# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3. See
# the COPYRIGHT file.
Daniel Vincent Grippi
a validé
resources :people, :only => [:index, :show, :destroy]
resources :users, :except => [:create, :new, :show]
resources :status_messages, :only => [:create, :destroy, :show]
resources :comments, :except => [:index]
resources :requests, :except => [:edit, :update]
resources :photos, :except => [:index]
match 'aspects/move_friends', :to => 'aspects#move_friends', :as => 'move_friends'
match 'aspects/move_friend', :to => 'aspects#move_friend', :as => 'move_friend'
match 'aspects/manage', :to => 'aspects#manage'
resources :aspects, :except => [:edit]
match 'warzombie', :to => "dev_utilities#warzombie"
match 'zombiefriends', :to => "dev_utilities#zombiefriends"
match 'zombiefriendaccept', :to => "dev_utilities#zombiefriendaccept"
match 'set_backer_number', :to => "dev_utilities#set_backer_number"
match 'set_profile_photo', :to => "dev_utilities#set_profile_photo"
#routes for devise, not really sure you will need to mess with this in the future, lets put default,
#non mutable stuff in anohter file
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}
match 'login', :to => 'devise/sessions#new', :as => "new_user_session"
match 'logout', :to => 'devise/sessions#destroy', :as => "destroy_user_session"
match 'signup', :to => 'registrations#new', :as => "new_user_registration"
match 'webfinger', :to => 'publics#webfinger'
Jamie Wilkinson
a validé
match '.well-known/host-meta',:to => 'publics#host_meta'
match 'receive/users/:id', :to => 'publics#receive'