# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. require 'spec_helper' describe User do context "relations" do context "#conversations" do it "doesn't find anything when there is nothing to find" do u = FactoryGirl.create(:user) u.conversations.should be_empty end it "finds the users conversations" do c = FactoryGirl.create(:conversation, { author: alice.person }) alice.conversations.should include c end it "doesn't find other users conversations" do c1 = FactoryGirl.create(:conversation) c2 = FactoryGirl.create(:conversation) c_own = FactoryGirl.create(:conversation, { author: alice.person }) alice.conversations.should include c_own alice.conversations.should_not include c1 alice.conversations.should_not include c2 end end end describe "private key" do it 'has a key' do alice.encryption_key.should_not be nil end it 'marshalls the key to and from the db correctly' do user = User.build(:username => 'max', :email => 'foo@bar.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password') user.save! user.serialized_private_key.should be_present expect{ user.reload.encryption_key }.to_not raise_error end end describe 'yearly_actives' do it 'returns list which includes users within last year' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 1.month user.save User.yearly_actives.should include user end it 'returns list which does not include users seen within last year' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 2.year user.save User.yearly_actives.should_not include user end end describe 'monthly_actives' do it 'returns list which includes users seen within last month' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 1.day user.save User.monthly_actives.should include user end it 'returns list which does not include users seen within last month' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 2.month user.save User.monthly_actives.should_not include user end end describe 'daily_actives' do it 'returns list which includes users seen within last day' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 1.hour user.save User.daily_actives.should include(user) end it 'returns list which does not include users seen within last day' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 2.day user.save User.daily_actives.should_not include(user) end end describe 'halfyear_actives' do it 'returns list which includes users seen within half a year' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 4.month user.save User.halfyear_actives.should include user end it 'returns list which does not include users seen within the last half a year' do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.last_seen = Time.now - 7.month user.save User.halfyear_actives.should_not include user end end context 'callbacks' do describe '#save_person!' do it 'saves the corresponding user if it has changed' do alice.person.url = "http://stuff.com" Person.any_instance.should_receive(:save) alice.save end it 'does not save the corresponding user if it has not changed' do Person.any_instance.should_not_receive(:save) alice.save end end end describe 'hidden_shareables' do before do @sm = FactoryGirl.create(:status_message) @sm_id = @sm.id.to_s @sm_class = @sm.class.base_class.to_s end it 'is a hash' do alice.hidden_shareables.should == {} end describe '#add_hidden_shareable' do it 'adds the share id to an array which is keyed by the objects class' do alice.add_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.hidden_shareables['Post'].should == [@sm_id] end it 'handles having multiple posts' do sm2 = FactoryGirl.build(:status_message) alice.add_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.add_hidden_shareable(sm2.class.base_class.to_s, sm2.id.to_s) alice.hidden_shareables['Post'].should =~ [@sm_id, sm2.id.to_s] end it 'handles having multiple shareable types' do photo = FactoryGirl.create(:photo) alice.add_hidden_shareable(photo.class.base_class.to_s, photo.id.to_s) alice.add_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.hidden_shareables['Photo'].should == [photo.id.to_s] end end describe '#remove_hidden_shareable' do it 'removes the id from the hash if it is there' do alice.add_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.remove_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.hidden_shareables['Post'].should == [] end end describe 'toggle_hidden_shareable' do it 'calls add_hidden_shareable if the key does not exist, and returns true' do alice.should_receive(:add_hidden_shareable).with(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.toggle_hidden_shareable(@sm).should be_true end it 'calls remove_hidden_shareable if the key exists' do alice.should_receive(:remove_hidden_shareable).with(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.add_hidden_shareable(@sm_class, @sm_id) alice.toggle_hidden_shareable(@sm).should be_false end end describe '#is_shareable_hidden?' do it 'returns true if the shareable is hidden' do post = FactoryGirl.create(:status_message) bob.toggle_hidden_shareable(post) bob.is_shareable_hidden?(post).should be_true end it 'returns false if the shareable is not present' do post = FactoryGirl.create(:status_message) bob.is_shareable_hidden?(post).should be_false end end end describe 'overwriting people' do it 'does not overwrite old users with factory' do lambda { new_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, :id => alice.id) }.should raise_error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid end it 'does not overwrite old users with create' do params = {:username => "ohai", :email => "ohai@example.com", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password", :person => {:profile => {:first_name => "O", :last_name => "Hai"} } } params[:id] = alice.id new_user = User.build(params) new_user.save new_user.persisted?.should be_true new_user.id.should_not == alice.id end end describe "validation" do describe "of associated person" do it "fails if person is not valid" do user = alice user.should be_valid user.person.serialized_public_key = nil user.person.should_not be_valid user.should_not be_valid user.errors.full_messages.count.should == 1 user.errors.full_messages.first.should =~ /Person is invalid/i end end describe "of username" do it "requires presence" do alice.username = nil alice.should_not be_valid end it "requires uniqueness" do alice.username = eve.username alice.should_not be_valid end it 'requires uniqueness also amount Person objects with diaspora handle' do p = FactoryGirl.create(:person, :diaspora_handle => "jimmy#{User.diaspora_id_host}") alice.username = 'jimmy' alice.should_not be_valid end it "downcases username" do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user, :username => "WeIrDcAsE") user.should be_valid user.username.should == "weirdcase" end it "fails if the requested username is only different in case from an existing username" do alice.username = eve.username.upcase alice.should_not be_valid end it "strips leading and trailing whitespace" do user = FactoryGirl.build(:user, :username => " janie ") user.should be_valid user.username.should == "janie" end it "fails if there's whitespace in the middle" do alice.username = "bobby tables" alice.should_not be_valid end it 'can not contain non url safe characters' do alice.username = "kittens;" alice.should_not be_valid end it 'should not contain periods' do alice.username = "kittens." alice.should_not be_valid end it "can be 32 characters long" do alice.username = "hexagoooooooooooooooooooooooooon" alice.should be_valid end it "cannot be 33 characters" do alice.username = "hexagooooooooooooooooooooooooooon" alice.should_not be_valid end it "cannot be one of the blacklist names" do ['hostmaster', 'postmaster', 'root', 'webmaster'].each do |username| alice.username = username alice.should_not be_valid end end end describe "of email" do it "requires email address" do alice.email = nil alice.should_not be_valid end it "requires a unique email address" do alice.email = eve.email alice.should_not be_valid end it "requires a vaild email address" do alice.email = "somebody@anywhere" alice.should_not be_valid end end describe "of unconfirmed_email" do it "unconfirmed_email address can be nil/blank" do alice.unconfirmed_email = nil alice.should be_valid alice.unconfirmed_email = "" alice.should be_valid end it "does NOT require a unique unconfirmed_email address" do eve.update_attribute :unconfirmed_email, "new@email.com" alice.unconfirmed_email = "new@email.com" alice.should be_valid end it "requires a vaild unconfirmed_email address" do alice.unconfirmed_email = "somebody@anywhere" alice.should_not be_valid end end describe "of language" do after do I18n.locale = :en end it "requires availability" do alice.language = 'some invalid language' alice.should_not be_valid end it "should save with current language if blank" do I18n.locale = :fr user = User.build(:username => 'max', :email => 'foo@bar.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password') user.language.should == 'fr' end it "should save with language what is set" do I18n.locale = :fr user = User.build(:username => 'max', :email => 'foo@bar.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password', :language => 'de') user.language.should == 'de' end end end describe ".build" do context 'with valid params' do before do params = {:username => "ohai", :email => "ohai@example.com", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password", :person => {:profile => {:first_name => "O", :last_name => "Hai"} } } @user = User.build(params) end it "does not save" do @user.persisted?.should be_false @user.person.persisted?.should be_false User.find_by_username("ohai").should be_nil end it 'saves successfully' do @user.should be_valid @user.save.should be_true @user.persisted?.should be_true @user.person.persisted?.should be_true User.find_by_username("ohai").should == @user end end describe "with invalid params" do before do @invalid_params = { :username => "ohai", :email => "ohai@example.com", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "wrongpasswordz", :person => {:profile => {:first_name => "", :last_name => ""}}} end it "raises no error" do lambda { User.build(@invalid_params) }.should_not raise_error end it "does not save" do User.build(@invalid_params).save.should be_false end it 'does not save a person' do lambda { User.build(@invalid_params) }.should_not change(Person, :count) end it 'does not generate a key' do User.should_receive(:generate_key).exactly(0).times User.build(@invalid_params) end end describe "with malicious params" do let(:person) {FactoryGirl.create :person} before do @invalid_params = {:username => "ohai", :email => "ohai@example.com", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password", :person => {:id => person.id, :profile => {:first_name => "O", :last_name => "Hai"} } } end it "does not assign it to the person" do User.build(@invalid_params).person.id.should_not == person.id end end end describe '#process_invite_acceptence' do it 'sets the inviter on user' do inv = InvitationCode.create(:user => bob) user = FactoryGirl.build(:user) user.process_invite_acceptence(inv) user.invited_by_id.should == bob.id end end describe 'update_user_preferences' do before do @pref_count = UserPreference::VALID_EMAIL_TYPES.count end it 'unsets disable mail and makes the right amount of prefs' do alice.disable_mail = true expect { alice.update_user_preferences({}) }.to change(alice.user_preferences, :count).by(@pref_count) end it 'still sets new prefs to false on update' do alice.disable_mail = true expect { alice.update_user_preferences({'mentioned' => false}) }.to change(alice.user_preferences, :count).by(@pref_count-1) alice.reload.disable_mail.should be_false end end describe ".find_for_database_authentication" do it 'finds a user' do User.find_for_database_authentication(:username => alice.username).should == alice end it 'finds a user by email' do User.find_for_database_authentication(:username => alice.email).should == alice end it "does not preserve case" do User.find_for_database_authentication(:username => alice.username.upcase).should == alice end it 'errors out when passed a non-hash' do lambda { User.find_for_database_authentication(alice.username) }.should raise_error end end describe '#update_profile' do before do @params = { :first_name => 'bob', :last_name => 'billytown', } end it 'dispatches the profile when tags are set' do @params = {:tag_string => '#what #hey'} mailman = Postzord::Dispatcher.build(alice, Profile.new) Postzord::Dispatcher.should_receive(:build).and_return(mailman) alice.update_profile(@params).should be_true end it 'sends a profile to their contacts' do mailman = Postzord::Dispatcher.build(alice, Profile.new) Postzord::Dispatcher.should_receive(:build).and_return(mailman) alice.update_profile(@params).should be_true end it 'updates names' do alice.update_profile(@params).should be_true alice.reload.profile.first_name.should == 'bob' end it 'updates image_url' do params = {:image_url => "http://clown.com"} alice.update_profile(params).should be_true alice.reload.profile.image_url.should == "http://clown.com" end context 'passing in a photo' do before do fixture_filename = 'button.png' fixture_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', fixture_filename) image = File.open(fixture_name) @photo = Photo.diaspora_initialize(:author => alice.person, :user_file => image) @photo.save! @params = {:photo => @photo} end it 'updates image_url' do alice.update_profile(@params).should be_true alice.reload alice.profile.image_url.should =~ Regexp.new(@photo.url(:thumb_large)) alice.profile.image_url_medium.should =~ Regexp.new(@photo.url(:thumb_medium)) alice.profile.image_url_small.should =~ Regexp.new(@photo.url(:thumb_small)) end it 'unpends the photo' do @photo.pending = true @photo.save! @photo.reload alice.update_profile(@params).should be true @photo.reload.pending.should be_false end end end describe '#update_post' do it 'should dispatch post' do photo = alice.build_post(:photo, :user_file => uploaded_photo, :text => "hello", :to => alice.aspects.first.id) alice.should_receive(:dispatch_post).with(photo) alice.update_post(photo, :text => 'hellp') end end describe '#notify_if_mentioned' do before do @post = FactoryGirl.build(:status_message, :author => bob.person) end it 'notifies the user if the incoming post mentions them' do @post.should_receive(:mentions?).with(alice.person).and_return(true) @post.should_receive(:notify_person).with(alice.person) alice.notify_if_mentioned(@post) end it 'does not notify the user if the incoming post does not mention them' do @post.should_receive(:mentions?).with(alice.person).and_return(false) @post.should_not_receive(:notify_person) alice.notify_if_mentioned(@post) end it 'does not notify the user if the post author is not a contact' do @post = FactoryGirl.build(:status_message, :author => eve.person) @post.stub(:mentions?).and_return(true) @post.should_not_receive(:notify_person) alice.notify_if_mentioned(@post) end end describe 'account deletion' do describe '#destroy' do it 'removes invitations from the user' do FactoryGirl.create(:invitation, :sender => alice) lambda { alice.destroy }.should change {alice.invitations_from_me(true).count }.by(-1) end it 'removes invitations to the user' do Invitation.new(:sender => eve, :recipient => alice, :identifier => alice.email, :aspect => eve.aspects.first).save(:validate => false) lambda { alice.destroy }.should change {alice.invitations_to_me(true).count }.by(-1) end it 'removes all service connections' do Services::Facebook.create(:access_token => 'what', :user_id => alice.id) lambda { alice.destroy }.should change { alice.services.count }.by(-1) end end end describe '#mail' do it 'enqueues a mail job' do alice.disable_mail = false alice.save Workers::Mail::StartedSharing.should_receive(:perform_async).with(alice.id, 'contactrequestid').once alice.mail(Workers::Mail::StartedSharing, alice.id, 'contactrequestid') end it 'does not enqueue a mail job if the correct corresponding job has a preference entry' do alice.user_preferences.create(:email_type => 'started_sharing') Workers::Mail::StartedSharing.should_not_receive(:perform_async) alice.mail(Workers::Mail::StartedSharing, alice.id, 'contactrequestid') end it 'does not send a mail if disable_mail is set to true' do alice.disable_mail = true alice.save alice.reload Workers::Mail::StartedSharing.should_not_receive(:perform_async) alice.mail(Workers::Mail::StartedSharing, alice.id, 'contactrequestid') end end context "aspect management" do before do @contact = alice.contact_for(bob.person) @original_aspect = alice.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @new_aspect = alice.aspects.create(:name => 'two') end describe "#add_contact_to_aspect" do it 'adds the contact to the aspect' do lambda { alice.add_contact_to_aspect(@contact, @new_aspect) }.should change(@new_aspect.contacts, :count).by(1) end it 'returns true if they are already in the aspect' do alice.add_contact_to_aspect(@contact, @original_aspect).should be_true end end end context 'likes' do before do alices_aspect = alice.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @bobs_aspect = bob.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @message = alice.post(:status_message, :text => "cool", :to => alices_aspect) @message2 = bob.post(:status_message, :text => "uncool", :to => @bobs_aspect) @like = alice.like!(@message) @like2 = bob.like!(@message) end describe '#like_for' do it 'returns the correct like' do alice.like_for(@message).should == @like bob.like_for(@message).should == @like2 end it "returns nil if there's no like" do alice.like_for(@message2).should be_nil end end describe '#liked?' do it "returns true if there's a like" do alice.liked?(@message).should be_true bob.liked?(@message).should be_true end it "returns false if there's no like" do alice.liked?(@message2).should be_false end end end context 'change email' do let(:user){ alice } describe "#unconfirmed_email" do it "is nil by default" do user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) end it "forces blank to nil" do user.unconfirmed_email = "" user.save! user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) end it "is ignored if it equals email" do user.unconfirmed_email = user.email user.save! user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) end it "allows change to valid new email" do user.unconfirmed_email = "alice@newmail.com" user.save! user.unconfirmed_email.should eql("alice@newmail.com") end end describe "#confirm_email_token" do it "is nil by default" do user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end it "is autofilled when unconfirmed_email is set to new email" do user.unconfirmed_email = "alice@newmail.com" user.save! user.confirm_email_token.should_not be_blank user.confirm_email_token.size.should eql(30) end it "is set back to nil when unconfirmed_email is empty" do user.unconfirmed_email = "alice@newmail.com" user.save! user.confirm_email_token.should_not be_blank user.unconfirmed_email = nil user.save! user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end it "generates new token on every new unconfirmed_email" do user.unconfirmed_email = "alice@newmail.com" user.save! first_token = user.confirm_email_token user.unconfirmed_email = "alice@andanotherone.com" user.save! user.confirm_email_token.should_not eql(first_token) user.confirm_email_token.size.should eql(30) end end describe '#mail_confirm_email' do it 'enqueues a mail job on user with unconfirmed email' do user.update_attribute(:unconfirmed_email, "alice@newmail.com") Workers::Mail::ConfirmEmail.should_receive(:perform_async).with(alice.id).once alice.mail_confirm_email.should eql(true) end it 'enqueues NO mail job on user without unconfirmed email' do Workers::Mail::ConfirmEmail.should_not_receive(:perform_async).with(alice.id) alice.mail_confirm_email.should eql(false) end end describe '#confirm_email' do context 'on user with unconfirmed email' do before do user.update_attribute(:unconfirmed_email, "alice@newmail.com") end it 'confirms email and set the unconfirmed_email to email on valid token' do user.confirm_email(user.confirm_email_token).should eql(true) user.email.should eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end it 'returns false and does not change anything on wrong token' do user.confirm_email(user.confirm_email_token.reverse).should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should_not eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should_not eql(nil) end it 'returns false and does not change anything on blank token' do user.confirm_email("").should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should_not eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should_not eql(nil) end it 'returns false and does not change anything on blank token' do user.confirm_email(nil).should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should_not eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should_not eql(nil) end end context 'on user without unconfirmed email' do it 'returns false and does not change anything on any token' do user.confirm_email("12345"*6).should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end it 'returns false and does not change anything on blank token' do user.confirm_email("").should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end it 'returns false and does not change anything on blank token' do user.confirm_email(nil).should eql(false) user.email.should_not eql("alice@newmail.com") user.unconfirmed_email.should eql(nil) user.confirm_email_token.should eql(nil) end end end end describe '#retract' do before do @retraction = double @post = FactoryGirl.build(:status_message, :author => bob.person, :public => true) end context "posts" do before do SignedRetraction.stub(:build).and_return(@retraction) @retraction.stub(:perform) end it 'sends a retraction' do dispatcher = double Postzord::Dispatcher.should_receive(:build).with(bob, @retraction, anything()).and_return(dispatcher) dispatcher.should_receive(:post) bob.retract(@post) end it 'adds resharers of target post as additional subsctibers' do person = FactoryGirl.create(:person) reshare = FactoryGirl.create(:reshare, :root => @post, :author => person) @post.reshares << reshare dispatcher = double Postzord::Dispatcher.should_receive(:build).with(bob, @retraction, {:additional_subscribers => [person], :services => anything}).and_return(dispatcher) dispatcher.should_receive(:post) bob.retract(@post) end end end describe "#send_reset_password_instructions" do it "queues up a job to send the reset password instructions" do user = FactoryGirl.create :user Workers::ResetPassword.should_receive(:perform_async).with(user.id) user.send_reset_password_instructions end end describe "#seed_aspects" do describe "create aspects" do let(:user) { user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) user.seed_aspects user } [I18n.t('aspects.seed.family'), I18n.t('aspects.seed.friends'), I18n.t('aspects.seed.work'), I18n.t('aspects.seed.acquaintances')].each do |aspect_name| it "creates an aspect named #{aspect_name} for the user" do user.aspects.find_by_name(aspect_name).should_not be_nil end end end describe "autofollow sharing" do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before(:each) do @old_autofollow_value = AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join? @old_autofollow_user = AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join_user end after(:each) do AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join = @old_followhq_value AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join_user = @old_autofollow_user end context "with autofollow sharing enabled" do it "should start sharing with autofollow account" do AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join = true AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join_user = 'one' wf_double = double wf_double.should_receive(:fetch) Webfinger.should_receive(:new).with('one').and_return(wf_double) user.seed_aspects end end context "with sharing with diasporahq enabled" do it "should not start sharing with the diasporahq account" do AppConfig.settings.autofollow_on_join = false Webfinger.should_not_receive(:new) user.seed_aspects end end end end context "close account" do before do @user = bob end describe "#close_account!" do it 'locks the user out' do @user.close_account! @user.reload.access_locked?.should be_true end it 'creates an account deletion' do expect{ @user.close_account! }.to change(AccountDeletion, :count).by(1) end it 'calls person#lock_access!' do @user.person.should_receive(:lock_access!) @user.close_account! end end describe "#clear_account!" do it 'resets the password to a random string' do random_pass = "12345678909876543210" SecureRandom.should_receive(:hex).and_return(random_pass) @user.clear_account! @user.valid_password?(random_pass) end it 'clears all the clearable fields' do @user.reload attributes = @user.send(:clearable_fields) @user.clear_account! @user.reload attributes.each do |attr| @user.send(attr.to_sym).should be_blank end end end describe "#clearable_attributes" do it 'returns the clearable fields' do user = FactoryGirl.create :user user.send(:clearable_fields).sort.should == %w{ language invitation_token invitation_sent_at reset_password_sent_at reset_password_token remember_created_at sign_in_count current_sign_in_at last_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip hidden_shareables last_sign_in_ip invitation_service invitation_identifier invitation_limit invited_by_id invited_by_type authentication_token auto_follow_back auto_follow_back_aspect_id unconfirmed_email confirm_email_token last_seen }.sort end end end describe "sign up" do before do params = {:username => "ohai", :email => "ohai@example.com", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password", :captcha => "12345", :person => {:profile => {:first_name => "O", :last_name => "Hai"} } } @user = User.build(params) end it "saves with captcha off" do AppConfig.settings.captcha.enable = false @user.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) @user.sign_up end it "saves with captcha on" do AppConfig.settings.captcha.enable = true @user.should_receive(:save_with_captcha).and_return(true) @user.sign_up end end end