- mai 27, 2017
- mai 22, 2017
- mai 20, 2017
echarp a rédigé
Quick quick correction, it seems a textarea containing html code that includes style elements is displayed as an empty textarea! Replaced with a classic text input, tinymce picks it up correctly...
echarp a rédigé
echarp a rédigé
echarp a rédigé
Plus the map footer item is moved to be just below the main calendar view
echarp a rédigé
The region selector is back on the top page, but right under the related country's flag
- mai 07, 2017
- mai 06, 2017
- mai 04, 2017
- avr. 22, 2017
- fév. 16, 2017
echarp a rédigé
- fév. 11, 2017
echarp a rédigé
- jan. 22, 2017
echarp a rédigé
- jan. 19, 2017
echarp a rédigé
- jan. 18, 2017
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana a rédigé
- jan. 02, 2017
echarp a rédigé
- déc. 23, 2016
echarp a rédigé
- déc. 17, 2016