# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora In This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or late See # the COPYRIGHT file. #For Guidance #http://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl # http://railscasts.com/episodes/158-factories-not-fixtures def r_str ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(3) end FactoryGirl.define do factory :profile do sequence(:first_name) { |n| "Robert#{n}#{r_str}" } sequence(:last_name) { |n| "Grimm#{n}#{r_str}" } bio "I am a cat lover and I love to run" gender "robot" location "Earth" birthday Date.today end factory :profile_with_image_url, :parent => :profile do image_url "http://example.com/image.jpg" image_url_medium "http://example.com/image_mid.jpg" image_url_small "http://example.com/image_small.jpg" end factory :person do sequence(:diaspora_handle) { |n| "bob-person-#{n}#{r_str}@example.net" } sequence(:url) { |n| AppConfig[:pod_url] } serialized_public_key OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(1024).public_key.export after_build do |person| person.profile = Factory.build(:profile, :person => person) unless person.profile.first_name.present? end after_create do |person| person.profile.save end end factory :account_deletion do association :person after_build do |delete| delete.diaspora_handle = delete.person.diaspora_handle end end factory :searchable_person, :parent => :person do after_build do |person| person.profile = Factory.build(:profile, :person => person, :searchable => true) end end factory :like do association :author, :factory => :person association :target, :factory => :status_message end factory :user do getting_started false sequence(:username) { |n| "bob#{n}#{r_str}" } sequence(:email) { |n| "bob#{n}#{r_str}@pivotallabs.com" } password "bluepin7" password_confirmation { |u| u.password } serialized_private_key OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(1024).export after_build do |u| u.person = Factory.build(:person, :profile => Factory.build(:profile), :owner_id => u.id, :serialized_public_key => u.encryption_key.public_key.export, :diaspora_handle => "#{u.username}#{User.diaspora_id_host}") end after_create do |u| u.person.save u.person.profile.save end end factory :user_with_aspect, :parent => :user do after_create { |u| Factory(:aspect, :user => u) } end factory :aspect do name "generic" association :user end factory(:status_message) do sequence(:text) { |n| "jimmy's #{n} whales" } association :author, :factory => :person after_build do |sm| sm.diaspora_handle = sm.author.diaspora_handle end end factory(:status_message_with_photo, :parent => :status_message) do sequence(:text) { |n| "There are #{n} ninjas in this photo." } after_build do |sm| Factory(:photo, :author => sm.author, :status_message => sm, :pending => false, :public => public) end end factory(:photo) do sequence(:random_string) {|n| ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(10) } association :author, :factory => :person after_build do |p| p.unprocessed_image.store! File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'button.png')) p.update_remote_path end end factory(:remote_photo, :parent => :photo) do remote_photo_path 'https://photo.com/images/' remote_photo_name 'kittehs.jpg' association :author,:factory => :person processed_image nil unprocessed_image nil end factory :reshare do association(:root, :public => true, :factory => :status_message) association(:author, :factory => :person) end factory :invitation do service "email" identifier "bob.smith@smith.com" association :sender, :factory => :user_with_aspect after_build do |i| i.aspect = i.sender.aspects.first end end factory :service do |service| nickname "sirrobertking" type "Services::Twitter" sequence(:uid) { |token| "00000#{token}" } sequence(:access_token) { |token| "12345#{token}" } sequence(:access_secret) { |token| "98765#{token}" } end factory :service_user do sequence(:uid) { |id| "a#{id}"} sequence(:name) { |num| "Rob Fergus the #{num.ordinalize}" } association :service photo_url "/images/user/adams.jpg" end factory(:comment) do sequence(:text) {|n| "#{n} cats"} association(:author, :factory => :person) association(:post, :factory => :status_message) end factory(:notification) do association :recipient, :factory => :user association :target, :factory => :comment type 'Notifications::AlsoCommented' after_build do |note| note.actors << Factory.build(:person) end end factory(:activity_streams_photo, :class => ActivityStreams::Photo) do association(:author, :factory => :person) image_url "#{AppConfig[:pod_url]}/images/asterisk.png" image_height 154 image_width 154 object_url "http://example.com/awesome_things.gif" objectId "http://example.com/awesome_things.gif" actor_url "http://notcubbes/cubber" provider_display_name "not cubbies" public true end factory(:app, :class => OAuth2::Provider.client_class) do sequence(:name) { |token| "Chubbies#{token}" } sequence(:application_base_url) { |token| "http://chubbi#{token}.es/" } description "The best way to chub on the ne" icon_url "/images/chubbies48.png" permissions_overview "I will use the permissions this way!" sequence(:public_key) {|n| OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048) } end factory(:oauth_authorization, :class => OAuth2::Provider.authorization_class) do association(:client, :factory => :app) association(:resource_owner, :factory => :user) end factory(:oauth_access_token, :class => OAuth2::Provider.access_token_class) do association(:authorization, :factory => :oauth_authorization) end factory(:tag, :class => ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag) do name "partytimeexcellent" end factory(:tag_following) do association(:tag, :factory => :tag) association(:user, :factory => :user) end factory(:contact) do association(:person, :factory => :person) association(:user, :factory => :user) end factory(:mention) do association(:person, :factory => :person) association(:post, :factory => :status_message) end end