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  • dev20220526
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Apr20194Mar327Feb126520Dec28Nov27829Oct1715130Sep231816153230Aug232118526Jul171615141211810Jun23May1676222Apr875227Mar18172119Feb171174128Jan272221185125Dec27Nov26171211221Oct15149873217Sep73228Aug272620128Jul20141362110Jun964229May28272220765422Apr231Mar2827181716Feb1125Jan222119181713125223Dec1721Nov191110872131Oct302928272622212019181715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan2826181713111098743227Dec262522Wrongfully place translationPrecompiled assetsContextual tags is translated, for linux presentation day and libre en fêteSmall height adjustementPrecompiled assetsBetter small screen displayPrecompiled assetsAttempt to manage tinymce assets differentlyMap should be better displayed on small screens, particularly legendsBundle updateAttempt to manage tinymce pluginsAttempt to furnish proper tinymce pluginsMigration to tinymce v5The iframed map uses the whole display availableAdded image for linux presentation dayLinux presentation day and libre-en-fete images used as tag nameUsing latest sqlite dependencyAssets recompiled for maps displaySimplificationCorrecting some badly displayed map markerBundle updateCache collection renderingRemoving the "libre en fête" flower from the main agenda display, to accelerate displayQuick optimisationUpdate README.creoleDocumentation slightly updatedSimplified markdown digest, removing some labelsTitles (h1, h2) are changed to h3 for markdown digestsTitles are changed to simpler "strong" elementsb and i tags also have their eventual inner spaces better managedCount by country in the markdown digestEvent's description has their eventual empty paragraphs removed.Simpler linuxfr digestCorrection againAttempt for a quick correctionOptimisation to eager load regions when outputting eventsThe future parameter uses "has_scope".The organisation favicon is now in its own templateThe "advanced filter" link is moved to the top right side of the screenThe distance filter is only displayed when present
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