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jqplot.css 4,81 ko
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  •     background: url(../../Morpheus/images/loading-blue.gif) no-repeat center center white;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 10;
    .jqplot-target {
        position: relative;
        color: #333;
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    .jqplot-yaxis-tick {
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        font-size: 1.5em;
    .jqplot-xaxis-label {
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    .jqplot-yaxis-label {
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        padding-bottom: 0.5em;
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    .rowevolution {
    #Piwik_Popover .rowevolution .alert-info {
    a.rowevolution-startmulti {
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    .rowevolution h2 {
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    .multirowevolution table.metrics {
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        user-select: none; /* CSS3 */
        -moz-user-select: none; /* Gecko (Firefox) */
        -khtml-user-select: none; /* Webkit (Safari, Chrome) */
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.sparkline,
    .multirowevolution table.metrics td.sparkline {
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    .multirowevolution table.metrics td.sparkline {
    /** IE7 does not support inline image data, which is needed for spark lines */
    *+html .multirowevolution table.metrics td.sparkline,
    *+html .rowevolution table.metrics td.sparkline {
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text {
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    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text img {
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    .multirowevolution table.metrics td.text {
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text span.details {
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text span.change {
        display: block;
        float: left;
        padding-left: 15px;
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text span.good {
    .rowevolution table.metrics td.text span.bad {
    .rowevolution .metric-selectbox,
    .rowevolution .compare-container {
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        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010; /* must be above ui dialog */
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        background: url(../../Morpheus/images/chart_line_edit.png) no-repeat 7px 4px #f7f7f7;
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    .jqplot-seriespicker-popover p.headline {
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        padding: 0 0 6px 22px;
        color: #7E7363;
    .jqplot-seriespicker-popover p.headline.recordsToPlot {
    .jqplot-seriespicker-popover.alignright p.headline {
    .jqplot-seriespicker-popover {
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    .jqplot-seriespicker-popover p.pickRow {