Given I sign in
And I have an aspect called "Closed 1"
And I have an aspect called "Closed 2"
Scenario: open aspects persist across sessions
Given I have an aspect called "Open 1"
And I have an aspect called "Open 2"
And I go to the aspects page
When I follow "Open 1"
And I follow "Open 2"
Then aspect "Open 1" should be selected
And aspect "Open 2" should be selected
But aspect "Closed 1" should not be selected
And aspect "Closed 2" should not be selected
When I sign out
And I sign in
Then I should be on the aspects page
And aspect "Open 1" should be selected
And aspect "Open 2" should be selected
But aspect "Closed 1" should not be selected
And aspect "Closed 2" should not be selected
When I follow "All Aspects"
Then aspect "All Aspects" should be selected
Scenario: home persists across sessions
Given I am on the aspects page
When I follow "Closed 1"
And I follow "All Aspects"
Then aspect "All Aspects" should be selected
But aspect "Closed 1" should not be selected
And aspect "Closed 2" should not be selected
When I sign out
And I sign in
Then I should be on the aspects page
And aspect "All Aspects" should be selected
But aspect "Closed 1" should not be selected
And aspect "Closed 2" should not be selected