From 4be8840e7ec6fc68708d41f049260a56b4e9df24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sgiehl <> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:14:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] refs #4086 fixed languagesmanager tests; now thirdparty translations will be removed --- .../PHPUnit/Plugins/LanguagesManagerTest.php | 82 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/tests/PHPUnit/Plugins/LanguagesManagerTest.php b/tests/PHPUnit/Plugins/LanguagesManagerTest.php index 9e5e8e30b5..2ef6dec4f6 100755 --- a/tests/PHPUnit/Plugins/LanguagesManagerTest.php +++ b/tests/PHPUnit/Plugins/LanguagesManagerTest.php @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase include PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/DataFiles/Languages.php'; } - static $errors; static $englishStringsIndexed = array(); static $englishStringsWithParameters = array(); static $allLanguages = array(); @@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $stringLabel = $englishString['label']; $stringValue = $englishString['value']; $count = $this->getCountParametersToReplace($stringValue); - if ($count > 0) { + if (array_sum($count) > 0) { self::$englishStringsWithParameters[$stringLabel] = $count; } self::$englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel] = $stringValue; @@ -66,49 +65,40 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase */ function testGetTranslationsForLanguages($language) { - self::$errors = array(); - ob_start(); + /** Indicates wether the translation files needs to be changed */ $writeCleanedFile = false; + $errorsInCurrentFile = array(); + $strings = API::getInstance()->getTranslationsForLanguage($language); - $content = ob_get_flush(); + + // check if any translation contains restricted script tags $serializedStrings = serialize($strings); $invalids = array("<script", 'document.', 'javascript:', 'src=', 'BACKGROUND=', 'onload='); foreach ($invalids as $invalid) { $this->assertTrue(stripos($serializedStrings, $invalid) === false, "$language: language file containing javascript"); } + + // check for at least 250 translation in file $this->assertTrue(count($strings) > 250, "$language: expecting at least 250 translations in the language file"); - $this->assertTrue(strlen($content) == 0, "$language: buffer was " . strlen($content) . " long but should be zero. Translation file for '$language' must be buggy."); $cleanedStrings = array(); foreach ($strings as $string) { $stringLabel = $string['label']; $stringValue = $string['value']; - $plugin = substr($stringLabel, 0, strpos($stringLabel, '_')); - $plugins[$plugin] = true; - // Testing that the translated string is not empty => '', - if (empty($stringValue) || trim($stringValue) === '') { - $writeCleanedFile = true; - self::$errors[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel is empty in the translation file, removing the line."; - $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = false; - } elseif (!in_array($stringLabel, self::$expectedLanguageKeys) - // translation files should not contain 3rd plugin translations, but if they are there, we shall not delete them - // since translators have spent time working on it... at least for now we shall leave them in (until V2 and plugin repository is done) - && !in_array($plugin, array('GeoIP', 'Forecast', 'EntryPage', 'UserLanguage')) - ) { + // translations that are empty or don't exist in english translations should be removed + if (empty($stringValue) || trim($stringValue) === '' || !in_array($stringLabel, self::$expectedLanguageKeys)) { + $writeCleanedFile = true; - self::$errors[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel was not found in the English language file, removing the line."; - $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = false; + } else { // checking that translated strings have the same number of %s as the english source strings if (isset(self::$englishStringsWithParameters[$stringLabel])) { $englishParametersCount = self::$englishStringsWithParameters[$stringLabel]; $countTranslation = $this->getCountParametersToReplace($stringValue); if ($englishParametersCount != $countTranslation) { - // Write fixed file in given location - // Will trigger a ->fail() $writeCleanedFile = true; - self::$errors[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel has $englishParametersCount parameters in English, but $countTranslation in this translation."; + $errorsInCurrentFile[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel has ".json_encode($englishParametersCount)." parameters in English, but ".json_encode($countTranslation)." in this translation."; } else { $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = $stringValue; } @@ -120,30 +110,35 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase // If the translation is the same as in English, we remove it from the translation file (as it might have been copied by // the translator but this would skew translation stats - if (isset($englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel]) - && $englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel] == $stringValue + if (isset(self::$englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel]) + && self::$englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel] == $stringValue // Do not however remove the General_ since there are definiely legit translations that are same as in english (eg. short days) && strpos($stringLabel, 'General_') === false && strpos($stringLabel, 'CoreHome_') === false && strpos($stringLabel, 'UserCountry_') === false + && strpos($stringLabel, 'UserLanguage_') === false && $language != 'de' ) { $writeCleanedFile = true; - self::$errors[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel is the same as in English, removing..."; - $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = false; + $errorsInCurrentFile[] = "$language: The string $stringLabel is the same as in English, removing..."; + unset($cleanedStrings[$stringLabel]); } + // remove excessive line breaks (and leading/trailing whitespace) from translations if (!empty($cleanedStrings[$stringLabel])) { $stringNoLineBreak = trim($cleanedStrings[$stringLabel]); - if ($stringLabel != 'Login_MailPasswordChangeBody') { - $stringNoLineBreak = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), " ", $stringNoLineBreak); + $stringNoLineBreak = str_replace("\r", "", $stringNoLineBreak); # remove useless carrige renturns + $stringNoLineBreak = preg_replace('/([\n]{2,})/', "\n\n", $stringNoLineBreak); # remove excessive line breaks + if (!isset(self::$englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel]) || !substr_count(self::$englishStringsIndexed[$stringLabel], "\n")) { + $stringNoLineBreak = str_replace("\n", " ", $stringNoLineBreak); # remove all line breaks if english string doesn't contain any } if ($cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] !== $stringNoLineBreak) { - self::$errors[] = "$language: found unnecessary whitespace in some strings in $stringLabel"; + $errorsInCurrentFile[] = "$language: found unnecessary whitespace in some strings in $stringLabel"; $writeCleanedFile = true; $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = $stringNoLineBreak; } } + // Test locale if ($stringLabel == 'General_Locale' && !empty($cleanedStrings[$stringLabel]) @@ -160,20 +155,21 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $currentString = $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel]; $decoded = TranslationWriter::clean($currentString); if ($currentString != $decoded) { - self::$errors[] = "$language: found encoded entities in $stringLabel, converting entities to characters"; + $errorsInCurrentFile[] = "$language: found encoded entities in $stringLabel, converting entities to characters"; $writeCleanedFile = true; $cleanedStrings[$stringLabel] = $decoded; } } } + $this->assertTrue(!empty($cleanedStrings['General_TranslatorName']), "$language: translator info not specified"); $this->assertTrue(!empty($cleanedStrings['General_TranslatorEmail']), "$language: translator email not specified"); + if (!empty($cleanedStrings['General_LayoutDirection']) && !in_array($cleanedStrings['General_LayoutDirection'], array('rtl', 'ltr')) ) { $writeCleanedFile = true; - $cleanedStrings['General_LayoutDirection'] = false; - self::$errors[] = "$language: General_LayoutDirection must be rtl or ltr"; + $errorsInCurrentFile[] = "$language: General_LayoutDirection must be rtl or ltr"; } if ($writeCleanedFile) { $path = TranslationWriter::getTranslationPath($language, 'tmp'); @@ -181,8 +177,15 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase // Reorder cleaned up translations as the same order as en.php uksort($cleanedStrings, array($this, 'sortTranslationsKeys')); + $nested = array(); + foreach ($cleanedStrings as $key => $value) { + list($plugin, $nkey) = explode("_", $key, 2); + $nested[$plugin][$nkey] = $value; + } + $cleanedStrings = $nested; + TranslationWriter::saveTranslation($cleanedStrings, $path); - $output[] = (implode("\n", self::$errors) . "\n" . 'Translation file errors detected in ' . $language . '... + $output[] = (implode("\n", $errorsInCurrentFile) . "\n" . 'Translation file errors detected in ' . $language . '... Wrote cleaned translation file in: ' . $path . ". You can copy the cleaned files to /lang/\n"); } @@ -221,10 +224,15 @@ class Test_LanguagesManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase private function getCountParametersToReplace($string) { - $sprintfParameters = array('%s', '%1$s', '%2$s', '%3$s', '%4$s', '%5$s', '%6$s'); - $count = 0; + $sprintfParameters = array('%s', '%1$s', '%2$s', '%3$s', '%4$s', '%5$s', '%6$s', '%7$s', '%8$s', '%9$s'); + $count = array(); foreach ($sprintfParameters as $parameter) { - $count += substr_count($string, $parameter); + + $placeholderCount = substr_count($string, $parameter); + if ($placeholderCount > 0) { + + $count[$parameter] = $placeholderCount; + } } return $count; } -- GitLab