<?php /** * Piwik - Open source web analytics * * @link http://piwik.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later * * @category Piwik * @package Piwik */ namespace Piwik; use Closure; use Exception; use Piwik\DataTable\DataTableInterface; use Piwik\DataTable\Filter; use Piwik\DataTable\Manager; use Piwik\DataTable\Renderer\Html; use Piwik\DataTable\Row; use Piwik\DataTable\Row\DataTableSummaryRow; use ReflectionClass; /** * @see Common::destroy() */ require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/Common.php'; /** * The primary data structure used to store analytics data in Piwik. * * ### The Basics * * DataTables consist of rows and each row consists of columns. A column value can be * be a numeric, string or array. * * DataTables are hierarchical data structures. Each row can also contain an additional * nested sub-DataTable. * * Both DataTables and DataTable rows can hold **metadata**. _DataTable metadata_ is information * regarding all the data, such as the site or period that the data is for. _Row metadata_ * is information regarding that row, such as a browser logo or website URL. * * Finally, DataTables all contain a special _summary_ row. * * ### Populating DataTables * * Data can be added to DataTables in a couple different ways. You can either: * * 1. create rows one by one and add them through [addRow](#addRow) then truncate if desired, * 2. create an array of DataTable\Row instances or an array of arrays and add them using * [addRowsFromArray](#addRowsFromArray) or [addRowsFromSimpleArray](#addRowsFromSimpleArray) * then truncate if desired, * 3. or set the maximum number of allowed rows (with [setMaximumAllowedRows](#setMaximumAllowedRows)) * and add rows one by one. * * If you want to eventually truncate your data (standard practice for all Piwik plugins), * the third method is the most memory efficient. It is, unfortunately, not always possible * to use since it requires that the data be sorted before adding. * * ### Manipulating DataTables * * There are two main ways to manipulate a DataTable. You can either: * * 1. manually iterate through each row and manipulate the data, * 2. or you can use predefined Filters. * * A Filter is a class that has a 'filter' method which will manipulate a DataTable in * some way. There are several predefined Filters that allow you to do common things, * such as, * * - add a new column to each row, * - add new metadata to each row, * - modify an existing column value for each row, * - sort an entire DataTable, * - and more. * * Using these Filters instead of writing your own code will increase code clarity and * reduce code redundancy. Additionally, Filters have the advantage that they can be * applied to DataTable\Map instances. So you can visit every DataTable in a DataTable\Map * without having to write a recursive visiting function. * * Note: Anonymous functions can be used as DataTable Filters. * * ### Applying Filters * * Filters can be applied now (via [filter](#filter)), or they can be applied later (via * [queueFilter](#queueFilter)). * * Filters that sort rows or manipulate the number of rows should be applied right away. * Non-essential, presentation filters should be queued. * * See also: * * - ArchiveProcessor — to learn how DataTables are persisted. * - DataTable\Renderer — to learn how DataTable data is exported to XML, JSON, etc. * - DataTable\Filter — to see all core Filters. * - DataTable\Manager — to learn how DataTables are loaded. * * ### Examples * * **Populating a DataTable** * **Serializing & unserializing** * **Filtering for an API method** * ??? TODO * * @package Piwik * @subpackage DataTable * * @api */ class DataTable implements DataTableInterface { /** Name for metadata that describes when a report was archived. */ const ARCHIVED_DATE_METADATA_NAME = 'archived_date'; const MAX_DEPTH_DEFAULT = 15; /** Name for metadata that describes which columns are empty and should not be shown. */ const EMPTY_COLUMNS_METADATA_NAME = 'empty_column'; /** * Maximum nesting level. */ private static $maximumDepthLevelAllowed = self::MAX_DEPTH_DEFAULT; /** * Array of Row * * @var Row[] */ protected $rows = array(); /** * Id assigned to the DataTable, used to lookup the table using the DataTable_Manager * * @var int */ protected $currentId; /** * Current depth level of this data table * 0 is the parent data table * * @var int */ protected $depthLevel = 0; /** * This flag is set to false once we modify the table in a way that outdates the index * * @var bool */ protected $indexNotUpToDate = true; /** * This flag sets the index to be rebuild whenever a new row is added, * as opposed to re-building the full index when getRowFromLabel is called. * This is to optimize and not rebuild the full Index in the case where we * add row, getRowFromLabel, addRow, getRowFromLabel thousands of times. * * @var bool */ protected $rebuildIndexContinuously = false; /** * Column name of last time the table was sorted * * @var string */ protected $tableSortedBy = false; /** * List of Filter queued to this table * * @var array */ protected $queuedFilters = array(); /** * We keep track of the number of rows before applying the LIMIT filter that deletes some rows * * @var int */ protected $rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter = 0; /** * Defaults to false for performance reasons (most of the time we don't need recursive sorting so we save a looping over the dataTable) * * @var bool */ protected $enableRecursiveSort = false; /** * When the table and all subtables are loaded, this flag will be set to true to ensure filters are applied to all subtables * * @var bool */ protected $enableRecursiveFilters = false; /** * @var array */ protected $rowsIndexByLabel = array(); /** * @var \Piwik\DataTable\Row */ protected $summaryRow = null; /** * Table metadata. * * @var array */ public $metadata = array(); /** * Maximum number of rows allowed in this datatable (including the summary row). * If adding more rows is attempted, the extra rows get summed to the summary row. * * @var int */ protected $maximumAllowedRows = 0; /** * The operations that should be used when aggregating columns from multiple rows. * @see self::addDataTable() and DataTable\Row::sumRow() */ protected $columnAggregationOperations = array(); const ID_SUMMARY_ROW = -1; const LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW = -1; /** * Builds the DataTable, registers itself to the manager */ public function __construct() { $this->currentId = Manager::getInstance()->addTable($this); } /** * At destruction we free all memory */ public function __destruct() { static $depth = 0; // destruct can be called several times if ($depth < self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed && isset($this->rows) ) { $depth++; foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { Common::destroy($row); } unset($this->rows); Manager::getInstance()->setTableDeleted($this->getId()); $depth--; } } /** * Sort the dataTable rows using the php callback function * * @param string $functionCallback * @param string $columnSortedBy The column name. Used to then ask the datatable what column are you sorted by */ public function sort($functionCallback, $columnSortedBy) { $this->indexNotUpToDate = true; $this->tableSortedBy = $columnSortedBy; usort($this->rows, $functionCallback); if ($this->enableRecursiveSort === true) { foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { if (($idSubtable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { $table = Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubtable); $table->enableRecursiveSort(); $table->sort($functionCallback, $columnSortedBy); } } } } /** * Returns the name of the column the tables is sorted by * * @return bool|string */ public function getSortedByColumnName() { return $this->tableSortedBy; } /** * Enables the recursive sort. Means that when using $table->sort() * it will also sort all subtables using the same callback */ public function enableRecursiveSort() { $this->enableRecursiveSort = true; } /** * Enables the recursive filter. Means that when using $table->filter() * it will also filter all subtables using the same callback */ public function enableRecursiveFilters() { $this->enableRecursiveFilters = true; } /** * Returns the number of rows before we applied the limit filter * * @return int */ public function getRowsCountBeforeLimitFilter() { $toReturn = $this->rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter; if ($toReturn == 0) { return $this->getRowsCount(); } return $toReturn; } /** * Saves the current number of rows */ public function setRowsCountBeforeLimitFilter() { $this->rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter = $this->getRowsCount(); } /** * Apply a filter to this datatable * * @param string|Closure $className Class name, eg. "Sort" or "Sort". * If this variable is a closure, it will get executed immediately. * @param array $parameters Array of parameters to the filter, eg. array('nb_visits', 'asc') */ public function filter($className, $parameters = array()) { if ($className instanceof \Closure) { array_unshift($parameters, $this); call_user_func_array($className, $parameters); return; } if (!class_exists($className, true)) { $className = 'Piwik\DataTable\Filter\\' . $className; } $reflectionObj = new ReflectionClass($className); // the first parameter of a filter is the DataTable // we add the current datatable as the parameter $parameters = array_merge(array($this), $parameters); $filter = $reflectionObj->newInstanceArgs($parameters); $filter->enableRecursive($this->enableRecursiveFilters); $filter->filter($this); } /** * Queue a DataTable_Filter that will be applied when applyQueuedFilters() is called. * (just before sending the datatable back to the browser (or API, etc.) * * @param string $className The class name of the filter, eg. Limit * @param array $parameters The parameters to give to the filter, eg. array( $offset, $limit) for the filter Limit */ public function queueFilter($className, $parameters = array()) { if (!is_array($parameters)) { $parameters = array($parameters); } $this->queuedFilters[] = array('className' => $className, 'parameters' => $parameters); } /** * Apply all filters that were previously queued to this table * @see queueFilter() */ public function applyQueuedFilters() { foreach ($this->queuedFilters as $filter) { $this->filter($filter['className'], $filter['parameters']); } $this->queuedFilters = array(); } /** * Adds a new DataTable to this DataTable * Go through all the rows of the new DataTable and applies the algorithm: * - if a row in $table doesnt exist in $this we add the new row to $this * - if a row exists in both $table and $this we sum the columns values into $this * - if a row in $this doesnt exist in $table we add in $this the row of $table without modification * * A common row to 2 DataTable is defined by the same label * * @example tests/core/DataTable.test.php * * @param \Piwik\DataTable $tableToSum */ public function addDataTable(DataTable $tableToSum) { foreach ($tableToSum->getRows() as $row) { $labelToLookFor = $row->getColumn('label'); $rowFound = $this->getRowFromLabel($labelToLookFor); if ($rowFound === false) { if ($labelToLookFor === self::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW) { $this->addSummaryRow($row); } else { $this->addRow($row); } } else { $rowFound->sumRow($row, $copyMeta = true, $this->columnAggregationOperations); // if the row to add has a subtable whereas the current row doesn't // we simply add it (cloning the subtable) // if the row has the subtable already // then we have to recursively sum the subtables if (($idSubTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { $subTable = Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubTable); $subTable->setColumnAggregationOperations($this->columnAggregationOperations); $rowFound->sumSubtable($subTable); } } } } /** * Returns the Row that has a column 'label' with the value $label * * @param string $label Value of the column 'label' of the row to return * @return \Piwik\DataTable\Row|bool The row if found, false otherwise */ public function getRowFromLabel($label) { $rowId = $this->getRowIdFromLabel($label); if ($rowId instanceof Row) { return $rowId; } if (is_int($rowId) && isset($this->rows[$rowId])) { return $this->rows[$rowId]; } if ($rowId == self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW && !empty($this->summaryRow) ) { return $this->summaryRow; } return false; } /** * Returns the row id for the givel label * * @param string $label Value of the column 'label' of the row to return * @return int|Row */ public function getRowIdFromLabel($label) { $this->rebuildIndexContinuously = true; if ($this->indexNotUpToDate) { $this->rebuildIndex(); } if ($label === self::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW && !is_null($this->summaryRow) ) { return $this->summaryRow; } $label = (string)$label; if (!isset($this->rowsIndexByLabel[$label])) { return false; } return $this->rowsIndexByLabel[$label]; } /** * Get an empty table with the same properties as this one * * @param bool $keepFilters * * @return \Piwik\DataTable */ public function getEmptyClone($keepFilters = true) { $clone = new DataTable; if ($keepFilters) { $clone->queuedFilters = $this->queuedFilters; } $clone->metadata = $this->metadata; return $clone; } /** * Rebuilds the index used to lookup a row by label */ private function rebuildIndex() { foreach ($this->getRows() as $id => $row) { $label = $row->getColumn('label'); if ($label !== false) { $this->rowsIndexByLabel[$label] = $id; } } $this->indexNotUpToDate = false; } /** * Returns the ith row in the array * * @param int $id * @return \Piwik\DataTable\Row or false if not found */ public function getRowFromId($id) { if (!isset($this->rows[$id])) { if ($id == self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW && !is_null($this->summaryRow) ) { return $this->summaryRow; } return false; } return $this->rows[$id]; } /** * Returns a row that has the subtable ID matching the parameter * * @param int $idSubTable * @return \Piwik\DataTable\Row|bool false if not found */ public function getRowFromIdSubDataTable($idSubTable) { $idSubTable = (int)$idSubTable; foreach ($this->rows as $row) { if ($row->getIdSubDataTable() === $idSubTable) { return $row; } } return false; } /** * Add a row to the table and rebuild the index if necessary * * @param \Piwik\DataTable\Row $row to add at the end of the array * @return \Piwik\DataTable\Row */ public function addRow(Row $row) { // if there is a upper limit on the number of allowed rows and the table is full, // add the new row to the summary row if ($this->maximumAllowedRows > 0 && $this->getRowsCount() >= $this->maximumAllowedRows - 1 ) { if ($this->summaryRow === null) // create the summary row if necessary { $columns = array('label' => self::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW) + $row->getColumns(); $this->addSummaryRow(new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columns))); } else { $this->summaryRow->sumRow($row, $enableCopyMetadata = false, $this->columnAggregationOperations); } return $this->summaryRow; } $this->rows[] = $row; if (!$this->indexNotUpToDate && $this->rebuildIndexContinuously ) { $label = $row->getColumn('label'); if ($label !== false) { $this->rowsIndexByLabel[$label] = count($this->rows) - 1; } } return $row; } /** * Sets the summary row (a dataTable can have only one summary row) * * @param Row $row * @return Row Returns $row. */ public function addSummaryRow(Row $row) { $this->summaryRow = $row; // add summary row to index if (!$this->indexNotUpToDate && $this->rebuildIndexContinuously ) { $label = $row->getColumn('label'); if ($label !== false) { $this->rowsIndexByLabel[$label] = self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW; } } return $row; } /** * Returns the dataTable ID * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->currentId; } /** * Adds a new row from a PHP array data structure * * @param array $row eg. array(Row::COLUMNS => array( 'visits' => 13, 'test' => 'toto'),) */ public function addRowFromArray($row) { $this->addRowsFromArray(array($row)); } /** * Adds a new row a PHP array data structure * * @param array $row eg. array('name' => 'google analytics', 'license' => 'commercial') */ public function addRowFromSimpleArray($row) { $this->addRowsFromSimpleArray(array($row)); } /** * Returns the array of Row * * @return Row[] */ public function getRows() { if (is_null($this->summaryRow)) { return $this->rows; } else { return $this->rows + array(self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => $this->summaryRow); } } /** * Returns the array containing all rows values for the requested column * * @param string $name * @return array */ public function getColumn($name) { $columnValues = array(); foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $columnValues[] = $row->getColumn($name); } return $columnValues; } /** * Returns the array containing all rows values of all columns which name starts with $name * * @param $name * @return array */ public function getColumnsStartingWith($name) { $columnValues = array(); foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $columns = $row->getColumns(); foreach ($columns as $column => $value) { if (strpos($column, $name) === 0) { $columnValues[] = $row->getColumn($column); } } } return $columnValues; } /** * Returns the list of columns the rows in this datatable contain. This will return the * columns of the first row with data and assume they occur in every other row as well. * * @return array */ public function getColumns() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $columns = $row->getColumns(); if (!empty($columns)) { $result = array_keys($columns); break; } } // make sure column names are not DB index values foreach ($result as &$column) { if (isset(Metrics::$mappingFromIdToName[$column])) { $column = Metrics::$mappingFromIdToName[$column]; } } return $result; } /** * Returns an array containing the rows Metadata values * * @param string $name Metadata column to return * @return array */ public function getRowsMetadata($name) { $metadataValues = array(); foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $metadataValues[] = $row->getMetadata($name); } return $metadataValues; } /** * Returns the number of rows in the table * * @return int */ public function getRowsCount() { if (is_null($this->summaryRow)) { return count($this->rows); } else { return count($this->rows) + 1; } } /** * Returns the first row of the DataTable * * @return \Piwik\DataTable\Row */ public function getFirstRow() { if (count($this->rows) == 0) { if (!is_null($this->summaryRow)) { return $this->summaryRow; } return false; } $row = array_slice($this->rows, 0, 1); return $row[0]; } /** * Returns the last row of the DataTable * * @return Row */ public function getLastRow() { if (!is_null($this->summaryRow)) { return $this->summaryRow; } if (count($this->rows) == 0) { return false; } $row = array_slice($this->rows, -1); return $row[0]; } /** * Returns the sum of the number of rows of all the subtables * + the number of rows in the parent table * * @return int */ public function getRowsCountRecursive() { $totalCount = 0; foreach ($this->rows as $row) { if (($idSubTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { $subTable = Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubTable); $count = $subTable->getRowsCountRecursive(); $totalCount += $count; } } $totalCount += $this->getRowsCount(); return $totalCount; } /** * Delete a given column $name in all the rows * * @param string $name */ public function deleteColumn($name) { $this->deleteColumns(array($name)); } public function __sleep() { return array('rows', 'summaryRow'); } /** * Rename a column in all rows * * @param string $oldName Old column name * @param string $newName New column name */ public function renameColumn($oldName, $newName) { foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $row->renameColumn($oldName, $newName); if (($idSubDataTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubDataTable)->renameColumn($oldName, $newName); } } if (!is_null($this->summaryRow)) { $this->summaryRow->renameColumn($oldName, $newName); } } /** * Delete columns by name in all rows * * @param array $names * @param bool $deleteRecursiveInSubtables */ public function deleteColumns($names, $deleteRecursiveInSubtables = false) { foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { foreach ($names as $name) { $row->deleteColumn($name); } if (($idSubDataTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubDataTable)->deleteColumns($names, $deleteRecursiveInSubtables); } } if (!is_null($this->summaryRow)) { foreach ($names as $name) { $this->summaryRow->deleteColumn($name); } } } /** * Deletes the ith row * * @param int $id * * @throws Exception if the row $id cannot be found * @return void */ public function deleteRow($id) { if ($id === self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW) { $this->summaryRow = null; return; } if (!isset($this->rows[$id])) { throw new Exception("Trying to delete unknown row with idkey = $id"); } unset($this->rows[$id]); } /** * Deletes all row from offset, offset + limit. * If limit is null then limit = $table->getRowsCount() * * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * @return int */ public function deleteRowsOffset($offset, $limit = null) { if ($limit === 0) { return 0; } $count = $this->getRowsCount(); if ($offset >= $count) { return 0; } // if we delete until the end, we delete the summary row as well if (is_null($limit) || $limit >= $count ) { $this->summaryRow = null; } if (is_null($limit)) { $spliced = array_splice($this->rows, $offset); } else { $spliced = array_splice($this->rows, $offset, $limit); } $countDeleted = count($spliced); return $countDeleted; } /** * Deletes the rows from the list of rows ID * * @param array $aKeys ID of the rows to delete * @throws Exception if any of the row to delete couldn't be found */ public function deleteRows(array $aKeys) { foreach ($aKeys as $key) { $this->deleteRow($key); } } /** * Returns a simple output of the DataTable for easy visualization * Example: echo $datatable; * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $renderer = new Html(); $renderer->setTable($this); return (string)$renderer; } /** * Returns true if both DataTable are exactly the same. * Used in unit tests. * * @param \Piwik\DataTable $table1 * @param \Piwik\DataTable $table2 * @return bool */ public static function isEqual(DataTable $table1, DataTable $table2) { $rows1 = $table1->getRows(); $rows2 = $table2->getRows(); $table1->rebuildIndex(); $table2->rebuildIndex(); if ($table1->getRowsCount() != $table2->getRowsCount()) { return false; } foreach ($rows1 as $row1) { $row2 = $table2->getRowFromLabel($row1->getColumn('label')); if ($row2 === false || !Row::isEqual($row1, $row2) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * The serialization returns a one dimension array containing all the * serialized DataTable contained in this DataTable. * We save DataTable in serialized format in the Database. * Each row of this returned PHP array will be a row in the DB table. * At the end of the method execution, the dataTable may be truncated (if $maximum* parameters are set). * * The keys of the array are very important as they are used to define the DataTable * * IMPORTANT: The main table (level 0, parent of all tables) will always be indexed by 0 * even it was created after some other tables. * It also means that all the parent tables (level 0) will be indexed with 0 in their respective * serialized arrays. You should never lookup a parent table using the getTable( $id = 0) as it * won't work. * * @throws Exception if an infinite recursion is found (a table row's has a subtable that is one of its parent table) * @param int $maximumRowsInDataTable If not null, defines the number of rows maximum of the serialized dataTable * @param int $maximumRowsInSubDataTable If not null, defines the number of rows maximum of the serialized subDataTable * @param string $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation Column to sort by before truncation * @return array Serialized arrays * array( // Datatable level0 * 0 => 'eghuighahgaueytae78yaet7yaetae', * * // first Datatable level1 * 1 => 'gaegae gh gwrh guiwh uigwhuige', * * //second Datatable level1 * 2 => 'gqegJHUIGHEQjkgneqjgnqeugUGEQHGUHQE', * * //first Datatable level3 (child of second Datatable level1 for example) * 3 => 'eghuighahgaueytae78yaet7yaetaeGRQWUBGUIQGH&QE', * ); */ public function getSerialized($maximumRowsInDataTable = null, $maximumRowsInSubDataTable = null, $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation = null) { static $depth = 0; if ($depth > self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed) { $depth = 0; throw new Exception("Maximum recursion level of " . self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed . " reached. Maybe you have set a DataTable\Row with an associated DataTable belonging already to one of its parent tables?"); } if (!is_null($maximumRowsInDataTable)) { $this->filter('AddSummaryRow', array($maximumRowsInDataTable - 1, DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation) ); } // For each row, get the serialized row // If it is associated to a sub table, get the serialized table recursively ; // but returns all serialized tables and subtable in an array of 1 dimension $aSerializedDataTable = array(); foreach ($this->rows as $row) { if (($idSubTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable()) !== null) { $subTable = Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idSubTable); $depth++; $aSerializedDataTable = $aSerializedDataTable + $subTable->getSerialized($maximumRowsInSubDataTable, $maximumRowsInSubDataTable, $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation); $depth--; } } // we load the current Id of the DataTable $forcedId = $this->getId(); // if the datatable is the parent we force the Id at 0 (this is part of the specification) if ($depth == 0) { $forcedId = 0; } // we then serialize the rows and store them in the serialized dataTable $addToRows = array(self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => $this->summaryRow); $aSerializedDataTable[$forcedId] = serialize($this->rows + $addToRows); foreach ($this->rows as &$row) { $row->cleanPostSerialize(); } return $aSerializedDataTable; } /** * Load a serialized string of a datatable. * * Does not load recursively all the sub DataTable. * They will be loaded only when requesting them specifically. * * The function creates all the necessary DataTable\Row * * @param string $stringSerialized string of serialized datatable * @throws Exception */ public function addRowsFromSerializedArray($stringSerialized) { require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/core/DataTable/Bridges.php"; $serialized = unserialize($stringSerialized); if ($serialized === false) { throw new Exception("The unserialization has failed!"); } $this->addRowsFromArray($serialized); } /** * Loads the DataTable from a PHP array data structure * * @param array $array Array with the following structure * array( * // row1 * array( * Row::COLUMNS => array( col1_name => value1, col2_name => value2, ...), * Row::METADATA => array( metadata1_name => value1, ...), // see Row * ), * // row2 * array( ... ), * ) */ public function addRowsFromArray($array) { foreach ($array as $id => $row) { if (is_array($row)) { $row = new Row($row); } if ($id == self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW) { $this->summaryRow = $row; } else { $this->addRow($row); } } } /** * Loads the data from a simple php array. * Basically maps a simple multidimensional php array to a DataTable. * Not recursive (if a row contains a php array itself, it won't be loaded) * * @param array $array Array with the simple structure: * array( * array( col1_name => valueA, col2_name => valueC, ...), * array( col1_name => valueB, col2_name => valueD, ...), * ) * @throws Exception * @return void */ public function addRowsFromSimpleArray($array) { if (count($array) === 0) { return; } // we define an exception we may throw if at one point we notice that we cannot handle the data structure $e = new Exception(" Data structure returned is not convertible in the requested format." . " Try to call this method with the parameters '&format=original&serialize=1'" . "; you will get the original php data structure serialized." . " The data structure looks like this: \n \$data = " . var_export($array, true) . "; "); // first pass to see if the array has the structure // array(col1_name => val1, col2_name => val2, etc.) // with val* that are never arrays (only strings/numbers/bool/etc.) // if we detect such a "simple" data structure we convert it to a row with the correct columns' names $thisIsNotThatSimple = false; foreach ($array as $columnValue) { if (is_array($columnValue) || is_object($columnValue)) { $thisIsNotThatSimple = true; break; } } if ($thisIsNotThatSimple === false) { // case when the array is indexed by the default numeric index if (array_keys($array) == array_keys(array_fill(0, count($array), true))) { foreach ($array as $row) { $this->addRow(new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => array($row)))); } } else { $this->addRow(new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $array))); } // we have converted our simple array to one single row // => we exit the method as the job is now finished return; } foreach ($array as $key => $row) { // stuff that looks like a line if (is_array($row)) { /** * We make sure we can convert this PHP array without losing information. * We are able to convert only simple php array (no strings keys, no sub arrays, etc.) * */ // if the key is a string it means that some information was contained in this key. // it cannot be lost during the conversion. Because we are not able to handle properly // this key, we throw an explicit exception. if (is_string($key)) { throw $e; } // if any of the sub elements of row is an array we cannot handle this data structure... foreach ($row as $subRow) { if (is_array($subRow)) { throw $e; } } $row = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $row)); } // other (string, numbers...) => we build a line from this value else { $row = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => array($key => $row))); } $this->addRow($row); } } /** * Rewrites the input $array * array ( * LABEL => array(col1 => X, col2 => Y), * LABEL2 => array(col1 => X, col2 => Y), * ) * to a DataTable, ie. with the internal structure * array ( * array( Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => LABEL, col1 => X, col2 => Y)), * array( Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => LABEL2, col1 => X, col2 => Y)), * ) * * It also works with array having only one value per row, eg. * array ( * LABEL => X, * LABEL2 => Y, * ) * would be converted to: * array ( * array( Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => LABEL, 'value' => X)), * array( Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => LABEL2, 'value' => Y)), * ) * * * @param array $array Indexed array, two formats are supported * @param array|null $subtablePerLabel An indexed array of up to one DataTable to associate as a sub table * @return \Piwik\DataTable */ public static function makeFromIndexedArray($array, $subtablePerLabel = null) { $table = new DataTable(); $cleanRow = array(); foreach ($array as $label => $row) { // Support the case of an $array of single values if (!is_array($row)) { $row = array('value' => $row); } // Put the 'label' column first $cleanRow[Row::COLUMNS] = array('label' => $label) + $row; // Assign subtable if specified if (isset($subtablePerLabel[$label])) { $cleanRow[Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED] = $subtablePerLabel[$label]; } $table->addRow(new Row($cleanRow)); } return $table; } /** * Sets the maximum nesting level to at least a certain value. If the current value is * greater than the supplied level, the maximum nesting level is not changed. * * @param int $atLeastLevel */ public static function setMaximumDepthLevelAllowedAtLeast($atLeastLevel) { self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed = max($atLeastLevel, self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed); if (self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed < 1) { self::$maximumDepthLevelAllowed = 1; } } /** * Returns all table metadata. * * @return array */ public function getAllTableMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * Returns metadata by name. * * @param string $name The metadata name. * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($name) { if (!isset($this->metadata[$name])) { return false; } return $this->metadata[$name]; } /** * Sets a metadata value by name. * * @param string $name The metadata name. * @param mixed $value */ public function setMetadata($name, $value) { $this->metadata[$name] = $value; } /** * Sets the maximum number of rows allowed in this datatable (including the summary * row). If adding more then the allowed number of rows is attempted, the extra * rows are added to the summary row. * * @param int|null $maximumAllowedRows */ public function setMaximumAllowedRows($maximumAllowedRows) { $this->maximumAllowedRows = $maximumAllowedRows; } /** * Traverses a DataTable tree using an array of labels and returns the row * it finds or false if it cannot find one, and the number of segments of * the path successfully walked. * If $missingRowColumns is supplied, the specified path is created. When * a subtable is encountered w/o the queried label, a new row is created * with the label, and a subtable is added to the row. * * @param array $path The path to walk. An array of label values. * @param array|bool $missingRowColumns * The default columns to use when creating new arrays. * If this parameter is supplied, new rows will be * created if labels cannot be found. * @param int $maxSubtableRows The maximum number of allowed rows in new * subtables. * * @return array First element is the found row or false. Second element is * the number of path segments walked. If a row is found, this * will be == to count($path). Otherwise, it will be the index * of the path segment that we could not find. */ public function walkPath($path, $missingRowColumns = false, $maxSubtableRows = 0) { $pathLength = count($path); $table = $this; $next = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $pathLength; ++$i) { $segment = $path[$i]; $next = $table->getRowFromLabel($segment); if ($next === false) { // if there is no table to advance to, and we're not adding missing rows, return false if ($missingRowColumns === false) { return array(false, $i); } else // if we're adding missing rows, add a new row { $row = new DataTableSummaryRow(); $row->setColumns(array('label' => $segment) + $missingRowColumns); $next = $table->addRow($row); if ($next !== $row) // if the row wasn't added, the table is full { // Summary row, has no metadata $next->deleteMetadata(); return array($next, $i); } } } $table = $next->getSubtable(); if ($table === false) { // if the row has no table (and thus no child rows), and we're not adding // missing rows, return false if ($missingRowColumns === false) { return array(false, $i); } else if ($i != $pathLength - 1) // create subtable if missing, but only if not on the last segment { $table = new DataTable(); $table->setMaximumAllowedRows($maxSubtableRows); $table->setColumnAggregationOperations($this->columnAggregationOperations); $next->setSubtable($table); // Summary row, has no metadata $next->deleteMetadata(); } } } return array($next, $i); } /** * Returns a new DataTable that contains the rows of each of this table's subtables. * * @param string|bool $labelColumn If supplied the label of the parent row will be * added to a new column in each subtable row. If set to, * 'label' each subtable row's label will be prepended w/ * the parent row's label. * @param bool $useMetadataColumn If true and if $labelColumn is supplied, the parent row's * label will be added as metadata. * * @return \Piwik\DataTable */ public function mergeSubtables($labelColumn = false, $useMetadataColumn = false) { $result = new DataTable(); foreach ($this->getRows() as $row) { $subtable = $row->getSubtable(); if ($subtable !== false) { $parentLabel = $row->getColumn('label'); // add a copy of each subtable row to the new datatable foreach ($subtable->getRows() as $id => $subRow) { $copy = clone $subRow; // if the summary row, add it to the existing summary row (or add a new one) if ($id == self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW) { $existing = $result->getRowFromId(self::ID_SUMMARY_ROW); if ($existing === false) { $result->addSummaryRow($copy); } else { $existing->sumRow($copy, $copyMeta = true, $this->columnAggregationOperations); } } else { if ($labelColumn !== false) { // if we're modifying the subtable's rows' label column, then we make // sure to prepend the existing label w/ the parent row's label. otherwise // we're just adding the parent row's label as a new column/metadata. $newLabel = $parentLabel; if ($labelColumn == 'label') { $newLabel .= ' - ' . $copy->getColumn('label'); } // modify the child row's label or add new column/metadata if ($useMetadataColumn) { $copy->setMetadata($labelColumn, $newLabel); } else { $copy->setColumn($labelColumn, $newLabel); } } $result->addRow($copy); } } } } return $result; } /** * Returns a new DataTable created with data from a 'simple' array. * * @param array $array * @return \Piwik\DataTable */ public static function makeFromSimpleArray($array) { $dataTable = new DataTable(); $dataTable->addRowsFromSimpleArray($array); return $dataTable; } /** * Set the aggregation operation for a column, e.g. "min". * @see self::addDataTable() and DataTable\Row::sumRow() * * @param string $columnName * @param string $operation */ public function setColumnAggregationOperation($columnName, $operation) { $this->columnAggregationOperations[$columnName] = $operation; } /** * Set multiple aggregation operations at once. * @param array $operations format: column name => operation */ public function setColumnAggregationOperations($operations) { foreach ($operations as $columnName => $operation) { $this->setColumnAggregationOperation($columnName, $operation); } } /** * Get the configured column aggregation operations */ public function getColumnAggregationOperations() { return $this->columnAggregationOperations; } /** * Creates a new DataTable instance from a serialize()'d array of rows. * * @param string $data * @return \Piwik\DataTable */ public static function fromSerializedArray($data) { $result = new DataTable(); $result->addRowsFromSerializedArray($data); return $result; } }