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services_controller.rb 1,16 ko
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    #   Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
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    #   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
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    #   the COPYRIGHT file.
    class ServicesController < ApplicationController
      def create
        puts 'services/create'
        p params
        code = params['code'] # Facebooks verification string
        if code
          access_token_hash = MiniFB.oauth_access_token(FB_APP_ID, APP_CONFIG[:pod_url] + "services/create", FB_SECRET, code)
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          p access_token_hash
          @access_token = access_token_hash["access_token"]
          # TODO: This is where you'd want to store the token in your database
          # but for now, we'll just keep it in the session so we don't need a database
          warden.session[:access_token] = @access_token
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          flash[:success] = "Authentication successful."
        redirect_to edit_user_url current_user
        warden.session[:access_token] = nil
    		warden.session[:user_id] = nil
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        redirect_to edit_user_url current_user
      def fb_post
        id = 'me'
        type = 'feed'
        @res =, id, :type=>type, :metadata=>true, :params=>params)
        redirect_to edit_user_url current_user
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