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  • adl_quebec_mars2018
  • adl_quebec_prod
  • adl_quebec_rebase protégée
  • adl_quebec_rebase2
  • dev20220526
  • master par défaut
  • master-11cc4426-facil
7 résultats
Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Jul113Jun127May262322212022Apr11109428Feb23Dec1627Nov219Jun9May19Apr25Mar17Feb1231Oct221130Sep2928131025Aug7Apr65328Feb2726252423211814139875429Jan242319171611742130Dec282523222117Nov8524Oct22628Sep201815426Aug5424Jul29Jun282725201817161412111097654329May28262221201918171615141312111098765432130Apr292827262524Update README.creoleadl_quebec_rebaseadl_quebec_rebaseUpdate README.creoleBundle updatemastermasterRemoved libe en fete bannerAdded environment variables to override logo and emailmaster-11cc4426…master-11cc4426-facilPrecompiled assetsNow possible to duplicate an event in a new tag. See #178Events are by default ordered by starting date, except for rssPersonnalisations pour FACiLdev20220526dev20220526Bundle updateQuickfix for orga description editiontinymce precompiled as a copyPrecompiled assetsPrecompiled assetsCurrent organisation type better displayed #190Using recommanded ENV.fetch mechanismQuickfix to have pageable versions again, using explicit ransackPrecompiled assetsHack to use date and time instead of datetime-local in older browsersBundle updateQuickfix to display a datetime pattern for older firefoxCorrection pour event creationMinimum date requirement updatedBundle updatedBundle updatedThe min and max datetime are now set at midnightdatetime stepped to 1 second, otherwise selection is almost impossibleAssets precompiledPossibility to edit an old event, without changing its start and end timeAssets precompiledUsing html5 datetime input instead of built-in rails selectorBundle updatedAdded sprockets, to solve some assets issue in productionAssets precompilationUpgrade to Ruby on Rails 7Presentation glitch correctedCleaner validationUpdated Libre en Fête bannerDisplay region if/when city is absentLogo moved to the top
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