/*! * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform * * Installation screenshot tests. * * @link http://piwik.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later */ var fs = require('fs'); describe("Installation", function () { this.timeout(0); this.fixture = null; before(function () { testEnvironment.testUseRegularAuth = 1; testEnvironment.configFileLocal = path.join(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH, "/tmp/test.config.ini.php"); testEnvironment.dontUseTestConfig = true; testEnvironment.tablesPrefix = 'piwik_'; testEnvironment.save(); if (fs.exists(testEnvironment.configFileLocal)) { fs.remove(testEnvironment.configFileLocal); } }); after(function () { delete testEnvironment.configFileLocal; delete testEnvironment.dontUseTestConfig; delete testEnvironment.tablesPrefix; delete testEnvironment.testUseRegularAuth; testEnvironment.save(); }); it("should display an error message when trying to access a resource w/o a config.ini.php file", function (done) { expect.screenshot("access_no_config").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.load("?module=CoreHome&action=index&ignoreClearAllViewDataTableParameters=1"); }, done); }); it("should start the installation process when the index is visited w/o a config.ini.php file", function (done) { expect.screenshot("start").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.load("?ignoreClearAllViewDataTableParameters=1"); }, done); }); it("should display the system check page when next is clicked on the first page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("system_check").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should display the database setup page when next is clicked on the system check page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("db_setup").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should fail when the next button is clicked and no database info is entered in the form", function (done) { expect.screenshot("db_setup_fail").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should display the tables created page when next is clicked on the db setup page w/ correct info entered in the form", function (done) { expect.screenshot("db_created").to.be.capture(function (page) { var dbInfo = testEnvironment.readDbInfoFromConfig(); var username = dbInfo.username; var password = dbInfo.password; page.sendKeys('input[name=username]', username); if (password) { page.sendKeys('input[name=password]', password); } page.sendKeys('input[name=dbname]', 'newdb'); page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should display the superuser configuration page when next is clicked on the tables created page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("superuser").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should fail when incorrect information is entered in the superuser configuration page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("superuser_fail").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should display the setup a website page when next is clicked on the filled out superuser config page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("setup_website").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.sendKeys('input[name=login]', 'thesuperuser'); page.sendKeys('input[name=password]', 'thepassword'); page.sendKeys('input[name=password_bis]', 'thepassword'); page.sendKeys('input[name=email]', 'hello@piwik.org'); page.click('.submit'); page.wait(3000); }, done); }); it("should should fail when incorrect information is entered in the setup a website page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("setup_website_fail").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should display the javascript tracking page when correct information is entered in the setup website page and next is clicked", function (done) { expect.screenshot("js_tracking").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.sendKeys('input[name=siteName]', 'Serenity'); page.sendKeys('input[name=url]', 'serenity.com'); page.evaluate(function () { $('select[name=timezone]').val('Europe/Paris'); $('select[name=ecommerce]').val('1'); }); page.click('.submit'); page.wait(3000); }, done); }); it("should display the congratulations page when next is clicked on the javascript tracking page", function (done) { expect.screenshot("congrats").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); it("should continue to piwik after submitting on the privacy settings form in the congrats page", function (done) { expect.screenshot('login_form', 'Login').to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.submit'); }, done); }); });