-# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is -# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See -# the COPYRIGHT file. - if in_mobile_view? = javascript_include_tag :jquery = javascript_include_tag :mobile :javascript $(document).ready(function () { var data = $.parseJSON( "#{escape_javascript(@contacts_json)}" ), autocompleteInput = $("#contact_autocomplete"); autocompleteInput.autoSuggest(data, { selectedItemProp: "name", searchObjProps: "name", asHtmlID: "contact_ids", retrieveLimit: 10, minChars: 1, keyDelay: 0, startText: '', emptyText: '#{t('no_results')}', preFill: [{name : "#{h params[:name]}", value : "#{@contact_ids}"}] }); autocompleteInput.focus(); }); .span6#new_conversation_pane .span5#facebox_header %h3 = t('conversations.index.new_conversation') = form_for Conversation.new, html: {class: "new_conversation form_do_not_clear"}, remote: true do |conversation| .span1 %h4 = t('.to') .span4 = text_field_tag "contact_autocomplete" .clearfix %br .span1 %h4 = t('.subject') .span4 = conversation.text_field :subject %br .span4.offset1 = text_area_tag "conversation[text]", '', :rows => 5 .clearfix .bottom_submit_section = conversation.submit t('.send'), 'data-disable-with' => t('.sending'), :class => 'button creation'