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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. fév. 17, 2018
  2. jan. 19, 2018
  3. déc. 06, 2017
  4. oct. 17, 2017
  5. oct. 08, 2017
  6. sept. 01, 2017
  7. août 21, 2017
  8. août 12, 2017
    • Eugen Rochko's avatar
      ActivityPub delivery (#4566) · b7370ac8
      Eugen Rochko a rédigé
      * Deliver ActivityPub Like
      * Deliver ActivityPub Undo-Like
      * Deliver ActivityPub Create/Announce activities
      * Deliver ActivityPub creates from mentions
      * Deliver ActivityPub Block/Undo-Block
      * Deliver ActivityPub Accept/Reject-Follow
      * Deliver ActivityPub Undo-Follow
      * Deliver ActivityPub Follow
      * Deliver ActivityPub Delete activities
      Incidentally fix #889
      * Adjust BatchedRemoveStatusService for ActivityPub
      * Add tests for ActivityPub workers
      * Add tests for FollowService
      * Add tests for FavouriteService, UnfollowService and PostStatusService
      * Add tests for ReblogService, BlockService, UnblockService, ProcessMentionsService
      * Add tests for AuthorizeFollowService, RejectFollowService, RemoveStatusService
      * Add tests for BatchedRemoveStatusService
      * Deliver updates to a local account to ActivityPub followers
      * Minor adjustments
  9. août 10, 2017
    • Eugen Rochko's avatar
      Handle ActivityPub follows correctly (#4571) · 81c1303c
      Eugen Rochko a rédigé
      * Handle ActivityPub follows correctly
      ActivityPub follows are follow-requests. Always require an Accept.
      If account is not locked, auto-accept.
      * Handle ActivityPub Accept/Reject-Follow
      * Fix wrong method
      * Fix wrong class
  10. août 08, 2017
    • Eugen Rochko's avatar
      Add ActivityPub inbox (#4216) · dd7ef0dc
      Eugen Rochko a rédigé
      * Add ActivityPub inbox
      * Handle ActivityPub deletes
      * Handle ActivityPub creates
      * Handle ActivityPub announces
      * Stubs for handling all activities that need to be handled
      * Add ActivityPub actor resolving
      * Handle conversation URI passing in ActivityPub
      * Handle content language in ActivityPub
      * Send accept header when fetching actor, handle JSON parse errors
      * Test for ActivityPub::FetchRemoteAccountService
      * Handle public key and icon/image when embedded/as array/as resolvable URI
      * Implement ActivityPub::FetchRemoteStatusService
      * Add stubs for more interactions
      * Undo activities implemented
      * Handle out of order activities
      * Hook up ActivityPub to ResolveRemoteAccountService, handle
      Update Account activities
      * Add fragment IDs to all transient activity serializers
      * Add tests and fixes
      * Add stubs for missing tests
      * Add more tests
      * Add more tests
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