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show.html.haml 2,82 Kio
-#   Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
-#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
-#   the COPYRIGHT file.

- content_for :head do
  = include_javascripts :photos

    -if additional_photos && additional_photos.length > 1
        =link_to "← #{t('previous')}", previous_photo, :rel => 'prefetch', :id => 'photo_show_left'
        =link_to "#{t('next')} →", next_photo, :rel => 'prefetch',  :id => 'photo_show_right'

    = render 'shared/author_info', :person =>, :post => photo

      -if ownership
        = image_tag 'ajax-loader.gif', :id => "photo_spinner", :class => "hidden"
        = image_tag photo.url(:scaled_full)
        = image_tag photo.url(:scaled_full)

        = photo.text

    - if ownership
      .photo_options{:data=>{:actor=>"#{}", :actor_person => "#{}", :image_url => "#{photo.url(:thumb_large)}"}}
        = link_to t('.make_profile_photo'), photo_make_profile_photo_path(photo), :method => :put, :remote => true, :class => 'make_profile_photo'
        = link_to t('.edit'), '#', :id => "edit_photo_toggle"


  - if photo.status_message

        = markdownify(photo.status_message.text)
        =link_to t('.collection_permalink'), photo.status_message

        - for photo in additional_photos
          = link_to (image_tag photo.url(:thumb_small), :class => 'thumb_small'), object_path(photo)

      %h4= t('.edit_delete_photo')
        = form_for photo, :remote => true do |p|
          = p.text_field :text, :value => photo.text
          = p.submit t('.update_photo')
        = button_to t('.delete_photo'), photo, :confirm => t('are_you_sure'), :method => :delete

    // TODO(likes)
    /- if (defined?(current_user) && !current_user.liked?(@parent))
    /  %span.like_links
    /    = link_to t(''), likes_path(:positive => 'true', :post_id =>, :method => :post, :class => "like_it", :remote => true
    /    |
    /    = link_to t('shared.stream_element.dislike'), likes_path(:positive => 'false', :post_id =>, :method => :post, :class => "dislike_it", :remote => true

        = render "likes/likes", :post_id =>, :likes => parent.likes, :dislikes => parent.dislikes
      = render "comments/comments", :post => parent, :comments => parent.comments, :always_expanded => true