# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. class AspectsController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_user! respond_to :html respond_to :json, :only => [:show, :create] respond_to :js def index if params[:a_ids] @aspects = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:a_ids]).includes(:contacts => {:person => :profile}) else @aspects = current_user.aspects.includes(:contacts => {:person => :profile}) end @selected_contacts = @aspects.inject([]){|arr, aspect| arr.concat(aspect.contacts)} @selected_contacts.uniq! # redirect to signup if (current_user.getting_started == true || @aspects.blank?) && !request.format.mobile? redirect_to getting_started_path else if params[:sort_order].blank? and session[:sort_order].blank? session[:sort_order] = 'updated_at' elsif not params[:sort_order].blank? and not session[:sort_order] == params[:sort_order] session[:sort_order] = params[:sort_order] == 'created_at' ? 'created_at' : 'updated_at' end sort_order = session[:sort_order] == 'created_at' ? 'created_at' : 'updated_at' @aspect_ids = @aspects.map{|a| a.id} @posts = StatusMessage.joins(:aspects).where(:pending => false, :aspects => {:id => @aspect_ids}).includes(:comments, :photos).select('DISTINCT `posts`.*').paginate( :page => params[:page], :per_page => 15, :order => sort_order + ' DESC') @fakes = PostsFake.new(@posts) @contact_count = current_user.contacts.count @aspect = :all unless params[:a_ids] @aspect ||= @aspects.first #used in mobile end end def create @aspect = current_user.aspects.create(params[:aspect]) #hack, we don't know why mass assignment is not working @aspect.contacts_visible = params[:aspect][:contacts_visible] @aspect.save if @aspect.valid? flash[:notice] = I18n.t('aspects.create.success', :name => @aspect.name) if current_user.getting_started redirect_to :back elsif request.env['HTTP_REFERER'].include?("aspects/manage") redirect_to :back elsif params[:aspect][:share_with] @contact = Contact.where(:id => params[:aspect][:contact_id]).first @person = Person.where(:id => params[:aspect][:person_id]).first @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person) || Contact.new respond_to do |format| format.js { render :json => {:html => render_to_string( :partial => 'aspects/aspect_list_item', :locals => {:aspect => @aspect, :person => @person, :contact => @contact} ), :aspect_id => @aspect.id},:status => 201 } end else respond_with @aspect end else flash[:error] = I18n.t('aspects.create.failure') redirect_to :back end end def new @aspect = Aspect.new end def destroy @aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:id]).first begin current_user.drop_aspect @aspect flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'aspects.destroy.success',:name => @aspect.name redirect_to aspects_path rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e flash[:error] = I18n.t 'aspects.destroy.failure',:name => @aspect.name redirect_to aspects_path end end def show @aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:id]).first if @aspect redirect_to aspects_path('a_ids[]' => @aspect.id) else redirect_to aspects_path end end def edit @aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:id]).includes(:contacts => {:person => :profile}).first @contacts = current_user.contacts.includes(:person => :profile) unless @aspect render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :layout => false, :status => 404 else @aspect_ids = [@aspect.id] @aspect_contacts_count = @aspect.contacts.length render :layout => false end end def manage @aspect = :manage @contacts = current_user.contacts.includes(:person => :profile) @remote_requests = Request.where(:recipient_id => current_user.person.id).includes(:sender => :profile) @aspects = @all_aspects.includes(:contacts => {:person => :profile}) end def update @aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:id]).first if @aspect.update_attributes!( params[:aspect] ) #hack, we don't know why mass assignment is not working @aspect.contacts_visible = params[:aspect][:contacts_visible] @aspect.save flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'aspects.update.success',:name => @aspect.name else flash[:error] = I18n.t 'aspects.update.failure',:name => @aspect.name end respond_with @aspect end def toggle_contact_visibility @aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:aspect_id]).first if @aspect.contacts_visible? @aspect.contacts_visible = false else @aspect.contacts_visible = true end @aspect.save end def move_contact @person = Person.find(params[:person_id]) @from_aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:from]).first @to_aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:to][:to]).first response_hash = { } unless current_user.move_contact( @person, @to_aspect, @from_aspect) flash[:error] = I18n.t 'aspects.move_contact.error',:inspect => params.inspect end if aspect = current_user.aspects.where(:id => params[:to][:to]).first response_hash[:notice] = I18n.t 'aspects.move_contact.success' response_hash[:success] = true else response_hash[:notice] = I18n.t 'aspects.move_contact.failure' response_hash[:success] = false end render :text => response_hash.to_json end end