- juil. 16, 2018
- juil. 15, 2018
- juil. 14, 2018
- juil. 13, 2018
- juil. 12, 2018
- juil. 11, 2018
echarp a rédigé
- juil. 08, 2018
- mai 23, 2018
- mai 06, 2018
- avr. 22, 2018
- avr. 08, 2018
- avr. 07, 2018
The pagination mechanism now relies on a jquery visible gem, which checks if/when the next link is visible
javascript async and defer options have bad visual secondary effects, thus on hold for the time being
Sometimes we use the domain name as part of a global ID, now this domain name comes from request.domain
This should better handle the "other" country, which OSM has troubles with...
Proposition de @aeris See merge request agenda-libre/agenda-libre-ruby!17
Refs #123
Refs #124
Refs #125