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  •  * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
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     * JavaScript tracking client
     * @source
     * @license BSD-3 Clause (also in js/LICENSE.txt)
     * @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c80d50af7d3db9be66a4d0a86db0286e4fd33292&dn=bsd-3-clause.txt BSD-3-Clause
    // NOTE: if you change this above Piwik comment block, you must also change `$byteStart` in js/tracker.php
    mattab's avatar
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    // Refer to for build instructions when minifying this file for distribution.
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
     * Browser [In]Compatibility
     * - minimum required ECMAScript: ECMA-262, edition 3
     * Incompatible with these (and earlier) versions of:
     * - IE4 - try..catch and introduced in IE5
     * - IE5 - named anonymous functions, array.push, encodeURIComponent, decodeURIComponent, and getElementsByTagName introduced in IE5.5
     * - Firefox 1.0 and Netscape 8.x - FF1.5 adds array.indexOf, among other things
     * - Mozilla 1.7 and Netscape 6.x-7.x
     * - Netscape 4.8
     * - Opera 6 - Error object (and Presto) introduced in Opera 7
     * - Opera 7
    /*global JSON_PIWIK:true */
    if (typeof JSON_PIWIK !== 'object' && typeof window.JSON === 'object' && window.JSON.stringify && window.JSON.parse) {
        JSON_PIWIK = window.JSON;
    } else {
        (function () {
            // we make sure to not break any site that uses JSON3 as well as we do not know if they run it in conflict mode
            // or not.
            var exports = {};
            // Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
            // methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
            /*! JSON v3.3.2 | | Copyright 2012-2014, Kit Cambridge | */
            (function () {
                // Detect the `define` function exposed by asynchronous module loaders. The
                // strict `define` check is necessary for compatibility with `r.js`.
                var isLoader = typeof define === "function" && define.amd;
                // A set of types used to distinguish objects from primitives.
                var objectTypes = {
                    "function": true,
                    "object": true
                // Detect the `exports` object exposed by CommonJS implementations.
                var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
                // Use the `global` object exposed by Node (including Browserify via
                // `insert-module-globals`), Narwhal, and Ringo as the default context,
                // and the `window` object in browsers. Rhino exports a `global` function
                // instead.
                var root = objectTypes[typeof window] && window || this,
                    freeGlobal = freeExports && objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && typeof global == "object" && global;
                if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal["global"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["window"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["self"] === freeGlobal)) {
                    root = freeGlobal;
                // Public: Initializes JSON 3 using the given `context` object, attaching the
                // `stringify` and `parse` functions to the specified `exports` object.
                function runInContext(context, exports) {
                    context || (context = root["Object"]());
                    exports || (exports = root["Object"]());
                    // Native constructor aliases.
                    var Number = context["Number"] || root["Number"],
                        String = context["String"] || root["String"],
                        Object = context["Object"] || root["Object"],
                        Date = context["Date"] || root["Date"],
                        SyntaxError = context["SyntaxError"] || root["SyntaxError"],
                        TypeError = context["TypeError"] || root["TypeError"],
                        Math = context["Math"] || root["Math"],
                        nativeJSON = context["JSON"] || root["JSON"];
                    // Delegate to the native `stringify` and `parse` implementations.
                    if (typeof nativeJSON == "object" && nativeJSON) {
                        exports.stringify = nativeJSON.stringify;
                        exports.parse = nativeJSON.parse;
                    // Convenience aliases.
                    var objectProto = Object.prototype,
                        getClass = objectProto.toString,
                        isProperty, forEach, undef;
                    // Test the `Date#getUTC*` methods. Based on work by @Yaffle.
                    var isExtended = new Date(-3509827334573292);
                    try {
                        // The `getUTCFullYear`, `Month`, and `Date` methods return nonsensical
                        // results for certain dates in Opera >= 10.53.
                        isExtended = isExtended.getUTCFullYear() == -109252 && isExtended.getUTCMonth() === 0 && isExtended.getUTCDate() === 1 &&
                                // Safari < 2.0.2 stores the internal millisecond time value correctly,
                                // but clips the values returned by the date methods to the range of
                                // signed 32-bit integers ([-2 ** 31, 2 ** 31 - 1]).
                            isExtended.getUTCHours() == 10 && isExtended.getUTCMinutes() == 37 && isExtended.getUTCSeconds() == 6 && isExtended.getUTCMilliseconds() == 708;
                    } catch (exception) {}
                    // Internal: Determines whether the native `JSON.stringify` and `parse`
                    // implementations are spec-compliant. Based on work by Ken Snyder.
                    function has(name) {
                        if (has[name] !== undef) {
                            // Return cached feature test result.
                            return has[name];
                        var isSupported;
                        if (name == "bug-string-char-index") {
                            // IE <= 7 doesn't support accessing string characters using square
                            // bracket notation. IE 8 only supports this for primitives.
                            isSupported = "a"[0] != "a";
                        } else if (name == "json") {
                            // Indicates whether both `JSON.stringify` and `JSON.parse` are
                            // supported.
                            isSupported = has("json-stringify") && has("json-parse");
                        } else {
                            var value, serialized = '{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}';
                            // Test `JSON.stringify`.
                            if (name == "json-stringify") {
                                var stringify = exports.stringify, stringifySupported = typeof stringify == "function" && isExtended;
                                if (stringifySupported) {
                                    // A test function object with a custom `toJSON` method.
                                    (value = function () {
                                        return 1;
                                    }).toJSON = value;
                                    try {
                                        stringifySupported =
                                            // Firefox 3.1b1 and b2 serialize string, number, and boolean
                                            // primitives as object literals.
                                            stringify(0) === "0" &&
                                                // FF 3.1b1, b2, and JSON 2 serialize wrapped primitives as object
                                                // literals.
                                            stringify(new Number()) === "0" &&
                                            stringify(new String()) == '""' &&
                                                // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the value is `null`, `undefined`, or
                                                // does not define a canonical JSON representation (this applies to
                                                // objects with `toJSON` properties as well, *unless* they are nested
                                                // within an object or array).
                                            stringify(getClass) === undef &&
                                                // IE 8 serializes `undefined` as `"undefined"`. Safari <= 5.1.7 and
                                                // FF 3.1b3 pass this test.
                                            stringify(undef) === undef &&
                                                // Safari <= 5.1.7 and FF 3.1b3 throw `Error`s and `TypeError`s,
                                                // respectively, if the value is omitted entirely.
                                            stringify() === undef &&
                                                // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the given value is not a number,
                                                // string, array, object, Boolean, or `null` literal. This applies to
                                                // objects with custom `toJSON` methods as well, unless they are nested
                                                // inside object or array literals. YUI 3.0.0b1 ignores custom `toJSON`
                                                // methods entirely.
                                            stringify(value) === "1" &&
                                            stringify([value]) == "[1]" &&
                                                // Prototype <= 1.6.1 serializes `[undefined]` as `"[]"` instead of
                                                // `"[null]"`.
                                            stringify([undef]) == "[null]" &&
                                                // YUI 3.0.0b1 fails to serialize `null` literals.
                                            stringify(null) == "null" &&
                                                // FF 3.1b1, 2 halts serialization if an array contains a function:
                                                // `[1, true, getClass, 1]` serializes as "[1,true,],". FF 3.1b3
                                                // elides non-JSON values from objects and arrays, unless they
                                                // define custom `toJSON` methods.
                                            stringify([undef, getClass, null]) == "[null,null,null]" &&
                                                // Simple serialization test. FF 3.1b1 uses Unicode escape sequences
                                                // where character escape codes are expected (e.g., `\b` => `\u0008`).
                                            stringify({ "a": [value, true, false, null, "\x00\b\n\f\r\t"] }) == serialized &&
                                                // FF 3.1b1 and b2 ignore the `filter` and `width` arguments.
                                            stringify(null, value) === "1" &&
                                            stringify([1, 2], null, 1) == "[\n 1,\n 2\n]" &&
                                                // JSON 2, Prototype <= 1.7, and older WebKit builds incorrectly
                                                // serialize extended years.
                                            stringify(new Date(-8.64e15)) == '"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
                                                // The milliseconds are optional in ES 5, but required in 5.1.
                                            stringify(new Date(8.64e15)) == '"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
                                                // Firefox <= 11.0 incorrectly serializes years prior to 0 as negative
                                                // four-digit years instead of six-digit years. Credits: @Yaffle.
                                            stringify(new Date(-621987552e5)) == '"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
                                                // Safari <= 5.1.5 and Opera >= 10.53 incorrectly serialize millisecond
                                                // values less than 1000. Credits: @Yaffle.
                                            stringify(new Date(-1)) == '"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"';
                                    } catch (exception) {
                                        stringifySupported = false;
                                isSupported = stringifySupported;
                            // Test `JSON.parse`.
                            if (name == "json-parse") {
                                var parse = exports.parse;
                                if (typeof parse == "function") {
                                    try {
                                        // FF 3.1b1, b2 will throw an exception if a bare literal is provided.
                                        // Conforming implementations should also coerce the initial argument to
                                        // a string prior to parsing.
                                        if (parse("0") === 0 && !parse(false)) {
                                            // Simple parsing test.
                                            value = parse(serialized);
                                            var parseSupported = value["a"].length == 5 && value["a"][0] === 1;
                                            if (parseSupported) {
                                                try {
                                                    // Safari <= 5.1.2 and FF 3.1b1 allow unescaped tabs in strings.
                                                    parseSupported = !parse('"\t"');
                                                } catch (exception) {}
                                                if (parseSupported) {
                                                    try {
                                                        // FF 4.0 and 4.0.1 allow leading `+` signs and leading
                                                        // decimal points. FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and IE 9-10 also allow
                                                        // certain octal literals.
                                                        parseSupported = parse("01") !== 1;
                                                    } catch (exception) {}
                                                if (parseSupported) {
                                                    try {
                                                        // FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and Rhino 1.7R3-R4 allow trailing decimal
                                                        // points. These environments, along with FF 3.1b1 and 2,
                                                        // also allow trailing commas in JSON objects and arrays.
                                                        parseSupported = parse("1.") !== 1;
                                                    } catch (exception) {}
                                    } catch (exception) {
                                        parseSupported = false;
                                isSupported = parseSupported;
                        return has[name] = !!isSupported;
                    if (!has("json")) {
                        // Common `[[Class]]` name aliases.
                        var functionClass = "[object Function]",
                            dateClass = "[object Date]",
                            numberClass = "[object Number]",
                            stringClass = "[object String]",
                            arrayClass = "[object Array]",
                            booleanClass = "[object Boolean]";
                        // Detect incomplete support for accessing string characters by index.
                        var charIndexBuggy = has("bug-string-char-index");
                        // Define additional utility methods if the `Date` methods are buggy.
                        if (!isExtended) {
                            var floor = Math.floor;
                            // A mapping between the months of the year and the number of days between
                            // January 1st and the first of the respective month.
                            var Months = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
                            // Internal: Calculates the number of days between the Unix epoch and the
                            // first day of the given month.
                            var getDay = function (year, month) {
                                return Months[month] + 365 * (year - 1970) + floor((year - 1969 + (month = +(month > 1))) / 4) - floor((year - 1901 + month) / 100) + floor((year - 1601 + month) / 400);
                        // Internal: Determines if a property is a direct property of the given
                        // object. Delegates to the native `Object#hasOwnProperty` method.
                        if (!(isProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty)) {
                            isProperty = function (property) {
                                var members = {}, constructor;
                                if ((members.__proto__ = null, members.__proto__ = {
                                        // The *proto* property cannot be set multiple times in recent
                                        // versions of Firefox and SeaMonkey.
                                        "toString": 1
                                    }, members).toString != getClass) {
                                    // Safari <= 2.0.3 doesn't implement `Object#hasOwnProperty`, but
                                    // supports the mutable *proto* property.
                                    isProperty = function (property) {
                                        // Capture and break the object's prototype chain (see section 8.6.2
                                        // of the ES 5.1 spec). The parenthesized expression prevents an
                                        // unsafe transformation by the Closure Compiler.
                                        var original = this.__proto__, result = property in (this.__proto__ = null, this);
                                        // Restore the original prototype chain.
                                        this.__proto__ = original;
                                        return result;
                                } else {
                                    // Capture a reference to the top-level `Object` constructor.
                                    constructor = members.constructor;
                                    // Use the `constructor` property to simulate `Object#hasOwnProperty` in
                                    // other environments.
                                    isProperty = function (property) {
                                        var parent = (this.constructor || constructor).prototype;
                                        return property in this && !(property in parent && this[property] === parent[property]);
                                members = null;
                                return, property);
                        // Internal: Normalizes the `` iteration algorithm across
                        // environments. Each enumerated key is yielded to a `callback` function.
                        forEach = function (object, callback) {
                            var size = 0, Properties, members, property;
                            // Tests for bugs in the current environment's `` algorithm. The
                            // `valueOf` property inherits the non-enumerable flag from
                            // `Object.prototype` in older versions of IE, Netscape, and Mozilla.
                            (Properties = function () {
                                this.valueOf = 0;
                            }).prototype.valueOf = 0;
                            // Iterate over a new instance of the `Properties` class.
                            members = new Properties();
                            for (property in members) {
                                // Ignore all properties inherited from `Object.prototype`.
                                if (, property)) {
                            Properties = members = null;
                            // Normalize the iteration algorithm.
                            if (!size) {
                                // A list of non-enumerable properties inherited from `Object.prototype`.
                                members = ["valueOf", "toString", "toLocaleString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "isPrototypeOf", "hasOwnProperty", "constructor"];
                                // IE <= 8, Mozilla 1.0, and Netscape 6.2 ignore shadowed non-enumerable
                                // properties.
                                forEach = function (object, callback) {
                                    var isFunction = == functionClass, property, length;
                                    var hasProperty = !isFunction && typeof object.constructor != "function" && objectTypes[typeof object.hasOwnProperty] && object.hasOwnProperty || isProperty;
                                    for (property in object) {
                                        // Gecko <= 1.0 enumerates the `prototype` property of functions under
                                        // certain conditions; IE does not.
                                        if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") &&, property)) {
                                    // Manually invoke the callback for each non-enumerable property.
                                    for (length = members.length; property = members[--length];, property) && callback(property));
                            } else if (size == 2) {
                                // Safari <= 2.0.4 enumerates shadowed properties twice.
                                forEach = function (object, callback) {
                                    // Create a set of iterated properties.
                                    var members = {}, isFunction = == functionClass, property;
                                    for (property in object) {
                                        // Store each property name to prevent double enumeration. The
                                        // `prototype` property of functions is not enumerated due to cross-
                                        // environment inconsistencies.
                                        if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && !, property) && (members[property] = 1) &&, property)) {
                            } else {
                                // No bugs detected; use the standard `` algorithm.
                                forEach = function (object, callback) {
                                    var isFunction = == functionClass, property, isConstructor;
                                    for (property in object) {
                                        if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") &&, property) && !(isConstructor = property === "constructor")) {
                                    // Manually invoke the callback for the `constructor` property due to
                                    // cross-environment inconsistencies.
                                    if (isConstructor ||, (property = "constructor"))) {
                            return forEach(object, callback);
                        // Public: Serializes a JavaScript `value` as a JSON string. The optional
                        // `filter` argument may specify either a function that alters how object and
                        // array members are serialized, or an array of strings and numbers that
                        // indicates which properties should be serialized. The optional `width`
                        // argument may be either a string or number that specifies the indentation
                        // level of the output.
                        if (!has("json-stringify")) {
                            // Internal: A map of control characters and their escaped equivalents.
                            var Escapes = {
                                92: "\\\\",
                                34: '\\"',
                                8: "\\b",
                                12: "\\f",
                                10: "\\n",
                                13: "\\r",
                                9: "\\t"
                            // Internal: Converts `value` into a zero-padded string such that its
                            // length is at least equal to `width`. The `width` must be <= 6.
                            var leadingZeroes = "000000";
                            var toPaddedString = function (width, value) {
                                // The `|| 0` expression is necessary to work around a bug in
                                // Opera <= 7.54u2 where `0 == -0`, but `String(-0) !== "0"`.
                                return (leadingZeroes + (value || 0)).slice(-width);
                            // Internal: Double-quotes a string `value`, replacing all ASCII control
                            // characters (characters with code unit values between 0 and 31) with
                            // their escaped equivalents. This is an implementation of the
                            // `Quote(value)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.3.
                            var unicodePrefix = "\\u00";
                            var quote = function (value) {
                                var result = '"', index = 0, length = value.length, useCharIndex = !charIndexBuggy || length > 10;
                                var symbols = useCharIndex && (charIndexBuggy ? value.split("") : value);
                                for (; index < length; index++) {
                                    var charCode = value.charCodeAt(index);
                                    // If the character is a control character, append its Unicode or
                                    // shorthand escape sequence; otherwise, append the character as-is.
                                    switch (charCode) {
                                        case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 13: case 34: case 92:
                                        result += Escapes[charCode];
                                            if (charCode < 32) {
                                                result += unicodePrefix + toPaddedString(2, charCode.toString(16));
                                            result += useCharIndex ? symbols[index] : value.charAt(index);
                                return result + '"';
                            // Internal: Recursively serializes an object. Implements the
                            // `Str(key, holder)`, `JO(value)`, and `JA(value)` operations.
                            var serialize = function (property, object, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack) {
                                var value, className, year, month, date, time, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, results, element, index, length, prefix, result;
                                try {
                                    // Necessary for host object support.
                                    value = object[property];
                                } catch (exception) {}
                                if (typeof value == "object" && value) {
                                    className =;
                                    if (className == dateClass && !, "toJSON")) {
                                        if (value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0) {
                                            // Dates are serialized according to the `Date#toJSON` method
                                            // specified in ES 5.1 section See section
                                            // for the ISO 8601 date time string format.
                                            if (getDay) {
                                                // Manually compute the year, month, date, hours, minutes,
                                                // seconds, and milliseconds if the `getUTC*` methods are
                                                // buggy. Adapted from @Yaffle's `date-shim` project.
                                                date = floor(value / 864e5);
                                                for (year = floor(date / 365.2425) + 1970 - 1; getDay(year + 1, 0) <= date; year++);
                                                for (month = floor((date - getDay(year, 0)) / 30.42); getDay(year, month + 1) <= date; month++);
                                                date = 1 + date - getDay(year, month);
                                                // The `time` value specifies the time within the day (see ES
                                                // 5.1 section The formula `(A % B + B) % B` is used
                                                // to compute `A modulo B`, as the `%` operator does not
                                                // correspond to the `modulo` operation for negative numbers.
                                                time = (value % 864e5 + 864e5) % 864e5;
                                                // The hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are obtained by
                                                // decomposing the time within the day. See section
                                                hours = floor(time / 36e5) % 24;
                                                minutes = floor(time / 6e4) % 60;
                                                seconds = floor(time / 1e3) % 60;
                                                milliseconds = time % 1e3;
                                            } else {
                                                year = value.getUTCFullYear();
                                                month = value.getUTCMonth();
                                                date = value.getUTCDate();
                                                hours = value.getUTCHours();
                                                minutes = value.getUTCMinutes();
                                                seconds = value.getUTCSeconds();
                                                milliseconds = value.getUTCMilliseconds();
                                            // Serialize extended years correctly.
                                            value = (year <= 0 || year >= 1e4 ? (year < 0 ? "-" : "+") + toPaddedString(6, year < 0 ? -year : year) : toPaddedString(4, year)) +
                                                "-" + toPaddedString(2, month + 1) + "-" + toPaddedString(2, date) +
                                                    // Months, dates, hours, minutes, and seconds should have two
                                                    // digits; milliseconds should have three.
                                                "T" + toPaddedString(2, hours) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, minutes) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, seconds) +
                                                    // Milliseconds are optional in ES 5.0, but required in 5.1.
                                                "." + toPaddedString(3, milliseconds) + "Z";
                                        } else {
                                            value = null;
                                    } else if (typeof value.toJSON == "function" && ((className != numberClass && className != stringClass && className != arrayClass) ||, "toJSON"))) {
                                        // Prototype <= 1.6.1 adds non-standard `toJSON` methods to the
                                        // `Number`, `String`, `Date`, and `Array` prototypes. JSON 3
                                        // ignores all `toJSON` methods on these objects unless they are
                                        // defined directly on an instance.
                                        value = value.toJSON(property);
                                if (callback) {
                                    // If a replacement function was provided, call it to obtain the value
                                    // for serialization.
                                    value =, property, value);
                                if (value === null) {
                                    return "null";
                                className =;
                                if (className == booleanClass) {
                                    // Booleans are represented literally.
                                    return "" + value;
                                } else if (className == numberClass) {
                                    // JSON numbers must be finite. `Infinity` and `NaN` are serialized as
                                    // `"null"`.
                                    return value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0 ? "" + value : "null";
                                } else if (className == stringClass) {
                                    // Strings are double-quoted and escaped.
                                    return quote("" + value);
                                // Recursively serialize objects and arrays.
                                if (typeof value == "object") {
                                    // Check for cyclic structures. This is a linear search; performance
                                    // is inversely proportional to the number of unique nested objects.
                                    for (length = stack.length; length--;) {
                                        if (stack[length] === value) {
                                            // Cyclic structures cannot be serialized by `JSON.stringify`.
                                            throw TypeError();
                                    // Add the object to the stack of traversed objects.
                                    results = [];
                                    // Save the current indentation level and indent one additional level.
                                    prefix = indentation;
                                    indentation += whitespace;
                                    if (className == arrayClass) {
                                        // Recursively serialize array elements.
                                        for (index = 0, length = value.length; index < length; index++) {
                                            element = serialize(index, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack);
                                            results.push(element === undef ? "null" : element);
                                        result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "[\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "]" : ("[" + results.join(",") + "]")) : "[]";
                                    } else {
                                        // Recursively serialize object members. Members are selected from
                                        // either a user-specified list of property names, or the object
                                        // itself.
                                        forEach(properties || value, function (property) {
                                            var element = serialize(property, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack);
                                            if (element !== undef) {
                                                // According to ES 5.1 section 15.12.3: "If `gap` {whitespace}
                                                // is not the empty string, let `member` {quote(property) + ":"}
                                                // be the concatenation of `member` and the `space` character."
                                                // The "`space` character" refers to the literal space
                                                // character, not the `space` {width} argument provided to
                                                // `JSON.stringify`.
                                                results.push(quote(property) + ":" + (whitespace ? " " : "") + element);
                                        result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "{\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "}" : ("{" + results.join(",") + "}")) : "{}";
                                    // Remove the object from the traversed object stack.
                                    return result;
                            // Public: `JSON.stringify`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.3.
                            exports.stringify = function (source, filter, width) {
                                var whitespace, callback, properties, className;
                                if (objectTypes[typeof filter] && filter) {
                                    if ((className = == functionClass) {
                                        callback = filter;
                                    } else if (className == arrayClass) {
                                        // Convert the property names array into a makeshift set.
                                        properties = {};
                                        for (var index = 0, length = filter.length, value; index < length; value = filter[index++], ((className =, className == stringClass || className == numberClass) && (properties[value] = 1));
                                if (width) {
                                    if ((className = == numberClass) {
                                        // Convert the `width` to an integer and create a string containing
                                        // `width` number of space characters.
                                        if ((width -= width % 1) > 0) {
                                            for (whitespace = "", width > 10 && (width = 10); whitespace.length < width; whitespace += " ");
                                    } else if (className == stringClass) {
                                        whitespace = width.length <= 10 ? width : width.slice(0, 10);
                                // Opera <= 7.54u2 discards the values associated with empty string keys
                                // (`""`) only if they are used directly within an object member list
                                // (e.g., `!("" in { "": 1})`).
                                return serialize("", (value = {}, value[""] = source, value), callback, properties, whitespace, "", []);
                        // Public: Parses a JSON source string.
                        if (!has("json-parse")) {
                            var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
                            // Internal: A map of escaped control characters and their unescaped
                            // equivalents.
                            var Unescapes = {
                                92: "\\",
                                34: '"',
                                47: "/",
                                98: "\b",
                                116: "\t",
                                110: "\n",
                                102: "\f",
                                114: "\r"
                            // Internal: Stores the parser state.
                            var Index, Source;
                            // Internal: Resets the parser state and throws a `SyntaxError`.
                            var abort = function () {
                                Index = Source = null;
                                throw SyntaxError();
                            // Internal: Returns the next token, or `"$"` if the parser has reached
                            // the end of the source string. A token may be a string, number, `null`
                            // literal, or Boolean literal.
                            var lex = function () {
                                var source = Source, length = source.length, value, begin, position, isSigned, charCode;
                                while (Index < length) {
                                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
                                    switch (charCode) {
                                        case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32:
                                        // Skip whitespace tokens, including tabs, carriage returns, line
                                        // feeds, and space characters.
                                        case 123: case 125: case 91: case 93: case 58: case 44:
                                        // Parse a punctuator token (`{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `:`, or `,`) at
                                        // the current position.
                                        value = charIndexBuggy ? source.charAt(Index) : source[Index];
                                        return value;
                                        case 34:
                                            // `"` delimits a JSON string; advance to the next character and
                                            // begin parsing the string. String tokens are prefixed with the
                                            // sentinel `@` character to distinguish them from punctuators and
                                            // end-of-string tokens.
                                            for (value = "@", Index++; Index < length;) {
                                                charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
                                                if (charCode < 32) {
                                                    // Unescaped ASCII control characters (those with a code unit
                                                    // less than the space character) are not permitted.
                                                } else if (charCode == 92) {
                                                    // A reverse solidus (`\`) marks the beginning of an escaped
                                                    // control character (including `"`, `\`, and `/`) or Unicode
                                                    // escape sequence.
                                                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
                                                    switch (charCode) {
                                                        case 92: case 34: case 47: case 98: case 116: case 110: case 102: case 114:
                                                        // Revive escaped control characters.
                                                        value += Unescapes[charCode];
                                                        case 117:
                                                            // `\u` marks the beginning of a Unicode escape sequence.
                                                            // Advance to the first character and validate the
                                                            // four-digit code point.
                                                            begin = ++Index;
                                                            for (position = Index + 4; Index < position; Index++) {
                                                                charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
                                                                // A valid sequence comprises four hexdigits (case-
                                                                // insensitive) that form a single hexadecimal value.
                                                                if (!(charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57 || charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 102 || charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 70)) {
                                                                    // Invalid Unicode escape sequence.
                                                            // Revive the escaped character.
                                                            value += fromCharCode("0x" + source.slice(begin, Index));
                                                            // Invalid escape sequence.
                                                } else {
                                                    if (charCode == 34) {
                                                        // An unescaped double-quote character marks the end of the
                                                        // string.
                                                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
                                                    begin = Index;
                                                    // Optimize for the common case where a string is valid.
                                                    while (charCode >= 32 && charCode != 92 && charCode != 34) {
                                                        charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
                                                    // Append the string as-is.
                                                    value += source.slice(begin, Index);
                                            if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 34) {
                                                // Advance to the next character and return the revived string.
                                                return value;
                                            // Unterminated string.
                                            // Parse numbers and literals.
                                            begin = Index;
                                            // Advance past the negative sign, if one is specified.
                                            if (charCode == 45) {
                                                isSigned = true;
                                                charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
                                            // Parse an integer or floating-point value.
                                            if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
                                                // Leading zeroes are interpreted as octal literals.
                                                if (charCode == 48 && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index + 1)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57)) {
                                                    // Illegal octal literal.
                                                isSigned = false;
                                                // Parse the integer component.
                                                for (; Index < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); Index++);
                                                // Floats cannot contain a leading decimal point; however, this
                                                // case is already accounted for by the parser.
                                                if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 46) {
                                                    position = ++Index;
                                                    // Parse the decimal component.
                                                    for (; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++);
                                                    if (position == Index) {
                                                        // Illegal trailing decimal.
                                                    Index = position;
                                                // Parse exponents. The `e` denoting the exponent is
                                                // case-insensitive.
                                                charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
                                                if (charCode == 101 || charCode == 69) {
                                                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
                                                    // Skip past the sign following the exponent, if one is
                                                    // specified.
                                                    if (charCode == 43 || charCode == 45) {
                                                    // Parse the exponential component.
                                                    for (position = Index; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++);
                                                    if (position == Index) {
                                                        // Illegal empty exponent.
                                                    Index = position;
                                                // Coerce the parsed value to a JavaScript number.
                                                return +source.slice(begin, Index);
                                            // A negative sign may only precede numbers.
                                            if (isSigned) {
                                            // `true`, `false`, and `null` literals.
                                            if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "true") {
                                                Index += 4;
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 5) == "false") {
                                                Index += 5;
                                                return false;
                                            } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "null") {
                                                Index += 4;
                                                return null;
                                            // Unrecognized token.
                                // Return the sentinel `$` character if the parser has reached the end
                                // of the source string.
                                return "$";
                            // Internal: Parses a JSON `value` token.
                            var get = function (value) {
                                var results, hasMembers;
                                if (value == "$") {
                                    // Unexpected end of input.
                                if (typeof value == "string") {
                                    if ((charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) == "@") {
                                        // Remove the sentinel `@` character.
                                        return value.slice(1);
                                    // Parse object and array literals.
                                    if (value == "[") {
                                        // Parses a JSON array, returning a new JavaScript array.
                                        results = [];
                                        for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) {
                                            value = lex();
                                            // A closing square bracket marks the end of the array literal.
                                            if (value == "]") {
                                            // If the array literal contains elements, the current token
                                            // should be a comma separating the previous element from the
                                            // next.
                                            if (hasMembers) {
                                                if (value == ",") {
                                                    value = lex();
                                                    if (value == "]") {
                                                        // Unexpected trailing `,` in array literal.
                                                } else {
                                                    // A `,` must separate each array element.
                                            // Elisions and leading commas are not permitted.
                                            if (value == ",") {
                                        return results;
                                    } else if (value == "{") {
                                        // Parses a JSON object, returning a new JavaScript object.
                                        results = {};
                                        for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) {
                                            value = lex();
                                            // A closing curly brace marks the end of the object literal.
                                            if (value == "}") {
                                            // If the object literal contains members, the current token
                                            // should be a comma separator.
                                            if (hasMembers) {
                                                if (value == ",") {
                                                    value = lex();
                                                    if (value == "}") {
                                                        // Unexpected trailing `,` in object literal.
                                                } else {
                                                    // A `,` must separate each object member.
                                            // Leading commas are not permitted, object property names must be
                                            // double-quoted strings, and a `:` must separate each property
                                            // name and value.
                                            if (value == "," || typeof value != "string" || (charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) != "@" || lex() != ":") {
                                            results[value.slice(1)] = get(lex());
                                        return results;
                                    // Unexpected token encountered.
                                return value;
                            // Internal: Updates a traversed object member.
                            var update = function (source, property, callback) {
                                var element = walk(source, property, callback);
                                if (element === undef) {
                                    delete source[property];
                                } else {
                                    source[property] = element;
                            // Internal: Recursively traverses a parsed JSON object, invoking the
                            // `callback` function for each value. This is an implementation of the
                            // `Walk(holder, name)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.2.
                            var walk = function (source, property, callback) {
                                var value = source[property], length;
                                if (typeof value == "object" && value) {
                                    // `forEach` can't be used to traverse an array in Opera <= 8.54
                                    // because its `Object#hasOwnProperty` implementation returns `false`
                                    // for array indices (e.g., `![1, 2, 3].hasOwnProperty("0")`).
                                    if ( == arrayClass) {
                                        for (length = value.length; length--;) {
                                            update(value, length, callback);
                                    } else {
                                        forEach(value, function (property) {
                                            update(value, property, callback);
                                return, property, value);
                            // Public: `JSON.parse`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.2.
                            exports.parse = function (source, callback) {
                                var result, value;
                                Index = 0;
                                Source = "" + source;
                                result = get(lex());
                                // If a JSON string contains multiple tokens, it is invalid.
                                if (lex() != "$") {
                                // Reset the parser state.
                                Index = Source = null;
                                return callback && == functionClass ? walk((value = {}, value[""] = result, value), "", callback) : result;
                    exports["runInContext"] = runInContext;
                    return exports;
                if (freeExports && !isLoader) {
                    // Export for CommonJS environments.
                    runInContext(root, freeExports);
                } else {
                    // Export for web browsers and JavaScript engines.
                    var nativeJSON = root.JSON,
                        previousJSON = root["JSON3"],
                        isRestored = false;
                    var JSON3 = runInContext(root, (root["JSON3"] = {
                        // Public: Restores the original value of the global `JSON` object and
                        // returns a reference to the `JSON3` object.
                        "noConflict": function () {
                            if (!isRestored) {
                                isRestored = true;
                                root.JSON = nativeJSON;
                                root["JSON3"] = previousJSON;
                                nativeJSON = previousJSON = null;
                            return JSON3;
                    root.JSON = {
                        "parse": JSON3.parse,
                        "stringify": JSON3.stringify
                // Export for asynchronous module loaders.
                if (isLoader) {
                    define(function () {
                        return JSON3;
             * end JSON
            JSON_PIWIK = exports;
    /* startjslint */
    /*jslint browser:true, plusplus:true, vars:true, nomen:true, evil:true, regexp: false, bitwise: true, white: true */
    /*global JSON_PIWIK */
    /*global window */
    /*global unescape */
    /*global ActiveXObject */
    /*members Piwik, encodeURIComponent, decodeURIComponent, getElementsByTagName,
        shift, unshift, piwikAsyncInit, piwikPluginAsyncInit, frameElement, self, hasFocus,
        createElement, appendChild, characterSet, charset, all,
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
        addEventListener, attachEvent, removeEventListener, detachEvent, disableCookies,
        cookie, domain, readyState, documentElement, doScroll, title, text,
        location, top, onerror, document, referrer, parent, links, href, protocol, name, GearsFactory,
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
        performance, mozPerformance, msPerformance, webkitPerformance, timing, requestStart,
        responseEnd, event, which, button, srcElement, type, target,
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
        parentNode, tagName, hostname, className,
        userAgent, cookieEnabled, platform, mimeTypes, enabledPlugin, javaEnabled,
        XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject, open, setRequestHeader, onreadystatechange, send, readyState, status,
        getTime, getTimeAlias, setTime, toGMTString, getHours, getMinutes, getSeconds,
        toLowerCase, toUpperCase, charAt, indexOf, lastIndexOf, split, slice,
        onload, src,
        min, round, random, floor,
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
        pdf, qt, realp, wma, dir, fla, java, gears, ag,
        initialized, hook, getHook, getVisitorId, getVisitorInfo, setUserId, getUserId, setSiteId, getSiteId, setTrackerUrl, getTrackerUrl, appendToTrackingUrl, getRequest, addPlugin,
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
        getAttributionInfo, getAttributionCampaignName, getAttributionCampaignKeyword,
        getAttributionReferrerTimestamp, getAttributionReferrerUrl,
        setCustomData, getCustomData,
        setCustomVariable, getCustomVariable, deleteCustomVariable, storeCustomVariablesInCookie, setCustomDimension, getCustomDimension,
        deleteCustomDimension, setDownloadExtensions, addDownloadExtensions, removeDownloadExtensions,
        setDomains, setIgnoreClasses, setRequestMethod, setRequestContentType,
        setReferrerUrl, setCustomUrl, setAPIUrl, setDocumentTitle,
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
        setDownloadClasses, setLinkClasses,
        setCampaignNameKey, setCampaignKeywordKey,
        setCookieNamePrefix, setCookieDomain, setCookiePath, setVisitorIdCookie,
        setVisitorCookieTimeout, setSessionCookieTimeout, setReferralCookieTimeout,
        setConversionAttributionFirstReferrer, tracker, request,
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
        disablePerformanceTracking, setGenerationTimeMs,
        doNotTrack, setDoNotTrack, msDoNotTrack, getValuesFromVisitorIdCookie, enableCrossDomainLinking,
        disableCrossDomainLinking, isCrossDomainLinkingEnabled,
        addListener, enableLinkTracking, enableJSErrorTracking, setLinkTrackingTimer, getLinkTrackingTimer,
        enableHeartBeatTimer, disableHeartBeatTimer, killFrame, redirectFile, setCountPreRendered,
        trackGoal, trackLink, trackPageView, trackRequest, trackSiteSearch, trackEvent,
        setEcommerceView, addEcommerceItem, trackEcommerceOrder, trackEcommerceCartUpdate,
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
        deleteCookie, deleteCookies, offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, nodeType, defaultView,
        innerHTML, scrollLeft, scrollTop, currentStyle, getComputedStyle, querySelectorAll, splice,