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  • Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
    #   Copyright (c) 2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
    #   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
    #   the COPYRIGHT file.
    # Start diaspora websocket and main services
    Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
    # ensure right directory
    cd $(dirname $(readlink -e $0))/..
    # Check if script_server.yml exists
    if [ ! -e 'config/script_server.yml' ]; then
        echo "INFO: config/script_server_config.yml has been renamed to config/script_server.yml" >&2
    Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
        echo 'FATAL: config/script_server.yml is missing! Copy over config/script_server.yml.example to config/script_server.yml and edit it properly!' >&2
        exit 69
    Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
    # Check if database.yml exists
    if [ ! -e 'config/database.yml' ]; then
        echo 'FATAL: config/database.yml is missing! Copy over config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit it properly!' >&2
        exit 68
    # Check if application.yml exists
    if [ ! -e 'config/application.yml' ]; then
        echo 'FATAL: config/application.yml is missing! Copy over config/application.yml.example to config/application.yml and edit it properly!' >&2
        exit 70
    # Setup environment
    OS=`uname -s`
    export RAILS_ENV=$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb rails_env script_server)
    export DB=$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb db script_server)
    THIN_PORT=$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb thin_port script_server)
    eval "DEFAULT_THIN_ARGS=\"$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb default_thin_args script_server)\""
    SOCKET_PORT=$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb socket_port $RAILS_ENV)
    # Backward compatibillity, overide default settings
    [ -e config/ ] && source config/
    Philip Champon's avatar
    Philip Champon a validé
    function chk_service
        port=${1:?Missing port}
        case $OS in
            ## checks ipv[46]
            netstat -anL | awk '{print $2}' | grep "\.$1$"
            # Is someone listening on the ports already? (ipv4 only test ?)
            netstat -nl | grep '[^:]:'$port'[ \t]'
    function redis_config
    # Create/update the local redis.conf file from /etc master
        if [ ! -w config ]; then
            # read-only installation, should be OK
        if [ -r "/etc/redis.conf" ]; then
        elif [ -r "/etc/redis/redis.conf" ]; then
        elif [ -r "/opt/local/etc/redis.conf" ]; then
            # MacPorts location
        elif [ -r "/usr/local/etc/redis.conf" ]; then
        elif [ -r "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf" ]; then
            echo "Don't know how to configure redis for this platform. Copy the configuration file redis.conf to the config directory and patch it manually. In particular, don't daemonize." >&2
        if [ config/redis.conf -nt $redis_conf ]
        cp $redis_conf config/redis.conf
        sed -i -e '/^[^#]*daemonize/s/yes/no/'                               \
               -e '/^[^#]*logfile/s|.*|logfile /var/log/diaspora/redis.log|' \
    Alec Leamas's avatar
    Alec Leamas a validé
    # Scan for -p, find out what port thin is about to use.
    args="$DEFAULT_THIN_ARGS $@"
    for arg in $( echo $args | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) print $i}')
        [ "$prev_arg" = '-p' ] && THIN_PORT="$arg"
    # Is someone listening on the ports already? (ipv4 only test ?)
    Philip Champon's avatar
    Philip Champon a validé
    services=$( chk_service $THIN_PORT )
    if [ -n "$services" ]; then
        echo "FATAL: Error: thin port $THIN_PORT is already in use. Exiting" >&2
    Philip Champon's avatar
    Philip Champon a validé
    services=$( chk_service $SOCKET_PORT )
    if [ -n "$services" ]; then
        echo "FATAL: Error: websocket port $SOCKET_PORT is already in use. Exiting" >&2
    # See
    services=$( chk_service 5379 )
    if [ -n "$services" ]; then
        echo "FATAL: Error:  Someone (another redis server?) is using redis port 5379" >&2
        echo "     $services"
        exit 64
    # Force AGPL
    if [ -w public -a ! -e  public/source.tar.gz ]; then
        branch=$( git branch | awk '/^[*]/ {print $2}')
        tar czf public/source.tar.gz  `git ls-tree -r $branch | awk '{print $4}'`
    if [ ! -e public/source.tar.gz ]; then
        echo "FATAL: Error: Can't find, or even create, public/source.tar.gz. Exiting" >&2
    Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
    # Jammit notice
    MrZYX's avatar
    MrZYX a validé
    if [ ! -e 'public/assets/default.css' ]; then
        if [ "$RAILS_ENV" == 'production' ]; then
            echo "INFO: If you want further performance improvements," >&2
            echo "after the first request to the page after each git pull, run:" >&2
            echo "bundle exec jammit" >&2
    Jonne Hass's avatar
    Jonne Hass a validé
    # Start Diaspora
    if [ "$(bundle exec ruby ./script/get_config.rb 'single_process_mode?')" != "true" ]; then
        redis-server config/redis.conf &>log/redis-console.log &
        QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work&
        bundle exec ruby ./script/websocket_server.rb&
    MrZYX's avatar
    MrZYX a validé
    if [ "$(./script/get_config.rb enable_thin script_server)" = "true" ]; then