# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. require Rails.root.join("lib", 'stream', "person") class PeopleController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => [:show, :last_post] before_filter :redirect_if_tag_search, :only => [:index] respond_to :html, :except => [:tag_index] respond_to :json, :only => [:index, :show] respond_to :js, :only => [:tag_index] rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do render :file => Rails.root.join('public', '404').to_s, :format => :html, :layout => false, :status => 404 end helper_method :search_query def index @aspect = :search limit = params[:limit] ? params[:limit].to_i : 15 @people = Person.search(search_query, current_user) respond_to do |format| format.json do @people = @people.limit(limit) render :json => @people end format.any(:html, :mobile) do #only do it if it is an email address if diaspora_id?(search_query) @people = Person.where(:diaspora_handle => search_query.downcase) if @people.empty? Webfinger.in_background(search_query) @background_query = search_query.downcase end end @people = @people.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 15) @hashes = hashes_for_people(@people, @aspects) end end end def refresh_search @aspect = :search @people = Person.where(:diaspora_handle => search_query.downcase) @answer_html = "" unless @people.empty? @hashes = hashes_for_people(@people, @aspects) self.formats = self.formats + [:html] @answer_html = render_to_string :partial => 'people/person', :locals => @hashes.first end render :json => { :search_count => @people.count, :search_html => @answer_html }.to_json end def tag_index profiles = Profile.tagged_with(params[:name]).where(:searchable => true).select('profiles.id, profiles.person_id') @people = Person.where(:id => profiles.map{|p| p.person_id}).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 15) respond_with @people end def hashes_for_people(people, aspects) ids = people.map{|p| p.id} contacts = {} Contact.unscoped.where(:user_id => current_user.id, :person_id => ids).each do |contact| contacts[contact.person_id] = contact end people.map{|p| {:person => p, :contact => contacts[p.id], :aspects => aspects} } end def show @person = Person.find_from_guid_or_username(params) authenticate_user! if remote_profile_with_no_user_session? return redirect_to :back, :notice => t("people.show.closed_account") if @person.closed_account? @post_type = :all @aspect = :profile @share_with = (params[:share_with] == 'true') @stream = Stream::Person.new(current_user, @person, :max_time => max_time) @profile = @person.profile unless params[:format] == "json" # hovercard if current_user @block = current_user.blocks.where(:person_id => @person.id).first @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person) @aspects_with_person = [] if @contact && !params[:only_posts] @aspects_with_person = @contact.aspects @aspect_ids = @aspects_with_person.map(&:id) @contacts_of_contact_count = @contact.contacts.count @contacts_of_contact = @contact.contacts.limit(8) else @contact ||= Contact.new @contacts_of_contact_count = 0 @contacts_of_contact = [] end end end respond_to do |format| format.all do respond_with @person, :locals => {:post_type => :all} end format.json { render :json => @stream.stream_posts.map { |p| LastThreeCommentsDecorator.new(PostPresenter.new(p, current_user)) }} end end def last_post @person = Person.find_from_guid_or_username(params) last_post = Post.visible_from_author(@person, current_user).order('posts.created_at DESC').first redirect_to post_path(last_post) end def retrieve_remote if params[:diaspora_handle] Webfinger.in_background(params[:diaspora_handle], :single_aspect_form => true) render :nothing => true else render :nothing => true, :status => 422 end end def contacts @person = Person.find_by_guid(params[:person_id]) if @person @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person) @aspect = :profile @contacts_of_contact = @contact.contacts.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => (params[:limit] || 15)) @hashes = hashes_for_people @contacts_of_contact, @aspects @aspects_with_person = @contact.aspects @aspect_ids = @aspects_with_person.map(&:id) else flash[:error] = I18n.t 'people.show.does_not_exist' redirect_to people_path end end def aspect_membership_dropdown @person = Person.find_by_guid(params[:person_id]) if @person == current_user.person render :text => I18n.t('people.person.thats_you') else @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person) || Contact.new render :partial => 'aspect_membership_dropdown', :locals => {:contact => @contact, :person => @person, :hang => 'left'} end end def diaspora_id?(query) !query.try(:match, /^(\w)*@([a-zA-Z0-9]|[-]|[.]|[:])*$/).nil? end def search_query @search_query ||= params[:q] || params[:term] || '' end def redirect_if_tag_search if search_query.starts_with?('#') if search_query.length > 1 redirect_to tag_path(:name => search_query.delete('#.'), :q => search_query) else flash[:error] = I18n.t('tags.show.none', :name => search_query) redirect_to :back end end end protected def remote_profile_with_no_user_session? @person.try(:remote?) && !user_signed_in? end end