Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Some podmins were confuse how they can disable this redirect and I think the rule with two users can actually be a little confusing. I think the main goal of this page to give the podmin a little start and I think after they configured everything, the pod works and they found the link to the wiki to make themself an admin, it is OK to remove the redirect. Also it's bad for single-user pods where this page always stays active, even if they are an admin, but have only one user. It's more useful for single-user pods to have the login on the home page. closes #7783
Benjamin Neff a rédigéSome podmins were confuse how they can disable this redirect and I think the rule with two users can actually be a little confusing. I think the main goal of this page to give the podmin a little start and I think after they configured everything, the pod works and they found the link to the wiki to make themself an admin, it is OK to remove the redirect. Also it's bad for single-user pods where this page always stays active, even if they are an admin, but have only one user. It's more useful for single-user pods to have the login on the home page. closes #7783
home_controller.rb 1,18 Kio
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Diaspora Inc. This file is
# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
# the COPYRIGHT file.
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def show
partial_dir = Rails.root.join("app", "views", "home")
if user_signed_in?
redirect_to stream_path
elsif request.format == :mobile
if partial_dir.join("_show.mobile.haml").exist? ||
partial_dir.join("_show.mobile.erb").exist? ||
render :show
redirect_to user_session_path
elsif partial_dir.join("_show.html.haml").exist? ||
partial_dir.join("_show.html.erb").exist? ||
render :show
elsif Role.admins.any?
render :default
redirect_to podmin_path
def podmin
render :podmin
def toggle_mobile
session[:mobile_view] = session[:mobile_view].nil? ? true : !session[:mobile_view]
redirect_back fallback_location: root_path
def force_mobile
session[:mobile_view] = true
redirect_to stream_path