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Valider bc81a2fb rédigé par echarp's avatar echarp
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Event calendar better displayed on small screens: past events only visible...

Event calendar better displayed on small screens: past events only visible when hovering over the current month
parent ce956fcd
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Affichage de
avec 75879 ajouts et 5 suppressions
...@@ -70,12 +70,18 @@ ...@@ -70,12 +70,18 @@
margin: 1px margin: 1px
display: block display: block
font-size: larger font-size: larger
min-height: 0.8em min-height: 1em
border-width: 1px !important border-width: 1px !important
&.prev-month, &.next-month &.prev-month, &.next-month, &.current-month.past
display: none display: none
.day_number .day_number
float: right font-size: initial
.event a
padding: 0.4em 1em
&:active, &:hover
& + table tr td.current-month.past
display: block
&.versions, &.orgas &.versions, &.orgas
table tbody table tbody
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