noMap:No OpenStreetMap map could be associated to this address. You can test other syntaxes here
noMap:No OpenStreetMap map could be associated to this address. You can
test other syntaxes here
@@ -49,13 +50,19 @@ en:
@@ -49,13 +50,19 @@ en:
title:Propose an event
title:Propose an event
subtitle:This page lets you submit an event in the Agenda du Libre. It will not appear automatically in the Agenda, it will first be validated by a moderator. An electronic mail will be sent to the submitter's email when the event will be moderated.
subtitle:This page lets you submit an event in the Agenda du Libre. It
will not appear automatically in the Agenda, it will first be validated
by a moderator. An electronic mail will be sent to the submitter's
title_helper:Describe in less than 5 words your event, without the address, city or date
title_helper:Describe in less than 5 words your event, without the
address, city or date
description_helper:Describe with as much precision as possible your event
description_helper:Describe with as much precision as possible your event
address_helper:_Associated to the city and region, it will generate an [OpenStreetMap]( map, displayed alongside the event_
address_helper:_Associated to the city and region, it will generate an
url_helper:_**Direct** link to a page with more information on the event (detailed location, precise time, program...)_
contact_helper:_Contact's email address, obfuscated so that spammers won't understand it_
the event_
submitter_helper:_Submitter's email address. It will only be used by the moderators to contact the person who proposed the event, to inform her about her acceptation or rejection. If this address is absent, the contact's will be used_
url_helper:_**Direct** link to a page with more information on the event
tags_helper:_Tags for the event. Tags are separated by spaces. A tag can only contain lower case letters, numbers and hyphens. Among the tags, indicate the organising association's or associations' names. Do not indicate the city or region._
(detailed location, precise time, program...)_
contact_helper:_Contact's email address, obfuscated so that spammers
won't understand it_
submitter_helper:_Submitter's email address. It will only be used by the
moderators to contact the person who proposed the event, to inform her
about her acceptation or rejection. If this address is absent, the
contact's will be used_
tags_helper:_Tags for the event. Tags are separated by spaces. A tag can
only contain lower case letters, numbers and hyphens. Among the tags,
indicate the organising association's or associations' names. Do not
indicate the city or region._
@@ -189,7 +207,8 @@ thus detail the meeting cause, the targeted audience, the role of the presented
@@ -189,7 +207,8 @@ thus detail the meeting cause, the targeted audience, the role of the presented
noMap:Aucune carte OpenStreetMap n'a pu être associée à cette adresse. Vous pouvez tester d'autres syntaxes ici
noMap:Aucune carte OpenStreetMap n'a pu être associée à cette adresse.
Vous pouvez tester d'autres syntaxes ici
@@ -49,7 +50,11 @@ fr:
@@ -49,7 +50,11 @@ fr:
title:Soumettre un événement
title:Soumettre un événement
subtitle:Cette page permet de soumettre un événement dans l'Agenda du Libre. Celui-ci n'apparaîtra pas automatiquement dans l'Agenda, il sera tout d'abord validé par un modérateur. Un courrier électronique sera envoyé à l'adresse e-mail du soumetteur donnée ci-dessous lorsque l'événement aura été modéré.
subtitle:Cette page permet de soumettre un événement dans l'Agenda du
Libre. Celui-ci n'apparaîtra pas automatiquement dans l'Agenda, il sera
tout d'abord validé par un modérateur. Un courrier électronique sera
envoyé à l'adresse e-mail du soumetteur donnée ci-dessous lorsque