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_publisher.html.haml 2,12 ko
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Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
-#   Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
-#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
-#   the COPYRIGHT file.
    = image_tag 'icons/doc_edit.png'
    /= publisher_description(@aspect_ids.count)
    %span= t('.whats_on_your_mind')

    - if @aspect_ids.length == 1
      = "(#{@aspect_ids.length} #{t('_aspect').downcase})"
    - else
      = "(#{@aspect_ids.length} #{t('_aspects').downcase})"
    = form_for(, :remote => true) do |status|
      = status.error_messages
        = image_tag 'icons/photos.png'
        = t('.add_photos')
            = status.text_area :fake_message, :rows => 2, :value => h(params[:prefill])
            = status.hidden_field :message, :value => '', :class => 'clear_on_submit'
danielvincent's avatar
danielvincent a validé

      - for aspect_id in @aspect_ids
        = hidden_field_tag 'aspect_ids[]', aspect_id.to_s
danielvincent's avatar
danielvincent a validé

          = image_tag 'ajax-loader.gif', :class => 'hidden', :id => "publisher_spinner"
          = status.submit t('.share'), :disable_with => t('.posting'), :class => 'button'

        - if aspect == :all
              = status.check_box( :public, {:title => t('.make_public')}, true, false)

                = link_to (image_tag "social_media_logos/feed-16x16.png", :title => "RSS"), current_user.public_url
                - if
                  - for service in
                    = image_tag "social_media_logos/#{service.provider}-16x16.png", :title => service.provider
            = link_to '(?)', "#question_mark_pane", :class => 'question_mark', :style=>"display:none;", :rel => 'facebox'
                = render 'shared/public_explain'

      = render 'photos/new_photo', :aspect_ids => @aspect_ids.join(',')