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likes_controller.rb 1,12 ko
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    #   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
    #   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
    #   the COPYRIGHT file.
    class LikesController < ApplicationController
      include ApplicationHelper
      before_action :authenticate_user!
    danielgrippi's avatar
    danielgrippi a validé
      respond_to :html,
        like = like_service.create(params[:post_id])
      rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
        render text: I18n.t("likes.create.error"), status: 422
        respond_to do |format|
          format.html { head :created }
 { redirect_to post_path(like.post_id) }
          format.json { render json: like.as_api_response(:backbone), status: 201 }
        if like_service.destroy(params[:id])
          head :no_content
          render text: I18n.t("likes.destroy.error"), status: 404
    Raphael Sofaer's avatar
    Raphael Sofaer a validé
      def index
        render json: like_service.find_for_post(params[:post_id])
          .includes(author: :profile)
    Raphael Sofaer's avatar
    Raphael Sofaer a validé
      def like_service
        @like_service ||=