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aspects_controller_spec.rb 6,15 ko
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#   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
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#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
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#   the COPYRIGHT file.
require 'spec_helper'
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describe AspectsController do
    alice.getting_started = false
    sign_in :user, alice
    @alices_aspect_1 = alice.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first
    @alices_aspect_2 = alice.aspects.create(:name => "another aspect")

    request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = 'http://' +
  describe "#new" do
    it "renders a remote form if remote is true" do
      get :new, "remote" => "true"
      response.should be_success
      response.body.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape('data-remote="true"')}/
    it "renders a non-remote form if remote is false" do
      get :new, "remote" => "false"
      response.should be_success
      response.body.should_not =~ /#{Regexp.escape('data-remote="true"')}/
    it "renders a non-remote form if remote is missing" do
      get :new
      response.should be_success
      response.body.should_not =~ /#{Regexp.escape('data-remote="true"')}/

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  describe "#show" do
    it "succeeds" do
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      get :show, 'id' =>
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      response.should be_redirect
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    it 'redirects on an invalid id' do
      get :show, 'id' => 4341029835
      response.should be_redirect
  describe "#create" do
    context "with valid params" do
      it "creates an aspect" do
        alice.aspects.count.should == 2
        post :create, "aspect" => {"name" => "new aspect"}
        alice.reload.aspects.count.should == 3
      it "redirects to the aspect's contact page" do
        post :create, "aspect" => {"name" => "new aspect"}
        response.should redirect_to(contacts_path(:a_id => Aspect.find_by_name("new aspect").id))
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      context "with person_id param" do
        it "creates a contact if one does not already exist" do
          lambda {
            post :create, :format => 'js', :aspect => {:name => "new", :person_id =>}
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        it "adds a new contact to the new aspect" do
          post :create, :format => 'js', :aspect => {:name => "new", :person_id =>}
          alice.aspects.find_by_name("new").contacts.count.should == 1

        it "adds an existing contact to the new aspect" do
          post :create, :format => 'js', :aspect => {:name => "new", :person_id =>}
          alice.aspects.find_by_name("new").contacts.count.should == 1
    context "with invalid params" do
      it "does not create an aspect" do
        alice.aspects.count.should == 2
        post :create, "aspect" => {"name" => ""}
        alice.reload.aspects.count.should == 2
      it "goes back to the page you came from" do
        post :create, "aspect" => {"name" => ""}
  describe "#update" do
    before do
      @alices_aspect_1 = alice.aspects.create(:name => "Bruisers")
    it "doesn't overwrite random attributes" do
      new_user = Factory :user
      params[:user_id] =
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      put('update', :id =>, "aspect" => params)
      Aspect.find( ==
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  describe '#edit' do
      eve.profile.first_name = eve.profile.last_name = nil
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      @zed = Factory(:user_with_aspect, :username => "zed")
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      @zed.profile.first_name = "zed"
      @katz = Factory(:user_with_aspect, :username => "katz")
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      @katz.profile.first_name = "katz"

      connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect_2, eve, eve.aspects.first)
      connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect_2, @zed, @zed.aspects.first)
      connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect_1, @katz, @katz.aspects.first)
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    it 'renders' do
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      get :edit, :id =>
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      response.should be_success
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    it 'assigns the contacts in alphabetical order with people in aspects first' do
      get :edit, :id =>
      assigns[:contacts].map(&:id).should == [alice.contact_for(eve.person), alice.contact_for(@zed.person), alice.contact_for(bob.person), alice.contact_for(@katz.person)].map(&:id)

    it 'assigns all the contacts if noone is there' do
      alices_aspect_3 = alice.aspects.create(:name => "aspect 3")

      get :edit, :id =>
      assigns[:contacts].map(&:id).should == [alice.contact_for(bob.person), alice.contact_for(eve.person), alice.contact_for(@katz.person), alice.contact_for(@zed.person)].map(&:id)

    it 'eager loads the aspect memberships for all the contacts' do
      get :edit, :id =>
      assigns[:contacts].each do |c|
        c.aspect_memberships.loaded?.should be_true
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  describe "#toggle_contact_visibility" do
    it 'sets contacts visible' do
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      @alices_aspect_1.contacts_visible = false
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      get :toggle_contact_visibility, :format => 'js', :aspect_id =>
      @alices_aspect_1.reload.contacts_visible.should be_true

    it 'sets contacts hidden' do
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      @alices_aspect_1.contacts_visible = true
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      get :toggle_contact_visibility, :format => 'js', :aspect_id =>
      @alices_aspect_1.reload.contacts_visible.should be_false

  context 'helper methods' do
    before do
      @tag = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.create!(:name => "partytimeexcellent")
      TagFollowing.create!(:tag => @tag, :user => alice)
      it 'queries current_users tag if there are tag_followings' do
        @controller.tags.should == [42]
      it 'does not query twice' do
        @controller.tags.should == [42]
        @controller.tags.should == [42]