In order to share with a limited group
As a User
I want to create new aspects
a validé
And I am on the contacts page
And I fill in "aspect_name" with "Dorm Mates" in the aspect creation modal
And I click on selector ".btn-primary" in the aspect creation modal
a validé
Then I should see "Dorm Mates" within "#aspect_nav"
Scenario: creating an aspect from homepage
Given I am signed in
a validé
When I follow "Add an aspect"
And I fill in "aspect_name" with "losers" in the aspect creation modal
And I click on selector ".btn-primary" in the aspect creation modal
Then I should be on the contacts page
And I should see "losers" within "#aspect_nav"
a validé
Gonzalo Rodriguez
a validé
Scenario: deleting an aspect from contacts index
Given I am signed in
And I have an aspect called "People"
When I am on the contacts page
And I follow "People"
And I confirm the alert after I click on selector "#delete_aspect"
Gonzalo Rodriguez
a validé
Then I should be on the contacts page
And I should not see "People" within "#aspect_nav"
Gonzalo Rodriguez
a validé
Scenario: deleting an aspect from homepage
Given I am signed in
And I have an aspect called "People"
a validé
When I am on the aspects page
And I click on "People" aspect edit icon
And I confirm the alert after I click on selector "#delete_aspect"
And I should not see "People" within "#aspect_nav"
Scenario: Editing the aspect memberships of a contact from the contacts page
a validé
Given I am signed in
And I have 2 contacts
And I have an aspect called "Cat People"
a validé
And I follow "Cat People"
And I add the first person to the aspect
a validé
Then I should have 1 contact in "Cat People"
When I remove the first person from the aspect
Then I should have 0 contacts in "Cat People"
Scenario: Renaming an aspect
Given I am signed in
And I have an aspect called "Cat People"
When I am on the contacts page
And I follow "Cat People"
And I click on selector "#change_aspect_name"
And I fill in "aspect_name" with "Unicorn People"
And I press "Update"
Then I should see "Unicorn People" within "#aspect_name"
Scenario: sorting the aspects
Given I am signed in
And I have an aspect called "People"
And I have an aspect called "Cat People"
When I am on the contacts page
And I have turned off jQuery effects
Then I should see "Cat People" as 2. aspect
And I should see "People" as 3. aspect
When I go to the contacts page
Then I should see "Cat People" as 2. aspect
And I should see "People" as 3. aspect