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  • adl_quebec_mars2018
  • adl_quebec_prod
  • adl_quebec_rebase protégée
  • adl_quebec_rebase2
  • dev20220526
  • master par défaut
  • master-11cc4426-facil
7 résultats
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.01Mar19Feb171174128Jan272221185125Dec27Nov26171211221Oct15149873217Sep73228Aug272620128Jul20141362110Jun964229May28272220765422Apr231Mar2827181716Feb1125Jan222119181713125223Dec1721Nov191110872131Oct302928272622212019181715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan2826181713111098743227Dec26252210875424Nov21141110731Oct282423221832114Sep126520Aug25Jul13Jun25May18Apr8764319Mar171598128Feb158121Jan1029Dec2823222120161514131230Nov2928272522189865231Oct29Bundle updateAssets precompiledBetter organisation's detailsUpdated LEF bannerSome missing awesome font iconsGo from organisation edition back to organisation consultationUpdated assetsUpdated assetsAdded a library, libltdl-dev, which seems to be necessary for ffiThe active filtering button has a title, and is slightly separated from othersMissing awesome iconsBundle update, including a big upgrade to font awesome 5CSRF tokens were being overly checked, and breaking most edition forms...The login field was newly limited to be an email adress, back to normal text input!Better region output in jsonEvents' json now includes events' regionAjout du timezone de Montreal dans la config d'applicationadl_quebec_mars…adl_quebec_mars2018Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into adl_quebec_rebaseQuick correction, commercial week is a Date method...The "future" filter is back to have a "false" valueTrouble with hidden radio buttonsBetter log level in productionAttempt to correct a bug related to included regionsTrouble with a corrupt gemfile in production?Repeating rules are now requiredBetter form appearance, with larger paddingsOptimising DB queries: sub regions are eager loadedBundle updateSlightly cleaner organisation's page layoutBundle updateMigration to rails 5.1 completeCleaner datetime localization for xml outputClose #3: Set monday as the first day of weekAdd log + some CSS adaptationsMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into adl_quebec_rebaseMerge branch 'master' of into rails5Quick correction, so that nil repeatitions will not generate an exceptionPatch output is cleaner, again :)Intermediary upgrade to rails 5Patch output is cleaner, again :)
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