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_aspect_friends.haml 998 octets
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Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
-#   Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
-#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3.  See
-#   the COPYRIGHT file.
  - for friend in @friends
    = person_image_link(friend)
ilya's avatar
ilya a validé
    - if @logged_in && (@aspect == :public)
ilya's avatar
ilya a validé
      %h3 Facebook Friends
ilya's avatar
ilya a validé
      - @fb_friends = MiniFB.get(@access_token, 'me', :type => "friends")                                                                                            
      - @fb_friends[:data].each do |friend|            
        = image_tag( "{friend[:id]}/picture" )
  -unless (@aspect == :all) || (@aspect == :public)
    = link_to (image_tag('add_friend_button.png', :height => "50px", :width => "50px")), "#add_request_pane", :id => 'add_request_button'
    .yo{:style => 'display:none'}
        = render "requests/new_request", :aspect => @aspect 
      = link_to "add friends", aspects_manage_path