Update dependencies for Node.js (2017-12-03) (#5876)
* Update babel-plugin-lodash to version 3.3.2 * Update enzyme to version 3.2.0 * Update enzyme-adapter-react-16 to version 1.1.0 * Update intersection-observer to version 0.5.0 * Update intl-messageformat to version 2.2.0 * Update node-sass to version 4.7.2 * Update postcss-loader to version 2.0.9 * Update React to version 16.2.0 * Update react-textarea-autosize to version 5.2.1 * Update stringz to version 0.3.0 * Update webpack to version 3.9.1 * Update webpack-bundle-analyzer to version 2.9.1 * Update webpack-dev-server to version 2.9.5 * Update webpack-merge to version 4.1.1 * Update fsevents to version 1.1.3 * yarn upgrade
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