@javascript Feature: new user registration Background: When I go to the new user registration page And I fill in the new user form And I submit the form Then I should be on the getting started page Then I should see the 'getting started' contents Scenario: new user goes through the setup wizard When I fill in the following: | profile_first_name | O | And I follow "awesome_button" And I confirm the alert Then I should be on the stream page And I close the publisher And I should not see "awesome_button" Scenario: new user tries to XSS itself When I fill in the following: | profile_first_name | <script>alert(0)// | And I focus the "follow_tags" field Then I should see a flash message containing "Hey, <script>alert(0)//!" Scenario: new user does not add any tags in setup wizard and cancel the alert When I fill in the following: | profile_first_name | some name | And I focus the "follow_tags" field Then I should see a flash message containing "Hey, some name!" When I follow "awesome_button" And I reject the alert Then I should be on the getting started page And I should see a flash message containing "All right, I’ll wait." Scenario: new user skips the setup wizard When I follow "awesome_button" And I confirm the alert Then I should be on the stream page And I close the publisher Scenario: new user without any tags posts first status message When I follow "awesome_button" And I confirm the alert Then I should be on the stream page When I submit the publisher Then "Hey everyone, I’m #newhere." should be post 1 Scenario: new user with some tags posts first status message When I fill in the following: | profile_first_name | some name | And I fill in "tags" with "#rockstar" And I press the first ".as-result-item" within "#as-results-tags" And I follow "awesome_button" Then I should be on the stream page When I submit the publisher Then "Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #rockstar." should be post 1 Scenario: closing a popover clears getting started When I follow "awesome_button" And I confirm the alert Then I should be on the stream page And I have turned off jQuery effects And I wait for the popovers to appear And I click close on all the popovers And I close the publisher Then I should not see "Welcome to diaspora*" Scenario: user fills in bogus data - client side validation When I log out manually And I go to the new user registration page And I fill in the following: | user_username | $%&(/&%$&/=)(/ | And I press "Sign up" Then I should not be able to sign up And I should have a validation error on "user_username, user_password, user_email" When I fill in the following: | user_username | valid_user | | user_email | this is not a valid email $%&/()( | And I press "Sign up" Then I should not be able to sign up And I should have a validation error on "user_password, user_email" When I fill in the following: | user_email | valid@email.com | | user_password | 1 | And I press "Sign up" Then I should not be able to sign up And I should have a validation error on "user_password, user_password_confirmation" Scenario: User signs up with an already existing username and email and then tries to sign in (Issue #6136) When I log out manually And I go to the new user registration page And I fill in the new user form with an existing email and username And I submit the form Then I should see a flash message indicating failure When I click the sign in button Then I should not see a flash message indicating failure