_stream_element.mobile.haml 1,34 Kio
-# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is
-# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
-# the COPYRIGHT file.
.stream_element{data: {guid: post.id}, class: post.respond_to?(:nsfw) && post.nsfw ? "shield-active" : ""}
- if post.is_a?(Reshare)
= render "reshares/reshare", reshare: post, post: post.absolute_root
= render "shared/photo_area", post: post
= render "shared/post_info", post: post
- unless post.is_a?(Reshare)
= render "shared/nsfw_shield", post: post
- if post.is_a?(StatusMessage)
= render "status_messages/status_message", post: post, photos: post.photos
.bottom-bar.nsfw-hidden{class: ("inactive" unless defined?(expanded_info) && expanded_info)}
= render partial: "comments/post_stats", locals: {post: post}
- if defined?(expanded_info) && expanded_info
!= reactions_link(post, "active")
= render partial: "comments/comment", collection: @post.comments.for_a_stream, locals: {post: @post}
- else
!= reactions_link(post)
.add-comment-switcher{class: ("hidden" unless defined?(expanded_info) && expanded_info)}
= render partial: "comments/new_comment", locals: {post_id: post.id}