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Valider b5eec342 rédigé par Matt Jankowski's avatar Matt Jankowski Validation de Eugen Rochko
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Add admin area view partials for each record type (#2700)

parent 21286821
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
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Affichage de avec 82 ajouts et 75 suppressions
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Admin
class DomainBlocksController < BaseController
def index
@blocks =[:page])
@domain_blocks =[:page])
def new
= account.username
- unless account.local?
= link_to account.domain, admin_accounts_path(by_domain: account.domain)
- if account.local?
- if account.user_confirmed?
- else
- if account.local?
= t('admin.accounts.location.local')
- elsif account.subscribed?
- else
= table_link_to 'circle', t('admin.accounts.web'), web_path("accounts/#{}")
= table_link_to 'globe', t('admin.accounts.public'), TagManager.instance.url_for(account)
= table_link_to 'pencil', t('admin.accounts.edit'), admin_account_path(
......@@ -29,28 +29,6 @@
%th= fa_icon 'paper-plane-o'
- @accounts.each do |account|
%td= account.username
- unless account.local?
= link_to account.domain, admin_accounts_path(by_domain: account.domain)
- if account.local?
- if account.user.present? && account.user.confirmed?
- else
- if account.local?
= t('admin.accounts.location.local')
- elsif account.subscribed?
- else
= table_link_to 'circle', t('admin.accounts.web'), web_path("accounts/#{}")
= table_link_to 'globe', t('admin.accounts.public'), TagManager.instance.url_for(account)
= table_link_to 'pencil', t('admin.accounts.edit'), admin_account_path(
= render @accounts
= paginate @accounts
%samp= domain_block.domain
= t("admin.domain_blocks.severities.#{domain_block.severity}")
- if domain_block.reject_media? || domain_block.suspend?
= table_link_to 'undo', t('admin.domain_blocks.undo'), admin_domain_block_path(domain_block)
......@@ -9,16 +9,7 @@
%th= t('admin.domain_blocks.reject_media')
- @blocks.each do |block|
%samp= block.domain
%td= t("admin.domain_blocks.severities.#{block.severity}")
- if block.reject_media? || block.suspend?
= table_link_to 'undo', t('admin.domain_blocks.undo'), admin_domain_block_path(block)
= render @domain_blocks
= paginate @blocks
= paginate @domain_blocks
= link_to t('admin.domain_blocks.add_new'), new_admin_domain_block_path, class: 'button'
= instance.domain
= instance.accounts_count
......@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
%th= t('admin.instances.domain_name')
%th= t('admin.instances.account_count')
- @instances.each do |instance|
%td= instance.domain
%td= instance.accounts_count
= render partial: 'instance', collection: @instances
= paginate @instances
%samp= subscription.account.acct
%samp= subscription.callback_url
- if subscription.confirmed?
%td{ style: "color: #{subscription.expired? ? 'red' : 'inherit'};" }
= precede subscription.expired? ? '-' : '' do
= time_ago_in_words(subscription.expires_at)
- if subscription.last_successful_delivery_at?
= l subscription.last_successful_delivery_at
- else
......@@ -10,22 +10,6 @@
%th= t('admin.pubsubhubbub.expires_in')
%th= t('admin.pubsubhubbub.last_delivery')
- @subscriptions.each do |subscription|
%samp= subscription.account.acct
%samp= subscription.callback_url
- if subscription.confirmed?
%td{ style: "color: #{subscription.expired? ? 'red' : 'inherit'};" }
= precede subscription.expired? ? '-' : '' do
= time_ago_in_words(subscription.expires_at)
- if subscription.last_successful_delivery_at?
= l subscription.last_successful_delivery_at
- else
= render partial: 'subscription', collection: @subscriptions
= paginate @subscriptions
= "##{}"
= link_to report.target_account.acct, admin_account_path(
= link_to report.account.acct, admin_account_path(
%span{title: report.comment}
= truncate(report.comment, length: 30, separator: ' ')
- unless report.statuses.empty?
%span{title: t('admin.accounts.statuses')}
= fa_icon('comment')
= report.statuses.count
- unless report.media_attachments.empty?
%span{title: t('admin.accounts.media_attachments')}
= fa_icon('camera')
= report.media_attachments.count
= table_link_to 'circle', t('admin.reports.view'), admin_report_path(report)
......@@ -21,24 +21,6 @@
%th= t('admin.reports.report_contents')
- @reports.each do |report|
-# %td= check_box_tag 'select',
%td= "##{}"
%td= link_to report.target_account.acct, admin_account_path(
%td= link_to report.account.acct, admin_account_path(
%span{title: report.comment}
= truncate(report.comment, length: 30, separator: ' ')
- unless report.statuses.empty?
%span{title: t('admin.accounts.statuses')}
= fa_icon('comment')
= report.statuses.count
- unless report.media_attachments.empty?
%span{title: t('admin.accounts.media_attachments')}
= fa_icon('camera')
= report.media_attachments.count
%td= table_link_to 'circle', t('admin.reports.view'), admin_report_path(report)
= render @reports
= paginate @reports
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