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Sélectionner une révision Git
  • adl_quebec_mars2018
  • adl_quebec_prod
  • adl_quebec_rebase protégée
  • adl_quebec_rebase2
  • dev20220526
  • master par défaut
  • master-11cc4426-facil
7 résultats
Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Oct1715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan2826181713111098743227Dec26252210875424Nov21141110731Oct282423221832114Sep126520Aug25Jul13Jun25May18Apr8764319Mar171598128Feb158121Jan1029Dec2823222120161514131230Nov2928272522189865231Oct2928272625242322211916151413121197543128Sep272625232120158532131Aug30292826252423181716151098762131Jul29282726222120191817161312721Tags page better displayedAttempt to use protocol relative assetsRequired piwik configurationWe can now trace visitors using piwikBundle updateType corrigéeMigration to latest deviseMigration to latest deviseMigration to latest deviseLatest rubocopThe ice cube translation was overdoing it, with some errorsOlder has_scope version, required because production's ruby is too oldRemoval of compass, which was used to support older browsersBetter management of a textual reason when destroying moderated eventsQuick correctionBundle updateIt is now possible to repeat events using a new méthod: nth day of the monthTags selector back in placeBundle update, partialFewer mails sent to the submitterThe parameter that can be used to have future *and* past events in the rss feed is renamed to `future`Merge branch 'master' of assetsMerge branch 'all_events_rss' into 'master' The rejection reason is better managedAcceptation mail is only sent to the main event, not repeatsThe changeset displayed on the versions page are now better line wrappedRemoved default value for the recurring rulePrecompiled assetsMerge branch 'recurrent'Better changeset display in the versions pagesIt is now possible to create repeat events, which will be automatically created during moderationevents: allow rss feeds to show all eventsBundle updatePrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsUpdated logo and faviconBundle update, and upgrade to latest turbolinksOrganisations with no tags do not disturb the form anymoreDocumentation on assets precompilation
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