 * Piwik - Open source web analytics
 * @link    http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later

require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tests/PHPUnit/MockLocationProvider.php';

use Piwik\Date;
 * Tests w/ 14 visitors w/ 2 visits each.
 * Uses geoip location provider to test city/region reports.
 * TODO Test ServerBased GeoIP implementation somehow. (Use X-FORWARDED-FOR?)
 * TODO Test PECL implementation somehow. (The PECL module must point to the test dir, not the real one.)
class Test_Piwik_Integration_ManyVisitorsOneWebsiteTest extends IntegrationTestCase
    public static $fixture = null; // initialized below class definition

     * @dataProvider getApiForTesting
     * @group        Integration
    public function testApi($api, $params)
        $this->runApiTests($api, $params);

    public function getApiForTesting()
        $idSite = self::$fixture->idSite;
        $dateTime = self::$fixture->dateTime;

        $dateString = Date::factory($dateTime)->toString();

        // Note: we must set  'UserCountry.getLocationFromIP' since it's "excluded" by default in setApiNotToCall
        $apiToCall = array('UserCountry');

        return array(
                  array('idSite'  => $idSite,
                        'date'    => $dateTime,
                        'periods' => array('month'))),

            array($apiToCall, array('idSite'     => $idSite,
                                    'date'       => $dateTime,
                                    'periods'    => array('month'),
                                    'testSuffix' => '_segment_region',
                                    'segment'    => 'regionCode==P3;countryCode==gb')),

            array($apiToCall, array('idSite'     => $idSite,
                                    'date'       => $dateTime,
                                    'periods'    => array('month'),
                                    'testSuffix' => '_segment_city',
                                    'segment'    => 'city==Stratford-upon-Avon;regionCode==P3;countryCode==gb')),

            array($apiToCall, array('idSite'     => $idSite,
                                    'date'       => $dateTime,
                                    'periods'    => array('month'),
                                    'testSuffix' => '_segment_lat_long',
                                    'segment'    => 'latitude>45;latitude<49.3;longitude>-125;longitude<-122')),

            array('UserCountry.getCountry', array('idSite'     => $idSite,
                                                  'date'       => $dateTime,
                                                  'periods'    => array('month'),
                                                  'testSuffix' => '_segment_continent',
                                                  'segment'    => 'continentCode==eur')),

            // make sure it is possible to sort getProcessedReport by a processed metric
            array('API.getProcessedReport', array('idSite'                 => $idSite,
                                                  'date'                   => $dateTime,
                                                  'periods'                => 'day',
                                                  'apiModule'              => 'Actions',
                                                  'apiAction'              => 'getPageUrls',
                                                  'testSuffix'             => '_sortByProcessedMetric',
                                                  'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                                      'filter_sort_column' => 'nb_actions_per_visit'

            // make sure it is possible to sort getProcessedReport by a processed metric
            // it should not remove empty rows if report has constant rows count
            array('API.getProcessedReport', array('idSite'                 => $idSite,
                                                  'date'                   => $dateTime,
                                                  'periods'                => 'day',
                                                  'apiModule'              => 'VisitTime',
                                                  'apiAction'              => 'getVisitInformationPerServerTime',
                                                  'testSuffix'             => '_sortByProcessedMetric_constantRowsCountShouldKeepEmptyRows',
                                                  'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                                      'filter_sort_column' => 'nb_actions_per_visit'

            array(array('UserCountry.getLocationFromIP', 'Live.getLastVisitsDetails'), array(
                'idSite'                 => $idSite,
                'date'                   => $dateTime,
                'periods'                => array('month'),
                'otherRequestParameters' => array('ip' => '')

            array('Live.getLastVisitsDetails', array(
                'idSite'                 => $idSite,
                'date'                   => $dateString,
                'periods'                => 'month',
                'testSuffix'             => '_Live.getLastVisitsDetails_sortAsc',
                'otherRequestParameters' => array('filter_sort_order' => 'asc', 'filter_limit' => 7)

            array('Live.getLastVisitsDetails', array(
                'idSite'                 => $idSite,
                'date'                   => $dateString,
                'periods'                => 'month',
                'testSuffix'             => '_Live.getLastVisitsDetails_sortDesc',
                'otherRequestParameters' => array('filter_sort_order' => 'desc', 'filter_limit' => 7)

Test_Piwik_Integration_ManyVisitorsOneWebsiteTest::$fixture = new Test_Piwik_Fixture_ManyVisitsWithGeoIP();