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  • adl_quebec_mars2018
  • adl_quebec_prod
  • adl_quebec_rebase protégée
  • adl_quebec_rebase2
  • dev20220526
  • master par défaut
  • master-11cc4426-facil
7 résultats
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020May765422Apr231Mar2827181716Feb1125Jan222119181713125223Dec1721Nov191110872131Oct302928272622212019181715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan2826181713111098743227Dec26252210875424Nov21141110731Oct282423221832114Sep126520Aug25Jul13Jun25May18Apr8764319Mar171598128Feb158121Jan1029Dec2823222120161514131230Nov2928272522189865231Oct2928272625242322211916151413121197543128Sep272625232120158532131Aug30292826252423181716Changes to the main display: the title is flushed left.Regions can now be organised into a hierarchy.Lint has introduced a newer rule, which is too restrictive, for now...Bundle updateFrench typography, spacing at least, when applicableProper html sanitation for static pagesLink to events on the tag pageUpdated assetsListing future events, with full description. Refs #90Looking a bit further, it does seem there remained the "lug" terminology in the database and test fixtures.Stroked through text is now displayed correctlyMore tags accepted in the orga and event descriptionChanges to the tinymce editorBundle update, new tinymce version!SPAM removal will not send an email or version dataNo more mister nice guy, the main table's width is now set at 100%!Individual table cells should not be larger than 1/7th of the screen widthDisabling asset_host. turbolinks and asset bundling should be more than enough.Tags should now be correctly managed in the adl-submit script. Closes #92Main table no more constrained to a width of 90%Libre en fête logo changed back to aprilAdded link to brasilian agenda!!!Bundle updateBundle update and subsequent cleaning up related to the new rubocop versionMerge branch 'master' of's url is no longer requiredMerge branch 'master' into 'master' fix presentation bisfix presentationmàj README pour productionThe sqlite3 gem is moved to dev and test onlyMerge branch 'ignore_dbyml' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into 'master' fix presentationimprove presentationMàj doc pour installation en production (première partie)Merge branch 'doc_maj' into 'master' Documentation sur les conflits lors de mises à jourIgnorer le fichier database.ymlAjout de documentation pour les mises à jour
Chargement en cours