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  • adl_quebec_mars2018
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  • adl_quebec_rebase protégée
  • adl_quebec_rebase2
  • dev20220526
  • master par défaut
  • master-11cc4426-facil
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Feb6520Dec28Nov27829Oct1715130Sep231816153230Aug232118526Jul171615141211810Jun23May1676222Apr875227Mar18172119Feb171174128Jan272221185125Dec27Nov26171211221Oct15149873217Sep73228Aug272620128Jul20141362110Jun964229May28272220765422Apr231Mar2827181716Feb1125Jan222119181713125223Dec1721Nov191110872131Oct302928272622212019181715319Sep1817121122Jul25Jun16923May22211924Apr232120171698230Mar2713126127Feb2620181330Jan2826181713111098743227Dec26252210875424Nov21141110731Oct2824232218Merge branch 'tinyfix' into 'master'Improved licence naming.Fixed HTML5 attribute for W3C validator.Improved licence naming.Precompiled assetsThe firefox broken image is no longer displayedBundle updateQuick correction so that filtering with region=all will not failBundle updateThe locale selection was disabled during migration to rails 5.1Assets precompiledHelper added to the repetition rule, on the nth daySmall screen form display should be nicer. Less margins/paddingsBundle updatePrecompiled lef logoDémarrage de libre en fête 2019Precompiled assetsBundle updateLink to osm opens in a new targetOSM link will now open in a new target windowProper link to one calendarMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Rework so it can be used as a libraryBundle updateBundle updateMerge branch 'master' of array formattingMerge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'Merge branch 'master' into 'master' use <base> in order to load remote resources in previewSmall design improvementsRemoved tag attribute which are no longer usefulSome i18n translationPermanent filters: "near" and "tag"Bundle updateSidebar slightly reorganised, to contain links' listCorrecting some security warningsBundle updateUsing save navigationAssets precompiled
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