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  • adl_quebec_mars2018
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  • dev20220526
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  • master-11cc4426-facil
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Apr26252423222120194Mar327Feb126520Dec28Nov27829Oct1715130Sep231816153230Aug232118526Jul171615141211810Jun23May1676222Apr875227Mar18172119Feb171174128Jan272221185125Dec27Nov26171211221Oct15149873217Sep73228Aug272620128Jul20141362110Jun964229May28272220765422Apr231Mar2827181716Feb1125Jan222119181713125223Dec1721Nov191110872131Oct302928272622212019181715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan28261817131110987Manage offset without a specific nameTimezones are globally added to the ical exportAttempt to manage ical time zones using proper time zone TZID.Better orga adminPrecompiled assetsMigration to active admin 2Precompiled assetsTag cloud threshold is displayed on the screenMap legend for events in the future is more clearly named. Refs #127Small adjustment to filtering tag presentationAdded stats button on advanced search screen. Closes #145Proper region translation for organisations tooBette locale fallbacksAdded de localeAdded nl localeRegion selector and filter better scopedCountry names are translated to the browser languagePrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsRef #143Organisations' filter display active one by default, inactive on after a clickIframe auto resizing sampleResponsive font sizeBundle updateRemoved city mgmt, no longer usedgeojson is now all generated from viewsBetter tag displayBundle updateAdded iframe resizer to the projectBundle updateTag can be removed, againSmall adjustmentPrecompiled assetsWorking on iframe displayWrongfully place translationPrecompiled assetsContextual tags is translated, for linux presentation day and libre en fête
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