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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
en.yml 17,42 Kio
  mail_prefix: "[AdL] "
  show: View
  save: Save
  edit: Edit
  validate: Validate
  refuse: Refuse
  destroy: Destroy
  logout: Disconnect
  staleObjectError: Sorry, your modification was rejected because someone else
    already intervened

  # Translatings screens
      login: Authentication
      title: L'Agenda du Libre
      subtitle: Software, Arts, Data, Hardware, Contents, Commons, Internet...
      flag: Flag
      propose: Propose an event
      propose_orga: Propose an organisation
      map: Map
      tags: Tags
      infos: Infos
      stats: Statistics
      contact: Contact
      moderation: Moderation
      title: Hello,
      more: "Infos: %{infos}.
\nContact: %{contact}."
      calendar_in_html: This calendar in <em class='fa fa-rss'></em> %{rss},
        <em class='fa fa-calendar'></em> %{webcal}/%{ical}
      nb_events: "%{count} events"
      map: Map
      at: At
      noMap: No OpenStreetMap map could be associated to this address. You can
        test other syntaxes here
      infos: Informations
      orga-list: Region's orgas
      actions: Actions
      add_to_calendar: Add to my calendar
      edit: Edit event
      copy: Duplicate event
      cancel: Cancel event
        at: At
        description: Description
        infos: Informations
      title: Propose an event
      subtitle: "No need for an account with login and password, instead
propositions will be published only after moderation.
\nA mail will be sent to the *submitter* address, with *two links*: one for
edition and another cancellation."
      advises: "## Recommandations
\n* The event must relate to **Free** software, arts, data, hardware, content,
internet. The agenda is not intended for other kinds of events.
\n* Do **redact** the description, with complete sentences, rather than a
telegraphic style.
\n* Professional events are accepted if accessible and open to everyone. In this
case, paid events are accepted if they don't restrict access solely to a
professional audience.
\n* When using certain keywords, a specific moderation can be applied.