.id) end @posts.each do |post| @users.each do |user| user.comment!(post, "yo#{post.text}") end end end it 'takes time' do Benchmark.realtime { get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param }.should < 1.0 end end describe '#show' do it "404s if the id is invalid" do get :show, :id => 'delicious' response.code.should == "404" end it "404s if no person is found via id" do get :show, :id => "3d920397846" response.code.should == "404" end it "404s if no person is found via username" do get :show, :username => 'delicious' response.code.should == "404" end it 'redirects home for closed account' do @person = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :closed_account => true) get :show, :id => @person.to_param response.should be_redirect flash[:notice].should_not be_blank end it 'does not allow xss attacks' do user2 = bob profile = user2.profile profile.update_attribute(:first_name, "</script><script> alert('xss attack');</script>") get :show, :id => user2.person.to_param response.should be_success response.body.should_not include(profile.first_name) end it "doesn't leak photos in the sidebar" do private_photo = @user.post(:photo, user_file: uploaded_photo, to: @aspect.id, public: false) public_photo = @user.post(:photo, user_file: uploaded_photo, to: @aspect.id, public: true) sign_out :user get :show, id: @user.person.to_param assigns(:photos).should_not include private_photo assigns(:photos).should include public_photo end context "when the person is the current user" do it "succeeds" do get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param response.should be_success end it 'succeeds on the mobile site' do get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param, :format => :mobile response.should be_success end it "assigns the right person" do get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param assigns(:person).should == @user.person end it "assigns all the user's posts" do @user.posts.should be_empty @user.post(:status_message, :text => "to one aspect", :to => @aspect.id) @user.post(:status_message, :text => "to all aspects", :to => 'all') @user.post(:status_message, :text => "public", :to => 'all', :public => true) @user.reload.posts.length.should == 3 get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param assigns(:stream).posts.map(&:id).should =~ @user.posts.map(&:id) end it "renders the comments on the user's posts" do message = @user.post :status_message, :text => 'test more', :to => @aspect.id @user.comment!(message, 'I mean it') get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param response.should be_success end end context "with no user signed in" do before do sign_out :user @person = bob.person end it "succeeds" do get :show, :id => @person.to_param response.status.should == 200 end it 'succeeds on the mobile site' do get :show, :id => @person.to_param, :format => :mobile response.should be_success end context 'with posts' do before do @public_posts = [] @public_posts << bob.post(:status_message, :text => "first public ", :to => bob.aspects[0].id, :public => true) bob.post(:status_message, :text => "to an aspect @user is not in", :to => bob.aspects[1].id) bob.post(:status_message, :text => "to all aspects", :to => 'all') @public_posts << bob.post(:status_message, :text => "public", :to => 'all', :public => true) @public_posts.first.created_at -= 1000 @public_posts.first.save end it "posts include reshares" do reshare = @user.post(:reshare, :public => true, :root_guid => FactoryGirl.create(:status_message, :public => true).guid, :to => alice.aspects) get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param assigns[:stream].posts.map { |x| x.id }.should include(reshare.id) end it "assigns only public posts" do get :show, :id => @person.to_param assigns[:stream].posts.map(&:id).should =~ @public_posts.map(&:id) end it 'is sorted by created_at desc' do get :show, :id => @person.to_param assigns[:stream].stream_posts.should == @public_posts.sort_by { |p| p.created_at }.reverse end end it 'forces to sign in if the person is remote' do p = FactoryGirl.create(:person) get :show, :id => p.to_param response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to new_user_session_path end end context "when the person is a contact of the current user" do before do @person = bob.person end it "succeeds" do get :show, :id => @person.to_param response.should be_success end it 'succeeds on the mobile site' do get :show, :id => @person.to_param, :format => :mobile response.should be_success end it "assigns only the posts the current user can see" do bob.posts.should be_empty posts_user_can_see = [] aspect_user_is_in = bob.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first aspect_user_is_not_in = bob.aspects.where(:name => "empty").first posts_user_can_see << bob.post(:status_message, :text => "to an aspect @user is in", :to => aspect_user_is_in.id) bob.post(:status_message, :text => "to an aspect @user is not in", :to => aspect_user_is_not_in.id) posts_user_can_see << bob.post(:status_message, :text => "to all aspects", :to => 'all') posts_user_can_see << bob.post(:status_message, :text => "public", :to => 'all', :public => true) bob.reload.posts.length.should == 4 get :show, :id => @person.to_param assigns(:stream).posts.map(&:id).should =~ posts_user_can_see.map(&:id) end it "posts include reshares" do reshare = @user.post(:reshare, :public => true, :root_guid => FactoryGirl.create(:status_message, :public => true).guid, :to => alice.aspects) get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param assigns[:stream].posts.map { |x| x.id }.should include(reshare.id) end end context "when the person is not a contact of the current user" do before do @person = eve.person end it "succeeds" do get :show, :id => @person.to_param response.should be_success end it 'succeeds on the mobile site' do get :show, :id => @person.to_param, :format => :mobile response.should be_success end it "assigns only public posts" do eve.posts.should be_empty eve.post(:status_message, :text => "to an aspect @user is not in", :to => eve.aspects.first.id) eve.post(:status_message, :text => "to all aspects", :to => 'all') public_post = eve.post(:status_message, :text => "public", :to => 'all', :public => true) eve.reload.posts.length.should == 3 get :show, :id => @person.to_param assigns[:stream].posts.map(&:id).should =~ [public_post].map(&:id) end it "posts include reshares" do reshare = @user.post(:reshare, :public => true, :root_guid => FactoryGirl.create(:status_message, :public => true).guid, :to => alice.aspects) get :show, :id => @user.person.to_param assigns[:stream].posts.map { |x| x.id }.should include(reshare.id) end end end describe '#hovercard' do before do @hover_test = FactoryGirl.create(:person) @hover_test.profile.tag_string = '#test #tags' @hover_test.profile.save! end it 'redirects html requests' do get :hovercard, :person_id => @hover_test.guid response.should redirect_to person_path(:id => @hover_test.guid) end it 'returns json with profile stuff' do get :hovercard, :person_id => @hover_test.guid, :format => 'json' JSON.parse( response.body )['handle'].should == @hover_test.diaspora_handle end end describe '#refresh_search ' do before(:each)do @eugene = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Eugene", :last_name => "w")) @korth = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :profile => FactoryGirl.build(:profile, :first_name => "Evan", :last_name => "Korth")) end describe 'via json' do it 'returns a zero count when a search fails' do get :refresh_search, :q => "weweweKorth", :format => 'json' response.body.should == {:search_count=>0, :search_html=>""}.to_json end it 'returns with a zero count unless a fully composed name is sent' do get :refresh_search, :q => "Korth" response.body.should == {:search_count=>0, :search_html=>""}.to_json end it 'returns with a found name' do get :refresh_search, :q => @korth.diaspora_handle JSON.parse( response.body )["search_count"].should == 1 end end end describe '#contacts' do it 'assigns the contacts of a person' do contact = alice.contact_for(bob.person) contacts = contact.contacts get :contacts, :person_id => bob.person.to_param assigns(:contacts_of_contact).should =~ contacts response.should be_success end it 'shows an error when invalid person id' do get :contacts, :person_id => 'foo' flash[:error].should be_present response.should redirect_to people_path end end describe '#diaspora_id?' do it 'returns true for pods on urls' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@pod.geraspora.de").should be_true end it 'returns true for pods on urls with port' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@pod.geraspora.de:12314").should be_true end it 'returns true for pods on localhost' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@localhost").should be_true end it 'returns true for pods on localhost and port' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@localhost:1234").should be_true end it 'returns true for pods on ip' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@").should be_true end it 'returns true for pods on ip and port' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@").should be_true end it 'returns false for pods on with invalid url characters' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_123@join_diaspora.com").should be_false end it 'returns false for invalid usernames' do @controller.send(:diaspora_id?, "ilya_2%3@joindiaspora.com").should be_false end end end