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application.html.haml 2,61 ko
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  •       = "#{current_user.real_name} | diaspora" if current_user
        %meta{"http-equiv"=>"Content-Type", :content=>"text/html; charset=utf-8"}/
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
        = stylesheet_link_tag "blueprint/screen", :media => 'screen'
    maxwell's avatar
    maxwell a validé
        = stylesheet_link_tag "application", "ui", 'bubble'
        = stylesheet_link_tag "/../javascripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1" 
        /= javascript_include_tag ""
    Raphael's avatar
    Raphael a validé
        = javascript_include_tag 'jquery-1.4.2.min', 'rails', 'google'
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
        = javascript_include_tag 'jquery.infieldlabel', 'jquery.cycle/jquery.cycle.min.js'
        = javascript_include_tag 'fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1.pack'
        = javascript_include_tag 'view', 'image_picker', 'group_nav', 'stream'
        = render 'js/websocket_js'
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
        - flash.each do |name, msg|
          = content_tag :div, msg, :id => "flash_#{name}"
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
            #diaspora_text{:href => root_path}
              = link_to "DIASPORA*", root_path
    ilya's avatar
    ilya a validé
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
              %span{:style => "padding-left:30px;"}
                = link_to "photos", albums_path
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
                = form_tag(people_path, :method => 'get') do
                  %label{:for => 'q'} Search
                  = text_field_tag 'q'
                  = owner_image_tag 
                  = link_to current_user.real_name, current_user.person
                %li.requests= link_to "requests (#{@request_count})", requests_path, :class => new_request(@request_count)
                %li.settings= link_to "edit profile", edit_user_path(current_user)
                %li.logout= link_to "logout", destroy_user_session_path
            = render "shared/group_nav"
                - if @person
                    = @person.real_name
                  - if @group == :all
                      = link_to "All Relations", root_path
                  - else
                      = link_to, @group
                  = yield :page_title
                = render "shared/publisher", :group_ids => :all
    danielvincent's avatar
    danielvincent a validé
            = render "posts/debug"
            = link_to "requests (#{@request_count})", requests_path