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photos_controller.rb 2,19 ko
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Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user!

  respond_to :html
  respond_to :json, :only => :show
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
  def create
    album = Album.find_by_id params[:album_id]

      ######################## dealing with local files #############
      # get file name
      file_name = params[:qqfile]
      # get file content type
      att_content_type = (request.content_type.to_s == "") ? "application/octet-stream" : request.content_type.to_s
      # create temporal file
      file =
      # put data into this file from raw post request
      file.print request.raw_post

      # create several required methods for this temporal file
      Tempfile.send(:define_method, "content_type") {return att_content_type}
      Tempfile.send(:define_method, "original_filename") {return file_name}


      params[:user_file] = file 
      @photo =, params)

      respond_to do |format|
        format.json{render(:layout => false , :json => {"success" => true, "data" => @photo}.to_json )}
    rescue TypeError
      message = "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure an image was added?"
      respond_with :location => album, :error => message

    rescue CarrierWave::IntegrityError
      message = "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure that was an image?"
      respond_with :location => album, :error => message

      message = "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure that your seatbelt is fastened?"
      respond_with :location => album, :error => message
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
  def new
    @photo =
    @album = current_user.album_by_id(params[:album_id])
Daniel Vincent Grippi's avatar
Daniel Vincent Grippi a validé
    render :partial => 'new_photo'
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
  def destroy
    @photo = Photo.find_by_id params[:id]
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
    respond_with :location => @photo.album
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
  def show
    @photo = Photo.find_by_id params[:id]
maxwell's avatar
maxwell a validé
    @album = @photo.album
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
    @photo = Photo.find_by_id params[:id]
    @photo = Photo.find_by_id params[:id]
    @photo.update_attributes params[:photo]

    respond_with @photo
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé