# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. describe UsersController, :type => :controller do include_context :gon include PostsHelper before do @user = alice sign_in @user, scope: :user allow(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(@user) end describe '#export_profile' do it 'queues an export job' do expect(@user).to receive :queue_export post :export_profile expect(request.flash[:notice]).to eql(I18n.t('users.edit.export_in_progress')) expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_path) end end describe "#download_profile" do it "downloads a user's export file" do @user.perform_export! get :download_profile expect(response).to redirect_to(@user.export.url) end end describe '#export_photos' do it 'queues an export photos job' do expect(@user).to receive :queue_export_photos post :export_photos expect(request.flash[:notice]).to eql(I18n.t('users.edit.export_photos_in_progress')) expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_path) end end describe '#download_photos' do it "redirects to user's photos zip file" do @user.perform_export_photos! get :download_photos expect(response).to redirect_to(@user.exported_photos_file.url) end end describe '#public' do context "entry xml contents" do before do @sm = FactoryGirl.create( :status_message, public: true, author: @user.person, text: "Go to http://diasporafoundation.org/ now!" ) end it "contains the text" do get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :atom doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) expect(doc.css("entry content")[0].content).to eq(@sm.message.markdownified(disable_hovercards: true)) end it "contains the title" do get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :atom doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) expect(doc.css("entry title")[0].content).to eq(post_page_title(@sm)) end it "contains the author" do get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :atom doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) expect(doc.css("entry author name")[0].content).to eq(@sm.author_name) end it "contains the original author for reshares" do FactoryGirl.create(:reshare, root: @sm, author: bob.person) get :public, params: {username: bob.username}, format: :atom doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) expect(doc.css("entry author name")[0].content).to eq(@sm.author_name) end end it 'includes reshares in the atom feed' do reshare = FactoryGirl.create(:reshare, :author => @user.person) get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :atom expect(response.body).to include reshare.root.text end it 'do not show reshares in atom feed if origin post is deleted' do post = FactoryGirl.create(:status_message, :public => true); reshare = FactoryGirl.create(:reshare, :root => post, :author => @user.person) post.delete get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :atom expect(response.code).to eq('200') end it 'redirects to a profile page if html is requested' do get :public, params: {username: @user.username} expect(response).to be_redirect end it 'redirects to a profile page if mobile is requested' do get :public, params: {username: @user.username}, format: :mobile expect(response).to be_redirect end end describe "#update" do context "with random params" do let(:params) { {id: @user.id, user: {diaspora_handle: "notreal@stuff.com"}} } it "doesn't overwrite random attributes" do expect { put :update, params: params }.not_to change(@user, :diaspora_handle) end it "renders the user edit page" do put :update, params: params expect(response).to render_template('edit') end end describe "password updates" do let(:password_params) do {current_password: "bluepin7", password: "foobaz", password_confirmation: "foobaz"} end let(:params) do {id: @user.id, user: password_params, change_password: "Change Password"} end before do allow(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(@user) allow(@user).to receive(:update_with_password) allow(@user).to receive(:update_attributes) end it "uses devise's update with password" do put :update, params: params expect(@user).to have_received(:update_with_password).with(hash_including(password_params)) expect(@user).not_to have_received(:update_attributes).with(hash_including(password_params)) end it "does not update the password without the change_password param" do put :update, params: params.except(:change_password).deep_merge(user: {language: "de"}) expect(@user).not_to have_received(:update_with_password).with(hash_including(password_params)) expect(@user).not_to have_received(:update_attributes).with(hash_including(password_params)) expect(@user).to have_received(:update_attributes).with(hash_including(language: "de")) end end context "with otp params" do let(:otp_params) { {otp_required_for_login: false, otp_secret: "mykey"} } let(:params) { {id: @user.id, user: otp_params} } before do allow(@controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(@user) allow(@user).to receive(:update_attributes) end it "does not accept the params" do put :update, params: params expect(@user).not_to have_received(:update_attributes) .with(hash_including(:otp_required_for_login, :otp_secret)) end end describe 'language' do it "allows the user to change their language" do old_language = 'en' @user.language = old_language @user.save put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {language: "fr"}} @user.reload expect(@user.language).not_to eq(old_language) end end describe "color_theme" do it "allows the user to change their color theme" do old_color_theme = "original" @user.color_theme = old_color_theme @user.save put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {color_theme: "dark_green"}} @user.reload expect(@user.color_theme).not_to eq(old_color_theme) end end describe 'email' do it "disallows the user to change their new (unconfirmed) mail when it is the same as the old" do @user.email = "my@newemail.com" put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "my@newemail.com"}} @user.reload expect(@user.unconfirmed_email).to eql(nil) end it "allows the user to change their (unconfirmed) email" do put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "my@newemail.com"}} @user.reload expect(@user.unconfirmed_email).to eql("my@newemail.com") end it 'informs the user about success' do put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "my@newemail.com"}} expect(request.flash[:notice]).to eql(I18n.t('users.update.unconfirmed_email_changed')) expect(request.flash[:error]).to be_blank end it 'informs the user about failure' do put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "mynewemailcom"}} expect(request.flash[:error]).to eql(I18n.t('users.update.unconfirmed_email_not_changed')) expect(request.flash[:notice]).to be_blank end it "allow the user to change their (unconfirmed) email to blank (= abort confirmation)" do put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: ""}} @user.reload expect(@user.unconfirmed_email).to eql(nil) end it 'sends out activation email on success' do expect(Workers::Mail::ConfirmEmail).to receive(:perform_async).with(@user.id).once put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "my@newemail.com"}} end it "saves unconfirmed_email when podmail is disabled" do AppConfig.mail.enable = false put :update, params: {id: @user.id, user: {email: "my@newemail.com"}} @user.reload expect(@user.email).to eql("my@newemail.com") end end describe "email settings" do UserPreference::VALID_EMAIL_TYPES.each do |email_type| context "for #{email_type}" do it "lets the user turn off mail" do par = {id: @user.id, user: {email_preferences: {email_type => "true"}}} expect { put :update, params: par }.to change(@user.user_preferences, :count).by(1) end it "lets the user get mail again" do @user.user_preferences.create(email_type: email_type) par = {id: @user.id, user: {email_preferences: {email_type => "false"}}} expect { put :update, params: par }.to change(@user.user_preferences, :count).by(-1) end end end end describe 'getting started' do it 'can be reenabled' do put :update, params: {user: {getting_started: true}} expect(@user.reload.getting_started?).to be true end end end describe '#privacy_settings' do it "returns a 200" do get 'privacy_settings' expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end describe '#edit' do it "returns a 200" do get :edit, params: {id: @user.id} expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it 'displays community spotlight checkbox' do AppConfig.settings.community_spotlight.enable = true get :edit, params: {id: @user.id} expect(response.body).to include('input name="user[show_community_spotlight_in_stream]"') end it 'hides community spotlight checkbox' do AppConfig.settings.community_spotlight = false get :edit, params: {id: @user.id} expect(response.body).not_to include('input name="user[show_community_spotlight_in_stream]"') end it 'set @email_pref to false when there is a user pref' do @user.user_preferences.create(:email_type => 'mentioned') get :edit, params: {id: @user.id} expect(assigns[:email_prefs]['mentioned']).to be false end it "does not allow token auth" do sign_out :user bob.reset_authentication_token! get :edit, params: {auth_token: bob.authentication_token} expect(response).to redirect_to new_user_session_path end end describe '#destroy' do it 'does nothing if the password does not match' do expect(Workers::DeleteAccount).not_to receive(:perform_async) delete :destroy, params: {user: {current_password: "stuff"}} end it 'closes the account' do expect(alice).to receive(:close_account!) delete :destroy, params: {user: {current_password: "bluepin7"}} end it 'enqueues a delete job' do expect(Workers::DeleteAccount).to receive(:perform_async).with(anything) delete :destroy, params: {user: {current_password: "bluepin7"}} end end describe '#confirm_email' do before do @user.update_attribute(:unconfirmed_email, 'my@newemail.com') end it 'redirects to to the user edit page' do get :confirm_email, params: {token: @user.confirm_email_token} expect(response).to redirect_to edit_user_path end it 'confirms email' do get :confirm_email, params: {token: @user.confirm_email_token} @user.reload expect(@user.email).to eql('my@newemail.com') expect(request.flash[:notice]).to eql(I18n.t('users.confirm_email.email_confirmed', :email => 'my@newemail.com')) expect(request.flash[:error]).to be_blank end it 'does NOT confirm email with wrong token' do get :confirm_email, params: {token: @user.confirm_email_token.reverse} @user.reload expect(@user.email).not_to eql('my@newemail.com') expect(request.flash[:error]).to eql(I18n.t('users.confirm_email.email_not_confirmed')) expect(request.flash[:notice]).to be_blank end end describe 'getting_started' do it 'does not fail miserably' do get :getting_started expect(response).to be_successful end it 'does not fail miserably on mobile' do get :getting_started, format: :mobile expect(response).to be_successful end context "with inviter" do it "preloads data using gon for the aspect memberships dropdown when sharing with the inviter" do alice.invited_by = bob get :getting_started expect_gon_preloads_for_aspect_membership_dropdown(:inviter, true) end it "preloads data using gon for the aspect memberships dropdown when not sharing with the inviter" do alice.invited_by = eve get :getting_started expect_gon_preloads_for_aspect_membership_dropdown(:inviter, false) end end end end